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A phenomenon of contemporary interest in social psychology is the social construction of knowledge—knowledge arising out of the interactions of people in communities rather than from interaction with the nonsocial environment. A behavior analysis of such socially constructed knowledge is presented, based on Skinner's (1957) functional types of verbal behavior and the social contingencies that maintain them. Socially constructed knowledge occurs as intraverbals, as tacts with loose discrimination, and when there are powerful social controls determining the verbal behavior in a group. The distinction between rule-governed and contingency-governed behavior shows the limits of socially constructed knowledge, whereas the social contingencies involved in minority influence and innovation show how changes can occur in community representations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Recent studies have shown that instruction can improve metacognition, yet the relationship between instruction, metacognition, and reading performance remains unclear. In this study, data from one instructional study (G. G. Duffy et al; see record 1988-02857-001) were reanalyzed to identify (1) changes in one element of poor readers' metacognition, knowledge of cognition, over an academic year and (2) the extent to which these changes are associated with strategy use and comprehension. 20 3rd-grade classrooms (10 treatment, 10 treated-control) participated. Treatment was intended to improve Ss' awareness of how reading strategies aid comprehension. Results indicated that Ss' knowledge of cognition increased only moderately over the school year. However, this knowledge was strongly associated with strategy use and comprehension performance, suggesting that small improvements in knowledge of cognition contribute to a variety of reading abilities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Social cognition is the scientific study of the cognitive events underlying social thought and attitudes. Currently, the field's prevailing theoretical perspectives are the traditional schema view and embodied cognition theories. Despite important differences, these perspectives share the seemingly uncontroversial notion that people interpret and evaluate a given social stimulus using knowledge about similar stimuli. However, research in cognitive linguistics (e.g., Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) suggests that people construe the world in large part through conceptual metaphors, which enable them to understand abstract concepts using knowledge of superficially dissimilar, typically more concrete concepts. Drawing on these perspectives, we propose that social cognition can and should be enriched by an explicit recognition that conceptual metaphor is a unique cognitive mechanism that shapes social thought and attitudes. To advance this metaphor-enriched perspective, we introduce the metaphoric transfer strategy as a means of empirically assessing whether metaphors influence social information processing in ways that are distinct from the operation of schemas alone. We then distinguish conceptual metaphor from embodied simulation—the mechanism posited by embodied cognition theories—and introduce the alternate source strategy as a means of empirically teasing apart these mechanisms. Throughout, we buttress our claims with empirical evidence of the influence of metaphors on a wide range of social psychological phenomena. We outline directions for future research on the strength and direction of metaphor use in social information processing. Finally, we mention specific benefits of a metaphor-enriched perspective for integrating and generating social cognitive research and for bridging social cognition with neighboring fields. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Examines the American Psychological Association (APA) Memories of Childhood Abuse report, which contains the opposing view points of 2 subgroups of the working group that produced the report, the clinicians and the researchers. The author views the Final Report of the working group as an exercise in alternative methods of truth making. In the development of his analysis, the author explains his choice of the term "truth-making" rather than "truth finding." The process of constructing truths and the possibility of resolving contrary claims to truth is discussed. The author's remarks are intended as a scaffold for an understanding of why the clinicians and the researchers could find little common ground. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Bear George G.; Manning Maureen A.; Izard Carroll E. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2003,18(2):140
Traditionally, the development of responsible behavior has been a primary aim of American education. Responsible behavior entails self-motivation and self-guidance, and not obedience and compliance to rules merely in response to external supervision, rewards, and punishment. External factors certainly play a major role in responsible behavior, but so too do social cognition and emotion. The purpose of this article is to present a brief review of research linking social cognition and emotion to responsible behavior. Implications for school psychologists are discussed, with a particular emphasis on the importance of developing and implementing prevention and intervention programs that address the multiple components of responsible behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Comments that exciting advances in infant perception research have moved this field into the forefront of research in infant development. This paper identifies infant testing procedures and illustrates how their application has yielded a consistent picture of visual information processing in the first months of life. A recent advance is the recognition that the study of memory and cognition in infancy addresses identical issues raised in the study of cognition in older children and adults. The author provides examples of research, such as the study of infant concept acquisition, to illustrate this shared theoretical focus. Finally, the paper discusses contributions that infant perception research can make to the diagnosis and remediation of perceptual-cognitive deficits in high-risk infants. