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新世纪伊始,知识经济正热切的期盼着人的素质的全面提高和实现高等教育大众化,呼唤着民族创新体系的建立;呼唤着终身教育体系的形成,为提高全民族的科学文化素质做出应有的贡献。1 知识经济时代的特征 知识经济是相对于农业经济和工业经济出现的新概念,是指建立在知识和信息的生产、分配和使用基  相似文献   

蛋白质是由氨基酸组成的,每个氨基酸分子都有一个α-氨基和一个α-羧基,一个氨基酸分子的α-氨基和另一个氨基酸分子的α-羧基脱水缩合成肽键。这些肽键连接形成肽,再以多肽链方式连接,即形成蛋白质分子。蛋白质分子间的多肽链可以无限延长,卷曲折叠成为紧密的螺旋状结构。在对主要由蛋白质组成的鸡蛋清进行比较剧烈的搅打时,蛋白质发生变  相似文献   

当食盐的用量占所用原料的1.5%左右时上浆的效果最好做过油类菜时,一般是先把肉片或肉丁上浆,浆在肉片表面形成一层保护膜,阻止肉片过油时水分流失,使肉片保持鲜嫩有光泽,炒出的菜好看又好吃。而上浆时,盐的用量很关键。当肉片在浆中搅拌时,盐可以在肉片表面生吃香椿须用开水烫有资料表明,平均每公斤香椿中含有30毫克以上亚硝酸盐,老叶中更是高达每公斤53.9毫克。这样高的含量,容易使人吃香椿时发生亚硝酸盐中毒,甚至诱发癌症。廊坊市卫生防疫站曹桂敏等人对吃香椿的方法进行了试验,结果发现,只用食用植物油放在暗处能延长食用…  相似文献   


豆腐渣也有营养人们都知道豆腐、豆浆中含有优质大豆蛋白,所以经常吃,却把做豆腐或豆浆时的副产品豆腐渣扔掉,这着实是一种很大的浪费。因为豆腐渣中不但含有一定数量的蛋白质、钙、磷、铁等营养成分,还富含被营养学家称作“第七营养素”的膳食纤维。青岛食品学校牛志新等人研究认为,1克膳食纤维能使人的粪便重量增加约15克,并且使粪便软化,促进肠道蠕动和排便,防止便秘。膳食纤维还可以促进肠道内的固醇类物质排出,降低人体血清胆固醇含量,预防和治疗老年性冠心病。营养学家已经证实,食物中的膳食纤维对防治心血管疾病和肠道癌…  相似文献   

多年来,化学纤维在多种不同领域的应用都有了急剧的增长,但是目前还没有一种理想的单一纤维可以满足所有的需求,这就导致了双组分纤维的出现。双组分纤维可以被设计以满足最终使用者的需求。  相似文献   

改革开放20多年来,我国食品工业取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,人民生活水平逐年提高。进入21世纪,人们的生活节奏不断加快,饮食生活也注入了新时代的气息,快捷、简约、美味、营养和优质的方便面迅速适应了这一新时代的发展要求,使方便面这一极富东方饮食特色的行业得到了空前的发展,并成为人们饮食生活中不可或缺的方便饮食之一。1我国方便面行业成就喜人从20世纪80年代开始,我国陆续从日本等国家和地区引进了全套方便面生产线,使这一产业无论是在整体的生产能力、技术水平和企业的经营规模上都得到了飞速发展。在方便面生产…  相似文献   

H Haenel 《Die Nahrung》1988,32(2):151-156
Nutrition habits in the 18th century are described using as examples a menu of the Prussian King, the weekly menu in the Potsdam military orphanage, and the daily ration for a soldier of the Prussian army. Due to the social and scientific progress the quality of nutrition has improved in many respects. Compared to past times there are today no deficiencies in energy and essential nutrients, if knowledge and behavior are in accord. Full employment, high purchasing power and stable prices for basic food are the premises for good nutrition. The wide-spread desire for a nutrition of high hedonic value connected with a broad food choice has nutritional advantages, but as well the potential disadvantage of overnutrition. The hygienic quality of food has probably never been as high as today.  相似文献   

目的 调查消费者保健食品知识、态度、行为(KAP)现状,探讨其相关影响因素,为保健食品科普工作的开展提供依据。方法 通过网络问卷对我国23省、4个直辖市的消费者开展保健食品KAP调查,并对科普工作者和保健食品从业人员的专业素养、工作意愿进行调查。结果 消费者保健食品知识的平均知晓率为45.30%,正确态度的平均持有率为67.92%,正确行为的平均具备率为44.86%。年龄、户籍、学历、从事行业等是影响保健食品KAP得分的因素,且知识、态度、行为得分两两之间存在正相关关系。科普工作存在科普力度不足、科普形式单一、科普内容片面等问题。结论 消费者保健食品知识、态度和行为整体水平偏低,应加大科普力度、增强科普趣味性,同时应遵循客观性原则科普保健食品功效。  相似文献   

