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The synthesis and characterization of novel surfactants derived from tall oil fatty acid methyl esters are presented. The tall oil fatty acid methyl esters, which mainly contain methyl oleate, were converted to 9,10-epoxy derivatives and further transformed to the 9 (or 10) polyethylene glycol (PEG) ethers. Compounds with three different monomethylated PEG chain lengths with molecular weights of 350, 550, and 750, corresponding roughly to 7, 11, and 16 ethylene oxide units, were prepared. Surfactants were formed at an 89% overall yield from tall oil fatty acid. Cloud points were 46, 63, and 84°C, respectively, and surface tensions at the CMC (2.0, 1.0, and 0.4 mM, respectively) varied from 33 to 38 mN/m. Equilibrium surface tension and reflectometry measurements were made and results were similar to those of conventional long alkyl chain PEG surfactants. Results of the tensiometry and reflectometry measurements showed that the surfactants aligned better at the air-water interface than conventional surfactants. The adsorption properties for the three surfactants were similar to those of polyoxyethylene glycol alkyl ethers.  相似文献   

The process of preparing oil palm seed for planting generates vast quantities of waste pulp. The pulp (ca 80% oil), for which no use has been found, is indiscriminately dumped because either reprocessing it into a useful product or disposing of it properly is expensive. In situ transesterification of the pulp with methanol and ethanol using sulfuric acid as catalyst was carried out on a laboratory scale. Our aim was to develop a process to recover the largely hydrolytically degraded oil (PV, 25–26; FFA, 25–26%) from the pulp. Acid-catalyzed conversions of the oil into alkyl esters were 96–97% for both methanol and ethanol. The accompanying concentrations of FFA, TG, DG, and MG were low. The identities and proportions of FA ester in the alkyl esters reflected the FA content of the palm oil. The values for the esterified products of some fuel properties such as cloud point and viscosity were slightly below the general current specification. However, with optimization of the reaction conditions and simplification of some of the technical aspects, the waste pulp could be a good source of alkyl esters for both oleochemical and fuel applications.  相似文献   

Roy A  Guha N  Veras ID  Chakraborty S  Haldar D 《Lipids》2003,38(9):965-972
The purpose of this investigation was to determine how polymyxin B stimulates the activity of mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase. Polymyxin B did not change the integrity of the mitochondrial outer membrane as judged by testing the latency (>80%) of cytochrome oxidase activity. The stimulation totally disappeared when polymyxin B-treated mitochondria were washed. The FA side chain in polymyxin B was unnecessary for stimulation, as the nonapeptide was as effective as the whole antibiotic. The stimulation by polymyxin B or the nonapeptide was observed only in the presence of BSA. Cytochrome c, when added to the incubation medium instead of albumin, did not stimulate the mitochondrial enzyme, but did produce a stimulatory effect of polymyxin B on the mitochondrial acyltransferase. As reported earlier for the bacterial and microsomal acyltransferase, other polycationic compounds such as spermine and spermidine stimulated mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase. The stimulation of the mitochondrial acyltransferase by spermine and spermidine also occurred only in the presence of BSA. The analysis of the products of esterification demonstrated the presence of more lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in the polymyxin B-and polyamine-stimulated assays in comparison to their respective control. Furthermore, in comparison to the albumin-treated control, there was 60% more LPA present in the assay supernatant fractions of polymyxin B-treated samples. Our results suggest that polymyxin B stimulates the mitochondrial glycerophosphate acyltransferase activity by enhancing the extraction of more LPA from the mitochondria to the supernatant fraction.  相似文献   

A new fatty acid, (5Z,9Z)-22-methyl-5,9-tetracosadienoic acid (1a), and a rare fatty acid, (5Z,9Z)-23-methyl-5,9-tetracosadienoic acid (2a), the predominant constituents of the free fatty acid fraction from the lipids of the sponge Geodinella robusta, were isolated and partly separated by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography, followed by multifold crystallization from MeOH to give 1a and 2a in 70% and 60% purity, respectively. These fatty acids were identified as (5Z,9Z)-22-and (5Z,9Z)-23-methyl-5,9-tetracosadienoic acids by nuclear magnetic resonance techniques, including distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer, heteronuclear multiple quantum connectivity, and correlation spectroscopy experiments, as well as from mass-spectrometric data for their methyl esters, the methyl esters of their perhydro derivatives, and their pyrrolidides. Mixtures of 1a and 2a showed cytotoxic activity against mouse Ehrlich carcinoma cells and a hemolytic effect on mouse erythrocytes. The sterol fraction from the same sponge was analyzed by gas liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, and 24-methylenecholesterol was identified as a main constituent of this fraction. The implications of the co-occurrence of membranolytic long-chain fatty acids and 24-methylenecholesterol as a main membrane sterol are discussed in terms of the phenomenon of biochemical coordination.  相似文献   

