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探讨一种基于非线性光学相位共轭特性的布里渊增强四波混频技术,由于具有对微弱信号无延迟、高增益的反射特性,布里渊增强四波混频技术在激光探测方面具有良好应用前景.  相似文献   

对大信号偏振去耦布里渊增强四波混频(BEFWM)相位共轭光的输出特性(波形、束散角、能量转换效率等)进行了系统的研究。结果表明,使布里渊增强四波混频工作在大信号强相互作用状态下,可以很好地克服同等抽运及结构条件下小信号布里渊增强四波混频中经常出现的波形调制现象,具有良好的波形稳定性以及输入输出脉冲的波形相关性;输出光相位共轭保真度接近100%,且在不同注入信号强度下几乎保持恒定;大信号布里渊增强四波混频能量转换效率相对小信号情况也有很大的提高。  相似文献   

郑涛  贺海霞  张琛 《红外》2008,29(12)
本文给出了四波混频的原理及特点,理论上推导了四波混频的产生,并给出了四波混频在光纤通信的密集波分复用、相位共轭波产生、四波混频实时光学检测中的应用.本文的研究目的旨在较为全面地掌握四波混频这一典型的非线性光学效应的应用方向,通过总结四波混频在已经较为成熟的研究领域的具体应用及研究方法,借此寻找四波混频更广泛的应用领域.  相似文献   

对向列相液晶四波混频进行了理论分析,总结了提高向列相液晶四波混频衍射效率的方法,评述了其相位共轭的研究现状和前景.  相似文献   

桑苏玲 《激光杂志》2022,43(4):41-45
主要研究了单缀饰四波混频信号的频率控制。首先,通过扫描探测场失谐及扫描缀饰场失谐两种方法,分别获得四波混频信号的Autler-Townes分裂和增强抑制现象;接着,在零失谐、小失谐和大失谐三个位置处,对比了两种扫描方法;在扫描缀饰场失谐时,观察到四波混频信号从纯抑制到半增强半抑制的转化过程;最后,通过对比发现,当探测场失谐越大时,缀饰场的缀饰效应就越弱。研究结果表明,相比于扫描探测场失谐,扫描缀饰场失谐的方法能实现对缀饰效应的直接测量。  相似文献   

在PPLN-OPO中伴生四波混频的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
提出了在周期极化LiNbO3-光学参量振荡(PPLN-OPO)中伴有四波混频(FWM)的发生,论述了PPLN-OPO中的抽运光λ3(1064nm),信号光λ1(1500nm),闲频光λ2(3660.55nm),信号光λ1的倍频光λ4(750nm),满足FWM的频率匹配与准相位匹配的条件,初步建立了PPLN-OPO-FWM的过程理论体系,进行了光学系统装置的实验,理论分析与实验结论相吻合。  相似文献   

光纤中的四波混频及其受色散的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了四波混频的效率及色散对四波混频的影响,并推导了四波混频光的效率公式。另外,在光纤线路中由于每段光纤的零色散波长略有不同,四波混频的发生与有均匀零色散波长光纤中的不同,本文对这种情况下的四波混频也进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

磁光四波混频实验平台   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩瑞  武保剑  李述标  文峰  李智 《中国激光》2012,39(7):705002-134
设计一个测量光纤磁光(MO)效应和四波混频(FWM)的实验平台,具有较好的偏振控制性能,可分别采用自制的电磁偏振控制器(EMPC)和载纤螺绕环磁控装置控制输入光信号的偏振态(SOPs)和非线性光纤磁光耦合系数。实验测量了光纤四波混频闲频光功率对输入信号光偏振态椭圆率的依赖曲线,结果与理论分析一致。在此基础上,开展了连续导波光的磁光四波混频实验,测量了外加磁场对光纤四波混频闲频光功率的影响。  相似文献   

文章对光纤拉曼放大器系统应用于NZ-DSF(非零色散位移光纤)中存在的泵浦与噪声之间的FWM(四波混频)现象进行了理论分析和实验证明。在理论分析中推断出第4束光出现的位置,并且在实验中加以证明。由此基础上提出,在光纤拉曼放大器系统中应用NZ-DSF时,泵浦波长应当远离零色散位移点,避免FWM效应的产生。  相似文献   

光纤式相干拉曼散射成像光源研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
相干拉曼散射具有非侵入、无标记、化学特异性的优点,广泛用于生物组织成像、药代动力学等领域。主要介绍了光纤式相干拉曼散射(CRS)成像光源的实现方式及特点,总结了超连续谱展宽、孤子自频移和四波混频技术在提高双色超短脉冲输出功率、调谐范围、光谱分辨率方面的新进展。报道了基于四波混频的光参量振荡技术在产生可调谐双色超短脉冲方面的最新进展,采用全保偏光纤光路和光子晶体光纤,结合色散滤波和偏振操控技术,获得时间自同步、空间自重合、波长可调谐的双色超短脉冲,可实现脂类、蛋白和核酸的非侵入、无标记光谱检测与成像,为实现结构紧凑、使用方便、环境稳定的CRS提供了一个有效的技术途径。  相似文献   

