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The investigation of complex material behaviour of steel like transformation‐induced plasticity (TRIP) and stress‐dependent phase transformation (SDPT) is a large field of current research. The simulation of the material behaviour of work‐pieces in complex situations requires a knowledge as deep as possible about such phenomena. In addition, there are effects in the case of non‐constant stress which cannot be explained by the widely used Leblond model for TRIP. Therefore, we consider a TRIP model taking into account back stress due to TRIP itself. Based on experimental data for the isothermal pearlitic transformation of the steel 100Cr6 (SAE52100) under step‐wise loads we calculate material parameters for the extended TRIP model. Regardless of the preliminary character of the performed tests, all experiments show a back‐stress effect with a decrease of the TRIP strain after unloading.  相似文献   

Austenitic high nitrogen (AHNS) and austenitic high interstitial steels (AHIS) are of interest for mechanical engineering applications because of their unique combination of mechanical (strength, ductility), chemical (corrosion resistance) and physical (non‐ferromagnetic) properties. But despite their high strength values e. g. after cold deformation up to 2 GPa in combination with an elongation to fracture of 30 %, which is based on twinning‐induced plasticity (TWIP) mechanisms and transformation‐induced plasticity (TRIP) mechanisms, the fatigue limit remains relatively small. While for chromium‐nickel steels the fatigue limit rises with about 0.5‐times the elastic limit it does not at all for austenitic high‐nitrogen steels or only to a much smaller extent for nickel‐free austenitic high‐interstitial steels. The reasons are still not fully understood but this behavior can roughly be related to the tendency for planar or wavy slip. Now the latter is hindered by nitrogen and promoted by nickel. This contribution shows the fatigue behavior of chromium‐manganese‐carbon‐nitrogen (CrMnCn) steels with carbon+nitrogen‐contents up to 1.07 wt.%. Beside the governing influence of these interstitials on fatigue this study displays, how the nitrogen/nickel‐ratio might be another important parameter for the fatigue behavior of such steels.  相似文献   

A coupled gas‐dynamical and thermo‐mechanical model for simulation of the gas flow, gas and specimen temperature, phase, stress, strain, and displacement transient‐fields during quenching of cutting discs and shafts of steel is introduced. The material properties (e. g. density, conductivity, heat capacity, hardness) are obtained by homogenization procedures. The material behaviour is described as an extension of the classical J2‐plasticity theory with the extension of temperature and phase fraction dependent yield criteria. The coupling effects such as dissipation, phase transformation enthalpy, and transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) are considered. Simulations were carried out for cutting discs of knives, and for shafts made of steel SAE 52100 with varying diameter. For the validation of the simulations, these work pieces were heated in a roller hearth kiln up to 850 °C, and than quenched in a field of nozzles in which the heat transfer coefficient was known and could be locally adjusted by the volume flow of each nozzle. The phase fractions, surface hardness, distortion, and residual stresses were measured. The simulated and measured results fit quite well. According to optimization‐simulations the shafts were quenched with a certain heat transfer coefficient distribution. The bigger diameter parts of the shaft were more intensively quenched by an increased gas flow so that the hardness profiles were equalized and the residual stresses at the edges were significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Simulation of damage and creep processes in asphalt There is an increasing need for the use of numerical methods in road design. Here, the main difficulty lies in modeling the highly complex, nonlinear material behaviour of asphalt. The present paper deals with this problem and proposes a continuum mechanics model serving to simulate the main nonlinear mechanical processes taking place in asphalt. Plastic deformation, damage and crack development as well as viscous processes are treated. The model is implemented into the finite element program Abaqus and is used to simulate tests on asphalt specimens.  相似文献   

In this study, the microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe–Ni–Mn–Mo–Ti–Cr maraging steel at low temperature and prolonged aging condition were investigated. Optical and scanning electron microscopy examinations, tensile and hardness tests were conducted to study the microstructure, aging behavior and mechanical properties of the cold‐rolled steel. The results showed that aging of cold rolled Fe–Ni–Mn–Mo–Ti–Cr maraging steel resulted in the formation of Mo rich and Ti rich Lave phase precipitates. Existence of many dislocation cores due to cold rolling and subsequently, low temperature aging caused to formation of uniform distribution of very fine precipitates. The presence of these precipitates increased the yield and ultimate tensile strengths but couldn't improve the uniform tensile ductility. This alloy showed ultra‐high fracture stress of about 1950 MPa with a negligible tensile elongation (about 2 %) at the peak aged condition. The fractographic studies indicated this alloy shows semi‐brittle fracture in the subsequent aging treatment.  相似文献   

