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To treat technical problems of data acquisition,alarm management, and historical data archiving of radiation protection control system in Thorium Molten Salt Reactor, a network prototype system was designed based on experimental physics and industrial control system.Radiation level of many locations in Jiading campus of Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics is being continuously monitored, and boundaries of accelerator facilities and radiochemical areas are defined by the access control system. In this paper, we introduce the control system design,including human–machine interfaces, alarm system, historical data archiving system, and the software for access control. The software development followed the standard of Capability Maturity Model Integration(CMMIò) Level3, and the software had passed a third-party test, which indicated that the functionality and the reliability could fulfill the requirements of the radiation protection system. 相似文献
基于Oracle的合肥光源数据存档系统及初步应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
合肥光源数据存档系统用于存储合肥光源的束流运行参数、实时设备数据和故障报警记录等,是合肥光源控制系统中的重要组成部分。该系统采用存档软件RDB Channel Archiver的存档引擎从合肥光源控制系统的输入输出控制器获取数据,并存储到Oracle数据库中,通过JSP开发的网页对数据进行查询和统计,帮助运行和研究人员快捷高效地处理和分析数据,以满足合肥光源机器运行和研究的需要。 相似文献
A new X-ray absorption fine structure(XAFS)data-collection system based on the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System software environment has been established at the BL14W1 beamline of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The system provides for automatic sequential analysis of multiple samples for continuous high-throughput(HT) measurements. Specifically, 8 sample pellets are loaded into an alumina holder,and a high-precision two-dimensional translation stage is programmed to switch these samples automatically for collecting the XAFS spectrum of each sample in sequence.Experimenters implement HT measurements via a graphical user interface developed with Control System Studio.Finally, the successful operation of the HT XAFS system is demonstrated by running experiments on two groups of copper–ceria catalysts, each of which contains 8 different powder samples. 相似文献
上海光源(SSRF)工程采用一种新型数字BPM(Beam Position Monitor)处理器—Libera作为束流位置监测的主要设备,Libera的一些关键参数如分辨率、流强依赖性和填充模式依赖性需要在一个可靠高效的测试平台上完成测试,本文介绍了Libera自动测试系统的开发。该测试系统基于EPICS(Experimental Physicsand Industrial Controlsystem)和虚拟仪器技术,采用LabVIEW CA Library实现二者的跨平台数据访问,具有良好的重用性和友善的用户界面。目前该系统已经应用于上海光源工程的Libera验收测试。 相似文献
简述了钍基熔盐堆(TMSR)专项的园区在线辐射监测系统(MRP)中存档和报警两个子系统的软件架构,着重介绍了Oracle数据库在其中的应用。该系统采用EPICS软件架构完成显示、存档和报警等功能,实现辐射监测信息的分布式控制和集中管理。同时采用Oracle数据库完成存档和报警模块中的数据采集与存储,实现了该系统后台数据的统一管理。并在此基础上实现了快速查询历史数据、及时定位报警、报警历史数据浏览等功能,能够很好地满足辐射监测系统中对数据查询速度、报警定位速度的要求。 相似文献
实验控制和数据采集系统是实现非弹性X射线散射(IXS)实验的重要组成部分。根据实验原理和要求,完成了一种基于SPEC和EPICS的控制和数据采集系统。通过设计和编写SPEC宏定义,采用由SPEC读取EPICS过程变量的方法,将EPICS平台下的硬件控制整合到SPEC软件中,实现了电机控制、光子探测、单色器能量扫描和样品扫描等功能,并在上海光源BL15U1首次成功完成IXS实验。 相似文献
一种生物X射线小角散射光束线站自动换样溶液蠕动装置 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用同步辐射X射线小角散射技术可以研究溶液中蛋白质的结构信息。但是在实验过程中,高通量的X射线易造成蛋白质的辐射损伤,发生结构变化。本文介绍了一种自动换样溶液样品蠕动装置,在实验过程中利用Hamilton的PSD/4注射泵控制样品上下运动,减小单位体积照射时间以降低X射线对蛋白质的辐射损伤。此外,通过对注射泵、准直调节台和样品/缓冲液支撑台的协调控制实现了自动换样、回样和清洗功能,提高了实验效率。在上海光源生物X射线小角散射实验站进行了实验,通过对静止模式和蠕动模式下溶菌酶的散射曲线及回旋半径的测量,表明该装置可达到很好的防辐射损伤效果,实现了预期的样品蠕动装置功能。 相似文献
