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Sagias N.C. Zogas D.A. Karagiannidis G.K. 《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》2005,54(6):2146-2151
The performance of selection combining (SC) receivers operating over independent, but not necessarily identically distributed, Weibull fading channels is studied. A novel closed form expression for the moments of the SC output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is derived, which is used to study the corresponding average output SNR and amount of fading. Second-order statistical parameters such as the average level crossing rate and average fade duration at the output of the SC are also obtained in closed form. Moreover, the average symbol error probability for several coherent and noncoherent modulations schemes as well as the Shannon capacity are extracted in terms of the tabulated Meijer's G-function. Simulations are also performed to validate the proposed formulation. 相似文献
In this letter, a detailed performance analysis of generalized selection combining GSC(2,3) receivers operating over independent but not necessarily identically distributed (n.i.d.) generalized-K (KG) fading channels is presented. For this class of receivers, a novel closed-form expression for the moments of the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is derived. This result can be afterwards used to evaluate the outage probability and the average symbol error probability of different signal constellations. Various performance evaluation results are also presented and compared to equivalent simulation ones. 相似文献
Karagiannidis G.K. Zogas D.A. Sagias N.C. Kotsopoulos S.A. Tombras G.S. 《Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2005,4(3):841-846
We study the performance of L-branch equal-gain combining (EGC) and maximal-ratio combining (MRC) receivers operating over nonidentical Weibull-fading channels. Closed-form expressions are derived for the moments of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the output of the combiner and significant performance criteria, for both independent and correlative fading, such as average output SNR, amount of fading and spectral efficiency at the low power regime, are studied. We also evaluate the outage and the average symbol error probability (ASEP) for several coherent and noncoherent modulation schemes, using a closed-form expression for the moment-generating function (mgf) of the output SNR for MRC receivers and the Pade/spl acute/ approximation to the mgf for EGC receivers. The ASEP of dual-branch EGC and MRC receivers is also obtained in correlative fading. The proposed mathematical analysis is complimented by various numerical results, which point out the effects of fading severity and correlation on the overall system performance. Computer simulations are also performed to verify the validity and the accuracy of the proposed theoretical approach. 相似文献
《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2014,68(6):569-572
An expression of characteristic function of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for two waves with diffused power (TWDP) fading channel is derived. Using this expression, the expression for the probability density function (PDF) of the output SNR of maximal ratio combining (MRC) receiver is obtained. Expressions for the performance matrix of MRC receiver over TWDP fading channels are also deduced. PDF based approach is followed to derive expressions of outage probability and average symbol error rate for coherent and non-coherent m-ary modulation schemes. Effects of the number of branches M and the fading parameters K and Δ on the system performance are studied. The results obtained are verified by Monte Carlo simulation. 相似文献
Generalized Gamma (GG) distribution is a generic model that covers many well-known fading distributions as special cases. This paper deals with the performance analysis of L-branch equal gain combining (EGC) receivers operating over GG fading channels. For these receivers and by using convergent infinite series approach, the probability of error (Pe) can be formulated in the form of an infinite series. The coefficients of Pe series can be derived by calculating complicated integrations over the fading envelope distribution. In this paper, it is shown that the required integrations for the case of GG distribution have a complex closed-form in terms of Meijer's G function, and then, a new approximation method is developed for computation of them. The proposed method only needs mean and variance of the fading envelope; hence it has low complexity and eliminates the need for calculation of complex functions. The presented numerical examples show that the developed method can approximate the required parameters and also the individual coefficients accurately and this accuracy increases with the increase of L. The proposed method is applied to analyze the probability of error performance of the L-branch EGC receiver with both coherent phase shift keying (CPSK) and frequency shift keying (CFSK) modulation schemes under different GG channel conditions. Also the effect of gain unbalance between diversity branches on the probability of error is investigated. 相似文献