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Investigated whether social cognition is related to effective social behavior, using 2 samples of 9th and 12th graders as Ss. Social competence was defined as the attainment of relevant social goals in specified social contexts, using appropriate means and resulting in positive development. The social goal chosen was being able to behave effectively in challenging social situations involving salient social objects. Nine measures of social cognition and 4 other measures were used to predict 4 measures of social competence, each dealing with performance in specific challenging social situations. Taken together, these predictors accounted for a large proportion of variance in social competence, especially when a composite criterion was used. Significant age and sex differences were obtained for many of the predictor and criterion variables, and there also appeared to be important developmental differences in the validity of social competence judgments. Factor analysis results suggested that social competence represents a domain of human functioning that is at least partly distinguishable from a cognitive or general competence domain. These results were substantially replicated in a 2nd sample. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Graziano William G.; Feldesman Alice B.; Rahe Donald F. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1985,49(4):971
Conducted 2 studies to determine whether introverts and extraverts systematically differ in their expectations, recall, and evaluation of social encounter. In Study 1, 102 male undergraduate students (classified as either introvert or extravert based on the Extraversion scale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire) evaluated games on rating scales. All Ss rated the competitive game as more arousing and potentially punishing than the cooperative game, but introverts anticipated that the competitive game would be less friendly and likable than did the extraverts. In Study 2, 61 undergraduates believed they would participate in either a cooperative or a competitive game. Ss were shown slides of all other Ss (teammates and opponents), as well as bogus biographical information. Ss were then asked to recall information and evaluate each S on rating scales. Introverts recalled more information about opponents than about their own teammates and rated all Ss less positively during the competitive encounter. For extraverts, this pattern was reversed. Results are discussed in terms of individual differences in the salience of aversiveness in social encounters. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Describes the research context in which the question of the relationship between cognition and behavior has arisen within the field of social-cognitive development. A selective review of some of the studies emanating from this author's research program concerning the specific issue of the relations between the level of social cognition in the child and the adequacy of the child's social interactions in a naturalistic setting are presented. Studies included (1) the identification of the influence of children's level of social cognitive skills on the frequency and adequacy of their dyadic verbal communications during free play, (2) the examination of the relationships between preschooler's performance on laboratory measures of role playing and communication skills, and (3) measures of their request performance incorporating criteria similar to those in social-cognitive tasks. The potential flaws and limits of the original ways of measuring and conceptualizing these relations are examined. Finally, a sketch of the conditions that need to be considered for specific types of social behavior to be regulated by particular aspects of cognition is presented. (French abstract) (46 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Presents a model of how the human cognitive system operates in its natural social context. The model focuses on both input and output variables that have been ignored in the development of most other cognitive theories. On the input end, the model emphasizes the role of prior knowledge and the goal-directed nature of social information processing. On the output end, the model emphasizes various types of social judgments and affective reactions, as well as memory and behavioral decision making. The model is designed to provide a general conceptual framework for integrating much of contemporary social cognition research. As such, it is consistent with, and occasionally subsumes, more molecular theories of specific social phenomena. An indication of the model's applicability to cognitive heuristics, representation of self, and the role of affect in information processing is included. Predictions of the model (e.g., the effects of information on both recall and judgments when the information is processed for different purposes) and the empirical evidence bearing on them are discussed. (4 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Jost John T.; Glaser Jack; Kruglanski Arie W.; Sulloway Frank J. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2003,129(3):339
