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利用X射线衍射法分析了钢渣(缓冷渣、气淬渣、热焖渣)中主要矿物组成,采用金相光学显微镜观察了其各自的显微形貌,并且采用平行截线法分析了具有相同形貌特征相的晶粒度。结果表明,由于化学组成相近,缓冷渣、气淬渣和热焖渣的主要物相均为硅酸二钙、RO相和铁酸钙,以及少量硅酸三钙、f-CaO和f-MgO;在三类钢渣中,C3S为黑色板状晶体,C2S为黑色圆粒状与枝状晶,铁酸钙相多为灰色无定形状,并以连续的形式填充于其他物相中;铁镁相多数呈现白色无定形状,连续延伸于黑色相与灰色相中;高温段冷却强度对钢渣中各类典型矿物晶粒度的影响较大,呈现出冷却强度越高,矿相晶粒度越小的趋势,因此热焖渣矿物晶粒度最大、气淬渣矿物晶粒度最小、缓冷渣矿物晶粒度居中。 相似文献
对包钢不同粒级及磁选前后的钢渣样品镶嵌后,磨制成光片,在矿相显微镜下对包钢钢渣的矿物组成和显微结构进行了观察.结果表明:包钢钢渣的矿物组成复杂,主要由硅酸二钙、复合铁酸钙、RO相和少量残钢构成.包钢钢渣的显微结构不均匀,残钢对钢渣的铁品位影响较大. 相似文献
文章通过将充分熔融后的转炉渣以水淬、热泼、空冷和炉冷4种不同的冷却方式冷却,来研究不同冷速下转炉渣物相演变规律,以了解包钢钢渣基础物相规律。研究表明,以相同的冷却方式处理后,不同钢渣中的矿物相种类大致相同。对于同一种转炉渣,冷却速度越缓慢,析出的矿物相种类越复杂,且分布形态更杂乱,但含铁相却有进一步富集的趋势。 相似文献
1 前言近十年来,随着新钢炼钢业迅速发展,钢渣相应增多,它的排放已成为重要问题。废渣侵占农田,引起民事纠纷,既浪费资源,又污染环境,形成公害,因而对钢渣的处理及利用的研究,已迫在眉睫。本文从矿相、岩相的角度出发,在实验室进行配加钢渣烧结试验,对钢渣作为含铁 相似文献
为了提高钢渣的资源化利用率,找到合适的钢渣成分改质工艺,以CaO-SiO2-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3六元渣系为研究对象,利用FactSage热力学软件计算并分析了不同w(CaO)/w(SiO2)组成的模拟钢渣在1 600~200 ℃冷却过程中平衡物相组成和含量的变化规律。得出钢渣的平衡物相主要有Ca2SiO4相、Ca2(Al,Fe)2O5相、MgO-FeO固溶体相、f-CaO相、少量的Ca3MgAl4O10相以及w(CaO)/w(SiO2)为2时钢渣中才会析出的Ca3MgSi2O8相。w(CaO)/ w(SiO2)越低,钢渣析出的有益相硅酸盐相含量越高,而铁酸盐相、MgO-FeO固溶体相和f-CaO相不利于钢渣循环利用的物相含量越低。因此,降低钢渣的w(CaO)/ w(SiO2)可以改善钢渣在后续处理和使用过程中的易磨性以及安定性。 相似文献
本钢转炉钢渣处理工艺方案的选择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了目前本钢转炉钢渣的产生量及处理方法,同时也对国内其它钢铁企业不同的钢渣处理工艺进行了比较分析。结合本钢的生产实际对转炉钢渣推荐采用炉前粒化轮法与热闷工艺配合应用的处理方式,并阐述了两种工艺的原理和技术特点及钢渣深加工综合利用的途径。 相似文献
我国转炉钢渣的利用率较低,其主要限制因素是渣中磷含量较高。提出引入渣还原炉,用含碳饱和的铁水还原渣中的氧化物,使转炉渣中的磷进入铁水中,同时回收了渣中的铁和锰。脱磷后的钢渣返回转炉循环使用。热力学分析和研究结果证明此方法是可行的。 相似文献
�����������»�����Ф�ɣ������ 《钢铁研究学报》2014,26(10):15-20
In order to study the property of semisteel slag during BOF double slag process and achieve effective utilization, CaO-MgO-SiO2-FetO slag had been chosen as fundamental slag system in the experiment. The slag mineral composition and microstructure characteristics were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the backscattered electron images of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometer analysis (EDS). The results show that the main mineral composition of semisteel slag are merwinite (C3MS2), MgO-FeO solid solution (RO) and monticellite (CMS), the minor minerals are dicalcium silicate (C2S) and calcium silicate (CS). The main microstructure characteristics of semisteel slag can be classified into three categories: The grey phase is C3MS2 and CMS, the white phase is RO and the mixed phase is rhodonite or compound phase of silicate and RO. The mineral phase and morphology are affected by slag basicity and the slag cooling speed. The semisteel slag can be reused in many fields, such as metallurgical industry, construction industry and agriculture industry, etc. 相似文献
An efficient slagging is a key process to improve the dephosphorization ability in converter operation. The microstructure analyses can provide the information of phosphorus distribution in various mineral phases to feature completely the dephosphorization process.Two kinds of converter slags were investigated in this study, including conventional slag with high basicity and dephosphorization slag with low basicity.The characteristics of high basicity converter slag have been reported widely.However,the ... 相似文献
