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针对M水库的中营养状态,本试验研究了氯和高锰酸钾联合预氧化杀藻除嗅效果,确定了相应的操作参数。试验结果表明,投加预氧化剂后(单独高锰酸钾或单独氯氧化)可以明显降低沉后的藻类计数;采用联合预氧化也可以适当降低预氯化产生的氯味;为了进一步加强对嗅味的去除,需再投加20mg/L粉末活性炭;同时联合预氧化的三卤甲烷生成量比单独氯氧化的三卤甲烷生成量有所降低;为了控制氯氧化副产物,可以投加PAC10.0mg/L时,这时三卤甲烷可以去除76%以上。  相似文献   

采用电絮凝/膜生物反应器(EC-MBR)工艺对模拟生活污水进行了强化除磷研究.结果表明,通过控制电流强度及通电时间,可使除磷率维持在95%以上,出水总磷<0.5 mg/L;同时,对COD和氨氮的去除率也分别在90%和95%左右.电絮凝的加入可以增加污泥活性,降低污泥粘度、平均粒径以及上清液中的有机物浓度,这在一定程度上延缓了膜污染,使反应器能够在较长时间内稳定运行.  相似文献   

电子灭藻机除藻效果试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冷却循环水系统使用一段时间后,即会滋生细菌和藻类,它们的大量生长会腐蚀设备、降低冷却效果,严重时可造成管道堵塞。为了控制水质,传统方法多以投加化学药物除藻,但是经常加药操作管理复杂,而且存在二次污染问题。经多年调研、试验成功的电子灭藻机,其作用原理是...  相似文献   

扬水曝气/生物接触氧化工艺的除藻效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了扬水曝气与生物接触氧化组合工艺对藻类的去除效果,考察了生物填料悬挂于水体的深度、距扬水曝气器的距离以及生物接触氧化反应器的水力停留时间(HRT)等因素对除藻效果的影响。试验结果表明:扬水曝气/生物接触氧化组合工艺对藻类的平均去除率为41.7%.对蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻的平均去除率分别为39.3%、23.7%、31.3%,对滦河源水中优势藻种——铜绿微囊藻的平均去除率为25.6%;生物填料可以悬挂在扬水曝气器周围25m、深度为0~3m的水体内,HRT以3h左右为宜。  相似文献   

膜生物反应器中化学除磷的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
因难溶的金属磷酸盐沉淀很难透过超滤膜,所以在膜生物反应器(MBR)中进行了化学除磷研究。间歇试验结果表明,停留时间越长则释磷越严重,对TP的去除率就越低;而在连续试验中,当Al与TP的摩尔比为1.5、进水TP浓度为4.3-5.3mg/L时,出水TP浓度为0.36-0.8mg/L,可达到TP/1mg/L的排放标准。  相似文献   

高锰酸钾预氧化的除藻效果   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
针对邯郸市滏阳河水考察了高猛酸钾预氧化对高含藻源水的处理效果。结果表明,投加少量高锰酸钾既提高了对藻类的去除率,又降低了出厂水的色度和嗅阈值,效果明显优于传统的预氯化工艺。  相似文献   

膜生物反应器净化微污染原水的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以某微污染河网水为原水,考察了膜生物反应器/粉末活性炭(MBR/PAC)工艺对其处理的效果和运行特性,并与超滤工艺进行比较。膜组件采用聚乙烯中空纤维超滤膜,膜孔径为0.2μm,面积为2 m2;组合工艺的活性炭和污泥浓度分别为0.5、2 g/L;通过时间控制器控制出水泵间歇运行,开/停时间比为8 min/2 min。结果表明:与超滤工艺相比,MBR/PAC工艺对CODMn、TOC、UV254、UV410等有机污染指标的去除效果显著提高,其中对UV410的去除率为85%~100%,对CODMn、TOC、UV254的去除率均可达50%以上,出水CODMn满足生活饮用水卫生标准。对氨氮、铁和浊度的去除率分别超过80%、87%和90%,出水值分别低于0.5 mg/L、0.1 mg/L和0.5 NTU,满足《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)的要求。  相似文献   

