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In our experience, it is easier to identify gas bubbles in ultrasonic images than in aural Doppler signals. To verify this, we asked 27 observers with no previous training to estimate the quantity of gas bubbles in video tapes containing sequences of ultrasound images recorded during decompression experiments. The amount of bubbles was graded according to a non-linear grading system with six levels. The results obtained were compared to evaluations performed on-site by a trained observer. Approximately 70% of the evaluations performed by the untrained observers agreed completely with the on-site gradings, and more than 95% agreed within 1 grade unit. The strength of agreement can be described by use of the weighted kappa statistic, and we have compared the agreement in our study with agreement obtained in a previous study using Doppler signals for bubble detection. We find that in grading bubble signals in images, untrained observers perform equally as well as trained observers grading bubbles in Doppler signals. We conclude that ultrasonic imaging offers a useful and cost-effective alternative to Doppler systems for detection and quantification of intravascular gas bubbles.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of carbachol on the phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments (OS) in cultures of normal Long-Evans and dystrophic Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rat retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. METHODS: Retinal pigment epithelial cells from normal and RCS rats were grown in tissue culture. On reaching confluence, they were presented with OS suspended in Krebs-Henseleit buffer in the presence or absence of carbachol and LiCl. The number of bound and ingested OS was quantitated using double immunofluorescence staining. RESULTS: LiCl inhibited the ingestion of OS by more than 90% but had no effect on the binding of OS by Long-Evans RPE cells. The addition of carbachol further reduced OS ingestion. Carbachol alone decreased OS ingestion by normal RPE cells by 30% but had no effect on OS binding. The effect of LiCl and carbachol on RCS RPE cells was similar to their effect on normal RPE cells. CONCLUSIONS: Carbachol does not increase OS phagocytosis in normal or RCS rat RPE cells. The phagocytic defect in RCS rat RPE cannot be reversed or overcome by stimulation of the IP3 pathway by carbachol. LiCl strongly inhibits the ingestion of OS by normal and by RCS RPE cells, and this effect is enhanced by carbachol.  相似文献   

Research on the current epidemic of violence and its victims is limited. In the past decade, considerable attention has been focused in the area of domestic violence. Comprehensive emergency department (ED) domestic violence protocols have been developed and evaluated that address identification, treatment, safety issues, legal reporting statutes, and medical and psychosocial interventions. This article focuses on victims, perpetrators, and the occurrence of violence in the ED and describes issues and strategies for identification, intervention, and documentation.  相似文献   

Clinical and evoked-potential studies in internal capsule and corona radiata infarction are lacking. We report the results of a clinical and central motor conduction time (CMCT) study in 16 patients with internal capsule and 17 with computed tomography (CT)-proven corona radiata infarction. Patients's outcome was defined at the end of 3 months on the basis of the Barthel Index score. Four patients with type A capsular infarction (middle third of posterior limb of internal capsule) all had severe weakness, while 2 also had persistently unrecordable CMCT and poor outcome. Twelve patients with type B internal capsular infarction (genu, anterior limb, anterior or posterior third of posterior limb) had a milder degree of weakness, and CMCT was recordable in 9. At 3 months' follow-up, however, CMCT was recordable in all 12 patients. All of these patients had a partial (n = 4) or complete (n = 5) recovery. Thirteen patients with type A corona radiata infarction (middle third of corona radiata) had more pronounced weakness, and CMCT was unrecordable in all of these patients except 1 on initial examination. Follow-up after 3 months was possible in 8 patients, and CMCT became recordable in 3. One of these patients had complete, 3 partial, and 4 poor recovery. In type B corona radiata infarction (anterior or posterior third of corona radiata), the clinical signs and CMCT did not follow a regular pattern. Clinical and CMCT abnormalities in internal capsular infarction followed a more predictable pattern compared with those in corona radiata infarction. A less predictable pattern of weakness and CMCT change in corona radiata infarction may be attributed to a less definite organisation of motor pathways compared with the internal capsule.  相似文献   