To improve the resource recycling level of pyrolytic slag, X-ray finorence, X-ray diffraction, SEM and EDS were used to study mineralogy characteristics of pyrolytic slags of three steel plants, and FactSage was used to study precipitation regularities of calcium silicate phase of pyrolytic slags. The results show that the main phases of pyrolytic slag are calcium silicon phase, RO phase and calcium ferrite phase. Crystal of each phase in pyrolytic slag grows well, and the crystal size is big, and crystal shape of calcium silicon phase is regular. In the equilibrium cooling process of pyrolytic slag, calcium silicon phase in turn precipitates in forms of ??-C2S, ????-C2S, C3MS2 solid solution and ??-C2S. ??-C2S precipitates at 1 510??1 520 ??, ????-C2S precipitates at about 1 440 ??, C3MS2 solid solution precipitates at 1 200??1 300 ??, the precipitating temperature of ??-C2S changes depending on the precipitation amount of C3MS2 solid solution. 相似文献
Reducing free CaO (f-CaO) in basic oxygen furnace (BOF) slag effectively and efficiently is the prerequisite to achieve the goal of BOF slag's volume stability. In this work, Taguchi experimental design method was used to explore the influencing factors effect on stabilising f-CaO by mixing BOF slag with blast furnace (BF) slag and probe into the relevant mechanism. The results show that, in the setting conditions of this work, the most influential factor on the stabilisation ratio of f-CaO is mass ratio between BF slag and BOF slag, and then mixing temperature and duration time as a queue. The reasonable conditions are obtained as follows: mass ratio of BF slag to BOF slag is 6:1, temperature of mixing is 1783?K and duration time for mixing is 20?min. The f-CaO stabilised mechanism on BF slag and BOF slag molten mixing was regarded as mutual coupling effects of stabilisation reactions and dilution. 相似文献
AbstractThe influence of recycled ladle slag on the basic oxygen furnace (BOF) process under production conditions was investigated in plant trials. More specifically, 25 heats with ladle slag additions and 23 heats without ladle slag additions were studied. Both steel and slag samples were collected, from which the chemical compositions were determined. In addition, several process parameters were monitored. Overall, it was found that recirculation of ladle slag during normal production conditions works fine. On the positive side, it was seen that the steel quality concerning the phosphorus and sulphur contents of liquid steel has, in accordance with previous studies, not been affected by the ladle slag additions. Furthermore, no major differences in the slag composition occur when the recycling of ladle slag to BOF is performed. Finally, in comparison to previous studies, the increased tendency for slopping when adding ladle slag could be eliminated with a change in the lance schedule. However, on the negative side, it was seen that the addition of ladle slag leads to an increased blowing time due to lower iron ore additions. Moreover, the slag weight at tapping increased due to an increased weight of added slag formers. 相似文献