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Information Resource Management, or IRM, is founded on the assumptions that organizations are systems amenable to systematic control, and that information is a resource that can be managed in economically efficient ways. The management techniques embodied under the IRM rubric are said to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of information management in organizations. These assumptions are questioned. Systems approaches to organizations have proven inadequate in most instances where they have been tried, and there is little reason to believe the IRM approach will be different. Information is not a resource in the conventional sense of the term, and economic techniques for dealing with information as a resource are lacking. Implementation of IRM suffers from ambiguities about what it is supposed to accomplish, the breadth of its intentions, and the practical constraints of implementing top-down reforms in complex organizations. The broad vision of IRM is useful for articulating goals for information management, but the efficacy of IRM as an organizing framework for actual management of information practices is limited.  相似文献   

Nanofluidics: what is it and what can we expect from it?   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Starting from the background of nanofluidics in other disciplines, this paper describes the present state of research in this field and discusses possible directions of development. Emphasis is put on the very diverse background of nanofluidics in biology, chemistry, physics and engineering and the valuable knowledge available in these disciplines. First, the forces that play a role on the nanoscale are discussed and then a summary is given of some different theoretical treatments. Subsequently, an overview is given of the different phenomena occurring on the nanoscale and their present applications. Finally, some possible future applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Windows的脆弱是众所周知的。很多时候,我们也常常为了无法正常启动和频频死机而伤透了脑筋。那么你想没想过在你的系统中再安装上第三方的系统维护软件,让你的系统能保持在最佳的状态呢?Fix it就是这么一个非常出色的系统医生,它可以通过一系列的测试来找出你计算机中软件和硬件上的问题,并且还为你提供了相应的  相似文献   

如果你在为如今的交互式装置做设计,那么你需要了解用户的需要以及最新的技术。现在,就让Sean Ashcroft告诉大家如何正确做到这一点吧……[编者按]  相似文献   

Minds and Machines - An increasing number of technology firms are implementing processes to identify and evaluate the ethical risks of their systems and products. A key part of these review...  相似文献   

Social media has emerged over the last decade and consequently has accompanying information systems (IS) research. In this paper, however, we argue that researchers cannot keep pace with the rapid changes this topic engenders. This claim is substantiated by a database built from 28,283 articles published in either top IS journals, i.e., ELMA, BISE, and all AIS basket journals, or IS conference proceedings, i.e., ICIS, ECIS, AMCIS, WI, HICSS, and PACIS. We derive a set of 13 keywords that have been used to describe what we call the ‘social media phenomenon’. The results are transformed into a four-phase model and a taxonomical categorization, which provides an exhaustive overview of social media terms and trends and reflects the main research issue facing academia: The fact that the versatile social media phenomenon in its current phase is dominated by just two terms—“social media” and “social network”—or imprecise “such-as-Facebook” analogies.  相似文献   

互联网的世界的确十分精彩,不过就在你畅游网海之时,你所测览过的网站已经“不怀好意”地将你的信息记录在案了,对!就是Cookie。对于这个“小甜饼”的褒贬之分,至今还无定论。不过笔者认为其弊多于利,最起码对上网者而言。下面介绍一款清除Cookie的小工具。  相似文献   

喜欢新年是因为它给了我们 一个快乐的理由。那么,对你来 说,快乐的新年意味着什么新年喜 庆的气氛?一顿浪漫美味的大餐, 一个可爱的party?还是一份来自 远方的祝福?现在,你又多了一个让自己 快乐别人更快乐的理由。方正扫描仪在 新年即将到来之际,Scan了一张充满奇 思妙想的贺卡送给你,并且告诉大家:在 这个新年,你也可以独僻蹊径地“sean it!”,绝对让你在快乐的同时感叹生活原 来可以如此缤纷美好。  相似文献   

春节过后的DIM市场已渐渐复苏。随着CPU、硬盘、显卡、显示器等“大件”的价格一降再降,人们的装机热情也随之高涨。惟一遗憾的是,因韩国大厂调整内存颗粒价格造成了内存价格陡然暴涨。  相似文献   

在我看来,科技在解决旧问题的时候,又会带来新的问题,这场赛跑没有终点,不管我们人生苦短。  相似文献   

在各行业中,销售人员的工作压力几乎是最大的,IT行业尤其如此。最近,一些国内服务器品牌大幅度下调价格,竟然推出了万元以下的PC服务器,使卖国外品牌服务器的销售人员工作更难做了,唯一的办法就是加大客户工作的力度,把客户作做深做透。  相似文献   

回来了,我的朋友们,大天使重现江湖!由于种种原因(一位读者朋友曾提出培养一个小天使,本天使一直在努力,可惜培养未果),配置点评中好久沒有天使的身影了,人间岂能无天使!大天使深感有负众位读者朋友的信任和重托,又不能自裁以谢天下,只好留着有用之身更加努力地为读者服务,也希望各位朋友一如既往地支持配置点评和大天使,本天使在此真诚地说声“谢谢”,给各位鞠躬了!OK,现在转入正题,看看我们的读者朋友在暑期电脑市场的表现如何。(由于版面有限,很多朋友的配置无法——列出,不能满足那么多热心读者的要求,请多多包涵。)  相似文献   

《Data Processing》1986,28(4):195-198
Those who work in the field of database are constantly being challenged both by the burgeoning nature of the field and by the rapidity of new developments. One of the new emerging areas is ‘data administration’; this refers to the management, planning and documentation of the data resource of a company.The key concept in the move towards data administration has been that data, like people, money and materials should be treated as a critical resource that any company has to manage. Providing accurate, relevant and timely information entails a significant cost for a company and presents a substantial challenge.  相似文献   

Phil Turner 《AI & Society》2016,31(2):147-156
Our sense of presence in the real world helps regulate our behaviour within it by telling us about the status and effectiveness of our actions. As such, this ability offers us practical advantages in dealing effectively with the world. It is also an automatic or intuitive response to where and how we find ourselves in that it does not require conscious thought or deliberation. In contrast, the experience of presence or immersion in a movie, game or virtual environment is not automatic but is the product of our deliberate engagement with it, an engagement which first requires a disengagement or decoupling with the real world. Of course, we regularly decouple from the real world and embrace other, possible worlds every time we daydream, or engage in creative problem solving or, most importantly, for the purposes of this discussion, when we make-believe. We propose that make-believe is a plausible psychological mechanism which underpins the experience of mediated presence.  相似文献   

Where is it是一个全32位的软件,运行于Windows95/98/NT之下,它能够帮助你将你的文件按照不同的类型范围划分,你还可以自己定义划分的类型或范围;同时它能支持各种格式的文件,还能支持直接浏览各种常用格式的压缩包,如ZIP,ARJ,RAR,CAB,TAR,ZOO等;内建的搜索功能,可以帮助你在最短的时间内找出你需要的文件来,并且可以实  相似文献   

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