Using two separate methods, we have determined that all six potential sites for N-linked glycosylation on the rat lutropin/choriogonadotropin receptor (rLHR) contain carbohydrates. The functional roles of the carbohydrates were analyzed initially through the use of two nonglycosylated receptor mutants rLHR(N(77,152,173,269,277,291)Q) and rLHR(N(77,152,269,277,291)Q;T(175)A). Although Western blot analyses demonstrated both mutant receptors to be stably expressed, little or no hCG binding activity could be detected in detergent solubilized extracts of 293 cells expressing either nonglycosylated LHR mutant. Although this loss of hCG binding was concluded to be due to misfolding, it was unknown whether this misfolding was due to the absence of carbohydrates or to the multiple amino acid substitutions that had been introduced into the polypeptide. To differentiate between these possibilities, hCG binding assays were performed with nonglycosylated receptors obtained after tunicamycin treatment of cells expressing the wild-type rLHR. Even though these wild-type receptors were confirmed to be devoid of all N-linked carbohydrates by Western blots, they were found to bind hCG with a normal high affinity. In addition, tunicamycin-derived, nonglycosylated LHRs were present at the cell surface and exhibited a phenotype consistent with mature receptors due to their capability to mediate hCG-stimulated cAMP production as well as bind oLH with high affinity. These results indicate that the loss of high affinity hormone binding by rLHR(N(77,152,173,269,277,291)Q) and rLHR(N(77,152,269,277,291)Q;T(175)A) is simply due to the collective amino acid substitutions rather than to the absence of carbohydrates. Therefore, N-linked carbohydrates are not absolutely required for the proper folding of the rLHR into a mature receptor capable of binding hormone and signaling. These results are in marked contrast to the follitropin receptor (FSHR), a very similar receptor which has been shown to strictly require N-linked carbohydrates for folding of the nascent protein.  相似文献   

The neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) exerts a tonic inhibitory influence on proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons in the hypothalamus as well as on the melanotrope cells of the intermediate lobe (IL) of the pituitary gland. Moreover, the activation of the GABAA receptor complex by different ligands has been shown to exert a negative influence on the POMC gene expression at the hypothalamic level. In order to elucidate the in vivo regulation of the POMC mRNA levels in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary by endogenous ligands of the GABAA receptor complex, we have studied the effect of intravenous (i.v.) and intracerebroventricular (i.c.v) injections of octadecaneuropeptide (ODN), a peptide derived from diazepam-binding inhibitor (DBI). The possible involvement of neurosteroids in the action of ODN on melanotropic cells was evaluated following inhibition of two enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of neurosteroids known as activators of G3BAA receptor complex: trilostane, an inhibitor of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD), and MK-906, an inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase. The i.v. injection of ODN produced a dose-dependent inhibition of POMC gene expression in the IL. The i.c.v. injection of ODN also depressed POMC mRNA. These effects were completely reversed by the concomitant administration of the GABAA antagonist picrotoxin. Similar results were obtained in POMC neurons in the arcuate nucleus (AN) of the hypothalamus. Trilostane administration induced an increase in POMC mRNA and also prevented the inhibitory influence of ODN. The neurosteroid pregnenolone-sulfate, a negative modulator of the GABAA receptor, also stimulated POMC gene expression. On the other hand, MK-906 produced a decrease in mRNA levels and could not reverse the effect of ODN. The results indicate that activation of the GABAA receptor complex by the endogenous benzodiazepine receptor ligand ODN can induce a negative regulation of POMC gene expression in the IL of the pituitary and neurons in the AN. The present results do not provide clear evidence that neurosteroids are involved in the action of ODN on POMC gene expression in the IL.  相似文献   

Meningiomas are principally benign in nature. Some meningiomas, however, grow fast or recur even after total removal. The biological behavior of meningiomas often can not be predicted from conventional histopathological studies. A monoclonal antibody against proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was used to investigate the usefulness of the PCNA index as a parameter to estimate the proliferative activity of meningiomas. Fifty-two meningiomas were examined. The mean PCNA index of recurrent meningiomas (3.37 +/- 0.92%) was significantly higher than that of non-recurrent meningiomas (1.12 +/- 0.51%) (p < 0.005). The PCNA indices of recurrent cases were all higher than 2.0%. A semilog linear regression analysis between tumor doubling time and PCNA index showed a significant correlation (r = 0.90, p < 0.05). An inverse linear correlation between PCNA index and interval to recurrence was observed (r = 0.62, p < 0.05). A good linear correlation was also shown between PCNA index and BUdR labeling index (r = 0.88, p < 0.01). The results of this study suggest that, providing the methods of tissue processing, immunostaining and counting of positive nuclei are unified, the PCNA index is a useful parameter for estimating the biological behavior of meningiomas.  相似文献   

