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几何光学是信息工程(光电)专业的学生所面临的第一门专业基础课程。本文以培养学生的工程素质为出发点,探讨了几何光学教学的有关问题。作者在该课程的教学中结合工程实际的需要,向学生提出实际课题, 引导学生主动地学习,在现有资源的基础上寻找解决问题的正确方向,以团队合作的方式积极参与科研开发,描述自己的方案并与其他小组讨论。实践证明,这种教学方式在培养学生学习与发展的能力、分析问题与创造性地解决工程问题的能力等方面具有积极作用。  相似文献   

邓锡铭  郭弘  曹清 《中国激光》1995,22(7):523-528
利用微分几何方法研究光束传输。从三维黎曼流形的曲率出发,构造了一个复空间。它的流线能兼容几何光学与波动光学的信息。  相似文献   

几何光学是信息工程(光电)专业的学生所面临的第一门专业基础课程。本文以培养学生的工程素质为出发点,探讨了几何光学教学的有关问题。作者在该课程的教学中结合工程实际的需要,向学生提出实际课题,引导学生主动地学习,在现有资源的基础上寻找解决问题的正确方向,以团队合作的方式积极参与科研开发,描述自己的方案并与其他小组讨论。实践证明,这种教学方式在培养学生学习与发展的能力、分析问题与创造性地解决工程问题的能力等方面具有积极作用。  相似文献   

邓锡铭  郭弘  曹清 《中国激光》1995,22(8):607-613
利用微分几何方法研究光束传输。从黎曼三维流形的曲率出发,构造了一个复空间.它的流线能兼容几何光学与波动光学的信息。列举了复空间应用于光束传输的一些例子。  相似文献   

本文分析了新形势下光电信息科学与工程、测控技术与仪器专业对几何光学课程教学的新要求;调研了课程的教学现状;并就如何适应立德树人、新工科建设和工程教育认证的要求给出了课程在教学设计、教学内容、教学形式以及课程评价等方面改革的几点思考.  相似文献   

The transmission of a spherical or plane wave through an arbitrarily curved dielectric interface is solved by the geometrical optics theory. The transmitted field is proportional to the product of the conventional Fresnel's transmission coefficient and a divergence factor (DF), which describes the cross-sectional variation (convergence or divergence) of a ray pencil as the latter propagates in the transmitted region. The factor DF depends on the incident wavefront, the curvatures of the interface, and the relative indices of the two media. We give explicit matrix formulas for calculating DF, illustrate its physical significance via examples.  相似文献   

邓锡铭  郭弘  曹清 《中国激光》1996,23(9):837-842
引入一个复数空间(黎曼空间)和空间变换复数曲率ρs.利用该曲率与光束的波面曲率ρw相耦合所得的新的复数曲率ρc研究了傍轴光束传输的一些问题。  相似文献   

邓锡铭  郭弘  曹清 《中国激光》1996,23(4):320-327
利用厄米-高斯展开方法,讨论了傍轴光束传输的统计行为,得到了与传输统计行为等效的高斯光束的传输参数,这些结果可用于傍轴光束传输的几何化描写。  相似文献   

利用光流体模型 ,计算模拟了激光束的自聚焦传输特性 ,得到与实验相一致的结果。  相似文献   

Absober-lined chambers (ALC's) have been found useful for EMC measurements over an extremely wide frequency range. However, only limited information about the field structure inside ALC's can be efficiently determined by measurements, while the characteristics of the rough absorbing surface do not render their analysis amenable to formal methods. The computation of field structure as a function of various parameters must thus resort to empirical modeling. A simple computational technique presented here predicts fields inside ALC's to a good approximation. Use is made of the Geometrical Theory of. Optics (GO). The absorber material is empirically modeled by its reflectivity as a function of frequency and angle of incidence. To establish the validity of the technique, computed results are compared to measured data. The methodology is then extended to compute fields inside a variety of ALC configurations. A study of the effect of shape, size, and absorber characteristics on these fields is presented to demonstrate the utility of the technique as a tool for ALC design purposes.  相似文献   