A versatile envelope distribution which generalizes several commonly used fading models is the generalized Gamma (GG) distribution. This letter deals with the performance analysis of switch and stay combining (SSC) receivers operating over not necessarily identical GG fading channels. For these receivers, novel analytical expressions for the moments of the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (including average SNR and amount of fading), outage probability, average bit error probability (ABEP), and Shannon average spectral efficiency (ASE) are derived. Moreover, closed-form expressions are obtained for the optimal average SNR, ABEP, and ASE switching thresholds. Special cases of the derived expressions agree with known results. 相似文献
Bit-error probability (BEP) analysis for linear multiuser receivers with multiple sensors in frequency selective Rayleigh fading channels is presented. The analysis is applied to evaluate the BEP in antenna diversity reception and in a cellular CDMA system. Diversity and multiuser receivers are compared based on the examples. It is observed that adding new diversity antenna elements improves performance even if the correlation between the antenna elements is relatively large (up to 0.7). However, the large correlation values pose a significant reduction in the diversity gain in comparison to the zero correlation. It is also seen that the macroscopic diversity improves the performance of receivers significantly in cellular CDMA networks. When comparing diversity and multiuser receivers it is concluded that multiuser receivers are necessary to provide low BEPs. It is also highly beneficial to have at least two diversity antennas available, in particular, if there is no multipath diversity provided by the channel. The results also show that the reduction of intercell multiple-access interference yields a significant performance advantage in cellular networks. It is also demonstrated that the combination of spatial diversity and a multiuser receiver provides a significant receiver performance or system capacity gain in comparison to implementing only one of them 相似文献
The performance of the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receiver for the detection of direct sequence code division multiple access is considered in various fading channel models. Several modifications to the basic MMSE receiver structure which have been previously proposed for use on nonselective fading channels are reviewed and shown to represent different approximations to a single common form. The performance of this general structure is analyzed as well as various extensions suitable for frequency-selective fading channels. Particular attention is given to the performance advantage gained through knowledge of the fading parameters of the various transmission paths of each user's signal. It is shown that having this knowledge is not particularly useful on a flat fading channel unless the loading is very heavy and even then the difference in performance is only minimal. On the other hand, having this knowledge is crucial in a multipath fading channel and the inability to learn the fading channel parameters will lead to substantial degradation in capacity. A heuristic explanation to support this result based on a dimensionality argument is also presented. 相似文献
Sagias N.C. Karagiannidis G.K. Zogas D.A. Mathiopoulos P.T. Tombras G.S. 《Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2004,52(7):1063-1067
Ascertaining the importance of the dual selection combining (SC) receivers and the suitability of the Weibull model to describe mobile fading channels, we study the performance of a dual SC receiver over correlated Weibull fading channels with arbitrary parameters. Exact closed-form expressions are derived for the probability density function, the cumulative distribution function, and the moments of the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Important performance criteria, such as average output SNR, amount of fading, outage probability, and average bit-error probability for several modulation schemes are studied. Furthermore, for these performance criteria, novel closed-form analytical expressions are derived. The proposed analysis is complemented by various performance evaluation results, including the effects of the input SNR's unbalancing, fading severity, and fading correlation on the overall system's performance. Computer simulation results have verified the validity and accuracy of the proposed analysis. 相似文献
This letter focuses on the performance analysis of the decorrelating receiver in multipath Rician faded CDMA channels. M-ary QAM scheme is employed to improve the spectral efficiency. Approximate expressions are first derived for the two performance indexes: the average symbol error rate (SER) and the average bit error rate (BER) when the decorrelating-first receiver perfectly knows the channel information of the user of interest. To achieve desirable closed-form expressions of the SER and the BER, we exploit results in large system analysis and make assumptions of a high signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) and/or a small Rician K-factor. To measure the receiver performance in the practical scenario, we further derive expressions to approximate the average SER and BER of the decorrelating-first scheme with channel uncertainty. Simulation results demonstrate that the analytical results can also be employed to evaluate the performance of the combining-first receiver. 相似文献