针对南水北调邯郸段原水水质夏季藻类增多的现象,通过烧杯试验对比研究了单独使用混凝剂、活性炭吸附和负载高锰酸钾活性炭吸附对叶绿素a、浊度和UV254的去除效果。结果表明:负载高锰酸钾活性炭对原水中污染指标去除率高于单独使用混凝剂和活性炭吸附,当负载0.4 g/L高锰酸钾的活性炭投加量为15 mg/L时综合去除效果最优,此时对原水中叶绿素a、浊度和UV254的平均去除率分别为77%、92%和61%。活性炭负载高锰酸钾后可使其碘值及表面含氧官能团增加,从而起到强化混凝的作用。  相似文献   

针对高藻期水库水采用高锰酸盐复合药荆(PPC)、高锰酸钾(KMnO4)和氯进行了化学预氧化强化水厂除藻除嗅性能的试验研究,并与单独使用混凝剂时的处理效果进行了对比.结果表明,PPC对水库高藻水具有较好的除浊和除有机物效果,且高于KMnO4;PPC预氧化对藻类和臭味的去除效果高于KMnO4预氧化.  相似文献   

膜生物反应器是近年新发展起来的高效污水处理工艺。文章重点介绍了膜生物反应器的脱氮除磷工艺:单一反应器间歇曝气膜生物反应器工艺和A/O形式的膜生物反应器工艺。总结了国内外研究的工艺特点、技术参数和处理效果,分析了技术参数、运行方式对处理效果的影响。另外论述了膜生物反应器中的微生物技术,指出了MBR工艺的发展方向。  相似文献   

Arsenic removal by iron-modified activated carbon   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Iron-impregnated activated carbons have been found to be very effective in arsenic removal. Oxyanionic arsenic species such as arsenate and arsenite adsorb at the iron oxyhydroxide surface by forming complexes with the surface sites. Our goal has been to load as much iron within the carbon pores as possible while also rendering as much of the iron to be available for sorbing arsenic. Surface oxidation of carbon by HNO3/H2SO4 or by HNO3/KMnO4 increased the amount of iron that could be loaded to 7.6-8.0%; arsenic stayed below 10 ppb until 12,000 bed volumes during rapid small-scale tests (RSSCTs) using Rutland, MA groundwater (40-60 ppb arsenic, and pH of 7.6-8.0). Boehm titrations showed that surface oxidation greatly increased the concentration of carboxylic and phenolic surface groups. Iron impregnation by precipitation or iron salt evaporation was also evaluated. Iron content was increased to 9-17% with internal iron-loading, and to 33.6% with both internal and external iron loading. These iron-tailored carbons reached 25,000-34,000 bed volumes to 10 ppb arsenic breakthrough during RSSCTs. With the 33.6% iron loading, some iron peeled off.  相似文献   

介绍了活性炭的物理特性、使用寿命、在水处理中的作用以及生物活性炭工艺主要的影响因素.研究表明,压块破碎活性炭具有均匀、粗糙的表面,适合细菌的附着和生长,其丰富的孔结构能够保护细菌不受生物杀灭剂、杀虫剂和其他毒素的干扰.同时,与其他方法制得的活性炭相比,压块破碎活性炭具有更强的调节食物供给能力.  相似文献   

High loading denitrification was studied using granular activated carbon (Calgon Filtrasorb 400, size: 0.8–1.4 mm) column with injecting carbon source (sucrose) only once a day. Under the condition of EBCT (empty bed contact time) = 80 min, C:N RATIO = 1.88, once per day injection mode of organic supply was able to sustain an average denitrification efficiency of 84 to 89% even with influent NO3---N concentration of 80 mgl−1. With an influent NO3---N of 20 mgl−1 and C:N ratio of 1.88, however, reduction of EBCT to 20 min resulted in very poor denitrification. In the latter case, 46% of the added carbon was lost in the effluent immediately after the injection. Short EBCT critically affected the process mainly due to insufficient adsorption rate. Microbial denitrification capability and fermentation might also limit the process. Extended organic injection is a possible option to improve the process efficiency. Occurrence of the sulfate reduction was limited in early phase of the cycle.  相似文献   

针对常规处理工艺难以解决东江原水发臭的问题,考察了高锰酸钾-粉末活性炭联用技术对水中嗅味的去除效果。结果表明,高锰酸钾一粉末活性炭联用对水中嗅味具有较好的去除效果,当氧化吸附时间为30min,高锰酸钾投加量为1.5mg/L,粉末活性炭投加量为40mg/L时,经混凝沉淀后水中的嗅味可由5级降至0级。此外,高锰酸钾和粉末活性炭联用对水中的有机物、浊度及锰也有明显的去除效果。  相似文献   

The importance of nitrogen and phosphorus in stimulating eutrophic conditions in receiving waters has been well documented. As a result, over the last decade an increased emphasis has been placed on limiting these elements in wastewater effluents. In the future, new discharge permits will include limits on both of these elements.

