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Direct and indirect photolysis of the phytoestrogens genistein and daidzein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genistein and daidzein are two estrogenic compounds derived from plants, especially legumes. This research begins to explore their environmental fate, focusing on direct and indirect photolysis. UV-visible spectra for both compounds at varying pH values were taken, the pK(a) values for both compounds were measured, and UV-visible spectra for each protonation state were determined. The loss of both compounds in deionized water was observed upon exposure to natural sunlight, and the quantum yields were determined for each protonation state. In Mississippi River water, direct photolysis does not account for all of the loss of genistein and daidzein. The mechanism of indirect photolysis was probed using quenchers and sensitizers, and results suggest that daidzein is transformed mainly via direct photolysis and singlet oxygenation, while genistein is transformed mainly via reaction with triplet-state natural organic matter. The parameters determined in this study will allow for estimation of the concentration of genistein and daidzein in sunlit surface waters, which will allow for assessment of any risks posed to aquatic wildlife.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean regions where the population is rapidly growing, the risk of water resource contamination by wastewater is likely to increase. This is the case of the Hérault watershed (south of France), where the presence of treated wastewater in surface and ground waters has been shown in a previous study. To assess the consequence of these wastewater contaminations as regards pharmaceuticals and other organic compounds, 16 common pharmaceuticals (amitryptilin, acetylsalicylic acid, carbamazepine, clenbuterol, diazepam, diclofenac, doxepin, gemfibrozil, ibuprofen, imipramine, ketoprofen, naproxen, nordiazepam, paracetamol, salbutamol, and terbutalin) as well as wastewater related pollutants (caffeine, gadolinium anomaly, and boron) were analyzed in wells pumped for potable water supply and in two wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents. In addition, a monitoring along the Lergue River (the main tributary of the Hérault River) was achieved to assess pharmaceutical behavior in surface waters. Pharmaceuticals and other wastewater-related contaminants are present in several reservoirs tapped for drinking water, confirming wastewater contamination; paracetamol, caffeine, and diclofenac are the most frequently detected. Paracetamol is present at rather high concentrations (up to 11 microg/L and 211 ng/L, respectively, in a wastewater effluent and in a drinking water sample). Though degradable in WWTP, caffeine is commonly encountered in surface waters and detected in highly polluted groundwater. On the contrary, acetylsalicylic acid concentrations are generally low despite a large consumption in France; this is related to its metabolism in humans and rapid degradation in the aquatic environment. The monitoring of pharmaceuticals along the Lergue River shows that dilution is sufficient to decrease pharmaceutical values.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect photolysis of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) was investigated in laboratory-grade water (LGW) and a local surface water using a low-pressure ultraviolet batch reactor. The PhACs selected in this study belong to different therapeutic classes and are known to occur in environmental samples. Fundamental photolysis and advanced oxidation process parameters obtained in LGW (such as the decadic molar absorption coefficient, quantum yield, and degradation rate constants) are reported and discussed. These parameters, together with the incident photon irradiance, solution depth, and solution absorbance were used to develop UV and UV/ H202 photolysis models that were compared with experimental results obtained in the surface water. The model predicted the experimental UV photolysis removals well but underestimated the UV/H2O2 photolysis results. These models were used to discuss the effects of optical path length and H2O2 concentration on the UV-based rate constant predictions.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential role of endocrine disruption in the decline of pelagic fishes in the San Francisco Bay Delta of California, various surface water samples were collected, extracted, and found to elicit estrogenic activity in laboratory fish. Chemical analysis of the estrogenic samples indicated 2 pesticides (bifenthrin, diuron), 2 alkyphenols (AP), and mixtures of 2 types of alkyphenol polyethoxylates (APEOs). Evaluation of estrogenic activity was further characterized by in vitro bioassays using rainbow trout hepatocytes (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and in vivo studies with Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). In the in vitro bioassays, hepatocytes exposed to the pesticides alone or in combination with the AP/APEO mixtures at concentrations observed in surface waters failed to show estrogenic activity (induction of vitelloginin mRNA). In the in vivo bioassays, medaka exposed to individual pesticides or to AP/APEO alone did not have elevated VTG at ambient concentrations. However, when the pesticides were combined with AP/APEOs in the 7-day exposure a significant increase in VTG was observed. Exposure to a 5-fold higher concentration of the AP/APEO mixture alone also significantly induced VTG. In contrast to earlier studies with permethrin, biotransformation of bifenthrin to estrogenic metabolites was not observed in medaka liver microsomes and cytochrome P450 was not induced with AP/APEO treatment. These results showed that mixtures of pesticides with significantly different modes of action and AP/APEOs at environmentally relevant concentrations may be associated with estrogenic activity measured in water extracts and feral fish that have been shown to be in population decline in the San Francisco Bay Delta.  相似文献   