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) is a popular medicinal plant distributed widely in North America. The rhizome, rootlets, and root hairs produce medicinally active alkaloids. Berberine, one of the Hydrastis alkaloids, has shown antifungal activity. The influence of a combination of the major Hydrastis alkaloids on the plant rhizosphere fungal ecology has not been investigated. A bioassay was developed to study the effect of goldenseal isoquinoline alkaloids on three Fusarium isolates, including the two species isolated from Hydrastis rhizosphere. The findings suggest that the Hydrastis root extract influences macroconidia germination, but that only the combined alkaloids—berberine, canadine, and hydrastine—appear to synergistically stimulate production of the mycotoxin zearalenone in the Fusarium oxysporum isolate. The Hydrastis root rhizosphere effect provided a selective advantage to the Fusarium isolates closely associated with the root tissue in comparison with the Fusarium isolate that had never been exposed to Hydrastis.  相似文献   

The sandalwood kernels of Santalum insulare (Santalaceae) collected in French Polynesia give seed oils containing significant amounts of ximenynic acid, E-11-octadecen-9-oic acid (64–86%). Fatty acid (FA) identifications were performed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) of FA methyl esters. Among the other main eight identified fatty acids, oleic acid was found at a 7–28% level. The content in stearolic acid, octadec-9-ynoic acid, was low (0.7–3.0%). An inverse relationship was demonstrated between ximenynic acid and oleic acid using 20 seed oils. Results obtained have been compared to other previously published data on species belonging to the Santalum genus, using multivariate statistical analysis. The relative FA S. insulare composition, rich in ximenynic acid is in the same order of those given for S. album or S. obtusifolium. The other compared species (S. acuminatum, S. lanceolatum, S. spicatum and S. murrayanum) are richer in oleic acid (40–59%) with some little differences in linolenic content.  相似文献   

Derivatives of 2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)cyclopropanecarboxylic acid (chrysanthemic acid) are classic natural pyrethroids discovered in pyrethrum plants and show insecticidal activity. Chrysanthemic acid, with two asymmetric carbons, has four possible stereoisomers, and most natural pyrethroids have the (1R,3R)-trans configuration. Interestingly, chrysanthemic acid–related structures are also found in insect sex pheromones; carboxylic esters of (1R,3R)-trans-(2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)cyclopropyl)methanol (chrysanthemyl alcohol) have been reported from two mealybug species. In the present study, another ester of chrysanthemyl alcohol was discovered from the striped mealybug, Ferrisia virgata (Cockerell), as its pheromone. By means of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, and high-performance liquid chromatography analyses using a chiral stationary phase column and authentic standards, the pheromone was identified as (1S,3R)-(?)-cis-chrysanthemyl tiglate. The (1S,3R)-enantiomer strongly attracted adult males in a greenhouse trapping bioassay, whereas the other enantiomers showed only weak activity. The cis configuration of the chrysanthemic acid–related structure appears to be relatively scarce in nature, and this is the first example reported from arthropods.  相似文献   

Rezanka T  Siristova L  Melzoch K  Sigler K 《Lipids》2011,46(3):249-261
Identification of molecular species of various N-acylated bacteriohopanehexol-mannosamides from the thermophilic bacterium Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris by semipreparative HPLC and by RP-HPLC with ESI is described. We used triple-quadrupole type mass spectrometer, 1H and 13C NMR for analyzing this complex lipid. CD spectra of two compounds (model compound—7-deoxy-d-glycero-d-allo-heptitol obtained by stereospecific synthesis, and an isolated derivative of hopane) were also measured and the absolute configuration of both compounds was determined. On the basis of all the above methods, we identified the full structure of a new class of bacteriohopanes, represented by various N-acylated bacteriohopanehexol-mannosamides.  相似文献   

