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国家提出搞好国有大中型企业的指导思想,其中“转机制”是前提,“抓管理”是基础,“练内功”是手段,“增效益”是目的。核心是管理问题,在认识上必须明确,无论经营机制如何转换,无论市场经济提出什么样的挑战,管理都是企业经营成功的基础。国内外成功的企业经验证明,谁奠定了坚实的管理基础,谁就能驾驭市场,企业就能兴旺发达,指出在新旧体制交替时期,企业管理只能加强,不能削弱,只能超前,不能滞后。 相似文献
随着科学技术的进步和市场竞争的加剧,企业的生命周期呈现出日趋缩短和形态多样的新特点。概念技能作为影响企业生命周期长短的一个重要的内在因素,应该受到企业高层管理者的高度重视。着重探讨了企业生命周期与管理者概念技能的关系,并提出了提高概念技能的途径。 相似文献
高飞 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,(12)
随着我国民航事业的发展,现有空中交通管理体系暴露出许多不协调或制约民航发展的问题.这些问题的存在,不仅造成巨大的经济浪费,而且给航班的正常运行带来障碍,甚至危及飞行安全.本文介绍了波音为美国国家空域系统提供的门到门的空中交通管理运行概念,这个概念为空中交通管理定义了五项核心服务:空域,流量,交通,间隔和信息管理.空域管理决定了可用来满足交通需要的物质资源,流量,交通和间隔管理则直接影响了空间交通的运作.而信息管理作为一种新型服务,负责收集,存储和传递系统信息.通过对每项服务计划时间范围的分割来确定流量,交通和间隔管理的计划和控制权. 相似文献
论述了成本管理和质量管理同是企业管理的中心环节;认为产品质量的好坏直接影响企业的成本;指出抓好质量管理是降低成本的有效途径,开展质量成本核算是成本控制的一种有效方法。 相似文献
在计划经济时代,设计院的设计任务完全由政府主管部门按照建设计划下达,自从全国的设计单位被完全推向市场以后,情况就完全不同了。国家大的重点冶金工程建设项目的设计任务几乎全部由部属设计单位承担,企业一般的技改项目,企业自己能够完成的一般都由企业自行设计,除非是设计周期短、技术难度大的项目一般不会再委托地方专业设计院进行设计。对于我院来说,由 相似文献
Many psychologists do not belong to the Association for the Advancement of Psychology (AAP) because it does not seem to represent their interests--and, if it doesn't represent them, it is at least in part because they do not belong. Clearly, one way to resolve this sort of "chicken versus egg" controversy is to examine not what AAP now does, but rather what it would do if it were mandated to serve the interests and concerns of the members of all of the American Psychological Association (APA) divisions. The results from a modest survey suggest that there is a great community of concerns among the responding divisions of APA. Potentially, representation of one is representation of many. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
同志们: 以管理出效益为主题的广钢集团第二届科技论坛召开了,现已取得圆满成功。 这次论坛,围绕管理出效益这一主题,共收到51篇论文,其中,有25位同志在大会上宣读了论文。以论坛这种形式,有这么多人参与,专门围绕管理出效益这个主题进行探索和研究,这在广钢集团管理发展史上是第一次,也是一次对管理进步具有创造性的探索和实践。 相似文献
This paper reviews recent literature on the strategic management process and considers several paradoxes viewed from a construction perspective. Many of the key issues surrounding the strategic management process have been discussed, and recommendations have been provided as to how construction organizations should respond. The main paradoxes considered were logical (rational) versus creative (generative) strategies; intended (deliberate) versus realized (emergent) strategies; revolutionary versus transformational strategies; strategic fit versus strategic stretch; and strategy versus organizational effectiveness. Each of these paradoxes was found to have considerable relevance to construction, and examples of how they have been applied to construction have been provided. For many construction organizations the key to success depends upon developing strategies that have an optimal balance within these paradoxes. This optimal balance will vary from one organization to another. 相似文献
罗德刚 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,13(1)
十一五期间,重庆行政管理体制不断创新.设立6大区域性中心城市,发展其余34个区县城市,建设100个中心镇,形成以主城区为依托布局合理的大中小城市网络,实现大城市带大农村.进一步转变政府职能,减少行政审批事项,减少行政事业性收费项目,充分发挥市场配置资源的作用;建立国有资产经营公司,实现政资分开;放权区县,以利统筹城乡和扩大开放. 相似文献
本文立足济钢计量工作实践,阐述了在市场经济条件下,计量管理在企业生产经营中的重要地位和作用,说明加强计量管理工作对促进企业深化改革、节能降耗、增加效益具有推动作用。 相似文献
在社会主义市场经济体制下,医院特别是企业医院,作为服务行业,并且是福利性的服务行业,旧的管理体制严重制约了医院的进一步发展,不能满足患者日益增长的卫生服务的需求;也不能适应社会发展的需要。管理决定未来医院的运行效率和服务质量;管理决定未来医院的利润和发展,特别是企业医院要打破旧的运行机制,以适应市场经济体制的要求,才能在激烈的市场竞争中得以生存和发展。 相似文献
This study was designed as a first step toward concept clarification in nursing education, to stimulate educators' thinking about the clarity of the concepts critical to nursing curricula. The sample included 70 baccalaureate and 67 associate degree programs randomly selected from each of the six regional accrediting areas. Respondents to a mailed questionnaire identified concepts included in their curricula and those they viewed as critical to a nursing curriculum. Results suggest that (a) BSN program faculty agree on concepts included in and critical to nursing curricula, (b) ADN program faculty agree on critical concepts but agree less about concepts included in their curricula, and (c) both groups noted that process-oriented concepts were included in their curricula more frequently than were content-oriented concepts. The variability of responses raises questions about the clarity of concepts used in nursing curricula and the meaning behind those concepts. We recommend further research related to the meaning, nature, and use of concepts in nursing curricula. 相似文献
Research and theory on categorization and conceptual structure have recently undergone two major shifts. The first shift is from the assumption that concepts have defining properties (the classical view) to the idea that concept representations may be based on properties that are only characteristic or typical of category examples (the probabilistic view). Both the probabilistic view and the classical view assume that categorization is driven by similarity relations. A major problem with describing category structure in terms of similarity is that the notion of similarity is too unconstrained to give an account of conceptual coherence. The second major shift is from the idea that concepts are organized around theories. In this article, the evidence and rationale associated with these shifts are described, and one means of integrating similarity-based and theory-driven categorization is outlined. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
根据企业管理的基本原理,坚持责权利相结合的原则,运用创新思维方式,研究设计了"两定六挂绩效考核"管理方法,概述了该方法的基本内容、表示模式和实施步骤,说明了该方法的实际应用效果。 相似文献