In this article a semi‐implicit algorithm (predictor–corrector approach) for incorporating the interaction between plasticity and transformation‐induced plasticity (TRIP) in steel is developed. Contrary to the usual elasto‐plasticity, the underlying model of material behavior of steel is far more complex. The interaction between plasticity and TRIP requires extensions of algorithms developed in Doghri (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 1993; 36 :3915–3932) and in Mahnken (Commun. Numer. Meth. Engng 1999; 15 :745–754). A particular feature of the algorithm is that the inner iteration can be reduced to a single scalar equation. Numerical examples illustrate the algorithm's capabilities. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the latest research results of ratcheting behavior of aluminum alloy 2124‐T851 under uniaxial loading. All fatigue tests were carried out at the Technical University of Ostrava mainly under block loading in order to determine the effect of stress amplitude and mean stress on the strain response of the material. Experimental results show that the critical value of the axial deformation is close to the ductility of the material investigated. The aim of this paper also is to draw important conclusions in terms of ratcheting modelling for the material investigated.  相似文献   

During heat treatment and other production processes, gradients of temperature and other observables may vary rapidly in narrow regions, while in other parts of the workpiece the behaviour of these quantities is quite smooth. Nevertheless, it is important to capture these fine structures during numerical simulations. Local mesh refinement in these regions is needed in order to resolve the behaviour in a sufficient way. On the other hand, these regions of special interest are changing during the process, making it necessary to move also the regions of refined meshes. Adaptive finite element methods present a tool to automatically give criteria for a local mesh refinement, based on the computed solution (and not only on a priori knowledge of an expected behaviour). We present examples from heat treatment of steel, including phase transitions with transformation induced plasticity and stress dependent phase transformations. On a mesoscopic scale of grains, similar methods can be used to efficiently and accurately compute phase field models for phase transformations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental research carried out for testing the simple calculation models presented in EN 1993‐1‐2 for the determination of the fire resistance of steel structures, as well as the models for calculating the development of temperature in the structure. The analysis was carried out for the simple heat transfer models in protected and unprotected steel elements, for the basic parameters of reduction of mechanical properties of steel at high temperatures, and for simple calculation models for determining fire resistance of elements subjected to vertical force in combination with and without the action of the axial force.  相似文献   

The activation behaviour of Shape‐Memory‐Alloy actuators (SMA) (and more specifically their dynamic properties) is characterised by the rate of heating and cooling. This paper deals with the development, the validation and the application of a numerical model that simulates the activation behaviour of straight SMA‐wires depending on their geometry, the loading condition and an arbitrary time variant heating current. Taking changing thermal, electrical, geometric and mechanical boundary conditions into consideration, the model supports the design layout process of technical solutions with SMA‐wires. Based on this numerical model for dimensioning and conditioning of SMA‐actuators, an innovative rotatory drive system powered by straight SMA‐wires is presented.  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper was led within the collaborative project “Euraxles” of the FP7 program of the European Commission. It aimed at developing processes and methods that contribute to the minimization of the risk of fatigue failure of railway axles in service. This paper focuses on the development of a method to assess the reliability of axles according to fatigue damage. The proposed approach is mainly based on the stress strength interference analysis (SSIA) and the fatigue‐equivalent‐load (FEL) methods. It aims at calculating the axles’ probability of fatigue failure, by characterizing the variability of real in‐service loads and the scatter of the axles fatigue strength, and at evaluating more accurately the actual design margins. First of all, the main lines of the stress strength interference analysis method are recalled. This method aims at evaluating the in‐service reliability of components for their design or their homologation. It is used in many industries for various applications (mechanical components or systems, electronic elements, etc.). In the second part, the fatigue load analysis method that is proposed for railway axles is described. It starts with a post‐processing of an axle load measurement: from a time signal of forces applied to both wheels fitted on the axle, fatigue cycles of bending moment applied to the axle are identified and transformed into a cyclic equivalent load, the Meq, which is a measurement of the severity of the initial variable load. Then, virtual but realistic load spectra are generated, thanks to a classification operation followed by a random draw of elementary load data that considers the operation and maintenance conditions of the axle. All the spectra are then analysed thanks to the fatigue‐equivalent‐load method in order to build the distribution of in‐service load severities that gives a picture of the stress to which the axles are submitted. In the third and last part of the paper, the methods are applied to real data of “Société nationale des chemins de fer français” (SNCF), the French national railway operator. Sensitivity analyses are performed in order to quantify the effect on the Meq of variations of parameters and to verify the convergence and robustness of the process. Finally, results obtained for a passenger coach are given. The comparison between the distribution of load severities and the normative load, defined as according to european standards EN13103, shows that, for the studied axle, the normative load is very conservative. Using the axles fatigue limits identified on full‐scale tests, a stress strength interference analysis is performed to calculate the probability of failure of the axle.  相似文献   

