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Two experiments are described, in the first of which subjects rank-ordered, and in the second subjectively quantified, a set of sentences in the form of rough quantifiers (eg, "a large part of ..., etc"). It was found that there was remarkably high concordance between subjects in rank ordering, but that numerical equivalents are notably more variable. Some recommendations are made for improving verbal communication.  相似文献   

How much uncertainty can be dealt with by feedback?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Feedback is used primarily for reducing the effects of the plant uncertainty on the performance of control systems, and as such understanding the following questions is of fundamental importance: How much uncertainty can be dealt with by feedback? What are the limitations of feedback? How does the feedback performance depend quantitatively on the system uncertainty? How can the capability of feedback be enhanced if a priori information about the system structure is available? As a starting point toward answering these questions, a typical class of first-order discrete-time dynamical control systems with both unknown nonlinear structure and unknown disturbances is selected for our investigation, and some concrete answers are obtained in the paper. In particular, we find that in the space of unknown nonlinear functions, the generalized Lipschitz norm is a suitable measure for characterizing the size of the structure uncertainty, and that the maximum uncertainty that can be dealt with by the feedback mechanism is described by a ball with radius 3/2+√2 in this normed function space  相似文献   

How much information is associated with a particular stimulus?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although the Shannon mutual information can be used to reveal general features of the neural code, it cannot directly address which symbols of the code are significant. Further insight can be gained by using information measures that are specific to particular stimuli or responses. The specific information is a previously proposed measure of the amount of information associated with a particular response; however, as I show, it does not properly characterize the amount of information associated with particular stimuli. Instead, I propose a new measure: the stimulus-specific information (SSI), defined to be the average specific information of responses given the presence of a particular stimulus. Like other information theoretic measures, the SSI does not rely on assumptions about the neural code, and is robust to non-linearities of the system. To demonstrate its applicability, the SSI is applied to data from simulated visual neurons, and identifies stimuli consistent with the neuron's linear kernel. While the SSI reveals the essential linearity of the visual neurons, it also successfully identifies the well-encoded stimuli in a modified example where linear analysis techniques fail. Thus, I demonstrate that the SSI is an appropriate measure of the information associated with particular stimuli, and provides a new unbiased method of analysing the significant stimuli of a neural code.  相似文献   

085_17;H129_53;王伟丽;118-121用五步法考察教学活动I an Lee;王艳莉;英孚教育外籍语言教学专家Ian Lee对教学活动涉及的九个因素采用五步法来进行考察,以此来检核教学活动的合理性和有效性。这为我们的评课带来了另一个  相似文献   

Using information near the human eye to perform biometric recognition has been gaining popularity. Previous works in this area, designated periocular recognition, show remarkably low error rates and particularly high robustness when data are acquired under less controlled conditions. In this field, one factor that remains to be studied is the effect of facial expressions on recognition performance, as expressions change the textural/shape information inside the periocular region. We have collected a multisession dataset whose single variation is the subjects’ facial expressions and analyzed the corresponding variations in performance, using the state-of-the-art periocular recognition strategy. The effectiveness attained by different strategies to handle the effects of facial expressions was compared: (1) single-sample enrollment; (2) multisample enrollment, and (3) multisample enrollment with facial expression recognition, with results also validated in the well-known Cohn–Kanade AU-Coded Expression dataset. Finally, the role of each type of facial expression in the biometrics menagerie effect is discussed.  相似文献   

“金九银十”过去了,电脑城的人气也有所回落,即使在周末,成交量也大幅下降。不过人气再差,生意还是要继续做的。在这两个月中,各类产品的价格均有下调,以维系市场人气。数码相机市场,近期佳能EOS 5D MarkⅡ终于推出了,市场热点从入门级单反数码相机转到了全画幅单反数码相机上。  相似文献   

ATi公司的创始人兼主席何国源先生曾在2004年初用“新·老·大”来为企业定位。这个全球著名的图形芯片公司近年来的优异表现相信很多读者都有目共睹。在2004年,作为一个IT业和传媒业的从业者,《大众硬件》的每一个编辑都见证了无数“新”、“老”、“大”的诞生。  相似文献   