Avato P  Rosito I  Papadia P  Fanizzi FP 《Lipids》2005,40(10):1051-1056
As a continuation of our study on plants of the Sapindaceae, the chemical composition of the oil extracted from seeds of Allophylus natalensis (Sonder) De Winter and of A. dregeanus (Sonder) De Winter has been investigated. The oil from both species contained approximately equal amounts of TAG and type I cyanolipids (CL), 1-cyano-2-hydroxymethylprop-2-en-1-oldiesters, with minor amounts of type III CL, 1-cyano-2-hydroxymethylprop-1-en-3-ol-diesters. Structural investigation of the oil components was accomplished by chemical, chromatographic (TLC, CC, GC, and GC-MS), and spectroscopic (IR, NMR) means. GC and GC-MS analysis showed that C20 FA were dominant in the CL components of the oil from the two species (44–80% vs. 21–26% in TAG), with cis-11-eicosenoic acid (36–46%) and cis 13-eicosenoic acid (paullinic acid, 23–37%) as the major esterified fatty acyl chains in A. natalensis and A. dregeanus, respectively. cis-Vaccenic acid was particularly abundant (11–31%) in the CL from A. dregeanus, whereas eicosanoic acid (10–22%) was also a major component of CL in both species.  相似文献   

In this study, we synthesized the new kinds of semiconducting polymeric gels having negative (n-type) and positive (p-type) counter ions as charge carriers. The polyacrylamide gel was doped with pyranine (8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt), having \textSO3 - {\text{SO}}_{3}^{ - } ions as side groups and Na+ as counter ions, so-called p-type semiconducting gel. The doping process was performed during the polymerization where the pyranine binds to the polymer strands over OH group chemically via radical addition. In a similar way, N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPA) gel was doped with methacrylamidopropyltrimethyl ammonium chloride (MAPTAC), having Cl as counter ions, so-called n-type semiconducting gel. Here MAPTAC was embedded by copolymerization within the polymer network (NIPA). These semiconducting gels can show different electrical properties by changing the concentration of the doping agents, swelling ratio etc. We have shown that the pn junction, formed by combining p-type and n-type gels together in close contact, rectifies the current similar to the conventional Si and Ge diodes.  相似文献   

The hydrocarbons (3Z,6Z,9Z)-3,6,9-octadecatriene (3Z,6Z,9Z-18:H) and (3Z,6Z,9Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene (3Z,6Z,9Z-19:H) constitute the pheromone of the winter moth, Erannis bajaria. These compounds belong to a large group of lepidopteran pheromones which consist of unsaturated hydrocarbons and their corresponding oxygenated derivatives. The biosynthesis of such hydrocarbons with an odd number of carbons in the chain is well understood. In contrast, knowledge about the biosynthesis of even numbered derivatives is lacking. We investigated the biosynthesis of 3Z,6Z,9Z-18:H by applying deuterium-labeled precursors to females of E. bajaria followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis of extracts of the pheromone gland. A mixture of deuterium-labeled [17,17,18,18-2H4]-3Z,6Z,9Z-18:H and the unlabeled 3Z,6Z,9Z-18:H was obtained after topical application and injection of (10Z,13Z,16Z)-[2,2,3,3-2H4]-10,13,16-nonadecatrienoic acid ([2,2,3,3-2H4]-10Z,13Z,16Z-19:acid) or (11Z,14Z,17Z)-[3,3,4,4-2H4]-11,14,17-icosatrienoic acid ([3,3,4,4-2H4]-11Z,14Z,17Z-20:acid). These results are consistent with a biosynthetic pathway that starts with α-linolenic acid (9Z,12Z,15Z-18:acid). Chain elongation leads to 11Z,14Z,17Z-20:acid, which is shortened by α-oxidation as the key step to yield 10Z,13Z,16Z-19:acid. This acid can be finally reduced to an aldehyde and decarbonylated or decarboxylated to furnish the pheromone component 3Z,6Z,9Z-18:H. A similar transformation of 11Z,14Z,17Z-20:acid yields the second pheromone component, 3Z,6Z,9Z-19:H.  相似文献   