How memory T cells are maintained in vivo is poorly understood. To address this problem, a male-specific peptide (H-Y) was identified and used to activate female anti-H-Y T cells in vitro. Anti-H-Y T cells survived in vivo for at least 70 days in the absence of antigen. This persistence was not because of the intrinsic ability of memory T cells to survive in vivo. Instead, the survival and function of adoptively transferred memory cells was found to require transporter of antigen protein 1-dependent expression of self-peptide/major histocompatibility complex class I molecules in recipient animals. Therefore, it appears that the level of T cell receptor engagement provided by transporter of antigen protein 1-dependent, self-peptide/major histocompatibility complexes is sufficient to maintain the long-term survival and functional phenotype of memory cells in the absence of persistent antigen. These data suggest that positive selection plays a role not only in T cell development but also in the maintenance of T cell memory.  相似文献   

This study explored how individuals apply features of personality disorders (PDs) to peers. Members of groups nominated peers who exhibited symptoms for each of the 10 PDs in the DSM-IV. Data were gathered in 2 samples: 1st-year college students (n=1,440) and Air Force recruits (n=2,075). The peer method reliably identified group members exhibiting specific PD features. Factor analyses identified a clearly interpretable structure relevant to the pathological personality constructs being assessed. The structure replicated well across samples and showed expected relationships to broader models of normal personality. However, cross-method correlations of factor scores were only moderate, suggesting that peer reports are reliably different from self-reports regarding the presence of pathological personality traits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hemodialysis with cuprophane dialyzer membranes promotes rapid activation of the complement system, which is thought to be mediated by the alternative pathway. Complete hereditary deficiency of complement C4, a classical pathway component, in two hemodialysis patients provided the opportunity to investigate a possible role of the classical pathway. In two hemodialysis patients with both C4 isotypes, C4A and C4B, and in one patient with C4B deficiency complement activation occurred immediately after the onset of hemodialysis, with peak levels of C3a and terminal complement complex (TCC) after ten to fifteen minutes. In patients with complete C4 deficiency, C3a and TCC remained unchanged for fifteen minutes and increased thereafter, reaching the highest level after thirty minutes. The leukocyte nadir was also delayed from fifteen to thirty minutes. In vitro incubation of normal, C4A- or C4B-deficient serum with cuprophane caused complement activation after fifteen minutes. In contrast, no activation was observed in sera of four C4-deficient patients. The addition of normal serum or purified human C4 restored the capacity for rapid complement activation. In one patient with severe immunoglobulin deficiency, C3a and TCC levels increased only moderately after 25 minutes of cuprophane dialysis. This patient's serum also exhibited delayed complement activation in vitro, which was normalized after pretreatment of cuprophane with immunoglobulins. Preincubation of normal serum with MgEGTA, a blocker of the classical pathway, inhibited rapid complement activation through cuprophane. As basal levels of C4a are markedly increased in hemodialysis patients (3450 +/- 850 ng/ml) compared to healthy controls (224 +/- 81 ng/ml), no further elevation of C4a was detectable during cuprophane hemodialysis. Incubation of normal serum with cuprophane, however, caused a slight increase in C4a after five minutes. These results indicate that the initial deposition of complement C3b on the cuprophane membrane, necessary for activation of the amplification loop of the alternative pathway, is mediated by the classical pathway C3-convertase C4b2a. We propose an extended concept of complement activation through cuprophane, which is based on four steps: (a) binding of anti-polysaccharide antibodies, (b) classical pathway activation, (c) alternative pathway activation and (d) terminal pathway activation.  相似文献   

