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建立了基于氰化高铁血红蛋白定量检测人全血中血红蛋白的方法.该方法在0.3~ 1.8g/L范围内,线性相关系数为0.9994;日内精密度、日间精密度和重复性实验相对标准偏差分别为0.93%、1.14%和1.97%.用所建立的方法对Hb标准品进行了检测,检测值为116.67g/kg,符合Hb标准品证书值(119.7g/kg...  相似文献   

研制基于标准CM05工艺和微加工技术的微型糠化血红蛋白免疫传感器,可用于血液中糖化血红蛋白浓度与血红蛋白浓度的快速检测.该微传感器包括含有信号读出电路的传感集成芯片和一次性测试试条,实现了对4—24μg/mL糖化血红蛋白和60~180μg/mL血红蛋白的检测,响应时间小于3min,试剂用量10μL,具有简便、快速、试剂用量少等优点.  相似文献   

以纳米钯作为辣根过氧化物酶的替代物,用于催化过氧化氢(H2O2)氧化3,3’,5,5’-四甲基联苯胺(TMB)的反应体系。其催化反应生成一种最大吸收波长为653 nm的蓝色产物。通过分光光度法即可实现微量H2O2的检测。在此基础上,研究甲醇在醇类氧化酶的催化下产生过氧化氢的能力,采用纳米钯模拟酶法测定甲醇产生过氧化氢的量,从而实现甲醇的快速检测。  相似文献   

采用酶抑制率法快速检测中药材中有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类农药残留,从而建立一种中药材中农药残留的快速检测方法。以酶抑制率为指标,分别考察了提取时间、进样量和抑制时间三个因素对检测条件的影响。确定了中药材中有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类农药的最佳检测条件为提取时间10min、进样量1.5mL、抑制时间15min。分别在不含农药的中药材(砂仁、金线莲、石橄榄、铁皮石斛和百合)中添加克百威、敌敌畏和久效磷做加标回收实验,其平均回收率在75.6~109.0%,相对标准偏差小于10%。克百威、敌敌畏、久效磷等多种农药的方法检测灵敏度为0.02~1mg/kg。样品同时用快速检测方法和传统色谱方法测定,两者的测定结果有较好的吻合度。  相似文献   

光谱仪实现单色性的方法包括光栅分光、滤色片分光、棱镜分光等,固态光源食品安全快速检测仪直接从光源端实现单色性,因其功耗低、防潮、抗振动、光路简单等特性而获得广泛应用,该类仪器适合在生产基地、农贸市场、超级市场等没有完善实验条件的基层单位普及。本文介绍了固态光源食品安全快速检测仪的原理、仪器系统设计、光路设计、电路设计等内容。  相似文献   

为了能够现场快速特异性检测大肠杆菌,研制了基于生物发光磁酶免疫的便携式检测仪,检测仪由光子计数单元、中央处理单元、温度控制单元和电源管理单元组成.温度控制单元可以提供恒定的温度37℃,适于培养和现场检测.提出一种改进的、将免疫磁珠与生物素化兔抗大肠杆菌抗体偶联的检测方法,能够一步直接测定大肠杆菌浓度.对浓度为23.00 CFU/mL~2.25×107CFU/mL的大肠杆菌菌液进行快速检测,仪表检测值与传统培养法结果在对数下呈良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.965 7,系统的检测灵敏度为0.478 7.对样品进行重复性测试,变异系数为4.48%.该集成了温度控制单元的检测仪便携、易于操作、检测成本低,将在食品卫生和安全、环境监测、疾病诊断等领域具有潜在的应用前景.  相似文献   

LY-1型检测仪以快速检测技术为设计基础,热浪失效理论为指导.文章论述了仪器设计、构件功能、性能参数、测量调试和现场应用.实践表明LY-1型检测仪测试结果真实可靠,是矿山现场和起爆材料制造厂家检测的理想仪器.  相似文献   

微弱正弦信号的时域处理方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍了一种基于混沌理论的弱信号检测方案。并详细阐述了其测量原理、数学模型及仿真模型,同时,给出仿真实验结果。研究结果表明,此方案具有很低的信噪比工作门限(达到-19dB),在目前时域处理方法中处于较超前的地位。  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高,社会老龄化的加速,糖尿病逐渐成为威胁人类健康的主要非传染流行病之一,糖化血红蛋白(Hb A1c)检测已成为日常检测的重要指标。但国内目前没有糖化血红蛋白分析仪的校准规范,相关标准物质也有缺失,导致糖化血红蛋白检测结果量值准确无法保证。本文对糖化血红蛋白分析仪检测方法进行分析、综述,重点探讨了依据医药标准开展糖化血红蛋白分析仪的校准工作,为制定成熟可行的糖化血红蛋白分析仪校准方法提供依据。  相似文献   

本文介绍了快速血糖仪的工作原理及正确操作,并对其计量测试方法进行初步分析.  相似文献   

In order to demonstrate compliance with the overall migration limit given in EC Directive 90/128/EEC, overall migration tests are usually performed on the finished food packaging with food simulants. As a consequence, the packaging industry is confronted by a significant compliance testing burden to demonstrate that their products are suitable for food use applications. However, the Directive also allows compliance with migration limits to be demonstrated by use of a ‘more severe test’. In this study a ‘more severe test’ has been developed for polypropylene materials and articles involving extraction with the solvent, diethyl ether. The solvent was removed from the samples, evaporated to dryness and the mass of the non‐volatile residue determined. This extracted residue represents the overall migration value. This procedure has been optimized so that it is simple and rapid to perform and, in general, gives slightly higher results compared to overall migration tests conducted with fatty and aqueous food simulants. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