Few studies report the individual effect of 9c,11t- and 10t,12c-CLA on human energy metabolism. We compared the postprandial oxidative metabolism of 9c,11t- and 10t,12c-CLA and oleic acid (9c-18:1) in 22 healthy moderately overweight volunteers. After 24 weeks supplementation with 9c,11t-, 10t,12c-CLA or 9c-18:1 (3 g/day), subjects consumed a single oral bolus of the appropriate [1-13C]-labeled fatty acid. 8 h post-dose, cumulative oxidation was similar for 9c-18:1 and 10t,12c (P = 0.66), but significantly higher for 9c,11t (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

The autoxidation processes of the cis-9,trans-11 (c9,t11) and trans-10,cis-12 (t10,c12) isomers of CLA were separately observed at ca. 0% RH and different temperatures. The t10,c12 CLA oxidized faster than the c9,t11 isomer at all tested temperatures. The first half of the oxidation process of t10,c12 CLA obeyed an autocatalytic-type rate expression, but the latter half followed first-order kinetics. On the other hand, the entire oxidation process of c9,t11 CLA could be expressed by the autocatalytic-type rate expression. The apparent activation energies and frequency factors for the autoxidation of the isomers were estimated from the rate constants obtained at various temperatures based on the Arrhenius equation. The apparent activation energies for the CLA isomers were greater than those for the nonconjugated n−6 and n−3 PUFA or their esters. However, the enthalpyentropy compensation held during the autoxidation of both the CLA and PUFA. This suggested that the autoxidation mechanisms for the CLA and PUFA were essentially the same.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous BCL biocatalyst based on the recombinant extracellular lipase from the thermophilic bacteria Geobacillus stearothermophilus G3 with an activity of 23.6 U.A./g was prepared by covalent immobilization on aminated silica gel. The effect of the solvent, temperature (30–60°C), methanol : oil molar ratio (1 : 1 to 9 : 1), and the amounts of water (1–10%) and catalyst (0.25–25%) on the yield of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) during the methanolysis of sunflower oil with BCL was studied. The maximum yield of FAME was 43%. The biocatalyst exhibits high operational stability: after 480 h of operation (20 cycles), it retains more than 50% of its original activity, making BCL a promising catalyst for application in manufacturing of FAME as feedstock for biodiesel production.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of the seed oil of 19 wild legume species from southern Spain was analyzed by gas chromatography. The main seed oil fatty acids ranged from C14:0 to C20:0. Among unsaturated fatty acids, the most abundant were linoleic, oleic and linolenic acids, except for Lathyrus angulatus, L. aphaca, L. clymenum, L. sphaericus and L. nigricans where C18:3 contents were higher than C18:1 contents. Palmitic acid was the most abundant saturated acid in studied species, ranging from 11.6% in Lathyrus sativus to 19.3% in Lens nigricans. All studied species showed higher amounts of total unsaturated fatty acids than saturated ones. Among studied species, the ω6/ω3 ratio was variable, ranging from 2.0% in L. nigricans to 13.8% in L. sativus, there being eight species in which the ω6/ω3 ratio was below 5. The fatty acids observed in these plants supports the use of these plants as a source of important dietary lipids.  相似文献   

Purification of arachidonic acid (AA) from Mortierella alpina single-cell oil was attempted. The process comprised three steps: (i) preparation of FFA by nonselective hydrolysis of the oil with Alcaligenes sp. lipase; (ii) elimination of long-chain saturated FA from the resulting FFA by urea adduct fractionation; and (iii) enrichment of AA through lipase-catalyzed selective esterification with lauryl alcohol (LauOH). In the third step, screening of industrially available lipases indicated that Burkholderia cepacia lipase (Lipase-PS, Amano Enzyme Inc., Aichi, Japan) acted on AA more weakly than on other FA and was the most effective for enrichment of AA in the FFA fraction. When the FFA obtained by urea adduct fractionation were esterified with 2 molar equivalents of LauOH at 30°C for 16 h in a mixture with 20% water and 20 units (U)/g-mixture of Lipase-PS, the esterification reached 39% and the content of AA in the FFA fraction was raised from 61 to 86 wt%. To further increase the content of AA, unesterified FFA were allowed to react again under the same conditions as those in the first selective esterification except for the use of 50 U/g Lipase-PS. A series of procedures raised the content of AA to 97 wt% with a 49% recovery based on the initial content in the single-cell oil. These results indicated that the three-step process for selective esterification with Lipase-PS was effective for purifying AA from the single-cell oil.  相似文献   