Analyzing political conservatism as motivated social cognition integrates theories of personality (authoritarianism, dogmatism-intolerance of ambiguity), epistemic and existential needs (for closure, regulatory focus, terror management), and ideological rationalization (social dominance, system justification). A meta-analysis (88 samples, 12 countries, 22,818 cases) confirms that several psychological variables predict political conservatism: death anxiety (weighted mean r=.50); system instability (.47); dogmatism-intolerance of ambiguity (.34); openness to experience (-.32); uncertainty tolerance (-.27); needs for order, structure, and closure (.26); integrative complexity (-.20); fear of threat and loss (.18); and self-esteem (-.09). The core ideology of conservatism stresses resistance to change and justification of inequality and is motivated by needs that vary situationally and dispositionally to manage uncertainty and threat. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Cross Susan E.; Morris Michael L.; Gore Jonathan S. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2002,82(3):399
These studies focus on the relational-interdependent self-construal's association with implicit or indirect cognitive processes. In the relational-interdependent self-construal, the self is defined largely in terms of close relationships, resulting in variation in self-related processes. In Studies 1 and 2, the relational self-construal was associated with positive implicit evaluations of relational concepts and with tightly organized cognitive networks of relational terms. Studies 3 and 4 demonstrated that this self-construal was associated with memory for and implicit organization of relational information. In Studies 5 and 6, the relational self-construal was positively related to the degree to which participants described themselves and a friend similarly. The implications of the relational self-construal for theories of relationship cognition and for other self-related cognitive processes are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Comments on the number of responses (e.g., L. G. Wispe and J. N. Thompson, Jr.; see record 1977-06633-001) to D. T. Campbell's (see record 1976-12046-001) American Psychological Association presidential address on the issue of biological vs social evolution. The author agrees with Wispe and Thompson on the link between evolutionary theory and political conservatism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
This study reports a cross-sectional investigation of the relation between community violence exposure and peer group social maladjustment in 285 inner-city children in Grades 4–6 (mean age?=?10.3 years). Children completed an inventory assessing exposure to community violence through witnessing and through direct victimization. A peer nomination inventory was then administered to assess social adjustment with peers (aggression, peer rejection, and bullying by peers). In addition, social-cognitive biases and emotion regulation capacities were examined as potential mediators. Analyses indicated that violent victimization was associated with negative social outcomes through the mediation of emotion dysregulation. Witnessed violence was linked only to aggressive behavior. Social information processing, rather than emotion dysregulation, appeared to mediate this association. These results demonstrate that violence exposure is linked to multiple levels of behavioral and social maladjustment and suggest that there are distinct patterns of risk associated with different forms of exposure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
S. C. Pepper's (1942) concept of "root metaphor" is used to compare the schools of American social psychology that emerged by the 1930s. The 3 world hypotheses of organicism, mechanism, and contextualism were each influential in shaping schools of thought during the early period of American social psychology. Organicism, which is based on the root metaphor of the organism, formed the conceptual foundation for W. McDougall's (1920) biologically oriented version of social psychology. The mechanistic model, based on the root metaphor of the machine, was reflected in F. H. Allport's (1924) social psychology. Contextualism, with its root metaphor of the historic event, constituted the core of approaches to the field, which assumed that the basic unit of analysis was social interaction rather than the individual. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Ickes William; Robertson Eric; Tooke William; Teng Gary 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1986,51(1):66
Developed the expanded dyadic interaction paradigm, a research paradigm for the study of naturalistic social cognition, and examined whether the paradigm can be used to obtain reliable and valid measures of the actual thoughts and feelings that individuals experience in unstructured dyadic interactions. The paradigm's utility in empirically revealing the ways in which social behavior and social cognition are related in unstructured, dyadic interactions was also assessed. Data from 31 female and 29 male undergraduates provide evidence for the interrater reliability and the construct validity (i.e., face and content validity, concurrent validity, divergent and convergent validity) of the thought and feeling measures obtained by this procedure. The degree of Ss' behavioral involvement in their interactions was related to a number of thought–feeling indices (e.g., total number of entries, percentage of positive partner entries), and its relations with the percentages of positive, neutral, and negative entries were further moderated by internal correspondence and private self-consciousness. Some parallels in the behavioral and thought–feeling correlates of gender were noted (e.g., females' affective tone of their thoughts and feelings was more positive and less negative than that of males). (72 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Girardi Alessandra; MacPherson Sarah E.; Abrahams Sharon 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,25(1):53