Azole fungicides: occurrence and fate in wastewater and surface waters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mode of action of azole compounds implies a potential to affect endocrine systems of different organisms and is reason for environmental concern. The occurrence and fate of nine agricultural azole fungicides, some of them also used as biocides, and four azole pharmaceuticals were studied in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and lakes in Switzerland. Two pharmaceuticals (fluconazole, clotrimazole, 10-110 ng L(-1)) and two biocides (propiconazole, tebuconazole, 1-30 ng L(-1)) were consistently observed in WWTP influents. Loads determined in untreated and treated wastewater indicated thatfluconazole, propiconazole, and tebuconazole were largely unaffected by wastewater treatment, but clotrimazole was effectively eliminated (> 80%). Incubation studies with activated sludge showed no degradation for fluconazole and clotrimazole within 24 h, but strong sorption of clotrimazole to activated sludge. Slow degradation and some sorption were observed for tebuconazole and propiconazole (degradation half-lives, 2-3 d). In lakes, fluconazole, propiconazole, and tebuconazole were detected at low nanogram-per-liter levels. Concentrations of the pharmaceutical fluconazole correlated with the expected contamination by domestic wastewater, but not those of the biocides. Per capita loads of propiconazole and tebuconazole in lakes suggested additional inputs; for example, from agricultural use or urban runoff rainwater.  相似文献   

The development of methods to extract information from landscape analysis to refine risk assessment is becoming increasingly important. This paper presents results from a pesticide surface water exposure assessment at the watershed scale, based on a combination of edge of field studies, large-scale monitoring studies, and modeling activities with GIS-based landscape analysis methodologies covering an area of approximately 3200 ha surrounding the Simeto River in Sicily (Italy). The dynamic behavior of the pesticide chlorpyrifos-methyl was modeled in two different steps: calculation of the fraction of the application rate that is deposited beyond the field edge and simulation of the fate and persistence of the pesticide in the aquatic environment. Drift loads showed high spatial variability. Considering spray drift deposition as a fraction of the pesticide application rate, 60% of the results were < or = 0.02 (equal to 0.04 mg/m2). Only 8.5% of the results were above 0.5. The highly variability of the landscape factors was reflected in the results. More than 60% of the predicted pesticide concentrations were less than the limit of quantification (0.05 microg/L), affecting about 75% of the total length of the river tract analyzed. Predicted pesticide concentrations were higher than 0.1 microg/L in 23% of cases, but this corresponded to an insignificant portion of the river (1.2% of the total length). These results suggest that management options, such as increased no-spray zones, could provide further protection for surface water. These could be modeled to illustrate their overall impact. As an alternative, the introduction of a 20-m no-spray zone clearly reduced potential exposure, and 92% of the water body was protected. Estimated data are in agreement with data collected during a field monitoring study.  相似文献   

简述了织物静电的产生和危害,介绍了常用的织物抗静电方法,重点介绍了纳米生色面料优良的抗静电性能。与传统的织物抗静电方法相比,纳米生色面料的抗静电功能来自于纳米生色技术在面料表面形成的镀膜,无需再做抗静电后整理,环境友好、性价比高;而且纳米生色面料表面光滑,手感好,具有更好的穿着舒适性。另外,对某些特殊纤维的面料进行纳米生色处理后,可以用作专业的抗静电服装。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is present in waterways throughout the United States at concentrations that impair water quality. Agriculture, particularly livestock production, has been identified as a major cause of this impairment Excess manure P applied to croplands has increased P losses in runoff, leading to surface water eutrophication. We conducted a long-term (36-week) incubation with poultry and dairy manures applied to a silt loam soil to elucidate mechanisms controlling manure P loss to water. Manures were applied to supply the same total P rate to soils with different antecedent plant-available P concentrations (soil test P). There was a strong synergistic effect between dairy manure and soil test P on water extractable P, while soil test P did not affect P loss from poultry manure-amended soils. Using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, we found that poultry manure contained sparingly soluble calcium and magnesium phosphate minerals that controlled soil solution P concentrations, while dairy manure did not These minerals resemble other biogenic phosphate minerals. Our findings refute current assumptions that all manure P behaves similarly in soils and that organic forms control manure-soil P loss to water.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify commercial pharmaceuticals that might be persistent and bioaccumulative (P&B) and that were not being considered in current wastewater and aquatic environmental measurement programs. We developed a database of 3193 pharmaceuticals from two U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) databases and some lists of top ranked or selling drugs. Of the 3193 pharmaceuticals, 275 pharmaceuticals have been found in the environment and 399 pharmaceuticals were, based upon production volumes, designated as high production volume (HPV) pharmaceuticals. All pharmaceuticals that had reported chemical structures were evaluated for potential bioaccumulation (B) or persistence (P) using quantitative structure property relationships (QSPR) or scientific judgment. Of the 275 drugs detected in the environment, 92 were rated as potentially bioaccumulative, 121 were rated as potentially persistent, and 99 were HPV pharmaceuticals. After removing the 275 pharmaceuticals previously detected in the environment, 58 HPV compounds were identified that were both P&B and 48 were identified as P only. Of the non-HPV compounds, 364 pharmaceuticals were identified that were P&B. This study has yielded some interesting and probable P&B pharmaceuticals that should be considered for further study.  相似文献   