Two tunicates (Fudistoma bituminis and Cystodytes violatinctus, family Polycitoridae) were investigated for the FA content of their phospholipids. GC-MS analysis of their methyl esters and N-acyl pyrrolidides revealed 40 FA in E. bituminis, and 26 in C. violatinctus. In both cases, the most abundant FA were the saturated ones (C10 to C18). Cystodytes violatinctus contained considerable oleic acid (20%). Both E. bituminis and C. violatinctus contained phytanic acid and Δ10-unsaturated FA, which had not previously been found in such organisms. The two tropical tunicates contained only trace amounts of PUFA, which are usually predominant in this phylum.  相似文献   

Ethanolic extract of aerial parts of Artemisia annua L. and artemisinin were evaluated as anti-insect products. In a feeding deterrence assay on Epilachna paenulata Germ (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) larvae, complete feeding rejection was observed at an extract concentration of 1.5 mg/cm2 on pumpkin leaf tissue. The same concentration produced a feeding inhibition of 87% in Spodoptera eridania (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). In a no-choice assay, both species ate less and gained less weight when fed on leaves treated with the extract. Complete mortality in E. paenulata and 50% mortality in S. eridania were observed with extract at 1.5 mg/cm2. Artemisinin exhibited a moderate antifeedant effect on E. paenulata and S. eridania at 0.03–0.375 mg/cm2. However, a strong effect on survival and body weight was observed when E. paenulata larvae were forced to feed on leaves treated at 0.03 and 0.075 mg/cm2. Artemisia annua ethanolic extract of aerial parts at 1.5 mg/cm2 showed no phytotoxic effect on pumpkin seedlings.  相似文献   

In batch chromatography, solvent-gradient operations (SG) produce significant improvement in terms of the enrichment of products and the separation time and the solvent consumption as compared with isocratic operations. This work studied solvent-gradient operation in reversed-phase simulated moving bed unit to separate ortho-xylene and para-xylene. In a solvent-gradient mode, different mobile phase compositions lead to a different retention behavior of solutes, i.e., different adsorption isotherms. Frontal analysis experiments for ortho-xylene and para-xylene were carried out with a reversed-phase column to measure adsorption parameters at several different mobile phase compositions, such as 45%, 50%, 60%, 75% and 90% acetonitrile. Therefore, the parameters in the retention model for solvent-gradient operation in the case of reversed-phase chromatography were estimated and applied to the design of an SMB system. A modified design method for solvent-gradient simulated moving bed chromatography (SG-SMB) was proposed. The robust operating conditions were obtained within the separation region on (φ R , φ E ) plane (φ R and φ E are the volumetric content of organic modifier in the raffinate and the extract streams, respectively). The performance results of isocratic and solvent-gradient SMB were compared. A partial-discard strategy and increasing of the solvent gradient level were also applied to improve the performance of the SG-SMB.  相似文献   

Gevuina avellana and Rosa rubiginosa proteins were evaluated for their potential food use. The proteins were sequentially separated into five fractions according to their solubilities in deionized water, 0.5 M NaCl, 70% (vol/vol) isopropyl alcohol, 50% (vol/vol) glacial acetic acid, and 0.1 M NaOH. The five fractionated protein groups were then characterized by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration chromatography to determine their M.W. profiles. Ninety-six percent of G. avellana total protein was solubilized in three extraction stages, and 88% of R. rubiginosa total protein was solubilized in one extraction stage. Albumins were the major protein fraction in G. avellana and glutelins-1 the most abundant in R. rubiginosa. The protein solubility profile determined over the pH range 1–12 showed minimal solubilities at pH 3–5 and pH 3–7 for G. avellana and R. rubiginosa, respectively. Electrophoretic studies revealed the existence of proteins composed of two major kinds of polypeptides linked together via disulfide bonds and with molecular masses ranging from 13 to 119 kDa. Gel filtration chromatography profiles of globulins and albumins were studied for both seeds. Isoelectric focusing showed an isoelectric point in the ranges of 4.5–6 and 3–6.5 for G. avellana and R. rubiginosa proteins, respectively.  相似文献   

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