Objective: These studies investigated whether non-demented ALS patients display impairments on tests of emotional decision making and social and emotional cognition, sensitive to frontal variant Frontotemporal Dementia (fvFTD). Previous studies have shown predominant executive dysfunction and dorsolateral prefrontal involvement in ALS, but evidence of other prefrontal dysfunction implicated in fvFTD is sparse. Method: In Study A, 19 ALS patients and 20 healthy controls undertook a test of affective decision making, modified Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Behavioral measures included the Frontal Systems Behavior Scale. In Study B, 14 ALS patients and 20 controls undertook tests of social and emotional cognition (Judgment of Preference based on eye gaze, the Mind in the Eyes, recognition of Facial Expressions of Emotion). Results: In Study A, ALS patients demonstrated a significantly different performance profile from healthy controls on the IGT and did not learn to avoid the disadvantageous stimuli (Block 3, d = 0.60, Block 4 days = 0.68). Behavior ratings showed increased apathy from premorbid levels. In Study B, ALS patients were impaired on attentionally demanding (d = 3.12) and undemanding (d = 7.52) conditions of the Judgment of Preference task, despite many showing intact executive functions. A smaller subset showed impaired emotion recognition. Behavior change was also evident. Conclusions: The findings reveal a Theory of Mind deficit on a simple test that was dissociated from the presence of executive dysfunction and suggests a profile of cognitive and behavioral dysfunction indicative of a subclinical fvFTD syndrome. The relative contribution of prefrontal pathways to the cognitive profile in ALS is considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Social behavior is ordinarily treated as being under conscious (if not always thoughtful) control. However, considerable evidence now supports the view that social behavior often operates in an implicit or unconscious fashion. The identifying feature of implicit cognition is that past experience influences judgment in a fashion not introspectively known by the actor. The present conclusion--that attitudes, self-esteem, and stereotypes have important implicit modes of operation--extends both the construct validity and predictive usefulness of these major theoretical constructs of social psychology. Methodologically, this review calls for increased use of indirect measures--which are imperative in studies of implicit cognition. The theorized ordinariness of implicit stereotyping is consistent with recent findings of discrimination by people who explicitly disavow prejudice. The finding that implicit cognitive effects are often reduced by focusing judges' attention on their judgment task provides a basis for evaluating applications (such as affirmative action) aimed at reducing such unintended discrimination. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The Single Category Implicit Association Test (SC-IAT) is a modification of the Implicit Association Test that measures the strength of evaluative associations with a single attitude object. Across 3 different attitude domains--soda brand preferences, self-esteem, and racial attitudes--the authors found evidence that the SC-IAT is internally consistent and makes unique contributions in the ability to understand implicit social cognition. In a 4th study, the authors investigated the susceptibility of the SC-IAT to faking or self-presentational concerns. Once participants with high error rates were removed, no significant self-presentation effect was observed. These results provide initial evidence for the reliability and validity of the SC-IAT as an individual difference measure of implicit social cognition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
As medical technology prolongs life and facilitates the early diagnosis of terminal illnesses such as AIDS, the concept of anticipatory grief requires further scrutiny. The original concept of anticipatory grief has become widely accepted. This paper, however, argues that the uncritical acceptance of this concept rests primarily on the authority of the biomedical model, which has focused analysis on the predictable symptomatology of the grief process, integrating this understanding into health care. This paper provides a critical review of the concept of anticipatory grief, highlighting conceptual shifts which are required if the concept is to be relevant to the subjective experiences of people who are confronted with life-threatening illness. The paper discusses the relevance of understanding the conceptual confusion which exists in the literature between "anticipatory grief" and "forewarning of loss". It is argued that grief may be the response to a loss of meaning, and that the psychological process of adjustment to loss requires individuals to engage in the reconstitution of purpose and meaning in their lives. Distinguishing between what is being expressed for past and present losses and what responses occur when individuals focus on various aspects of their future may shed light on some of the inconsistent and contradictory findings surrounding research on anticipatory grief. 相似文献