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The flowing electrolyte-direct methanol fuel cell (FE-DMFC) is a type of fuel cell in which a flowing liquid electrolyte is used, in addition to two solid membranes, to reduce methanol crossover. In this study, FE-DMFCs having new materials and design were manufactured and studied. In this design, the flow field plates were made of stainless steel 2205 and had a pin type flow structure. PTFE treated carbon felts were used as the backing layers as well as the flowing electrolyte channel. Nafion® 115 or Nafion® 212 was used as the membranes. The polarization curves and methanol crossover current densities under different methanol concentrations and flow rates of sulfuric acid were measured using fully automated DMFC test stations. The performances of the FE-DMFCs were compared with those of the DMFCs having a single or double membrane. This study is, to the authors' knowledge, the first experimental study on measuring the methanol crossover in a FE-DMFC. The results of this study demonstrate that this technology enables a significant reduction of methanol permeation. At different cell current densities, Faradaic efficiencies up to 98% were achieved. It was shown that for a fixed flow rate of sulfuric acid solution (5 ml/min), at 0.1 A/cm2, the Nafion® 115 based FE-DMFC operating at 1 M yields the highest cell voltage (0.38 V). The maximum power density of the FE-DMFC (0.0561 W/cm2) was achieved when the cell operates with 3 M methanol concentration and 10 ml/min sulfuric acid solution at 0.3 A/cm2.  相似文献   

A systematic method for modeling direct methanol fuel cells, with a focus on the anode side of the system, is advanced for the purpose of quantifying the methanol crossover phenomenon and predicting the concentration of methanol in the anode catalyst layer of a direct methanol fuel cell. The model accounts for fundamental mass transfer phenomena at steady state, including convective transport in the anode flow channel, as well as diffusion and electro-osmotic drag transport across the polymer electrolyte membrane. Experimental measurements of methanol crossover current density are used to identify five modeling parameters according to a systematic parameter estimation methodology. A validation study shows that the model matches the experimental data well, and the usefulness of the model is illustrated through the analysis of effects such as the choice fuel flow rate in the anode flow channel and the presence of carbon-dioxide bubbles.  相似文献   

This experimental work aims to investigate the possibility to reduce methanol crossover in DMFC modifying diffusion layer characteristics. Improvements in crossover measurement are firstly proposed, permitting to conclude that in the investigated conditions carbon dioxide flow through the membrane can be neglected. The experimental results evidence that introducing appropriate anode and cathode microporous layers determines: a strong reduction in methanol crossover, approximately 45% at low current density; a considerable increment of efficiency; a moderate decrease of power density. The complete experimental analysis demonstrates that methanol transport in both liquid and vapour phases can be controlled modifying properly diffusion layer characteristics in order to increase DMFC efficiency.  相似文献   

Methanol crossover, water crossover, and fuel efficiency for a passive liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) were all experimentally determined based on the mass balance of the cell discharged under different current loads. The effects of different operating conditions such as current density and methanol concentration, as well as the addition of a hydrophobic water management layer, on the methanol and water crossover were investigated. Different from the active DMFC, the cell temperature of the passive DMFC increased with the current density, and the changes of methanol and water crossover with current density were inherently coupled with the temperature rise. When feeding with 2–4 M methanol solution, with an increase in current density, both the methanol crossover and the water crossover increased, while the fuel efficiency first increased but then decreased slightly. The results also showed that a reduction of water crossover from the anode to the cathode was always accompanied with a reduction of methanol crossover. Not only did the water management layer result in lower water crossover or achieve neutral or reverse water transport, but it also lowered the methanol crossover and increased the fuel efficiency.  相似文献   

Two passive fuel cell stacks with the same four MEAs in a series connection have been fabricated, tested, and compared. The dilute-stack was filled with 30 mL dilute methanol solutions (1–3 M), whereas the pure-stack was driven by 3 mL pure methanol. In the pure-stack, porous components were added on both sides of the MEAs to modify its mass transfer characteristics so that the stack could directly use pure methanol as fuel without having severe methanol crossover. The performance, fuel efficiency, energy efficiency, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) responses of the passive dilute-stack and pure-stack were measured at room temperature with different fuels. The pure-stack using pure methanol showed similar performance with the dilute-stack using 1 M methanol solution. The measured fuel efficiency and energy efficiency of the pure-stack were 53.6% and 13.3%, respectively, at 1.2 V. Since 100% methanol, instead of the less than 10% methanol solutions, was used as fuel, the energy density of the pure-stack per weight of fuel was more than 10 times higher than that of the dilute stack.  相似文献   