邓锡铭  郭弘  曹清 《中国激光》1996,23(8):727-731
引用光流体模型[2]的光束径向能量的不变积分分别讨论了光束波面畸变和振幅分布不均匀对光束质量因子M2的影响;引入了光束质量因子的两种新定义,并讨论了这两个新质量因子与M2的关系。  相似文献   

本文讨论了背景为各向异性、不均匀的随机起伏电离层中高频电波的传播和散射问题。在几何光学近似下,给出了电子浓度不均匀体散射引起的高频电波的相位与振幅的起伏,并在此基础上,讨论了起伏的统计特性。结果表明,由各向异性引起的侧向偏移与极化效应对高频电波波场的起伏有显著的影响,往往不能忽略。  相似文献   

给出了用几何光学法计算双反射面天线方向图的求解过程,这种方法不但可以用于计算普通的反射面天线,而且可以用于计算特殊形状的双反射面天线。作为实例,用这种方法计算了环焦型椭圆波束天线和多波束抛物环面天线的方向图,实测结果和理论计算基本一致,从而验证了这种方法的正确性。  相似文献   

In the above paper, Lee et al. consider the refraction of waves at a curved dielectric interface between media of uniform refractive index. They quote an earlier paper by us [2], and infer that our results are either inadequate or incorrect. We should like to have the opportunity to state that we have no reason to doubt the validity of our results, which. in any case were independently verified by Jones [3], and to point out how the erroneous conclusions of Lee et al. arise.  相似文献   

The propagation of a field radiated by a vertical magnetic dipole located in a plane stratified medium is described in terms of rays obeying geometrical optics laws. This leads to a simple equation linking the field to the complex permittivity of each layer. This equation is then solved to obtain the real permittivity and the conductivity of each layer. In addition it is shown, by rigorously simulating measured values, that the knowledge of the phase of the field provides valuable information on the location of the interfaces.  相似文献   

We assess the accuracy and relevance of the numerical algorithms based on the principles of geometrical optics (GO) and physical optics (PO) in the analysis of reduced-size homogeneous dielectric lenses prone to behave as open resonators. As a benchmark solution, we use the Muller boundary integral equations (MBIEs) discretized with trigonometric Galerkin scheme that has guaranteed and fast convergence as well as controllable accuracy. The lens cross-section is chosen typical for practical applications, namely an extended hemiellipse whose eccentricity satisfies the GO focusing condition. The analysis concerns homogeneous lenses made of rexolite, fused quartz, and silicon with the size varying between 3 and 20 wavelengths in free space. We consider the 2D case with both - and -polarized plane waves under normal and oblique incidence, and compare characteristics of the near fields.  相似文献   

A general discussion of military applications of integrated optics and fiber optics is presented. Specific applications discussed are: 1) a multiterminal multiplexed data highway for aircraft and shipboard use; 2) optical fibers as tethers; 3) a 10.6-/spl mu/m heterodyne detector; and 4) integrated optical phased arrays.  相似文献   


Storage, interconnection, and processing are discussed. Various types of optical disks and page-oriented holographic memories are considered. It is shown that optical storage is advancing rapidly and holds the potential of hundreds of megabytes per second data rates from a single storage unit, which can provide many new opportunities for supercomputing. Module-to-module, board-to-board, and chip-to-chip interconnection and gate-to-gate communication are discussed. It is concluded that optical interconnection is, in many cases, superior to electronic interconnection and holds the key to the development of future electrooptic systems. Optical computing devices are discussed and various application areas where optical processing as well as storage and interconnection are expected to play a role in the future are considered. The authors believe that optical processing, while holding considerable promise, lags behind its electronic counterpart primarily due to the fact that digital optical device development is in its infancy. They predict near-term systems will be electrooptic, with each technology providing its strength to the problem at hand  相似文献   

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