Macrophages/foam cells localized in cholesterol- and triglyceride-rich regions of atherosclerotic plaques express high levels of tissue factor (TF), the essential cofactor and receptor of factor VIIa. It is not clear whether modified lipoproteins, for which several agonistic effects on macrophages have been described, are independent stimuli of TF expression in these cells. Therefore, we studied the effect of short-term (1 day) and long-term (4 to 7 days) incubation of human monocyte-derived macrophages cultured in suspension with modified and native LDLs or VLDLs on the expression of TF mRNA, antigen, and activity. We used native LDL or VLDL, moderately oxidized LDL or VLDL, severely oxidized LDL or VLDL, acetylated LDL, and beta-VLDL at a protein concentration of 100 microg/mL. Cholesterol loading occurred within 9 hours after the addition of acetylated LDL and continued during long-term incubation. Incubation of severely oxidized LDL for 7 days resulted in a slight increase in cholesterol content. Triglyceride loading was observed during short-term and long-term incubation with native and modified VLDLs. Neither cholesterol nor triglyceride loading resulted in expression of TF. Bacterial LPS still could induce TF expression in lipid-laden macrophages. Our results show that incubation with modified lipoproteins or lipid loading does not lead to TF expression in monocyte-derived macrophages cultured in suspension. This suggests that induction of TF expression in foam cells in the atherosclerotic lesion is triggered by additional or other components.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to conduct a retrospective analysis of the clinical spectrum, treatment and morbidity of the patients who have suffered high tension electrical injuries with current passage through their body (59 patients). Voltage, localization and surgical treatment seem to be the main factors influencing the lesion and the morbidity. The following points were considered: (1) Is there any relation between known factors such as voltage and the localization of the points of contact with the incidence and the type of complications and sequelae? (2) Do the observations show that wound management and the excision of dead tissues is the most adequate? From factors studied in our patients (voltage, point of entry and pathway of current, associated multiple trauma or flame burns, surgical treatment) we have found that the voltage does not have any influence on the severity of the wound nor on the percentage of sequelae (cataracts, limb amputation, neurologic complications). The current pathway, as well as its points of entry, does not show any relation with the presence of renal failure, cardiac arrhythmia and cataracts. A clear relationship between the point of entry of the current and the appearance of neurologic injury with presence of paralysis and permanent regional anaesthesia at the same level was observed. The presence of associated burns was not related to any other complications or sequelae. For those patients whose length of contact has been shorter we find a lower rate of amputations despite having associated limb fractures. Fasciotomy incisions appear to confer benefit as this series shows that this procedure decreases the rate of limb amputations.  相似文献   

A chemically synthesized human pro-urokinase (pro-UK) CDNA was cloned into the expression vector PET-11d and expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) pLysS under the control of the T7 promoter. Using 0.1 mmol/L IPTG induction, the expression level of the recombinant pro-UK attained up to 15% of the total bacterial proteins and existed as inclusion bodies. After denaturation and renaturation in vitro, the expressed pro-UK was purified to be identified by Zn2+ selective precipitation, immuno-affinity chromatography, and benzamidine affinity adsorption. The specific activity of the purified human pro-UK was about 110,000 IU/mg.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals have already been studied comprehensively both in their physico-chemical properties and their biological effect. Most of these compounds are chemically synthesized and less susceptible to degradation by micro-organism or suffering from solvent effect compared with the bio-active substances. Affinity chromatographic columns composed of pharmaceutical compounds as the ligand should have advantages such as long life, low cost and low toxicity. This paper describes the preparation of sulphamethoxazolum immobilized on silica as the column packing and the study of its interactions with proteins and enzymes. It was found that this material showed an affinity specific to trypsin with a dissociation constant of around 10(-6) M. The enzymatic activity of commercial trypsin can be increased by a factor of ten after purification with such a column.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Pantoprazole is a H+/K+-ATPase inhibitor with a minimized potential of interaction with the cytochrome P450 system. Imidazole derivatives such as cimetidine and omeprazole have been shown to markedly interact with carbamazepine, a major anticonvulsant with a narrow therapeutic range. Therefore, the influence of steady-state pantoprazole on the pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine was investigated. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: N = 20 healthy volunteers (12 male/8 female) completed a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized crossover study. During the test period they received 40 mg pantoprazole p.o. once daily for 11 days and concomitantly a single oral dose of 400 mg carbamazepine on day 5. In the reference period placebo was administered instead of pantoprazole. RESULTS: Serum concentrations of carbamazepine and its active metabolite carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide were measured until day 11. Geometric means of AUC (extent characteristic) and Cmax/AUC (rate characteristic) of carbamazepine were 292 and 287 mgxh/l, and 0.0150 and 0.0144 l/h (reference and test), respectively. Point estimates and 90% confidence intervals of the ratios were 0.98 (0.95, 1.01) for AUC, and 0.96 (0.92, 1.00) for Cmax/AUC, respectively. Since the 90% confidence intervals of the primary characteristics, AUC and Cmax/AUC were entirely within the predefined equivalence range of 0.80 - 1.25, lack of interaction of pantoprazole with the pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine was demonstrated. Equivalence was also demonstrated for carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide using the characteristics AUC and Cmax. CONCLUSION: No dose adjustment of carbamazepine is therefore required during concomitant treatment with pantoprazole.  相似文献   

Twelve patients chronically maintained on warfarin were administered 80 mg atorvastatin for 2 weeks. Mean prothrombin times decreased slightly, but only for the first few days of the two-week treatment period. Thus atorvastatin had no consistent effect on the anticoagulant activity of warfarin and adjustment in warfarin dosing should not be necessary.  相似文献   

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