创新 2006年出台的《纺织工业“十一五”发展纲要》是一个重要文件,明确将“坚持自主创新,实现产业可持续发展”作为“十一五”期间的主要任务,提出要大力推进自主创新,包括四个方面:产品设计能力创新、产技术和装备创新、企业管理能力创新和产业链整合能力创新。  相似文献   

技术、管理和审计在信息安全建设中同等重要,而在数学逻辑上,技术可视为加法,管理可视为乘法,审计可视为乘百分数。对三者的配置与应用具体情况具体分析,才能达到最优化效果。  相似文献   

The widespread tendency, even within AI, to anthropomorphize machines makes it easier to convince us of their intelligence. How can any putative demonstration of intelligence in machines be trusted if the AI researcher readily succumbs to make-believe? This is (what I shall call) the forensic problem of anthropomorphism. I argue that the Turing test provides a solution. This paper illustrates the phenomenon of misplaced anthropomorphism and presents a new perspective on Turing?s imitation game. It also examines the role of the Turing test in relation to the current dispute between human-level AI and ‘mindless intelligence’.  相似文献   

With the advent of Internet services, big data and cloud computing, high-throughput computing has generated much research interest, especially on high-throughput cloud servers. However, three basic questions are still not satisfactorily answered: (1) What are the basic metrics (what throughput and high-throughput of what)? (2) What are the main factors most beneficial to increasing throughput? (3) Are there any fundamental constraints and how high can the throughput go? This article addresses these issues by utilizing the fifty-year progress in Little??s law, to reveal three fundamental relations among the seven basic quantities of throughput (??), number of active threads (L), waiting time (W), system power (P), thread energy (E), Watts per thread ??, threads per Joule ??. In addition to Little??s law L = ??W, we obtain P = ??E and ?? = L???, under reasonable assumptions. These equations help give a first order estimation of performance and power consumption targets for billion-thread cloud servers.  相似文献   

认识NOC,是在上网时一个偶然的机会看到的,然后就被她深深地吸引。当第七届参赛通知下来后,我怀着试试的心理上传了自己的课件,并期待着能否入围。后来看到自己的作品进入了决赛入围名单,我很兴奋,但更多的却是忐忑。  相似文献   

李伟  陈赛 《现代计算机》2010,(1):131-132
一个警察玩"魔兽",后来殉职,有玩家在游戏里为他组织了葬礼,很多"战友"前来祭拜。 重庆一个"魔兽"公会的会长在网上卖号,打算凑两三千块钱给妻子治病,结果无数玩家慷慨解囊。 还有一些让人哭笑不得的妙人。比如"三季稻",人称三哥,他是国服里的一个传奇人物,独来独往,专杀小号。他不参加任何公会,也不参加任何活动,没有人知道他的真实身份。  相似文献   

悠哉网在为用户提供旅游线路产品时,强调的是管家式服务,用自己的专业性,帮助客户选择值得信赖的旅游线路产品,为客户提供最优质的旅游服务.2011年,中国旅游电子商务行业竞争之激烈,大有烽烟四起、群雄逐鹿之势.而同样身处在线旅游行业的李代山却异常悠哉地率领着他的悠哉网,一  相似文献   

5月15日,IBM在大连理工大学举行了主题为“激情演绎未来,创新迈向成功”的第四届“大学技术日”活动。通过与中国高校合作,让广大开发人员和大学生们亲身体验领先技术。在帮助他们加深对软件行业理解,提升个人能力以获得更广阔发展空间的同时,IBM也由此拉近了与中国软件人才的距离。  相似文献   

孙天泽 《程序员》2009,(1):21-21
Python 3000最终版本已在12月发布,新的Python 3.0与2.x版本相比,在字典和字符串等众多内置对象细节方面发生了较大变化,并且标准库的部分内容也已进行重新组织。伴随新版本的发布,Python社区关注重点将会逐渐转向Python 3000上,对  相似文献   

谈到2006年的工作,国家图书馆网络部负责人魏大威感觉印象深刻的是三个词:繁忙、挑战和机制。  相似文献   

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