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A genetic algorithm approach is employed to obtain optimal placement of wind turbines for maximum production capacity while limiting the number of turbines installed and the acreage of land occupied by each wind farm. Specifically, three cases are considered—(a) unidirectional uniform wind, (b) uniform wind with variable direction, and (c) non-uniform wind with variable direction. In Case (a), 600 individuals are initially distributed over 20 subpopulations and evolve over 3000 generations. Case (b) has 600 individuals spread over 20 subpopulations initially and evolves for 3000 generations. Case (c) starts with 600 individuals spread over 20 subpopulations and evolves for 2500 generations. In addition to optimal configurations, results include fitness, total power output, efficiency of power output and number of turbines for each configuration. Disagreement with the results of an earlier study is observed and a possible explanation is provided.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates a simple method for evaluating the energy output of windgenerators of known main characteristics in a site of known wind typology. The method is based on the matching of a model of the WECS with the Weibull model of wind regime. To enter the method the following quantities must be known: Weibull shape parameter and mean wind speed, turbine diameter, hub height, cut-in and nominal wind speeds and nominal power. With these quantities one can enter a diagram that gives the value of the plant utilisation factor for any specific siting. An example shows how to make a choice among several models of small size.  相似文献   

During the operation of the German test field for small Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) on the island of Pellworm five wind turbines were tested following recommendations of the International Energy Agency (IEA) expert group. Possible errors in the estimation of a tested wind turbine's total energy output at a potential installation site are investigated. Different wind speed frequency distributions (the measured one, the Rayleigh and the two-parameter Weibull distribution) are used to calculate the total energy output. The differences between the various distributions are mostly below 10 per cent. An improvement of the energy output estimate by a Weibull-instead of a Rayleigh distribution was not found. It is also shown that the use of the recommended 10 min averages or any other average overestimates the WECS' efficiency, up to 14 per cent on average depending on turbulence intensity. Wind power instead of wind speed is the appropriate parameter for power performance testing. Spectra of wind power and electrical power output show three areas of different correlation. A resistance length for wind turbines is shown to be dependent on the WECS operation status.  相似文献   

F. Bet  H. Grassmann   《Renewable Energy》2003,28(1):71-78
When approaching a conventional wind turbine, the air flow is slowed down and widened. This effect causes a loss in the efficiency of the turbine. By creating a field of low pressure behind the turbine, this effect and the corresponding loss in efficiency can be avoided. In order to maintain this low pressure field, the air passing near, but not through the turbine needs to do work.Based on these considerations we have made a model of a wind turbine with a wing profiled ring around it. We present various fluidodynamical calculations in order to study the resulting increase in power and in order to estimate what the geometrical size of such an apparatus would need to be and whether it could be of advantage compared to conventional devices from an economic point of view.  相似文献   

Nowadays, wind energy plays a key role as a sustainable source of energy and wind turbines are a relevant source of power for many countries world-wide. In such a context, this paper investigates the technical and economic feasibility of small wind turbines for five of the main European Union countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and The Netherlands). Ten commercial turbines with rated power from 2.5 kW to 200 kW are evaluated considering their installation and operative conditions. Several parameters most affecting wind turbine performances are evaluated and the estimation of the annual cash flows during the expected plant life-time are determined as a function of both the installation location (wind speed probability distribution, national incentive scheme and tax level) and the wind turbine characteristics (rated power curve, maintenance, installation and shipping costs). The obtained data are presented and discussed through a parametric analysis based on the Net Present Value capital budget approach, showing the conditions making these systems profitable or non-profitable and explaining the relative motivations. Moreover, the analysis outcomes are further investigated highlighting the dependence of the turbine profitability from the considered parameters, including a comparative analysis among the five analyzed European countries.  相似文献   