Anthropometry--a technique, allowing to obtain the necessary features for the characteristic of human body's changes in norm and at pathology. Statistical analysis of anthropometric parameters, such as--body mass, length, waist line, hip, shoulder and wrist circumferences, skin rolls of fat thickness: on triceps, under a bladebone, on a breast, on a venter and on a biceps, with calculation of indexes and an assessment of possible age influence was carried out for the first time in domestic medicine. Complexes of showing interrelations anthropometric characteristics were detected. Correlation coefficients (r) were counted and the factorial (on a method main a component with the subsequent rotation--a varimax method), covariance and discriminative analyses (with application of the Kaiser and Wilks criterions and F-test) is applied. Study of intergroup variability of body composition was carried out on separate characteristics in healthy individuals groups (135 surveyed aged 45,6 +/- 1,2 years, 56,3% men and 43,7% women) and at internal pathology: patients after a gastrectomy--121 (57,7 +/- 1,2 years, 52% men and 48% women); after Billroth operation--214 (56,1 +/- 1,0 years, 53% men and 47% women); after enterectomy--103 (44,5 +/- 1,8 years, 53% men and 47% women); after mixed genesis protein-energy wasting--206 (29,04 +/- 1,6 years, 79% men and 21% women). The group of interlocking characteristics which includes anthropometric parameters of hypodermic lipopexia (rolls of fat thickness on triceps, a biceps, under a bladebone, on a venter) and fatty body mass was defined by results of the analysis. These characteristics are interconnected with age and growth and have more expressed dependence at women, that reflects development of a fatty component of a body, at assessment of body mass index at women (unlike men). The waist-hip circumference index differs irrespective of body composition indicators that doesn't allow to characterize it with the terms of truncal or extremal lipopexia. Importance of anthropometry complex application of was proved at epidemiological researches for healthy individuals and patients with various diseases. The revealed morphological features confirm the necessary of the development of this medical anthropology direction for clinic of internal diseases.  相似文献   

BackgroundContact lenses are gaining popularity in developing countries as an alternative to spectacles for the correction of refractive errors. It is needful, therefore, to generate information to guide the mode of practice, and assist the industry in developing products for the increasing contact-lenses-user population. The purpose of this study was to identify the demographic profile, as well as the knowledge, attitude to wear and care regimen of wearers of contact lenses in Ghana.MethodsIn a cross-sectional study, case folders of 87 users of contact lenses were selected from the database eye contact lenses practices. The folders were reviewed for the demographic profile, type, and purpose for which the contact lenses were prescribed. Forty-two (42) contact lenses users were then randomly surveyed, using a semi-structured questionnaire to collect information on their knowledge, lens wear regimen, and attitudes regarding lens hygiene. Chi-square test was used to test associations between demographics and lens wear variables.ResultsOut of the 87 cases reviewed, 46 (52.9%) were females and 41 (47.1%) males. Their ages ranged from 15 to 68 years with a mean age of 28.62 ± 9.38 years. The majority- 65 (75%) - were youthful (≤ 40 years), with the highest proportion of them - 46 (53%) - being between 20–29 years. The majority - 60 (68.9%) - had a tertiary level of education. Soft contact lenses were commonly worn by 68 (78.2%) users while 19 (21.8%) wore rigid gas permeable lenses. The purpose for wearing contact lenses included for vision correction – 46 (52.9%), followed by for cosmesis - 23 (26.4%) - and therapeutic reasons -18 (20.7%). The commonest refractive error corrected was myopia - 38 (43.7%), followed by astigmatism -19 (21.8%) and hyperopia 6 (6.9%). Among the 42 users who responded to the questionnaire, by proportion, the majority -17 users (40.5%) - were introduced to contact lenses by optometrists. All respondents reported previous symptoms associated with the use of their contact lenses, but slightly more than half, 25 (57.1%) did yearly follow-up visits.ConclusionThe majority of contact lenses used in Ghana are soft lenses, for the purpose of vision correction. The use of contact lenses was common among individuals in their early adulthood and those with tertiary education.  相似文献   