In 1985 a research program was initiated to conduct a pilot plant study of an anoxic/anaerobic/aerobic treatment train using primary effluent. The facility was operated at varying flow and Qr/Q ratios, and at effective mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentrations of 3100 mg/L. The results of the first 13 month operational phase indicated that the effluent concentrations of total BOD5, TSS and nitrate nitrogen were less than 5 mg/L. Ammonia nitrogen was less than 0.2 mg/L. The solids settleability was excellent, and foaming due to Norcadia, was effectively controlled. The average overall phosphorus removal was 48%. Influent BOD5 concentrations of less than 100 mg/L significantly reduced the system's ability to remove phosphorus. A strong relationship between the amount of carbon source in the influent, phosphorus release in the anoxic and anaerobic tanks and phosphorus uptake in the aeration basin was established.  相似文献   

研究了直接超滤、粉末炭/超滤、混凝/超滤三种工艺的除污特性和相应的氯消毒效能。结果表明:三种超滤工艺的除浊率均能达到99%以上,但直接超滤工艺对溶解性有机物、氨氮、氯消毒副产物前体物的去除效果较差,粉末炭/超滤和混凝/超滤工艺集合了超滤和预处理工艺的优点,除污效能得到强化。由于微生物个体生长和挤压变形,超滤膜后仍有少量菌落检出,加氯1.0 mg/L后,三种超滤工艺的出水水质在48 h内均优于国标要求;粉末炭/超滤、混凝/超滤组合工艺均能降低氯消毒副产物生成势,且对HAAFP的去除效果较THMFP的好。  相似文献   

针对枯水季节时常发生的突发性污染问题,桂城水厂采用了粉末活性炭投加系统.该系统具有手动、自动两种控制方式.运行结果表明,通过投加适量的活性炭,可以保证出厂水水质符合<生活饮用水卫生标准>(GB 5749-2006)的要求.  相似文献   

The results from this research suggest that both calcium phosphate precipitation and enhanced biological uptake play a role in phosphorus removal in the activated sludge process when a non-nitrifying, anaerobic-aerobic system is used to treat a low calcium wastewater. The primary removal mechanism was found to be biological uptake, as calcium phosphate precipitation accounted for only 15–27% of the total phosphorus removed. Calcium phosphate precipitation in the aerobic unit was enhanced because of the pH increase in that reactor. This was the result of low CO2 production (indicated by low specific oxygen uptake values) and intense aeration which caused excessive CO2 stripping in the aerobic unit  相似文献   

混凝-粉末活性炭工艺处理京杭运河微污染原水研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对京杭运河常州段原水水质情况,通过静态烧杯试验研究了混凝-粉末活性炭工艺对水中浊度、有机物等主要污染物的去除效果.试验结果表明,混凝可以有效去除浊度,去除率达97.3%;活性炭对有机物去除效果明显,其最佳投加量为30 mg/L.混凝剂对比试验表明,聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚合硫酸铁(PFS)对臭和味、色度具有相同的去除效果;PFS对UV254、挥发酚的去除效果优于PAC,而对浊度、CODMn的去除效果较PAC差.  相似文献   

A simple, one reactor vessel system, called a fill-and-draw system, was developed for the study of enhanced biological phosphate removal under defined conditions. Sludge was grown in a medium with acetate and glucose as sole energy and carbon sources. The sludge was exposed to cycles with three distinct, consecutive periods; first an anaerobic period, then an aerobic period and finally a settlement period. In the period of settlement one third of the liquid was replaced with fresh medium. Sludge grown under this regime became considerably enriched with polyphosphate-accumulating bacteria. The polyphosphate content reached up to 110 mg P/g dry weight. The amount of polyphosphate in the cells during steady state depended on the acetate:glucose ratio, the nitrate and phosphate concentration in the medium. Highest phosphate accumulation was obtained with an acetate:glucose ratio of 9:1. Intracellular polyphosphate was formed during the aerobic period and was anaerobically hydrolysed and released as phosphate into the medium. In the absence of oxygen and in the presence of 2g acetate-COD/l, 80–90% of phosphate was released by sludge containing 100 mg P/g dry weight. In the absence of acetate only 2–19% of the accumulated phosphate was excreted.  相似文献   

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