European standardization bodies are currently working on the amendment to EN 1996‐1‐1, which will also affect the evaluation of reinforced masonry in Germany. For that reason, discussion suggestions are being made here for revisions to lay the groundwork for building materials evaluations and especially, evaluations of bending load‐stressed masonry walls or beams at their serviceability limit state (SLS) for load‐bearing capacities. Information already presented in E DIN 1053‐3:2008‐03 [N3] is being incorporated as well. Characteristic values for the compressive strength of the masonry parallel to the bed joints fk,∥ are essential for the design of reinforced masonry, although they are currently not included in national application documents for Germany. For the time being, they can be mathematically calculated using conversion factors for the characteristic compressive strength values vertical to the bed joints fk or by using the declared axial compressive strengths of the masonry units. The ultimate strains for masonry in general should be set consistently at ?mu = ∣–0.002∣ as several masonry types do not exhibit higher compressive strain values. The use of steel strains higher than ?su = 0.005 does not change any measurement results. Varying stress‐strain curves of the constitutive equations on masonry under compressive strain (parabolic, parabolic‐rectangular, tension block) lead to differing values of recordable bending moments despite having the same mechanical reinforcement percentage at higher normal forces. Therefore, clear guidelines should be made for the type of applicable constitutive equation for masonry walls under compressive strain. With the introduction of a tension block, the number values of the reduction factors λ for the compression zone height x, which is dependent on limit strains, and where applicable, reduced compressive strength, need to be determined, as with reinforced concrete construction. A modification of the bending moment based on the second order theory according to [N4] is presented for the calculation of reinforced masonry walls in danger of buckling. The use of reduction factors for the load capacity of the masonry cross section, such as for unreinforced masonry, does not appear to be appropriate as buckling safety evidence because here, the design task is the determination of a required reinforcement cross section.  相似文献   

Determination of input data for numerical design of sheet steels – Report on a common research project of the steel and automotive industry Within the scope of a common research project of the steel and automotive industry, 20 sheet steels have been investigated to obtain input data for FE‐analysis. In detail, elastic, plastic and fatique characteristical values were determined by several testing institutes for a period of 3 years. The investigated sheet steels differ with regard to the microstructure and the steel concept. Beside several ferritic steels, multiphase steels like dual phase‐, complex phase‐ and TRIP steels as well as 2 austenitic stainless steels were characterised. The starting materials and selected steels with a defined predeformation and heat treatment were investigated. Within this project, the partners developed a testing and documentation precept in which the ways and means were fixed to reach the defined steel condition and to enable a standardised testing and data output for the material database, realised by the automotive industry. Before the actual elastic, plastic and fatique testing, a reception test for all steels was carried out to characterise the materials with regard to the microstructure, surface condition, chemical composition and mechanical properties, obtained in the quasistatic tensile test. The results of the different testing institutes (elastic, plastic and fatique) will be presented in separate publications in detail. As a result of this project it became obvious that the investigated steels can be divided into steel groups which show a similar strain hardening behaviour. Thus, a prediction of mechanical values and flow curves for cognate steels within one steel group seems to be possible. This subject will be the focus of further investigations within the scope of a new project started on January 1st, 2003.  相似文献   

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