Fault ride-through capability of DFIG wind turbines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper concentrates on the fault ride-through capability of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbines. The main attention in the paper is, therefore, drawn to the control of the DFIG wind turbine and of its power converter and to the ability to protect itself without disconnection during grid faults. The paper provides also an overview on the interaction between variable-speed DFIG wind turbines and the power system subjected to disturbances, such as short circuit faults. The dynamic model of DFIG wind turbine includes models for both mechanical components as well as for all electrical components, controllers and for the protection device of DFIG necessary during grid faults. The viewpoint of the paper is to carry out different simulations to provide insight and understanding of the grid fault impact on both DFIG wind turbines and on the power system itself. The dynamic behaviour of DFIG wind turbines during grid faults is simulated and assessed by using a transmission power system generic model developed and delivered by the Danish Transmission System Operator Energinet.dk in the power system simulation toolbox PowerFactory DIgSILENT. The data for the wind turbines are not linked to a specific manufacturer, but are representative for the turbine and generator type used in variable-speed DFIG wind turbines with pitch control.  相似文献   

New high profitable wind turbines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To generate more quantities of electric energy from wind it is necessary to use a new type of wind turbine built in the regulable mantle's nozzle. This wind turbine type replaces the free air stream from wind by a programmed, i.e. regulated, and partially concentrated stream of air. The nozzle shell is designed as an aerodynamically shaped ring with wings with its lower pressure side pointed towards the centre so that the lift force on each part of the wing is directed radially towards the centre. This induces centrifugal reaction force in the airflow that causes the stream field to expand strongly downstream of the rotor and includes a greater number of streamlines in the active stream in front of the rotor (upstream). Thus the nozzle forces a higher mass flow rate of air through the turbine. The higher mass flow and higher velocity reduction behind the rotor result in a higher energy output from the wind turbine in the nozzle. In this way the wind turbine efficiency is multiplied. New turbines induce more power from weaker and medium winds and their lasting time, because of the relation P=f(v3) (i.e. the power corresponds to wind velocity raised to third power). Wind turbine nozzle produces three times more energy than conventional wind turbine. Short economic analysis for conditions of the island of Lastovo indicates that profit gained by new turbines is up to five times higher than by conventional turbines. The new wind turbine nozzle should generate interest and demand on an international market, even for regions with weaker winds.  相似文献   

Dynamic control of wind turbines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents an intelligent wind turbine control system based on models integrating the following three approaches: data mining, model predictive control, and evolutionary computation. To enhance the control strategy of the intelligent system, a multi-objective model is proposed. The model involves five different objectives with different weights controlling the wind turbine performance. These weights are adjusted in response to the variable wind conditions and operational requirements. Three control factors, wind speed, turbulence intensity, and electricity demand are considered in eight computational scenarios. The performance of each scenario is illustrated with numerical results.  相似文献   

Ming Yang   《Energy Policy》2007,35(12):6546-6548
The development and prospects for wind power resources, technologies, investment, financing and banking, incentive policies, and operation and maintenance have become popular issues in wind power industry. An exhibition in May 2007 in Milan, Italy (EWEC 2007), with 229 stands on wind power technologies and techniques coinciding with the Conference, confirmed the popularity of these issues. Governments, International organisations, NGOs, universities, research institutions, and private sector are all paying attention to these issues. Developing countries, China and India in particular, are playing an increasingly important role in developing wind power. The EWEC 2007 confirmed that wind energy will make a substantial contribution to achieving the European Council's recently adopted target: 20% of EU energy consumption coming from renewables by 2020. The Chinese government also announced its new wind power development target: additional installation of new capacity of 5 GW in 2010 and 30 GW in 2020. It is evident that more and more wind turbines in both developed and developing countries will be driven by climate change.  相似文献   

In the present study, a novel procedure is introduced for the optimal placement and arrangement of wind turbines in a wind park. In this approach a statistical and mathematical method is used, which is called ‘Monte Carlo simulation method’. The optimization is made by the mean of maximum energy production and minimum cost installation criteria. As a test case, a square site is subdivided into 100 square cells that can be possible turbine locations and as a result, the program presents us the optimal arrangement of the wind turbines in the wind park, based on the Monte Carlo simulation method. The results of this study are compared to the results of previous studies that handle the same issue.  相似文献   

This paper presents a summary of the mechanical features and the medium term operating experience from three small horizontal axis wind energy conversion systems covering a range of 500 to 5000 Watt, intented for rural and isolated communities. These turbines have a new regulator which reduces gyroscopic loads, is easy to adjust and could be manufactured stronger and in smaller sizes than the conventional tail vanes. It is concluded that is feasible to build cheaps and reliable wind turbine generators with an acceptable efficiency employing common-use elements, but is needed a careful and optimized design.  相似文献   