宋健  范崇澄 《通信学报》1996,17(1):120-125
本文对陆上级联接掺铒光纤放大器(EDPA)波分复用光纤通信系统中国波混频所造成的各个光信道光信噪比的恶化提出了一套计算方法,并结合常规单模光纤及一种特殊设计的色散位移光纤进行了分析计算。结果表明:在四波混频所引入的光信噪比恶化中,因新生频率分量导致的噪声增加一般远大于光信号功率的减弱。不等信道间隔划分能有效地避免四波混频的影响,而光滤波器的带宽应在允许范围内尽量压窄。对采用色散补偿技术的级联EDFA波分复用系统,在同一光中继段内,使常规单模光纤置于特殊设计的色散位移光纤之前,能进一步减少四波混频带来的光信噪比的恶化。  相似文献   

布里渊增强四波混频组束研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
布里渊增强四波混频(BEFWM)不仅反射率高,而且没有阈值限制,系统稳定性也好,布里渊增强四波混频组束是获得高功率激光的重要手段之一。介绍了布里渊增强四波混频位相共轭组束的原理及研究进展。  相似文献   

布里渊增强四波混频(BEFWM)不仅反射率高,而且没有阈值限制,系统稳定性也好,布里渊增强四波混频组束是获得高功率激光的重要手段之一。介绍了布里渊增强四波混频位相共轭组束的原理及研究进展。  相似文献   

DFB半导体激光器的非简并四波混频理论分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立λ/4相移的DFB-LD的非简并四波混频模型,由耦合波方程分析了信号光、共轭光的前向、后向光波形式,突破以往忽略各光波的反射成分造成的缺陷.在中度耦合系数等条件下得到泵浦光强分布图和信号光、共轭光的透射增益和反射增益图,结果表明泵浦-信号光失谐频率在4THz范围内能获得-20dB以上的波长转换效率.  相似文献   

We have analytically derived the correlation functions of intrachannel four-wave mixing (IFWM)-induced phase and amplitude noises in phase-modulated optical communication systems. The phase and amplitude noises are correlated with each other for binary phase-shift keying (PSK) systems but uncorrelated for $M$-ary PSK systems with $M>2$. We have also derived analytical approximations to the probability distribution of IFWM-induced phase noise for PSK and differential PSK systems. Furthermore, we have studied the performance of an optimal linear phase-noise predictor derived from the IFWM-induced phase-noise autocorrelation function. This yields a performance improvement of 1.8 dB when IFWM-induced phase noise is the dominant impairment, and an improvement of 0.8 to 1.2 dB in the presence of amplified spontaneous emission noise and nonlinear phase noise in typical terrestrial links.   相似文献   

介绍混频二极管的电特性(正向特性,向反特性和结电容)和应用。  相似文献   

The output signal and idler pulses generated by dispersion-shifted-fiber-based four-wave mixing (FWM) with pulsed signal input are analyzed. A set of analytical expressions for the amplitude and phase of the output pulses is derived. Analytical analysis shows that the generated idler pulse is far away from the phase conjugation of the input signal, and that the output signal is not an amplified replica of the input signal. These phenomena are due to both the phase distortion caused by self- and cross-phase modulation and the temporal envelope broadening resulting from pump depletion. Besides, in the frequency domain, the spectral inversion between signal/idler will be destroyed. The implications of the phase and shape distortions in all-optical signal processing by FWM are discussed. The induced phase distortions of idler pulses in dual pumps case are found to be much smaller than those of the single-pump case.  相似文献   

We report an experimental and theoretical investigation of the four-wave mixing (FWM) process between a coherent signal light and an incoherent pump light in a highly nonlinear fiber. In the experiment, two main phenomena are observed: 1) the peak power of the spectrum of the coherent signal light decreases along the fiber rather than be amplified; 2) the spectrum of the coherent signal is broadened. A theory of the FWM process between incoherent pump and coherent signal is proposed by considering the incoherence of the pump which has amplitude and phase fluctuations. The theoretical results agree with the experimental results.  相似文献   

The influence of the stimulated Raman scattering in the four-wave mixing process in high birefringent fibers is theoretically analyzed. We consider the dual pump configuration in both co-polarized and orthogonal polarization schemes and treat simultaneously the stimulated Raman scattering and the four-wave mixing processes. The obtained results are valid even when the shift between the pumps and signal lies inside the Raman band. Results show that when the phase-matching condition is achieved the generation of the idler wave is mostly dependent on the real part of the fiber nonlinear response function, whereas the amplification of the signal wave is mostly dependent on the imaginary part. Results also show that when the phase-matching condition is satisfied the optical power evolution of the signal and idler waves for small frequency detunings are mostly described by the anisotropic Raman response of the fiber, whereas for high frequency detunings the isotropic response dominates. Our analysis also shows that the stimulated Raman scattering can increase the efficiency of the four-wave mixing process, for certain frequency detunings.  相似文献   

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