本文研究频率选择性相关Nakagami衰落信道上采用最大比合并(MRC)分集接收的正交频分多路复用M进制正交幅度调制(OFDM-MQAM)系统.使用矩生成函数(MGF)方法和高斯超几何函数、Appell超几何函数或Lauricella函数,推导任意衰落参数频率选择性相关Nakagami衰落信道上MRC分集接收的OFDM-MQAM系统的误符号率(SER)性能,获得了OFDM-MQAM误符号率的一个新的解析表达式.数值计算结果阐明了多径路径数、Nakagami衰落参数和信道脉冲响应抽头间的相关系数对OFDM-MQAM误符号率性能的影响. 相似文献
Godugu Kiran Kumar Nallagonda Ashok Kumar Nallagonda Srinivas 《Wireless Networks》2020,26(4):2623-2638
Wireless Networks - Cognitive radio (CR) is developed as one of the important techniques to improve the utilization of the radio spectrum. A CR node shares the radio spectrum with a licensed... 相似文献
Mihajlo . Daniela M. Aleksandra M. Marjan M. 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2008,62(9):695-700
Selection diversity based on the signal to interference ratio (SIR) is a very efficient technique that reduces fading and channel interference influence. In this paper, system performances of selection combining and correlated Weibull channels are analyzed. Fading between the diversity branches and between interferers is correlated and Weibull distributed. Very useful closed-form expressions are obtained for the output SIR's probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function which is main contribution of this paper. Outage probability, the average output SIR, and the average error probability for coherent, noncoherent modulation are derived. Numerical results presented in this paper point out the effects of fading severity and correlation on the system performances. 相似文献
We study the problem of designing the optimal receiver for a dispersive channel and the optimal signals to be transmitted over a given dispersive channel. The assumed transmission channel is WSSUS (Wide Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scatterers), randomly time variant, so it is characterized by its scattering function. We study first the effective realization of the optimal receiver, given a scattering function, and we point out that the structure of the optimal receiver varies according to the discrete or continuous structure of the scattering function over the time frequency plane. We give some precise results in the case of multipath transmission and in the case of modulation-transmission.In a second part, we are interested in the signal design problem. Some new results are given which permit defining—in a way more direct than usual—the class of optimal signals for a given dispersive communication. 相似文献
In this letter, we present a moment generating function (MGF) based performance analysis of generalized selection combining (GSC) receivers operating over independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) K fading channels. Analytical expressions for the marginal MGF of the signal-to-noise ratio of a single diversity branch for integer plus one-half values of the fading parameter are obtained and used to efficiently evaluate the average error probability of GSC receivers. 相似文献
In this letter, we evaluate the performance of the dual-branch maximal ratio combining (MRC) diversity scheme in nonidentical correlated Weibull fading channels with arbitrary parameters. We first use the Pade/spl acute/ approximation (PA) to find closed-form rational expressions for the moment generating function (MGF) of the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the MRC receiver. Different performance measures, such as the outage probability and the average symbol-error rate for different linear modulations, are then presented using the well-known MGF approach. Furthermore, the effect of the input SNRs unbalancing, the severity of fading, and the degree of correlation on the system performance are also studied. Our results are validated by comparing them with computer simulations, and we show that the PA technique is indeed a convenient tool for such performance evaluation studies. 相似文献
This paper presents an improved upper bound on the performance of convolutionally coded systems over quasi-static fading channels (QSFC). The bound uses a combination of a classical union bound when the fading channel is in a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) state together with a new upper bound for the low SNR state. This new bounding approach is applied to both BPSK convolutional and turbo codes, as well as serially concatenated BPSK convolutional/turbo and space-time block codes. The new analytical technique produces bounds which are usually about 1 dB tighter than existing bounds. Finally, based on the proposed bound, we introduce an improved design criterion for convolutionally coded systems in slow flat fading channels. Simulation results are included to confirm the improved ability of the proposed criterion to search for convolutional codes with good performance over a QSFC. 相似文献