Wind turbines are currently a rapidly expanding form of renewable energy. However, there are numerous technological challenges that must be overcome before wind energy provides a significant amount of power in the United States. One of the primary challenges in wind turbine design and analysis is accurately accounting for the aerodynamic environment. This study is focused on a comprehensive verification and validation of the NREL FAST code, which is enhanced to include a free vortex wake model. The verification and validation is carried out through a comparison of blade lift distribution, wind turbine power and force and moment coefficients using a combination of CFD and experimental data. The results are also compared against Blade Element Momentum theory, and results from a 2001 double-blind NREL study on the prediction capabilities of wind turbine modeling tools. Results indicate that the enhanced aeroelastic code generally provides improved predictions. However, in several notable cases the predictions are only marginally improved, or even worse, than those generated using Blade Element Momentum theory aerodynamics. It is concluded that modeling of the aerodynamic environment remains incomplete, even after inclusion of wake effects. One important aspect identified is modeling of the unsteady aerodynamic lift characteristics of the rotor. Finally, the aeroelastic response in the combined presence of wake effects and inflow turbulence is examined. Significant differences are observed in loads, power, and structural response between results computed using the free wake model or simpler models, such as Blade Element Momentum theory.  相似文献   

A review of power converter topologies for wind generators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wind energy conversion systems have become a focal point in the research of renewable energy sources. This is in no small part due to the rapid advances in the size of wind generators as well as the development of power electronics and their applicability in wind energy extraction. This paper provides a comprehensive review of past and present converter topologies applicable to permanent magnet generators, induction generators, synchronous generators and doubly fed induction generators. The many different generator–converter combinations are compared on the basis of topology, cost, efficiency, power consumption and control complexity. The features of each generator–converter configuration are considered in the context of wind turbine systems.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the hydrogen production from wind energy. It is motivated by the new regulations for wind farms that compel them to operate normally with idle generation capacity. The idea is to use the excess wind power to produce hydrogen. The operation of a proposed system configuration, which essentially consists in incorporating an electrolyzer between the electronic converters of a conventional wind turbine, is analyzed. In particular, the control requirements to simultaneously achieve the grid and electrolyzer specifications are investigated. In this context, a control strategy for the different operating modes of the system is developed.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the design requirements for medium-sized wind turbines intended for use in a remote hybrid power system. The recommendations are based on first-hand experience acquired at the University of Massachusetts through the installation, operation, and upgrade of a 250-kW turbine on a mountain top with difficult access in Western Massachusetts. Experience with the operation of this turbine and the design of its control system, together with a long history in the design and analysis of hybrid power systems, has made it possible to extend the work in Western Massachusetts to remote or hybrid power systems in general. The University test site has many attributes of more remote sites and the overall wind turbine installation is typical of one that could power a hybrid wind system. For example, access to the site is limited due to steep terrain, snow, and environmental restrictions. Also, the power lines feeding the turbine exhibit voltage sags and phase imbalance, especially during start-up. This paper is based on the experience gained from the operation of this wind turbine and assesses the requirements for the design and operation of medium to large wind turbines in remote locations. The work summarizes lessons learned relative to: (1) sensors, communication, and control capabilities; (2) grid connection issues; and (3) weather-related problems. The final section of the paper focuses on design requirements to ensure successful installation and the completion of maintenance and repairs at remote sites.  相似文献   

Innovatory designs for ducted wind turbines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ssu-Yuan Hu  Jung-Ho Cheng   《Renewable Energy》2008,33(7):1491-1498
Designs for conventional ducted wind turbines usually include a large inlet for more absorption of the airflow. However, the most efficient solution should be increasing the speed of wind. In this paper, a bucket-shape ducted wind turbine is proposed and studies show that a sucking effect can be produced according to the Bernoulli's principle, and this significantly increases the wind speed inside the duct and substantially enhances the efficiency of the wind turbine. Moreover, the geometry of the duct is optimized by the combination of an improved complex algorithm, an object-oriented optimizing program interface, and simulations by CFD software. According to the analyses, the optimal shape for the interior of the duct appears to be an unconventional nozzle, which extends the range of wind speed by 60%.Based on this bucket duct equipped with the optimal nozzle, we have practically designed and constructed a wind power generator. The results of the field tests show that the proposed ducted turbine does improve the flow around the generator and thus increase its power extraction efficiency by about 80%.  相似文献   