Nicotine is extensively metabolized in the human body to a number of compounds, which may enter natural waters via discharge of domestic wastewater. However, little is known on exposure of and potential effects on the aquatic environment. In this study, two major urinary metabolites, cotinine and 3'-hydroxycotinine, as well as a further tobacco alkaloid, N-formylnornicotine, were measured in wastewater and water from Swiss lakes using an analytical procedure based on SPE and LC-MS/MS SRM with cotinine-d3 as internal standard (LOQs, 1.0-1.5 ng/L). Typical concentrations of cotinine and 3'-hydroxycotinine were approximately 1-10 microg/L in untreated wastewater, but clearly less in treated wastewater (approximately 0.01-0.6 microg/L), corresponding to elimination efficiencies of 90-99%. N-Formylnornicotine, however,was found at similar concentrations in untreated and treated wastewater (0.02-0.15 microg/L). Its apparent persistence during wastewater treatment was further confirmed by incubation experiments with activated sludge. In lakes, cotinine, 3'-hydroxycotinine, and N-formylnornicotine were detected at concentrations up to 15, 80, and 6 ng/L, respectively. Concentrations in lakes correlated with the expected anthropogenic burden by domestic wastewater (ratio population per water throughflow), demonstrating the suitability of these nicotine derivatives as hydrophilic, anthropogenic markers. In small receiving waters with significant wastewater discharges, concentrations of a few hundred ng/L may be expected. Possible ecotoxicological risks associated with such environmental concentrations, can, however, not be assessed at present as data on effects on aquatic organisms are very limited, in particular on long-term effects.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology was used to determine the optimum processing conditions that yielded maximum vitamin C content, minimum discoloration and minimum polyphenoloxidase activity after 4 days of refrigerated storage of minimally processed radishes. Ascorbic acid (0–2 %), sodium chloride (0–1 %) and immersion time (0–2 min) at 50 °C were the factors investigated related to polyphenoloxidase activity (PPO), vitamin C (VITC) and total color difference (ΔE). Experiments were conducted according to a Box-Behnken Design with three factors at three different levels. For each response, second order polynomial models were developed using multiple linear regression analysis. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to check the adequacy and accuracy of the fitted models. The response surfaces showing the interaction of process variables were constructed and analyzed. Based on desirability function, optimum operating conditions were found to be 2 % of ascorbic acid, 0 % of NaCl and 1.5 min of immersion time at 50 °C. At this optimum point, relative PPO activity, relative VITC content and ΔE values were 0.218, 3.227 and 4.929, respectively.  相似文献   

The electrochemical behavior of stainless steels (SS) in natural waters is characterized by the ennoblement of their free corrosion potential (E(corr)). This phenomenon depends strongly on the settlement of biofilms on SS surfaces. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the biofilm action, in particular the enzymatic catalysis plays an important role by shifting the cathodic and/or anodic processes. However, there are still only few studies relating the use of purified enzymes. In contrast with bacteria-associated corrosion, the direct influence of enzymes is still poorly documented. The aim of this review is to show the benefits of the enzymatic approach in the study of biocorrosion. Indeed, enzymatic systems may constitute convenient models to mimic microbial influenced corrosion and to evaluate the behavior of metallic materials in natural waters.  相似文献   

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