蓄电池综合参数自动测试仪是集充电、放电、单体监测于一体的设备,现广泛用于蓄电池的生产企业和电动自行车、电动助力车、电动摩托车销售商,主要检测蓄电池的技术参数是否符合要求。为确保蓄电池综合参数自动测试仪量值传递的准确统一,通过对蓄电池综合参数自动测试仪校准方法的研究,实现对该设备计量特性的评定,该成果已作为地方计量技术规范发布实施。  相似文献   

A method of increasing the accuracy characteristics of passive multiposition measuring instruments when receiving narrow-spectrum signals, based on converting the initial signal spectrum in order to narrow the main lobe of the autocorrelation or cross-correlation functions of the received signal, is proposed.Translated from Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, No. 10, pp. 49–52, October, 2004.  相似文献   

针对现有的航箭发控系统检测仪可靠性低、灵活性差等缺点,设计新型航箭发控系统虚拟检测仪,给出检测仪的硬件组成和软件设计。该仪器以IPC-610型工业控制计算机为核心,采用VC++编程,综合运用标准接口及总线技术、故障检测技术、FIFO技术等,能够有效地提高仪器的可靠性和灵活性。  相似文献   

本文总结了菲尼酮在医用X线胶片在90秒干至干,高温快速冲洗工艺中的作用和特征,如:超加和性、易接近潜影核、显影诱导期极短,对溴离子变化敏感程度低,显影结果重复性好等等。作者据此成功地配制了适用于90秒冲洗医用X线胶片的套药。  相似文献   

提出心电图机检定仪输出的ECG组合测试波形的检测识别方法,基于虚拟仪器技术,使用数据采集卡对ECG组合测试波形进行采集,通过LabVIEW编程实现心电图机检定仪ECG组合测试波形的各波段的幅值和时间间隔参数的检测和识别。  相似文献   


The viscosities of pig hemoglobin solutions and liposome encapsulated pig hemoglobin (LEH) suspensions were systematically measured as a function of shear rates, temperature, hematocrits of LEH suspensions, concentrations of hemoglobin solutions and hemoglobin contents in LEH suspensions. Newtonian flow behavior of hemoglobin solution is observed. Moreover, the viscosity values of the solutions linearly decrease as the solution warms from 4°C to 37°C, but non‐linearly increase with an increase in the concentration of hemoglobin in solutions. In contrast to hemoglobin solutions, LEH suspensions show non‐Newtonian flow behavior at all tested shear rates. The viscosity values of LEH suspensions non‐linearly decrease as the solution warms from 4°C to 37°C, but increase with an increase of hematocrit and hemoglobin content of solutions. The above mentioned non‐linear flow behavior of LEH suspensions is strongly dependent on the hemoglobin contents in suspensions. Moreover, LEH suspensions with hemoglobin contents of 7.2 g/dl is Theologically the most suitable suspensions for further applications.  相似文献   

A method of thinning out voltage and current discrete signals for electromagnetic alternating current systems using smoothing splines followed by use of rapid Fourier transformation in order to obtain periodic differentiable approximations is used. It is shown that use of some splines may be regarded as a method of smoothing by frequency windows. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 7, pp. 26–29, July, 2006.  相似文献   

为研究快速拼装式防爆墙抗枪弹、穿甲弹和杀爆弹的侵彻爆炸性能,对快速拼装式防爆墙进行了野外现场枪击、炮击侵彻试验,分别利用5.8、7.62、12.7 mm钢芯枪弹,30 mm脱壳穿甲弹以及瞬发和延时状态下PL96-122杀爆弹对内填细砂的防爆墙进行近距离打击,直接检验防爆墙对近距离常用枪弹、30 mm脱壳穿甲弹以及PL96-122杀爆弹的有效防护能力。试验结果表明:防爆墙经常用枪弹、30 mm脱壳穿甲弹近距离打击后,墙体被击中部位土工布穿破,钢丝断裂,墙体其他部分保持完好,枪弹未穿透防爆墙,仅造成轻度侵彻;分别经瞬发和延时状态下PL96-122杀爆弹打击后,组合防爆墙整体均未见倾覆和明显倾斜,迎弹面部分墙体坍塌,土工布和钢网受损,部分填料塌落,防爆墙墙后未见弹片贯穿,仅对迎弹面一侧造成中度破坏;说明快速拼装式防爆墙能对常用枪弹、30 mm脱壳穿甲弹以及PL96-122杀爆弹的近距离打击起到有效防护作用。  相似文献   

In order to demonstrate compliance with the overall migration limit given in amended EC Directive 90/128/EEC, overall migration tests are usually performed on the finished food packaging with food stimulants. For packaging converters, in particular, who thermoform a wide range of containers from an extruded sheet, the cost of testing for compliance can be prohibitive. However, the Directive also allows compliance to be demonstrated by use of a ‘more severe test’. In this study a ‘more severe test’ has been developed for PVC and VC/VA co-polymer materials involving extraction with methanol or a methanol/water mixture and evaporation to dryness. This procedure has been optimised so that it is simple and rapid to perform and gives slightly higher results for the extruded sheet compared to overall migration tests conducted with fatty and aqueous food simulants. Results are presented demonstrating the rapid extraction test to be a ‘more severe test’ and that it could be used by converters in conjunction with good manufacturing practice (GMP) to demonstrate compliance with the overall migration limit in a cost-effective way. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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