Nutrition knowledge is a prerequisite for processing nutrition-related information when making food choices. Insight into determinants of nutrition knowledge is important both for designing measures aimed at increasing levels of nutrition knowledge and for food industry attempting to position food products based on their nutritional properties. Shoppers recruited in the UK, Sweden, France, Germany, Poland and Hungary (total n = 5967) filled out a questionnaire measuring their nutrition knowledge with regard to dietary recommendations, sources of nutrients, and calorie content of food and drink products. Differences in the level of knowledge found were related to country, socio-demographic characteristics, attitude to healthy eating, and use of different sources of nutrition knowledge. Results showed that nutrition knowledge is multi-dimensional, with especially knowledge on calorie content being unrelated to the rest. Attitude to healthy eating and use of different information sources were weakly but significantly related to level of nutrition knowledge. Direct effects of socio-demographic characteristics were stronger, and inter-country differences were pronounced, with highest scores for the UK, suggesting that the history of health policies and nutrition-related initiatives taken by retailers and manufacturers, together with cultural differences, are a major factor affecting how people acquire knowledge about food and health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the smoking-related knowledge and attitudes of senior medical students and to compare knowledge and attitude changes in students exposed to four different smoking cessation skills training interventions. DESIGN: A survey questionnaire, assessing knowledge and attitudes, was administered pre- and post-intervention for each of the four intervention conditions. SUBJECTS: A cohort of 219 fifth-year medical students at the University of Sydney. INTERVENTIONS: Students were randomised into one of four intervention conditions: (1) a traditional didactic lecture mode (control group); (2) the use of role plays and audiotaped feedback; (3) role plays with peer feedback; and (4) video feedback. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Knowledge on morbidity and mortality associated with smoking, intervention strategies, intervention effectiveness, and cessation practices; anticipated clinical behaviour related to smoking; and attitudes towards medical practitioner involvement in smoking cessation. RESULTS: Smoking knowledge was significantly greater at post-test (mean unweighted scores of 69% before and 74% after intervention). All groups had improved knowledge levels at post-test. However, after controlling for pre-test differences, the control group, video feedback, and peer feedback groups were found to have improved significantly over the audio feedback group. Scores were higher on items related to morbidity and mortality and intervention effectiveness than for items on intervention strategies and cessation practices. Positive student attitudes towards their role in smoking cessation were also found. There was an almost universally held view that doctors can have a significant impact on reducing smoking levels. Although most students perceived smoking intervention to be a worthwhile activity, they remained pessimistic about the ease with which patients' smoking behaviour could be changed. CONCLUSIONS: Positive smoking cessation knowledge changes can be readily achieved through training. However, specific smoking cessation training is needed for medical trainees to develop appropriate skills and strategies. Attention to particular weaknesses related to specific intervention strategies and cessation practices is required to develop competence in this area and to maximise the chances of new medical graduates fully using the opportunities available to them.


Consumer education is one of the focus points to reduce foodborne illness within the food safety continuum "from farm to table." A survey was conducted to determine the food safety knowledge and practices of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program participants in Maricopa and Pima counties of Arizona. Two hundred sixty-eight surveys were completed between 1 January and 31 December 1998. Survey participants consisted of 222 (85%) females and 39 (15%) males with an average age and education level of 31.5 and 11.7 years, respectively. The racial characteristics of this group included 53% whites, 32% Hispanics, 22% African-Americans, and 7% other. A majority of the survey participants (67%) were either unsure or felt it was appropriate to let food cool to room temperature prior to refrigeration. In addition 56% were in disagreement with or unsure about the need to cool foods in shallow containers. Fifty-two percent of respondents reported having no previous formal food safety education; for those who had, work was the most common source. Television news was the primary source of current food safety information for 50% of respondents. The most commonly consumed high-risk (i.e., raw or undercooked animal food or food purchased from unlicensed vendor) food was unpasteurized dairy products. Women scored significantly better than men on food safety knowledge and practice test parameters. Participants over age 50 had significantly higher food safety practice scores than the youngest age group. The food safety knowledge score of whites was significantly higher than that of Hispanics. It was determined for all participants that the food safety knowledge score had a small, positive effect on food safety practice score.  相似文献   


为了研究乳化剂对全营养乳体外消化的影响,分别采用辛烯基琥珀酸淀粉颗粒(Octenyl succinic acid starch,OS)、玉米醇溶蛋白颗粒(Zein)和磷脂(Phospholipid,PL)作为乳化剂,通过剪切、高压均质制备三种全营养乳,然后利用pH-stat法模拟全营养乳体外消化,研究OS、Zein两种Pickering乳化剂和PL传统乳化剂对全营养乳消化特性的影响,测定了消化过程中全营养乳的粒径分布、zeta电位、微观结构和脂质消化速率。结果表明:模拟消化过程中,三种乳液的粒径均呈现先增大后减小的趋势;三种乳液的zeta电位绝对值均呈现先减小后增大的趋势,经消化后OS乳液、Zein乳液和PL乳液的电位值分别为:−14.53、−19.90、−18.80 mV,Zein乳液的油滴被脂肪酶水解的程度最大;Zein乳液、OS乳液和PL乳液最终游离脂肪酸的释放率分别为:20.54%、17.21%、14.29%,Pickering全营养乳的体外脂质消化速率高于传统全营养乳,有利于全营养乳脂质的消化吸收,有助于提高乳液中脂溶性生物活性成分的生物可及性。


我国的医药专家在长期的医疗实践中积累了丰富的经验,总结了一套完整的遣药组方的理论,它是中华民族优秀文化中的瑰宝。本文就食品工业调味技术运用我国古老中医组方理论中的一些内容,作为调味配方技术的应用理论进行研究,为食品调味中原料配方应用技术上寻求理论上的依据。  相似文献   

目的:了解桂林旅专大学生的营养知识、态度及饮食行为的现状,并提出合理性建议,有利于学校有关部门开展营养知识方面的教育。方法:采用问卷调查的方法对本校300名学生的营养知识、态度及饮食行为进行调查。结果:本校大学生普遍缺乏营养基础知识,但有较好的营养态度,并且愿意接受更多的营养知识方面的教育。结论:学校应该采取多种方式加强本校学生营养知识方面的教育与宣传,以及对饮食行为进行合理性指导。  相似文献   

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