Since the blades are one of the most critical components of a wind turbine, representative samples must be experimentally tested in order to ensure that the actual performance of the blades is consistent with their specifications. In particular, it must be demonstrated that the blade can withstand both the ultimate loads and the fatigue loads to which the blade is expected to be subjected during its design service life. In general, there are basically two types of blade testing: static testing and fatigue (or dynamic) testing. This paper includes a summary review of different utility-scale wind turbine blade testing methods and the initial design study of a novel concept for tri-axial testing of large wind turbine blades. This new design is based on a blade testing method that excites the blade in flap-wise and edgewise direction simultaneously. The flap motion of the blade is caused by a dual-axis blade resonance excitation system (BREX). Edgewise motion is delivered by the use of two inclined hydraulic actuators and linear guide rail system is used to move the inclined actuators in the flap-wise direction along the blade motion. The hydraulic system and linear guide rail requirements are analyzed and an initial cost estimate of the proposed system is presented. Recommendations for future work on this proposed system are given in the final section of this work.  相似文献   

This paper gives a novel hybrid optimization method to find optimal sitting and operation of an autonomous MG at the same time. The operation is optimized via finding the optimal droop gain parameters of DGs. The optimization problem is formulated as a multi-objective problem where the objectives are applied to minimize the fuel consumption of DGs and to improve the voltage profile and stability of MG subject to operational and security constraints. A hybrid algorithm, named HS-GA, is developed to solve the paper optimization problem. A new formulation of power flow is derived to run the proposed algorithm where the steady state frequency of system, reference frequency, reference voltage and droop coefficients of DGs, based on a droop controller, are considered as optimization variables. The performance of the paper approach is compared with other optimization and non-optimization methods in MG with 33and 69 buses using MATLAB. The performance of the proposed method is compared with a method that the parameters of DGs are pre-determined without conducting any optimization process. The results show, which optimized droop parameters improves the operation of the MG.  相似文献   

As wind power generation undergoes rapid growth, new technical challenges emerge: dynamic stability and power quality. The influence of wind speed disturbances and a pitch control malfunction on the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid is studied for variable-speed wind turbines with different power-electronic converter topologies. Additionally, a new control strategy is proposed for the variable-speed operation of wind turbines with permanent magnet synchronous generators. The performance of disturbance attenuation and system robustness is ascertained. Simulation results are presented and conclusions are duly drawn.  相似文献   

The economic viability of producing baseload wind energy was explored using a cost-optimization model to simulate two competing systems: wind energy supplemented by simple- and combined cycle natural gas turbines (“wind+gas”), and wind energy supplemented by compressed air energy storage (“wind+CAES”). Pure combined cycle natural gas turbines (“gas”) were used as a proxy for conventional baseload generation. Long-distance electric transmission was integral to the analysis. Given the future uncertainty in both natural gas price and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions price, we introduced an effective fuel price, pNGeff, being the sum of the real natural gas price and the GHG price. Under the assumption of pNGeff=$5/GJ (lower heating value), 650 W/m2 wind resource, 750 km transmission line, and a fixed 90% capacity factor, wind+CAES was the most expensive system at ¢6.0/kWh, and did not break even with the next most expensive wind+gas system until pNGeff=$9.0/GJ. However, under real market conditions, the system with the least dispatch cost (short-run marginal cost) is dispatched first, attaining the highest capacity factor and diminishing the capacity factors of competitors, raising their total cost. We estimate that the wind+CAES system, with a greenhouse gas (GHG) emission rate that is one-fourth of that for natural gas combined cycle plants and about one-tenth of that for pulverized coal plants, has the lowest dispatch cost of the alternatives considered (lower even than for coal power plants) above a GHG emissions price of $35/tCequiv., with good prospects for realizing a higher capacity factor and a lower total cost of energy than all the competing technologies over a wide range of effective fuel costs. This ability to compete in economic dispatch greatly boosts the market penetration potential of wind energy and suggests a substantial growth opportunity for natural gas in providing baseload power via wind+CAES, even at high natural gas prices.  相似文献   

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