介绍了上海光源实验站面探测器图像数据的获取与处理系统设计。该系统应用Python语言及相关功能模块,实现了图像矩阵的获取、图像数据的处理和图像界面的显示。小角散射(SAXS)实验表明,该系统具有散射图像噪声去除、散射中心定位等核心功能。测试结果表明,该系统不仅完善了现有光束线站的控制和数据获取系统,而且为开展多种实验方法的图像在线处理打下了基础。 相似文献
上海光源(Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, SSRF)X射线小角散射(small angle X-ray scattering, SAXS)光束线站的常规样品台、掠入射样品台、变温热台的控制程序及数据采集程序均是在LabVIEW环境下开发的,而基于步进电机的狭缝控制系统等则是在分布式控制的EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)环境下开发的。由于开发和运行环境不同,这些设备在联动控制时不可避免地存在网络延时的缺陷。本工作在EPICS环境下对运动控制、探测器数据采集和光强检测等控制进行集成,形成了统一的用户操作界面,操作简单,能极大提高实验效率,并在SAXS实验站得到了稳定应用。 相似文献
介绍了上海同步辐射光源的X射线光束位置测量系统的控制和数据获取,具体描述了位置测量系统的控制和数据获取的总体设计、原理和软件系统,以及在上海同步辐射光源(SSRF)光束线线站的应用。 相似文献
This paper introduces the injection and extraction control system design for SSRF,which is a distributed control system aimed at stability and reliability of the pulse power supplies,PPS(Personnel Protection System)and MPS(Machine Protection System).The hardware environment is mainly based on PLC(Programmable Logic Con- troller),and ARM(Advanced RISC Machine)is also applied for studying stability of the power supplies.WinCC and EPICS(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)have been selected as the platforms of SCADA(Super- visory Control and Data Acquisition).For unifying the interfacing to the control computer,all front-end equipments are connected via Industrial Ethemet. 相似文献
一套用于激光多步共振电离截面测量的多定标数据获取系统 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文主要介绍了一套应用于激光多步共振电离截面测量的CAMAC多定标数据获取系统.它可以实现严格同步采集多个实验参数,并能灵活适应实验条件的宽范围变化.CAMAC前端的定标器数目可通过更改数据读出表文件来任意增减;获取方式分为自动重复获取和手动单次获取;获取时间单位可在1ms-800s范围内调节.经过测试得到,本数据获取系统的获取时间单位选择100s时长时间工作的稳定性(△t/t)好于±0.01%,充分证实了该套数据获取系统长时间在线采集实验数据的可靠性.最后利用这套系统同步测量了三台热电偶激光功率探头的功率-响应时间曲线. 相似文献
氡吸入染毒对大鼠肺组织的DNA氧化损伤效应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究吸入放射性气体氡及其子体对大鼠肺组织的DNA损伤效应.采用雄性Wistar大鼠16只,随机分为4组,每组4只.动物整体暴露于多功能生态氡室,吸入氡及其子体的累积剂量分别达到64、121和236工作水平月(Working level month,WLM).激光共聚焦检测肺泡灌洗液(BALF)细胞内活性氧(Reacti... 相似文献
Seok Cho Chul-Hwa Song Choon-Kyong Park Hwan-Yeol Kim Won-Pil Baek 《Nuclear Engineering and Design》2008,238(7):1525-1534
KAERI has performed a series of experiments to investigate the performance of a prototype sparger for the APR1400 in view of a dynamic load oscillation with a variation of the test conditions such as a discharged air mass, a submergence of the sparger, the valve opening time, and the pool temperature during an air clearing phase. The air mass and pool temperature are in the range of 0.8–1.5 kg and 20–90 °C, respectively. The valve opening time can be adjusted within the range of 0.6–1.8 s. The maximum positive pressure amplitude, which is observed at the bottom of the quenching tank, is increased with the maximum header pressure of the sparger. The valve opening time has a considerable effect on the maximum amplitude. As the opening time decreases, the maximum amplitude at the tank wall is increased. Air mass and pool temperature, however, have a weak effect on the maximum amplitude. Oscillation frequency is decreased with an increase of the air mass in the range of 2.5–4.5 Hz. 相似文献