This study examined methanol crossover through PtRu/Nafion composite membranes for the direct methanol fuel cell. For this purpose, 0.03, 0.05 and 0.10 wt% PtRu/Nafion composite membranes were fabricated using a solution impregnation method. The composite membrane was characterized by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy and thermo-gravimetric analysis. The methanol permeability and proton conductivity of the composite membranes were measured by gas chromatography and impedance spectroscopy, respectively. In addition, the composite membrane performance was evaluated using a single cell test. The proton conductivity of the composite membrane decreased with increasing number of PtRu particles embedded in the pure Nafion membrane, while the level of methanol permeation was retarded. From the results of the single cell test, the maximum performance of the composite membrane was approximately 27% and 31% higher than that of the pure Nafion membrane at an operating temperature of 30 and 45 °C, respectively. The optimum loading of PtRu was determined to be 0.05 wt% PtRu/Nafion composite membrane.The PtRu particles embedded in the Nafion membrane act as a barrier against methanol crossover by the chemical oxidation of methanol on embedded PtRu particles and by reducing the proton conduction pathway.  相似文献   

Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) have significant potential to become a leading technology for energy conversion in a variety of applications. However, problems, such as methanol crossover reduce the efficiency and open circuit voltage of the cells. The novel design of flowing electrolyte-direct methanol fuel cells (FE-DMFCs) addresses this issue. Methanol molecules are effectively removed from the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) by the flowing electrolyte, and the unused fuel can be utilized externally.In this paper, a general 3D numerical computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is established to simulate methanol crossover by convection–diffusion in the FE-DMFC. Illustrations of methanol concentration distribution and methanol molar flux densities are presented, and the performance is compared to conventional DMFCs. The results indicate that methanol crossover can be reduced significantly. A parameter study is performed where the influences of anode fuel feed concentration, electrolyte channel thickness and electrolyte volumetric flow rate on methanol crossover are evaluated. In addition, effects of various electrolyte channel orientations are determined. According to the simulations, counter flow is the superior choice of channel orientations to minimize crossover.  相似文献   

It is known that a small amount of intermediate products, i.e., formaldehyde, formic acid and so on, is exhausted from a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). The production rates of such intermediates are affected by the methanol and water concentrations at the anode, and also the distribution of these products is variable. We investigated the production of the intermediates from a passive DMFC containing a porous carbon plate (PCP), which allows the use of methanol at high concentrations up to 100% due to the high resistivity to the methanol transport through the PCP. The production rates of each intermediate and their distribution were measured not only for a DMFC employing various PCPs with different transportation resistivities, but also for a DMFC without PCP. The results were analyzed in terms of the rate of methanol crossover (MCO) and water flux through the membrane. The detected intermediates were formaldehyde, formic acid, and methylformate, in accordance with previous reports. The production rates of the intermediates were strongly dependent on the flux of the MCO rather than the apparent methanol concentration. When the DMFC was operated under the rate limiting conditions of the methanol transport by the PCP, the production rates of the intermediates were low. However, when it was operated outside of the rate limiting conditions, the production rate increased with the increasing rate of methanol crossover.  相似文献   

This review describes the polymer electrolyte membranes (PEM) that are both under development and commercialized for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC). Unlike the membranes for hydrogen fuelled PEM fuel cells, among which perfluorosulfonic acid based membranes show complete domination, the membranes for DMFC have numerous variations, each has its advantages and disadvantages. No single membrane is emerging as absolutely superior to others. This review outlines the prospects of the currently known membranes for DMFC. The membranes are evaluated according to various properties, including: methanol crossover, proton conductivity, durability, thermal stability and maximum power density. Hydrocarbon and composite fluorinated membranes currently show the most potential for low cost membranes with low methanol permeability and high durability. Some of these membranes are already beginning to impact the portable fuel cell market.  相似文献   

This paper was presented to determine the methanol crossover and efficiency of a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) under various operating conditions such as cell temperature, methanol concentration, methanol flow rate, cathode flow rate, and cathode backpressure. The methanol crossover measurements were performed by measuring crossover current density at an open circuit using humidified nitrogen instead of air at the cathode and applied voltage with a power supply. The membrane electrode assembly (MEA) with an active area of 5 cm2 was composed of a Nafion 117 membrane, a Pt–Ru (4 mg/cm2) anode catalyst, and a Pt (4 mg/cm2) cathode catalyst. It was shown that methanol crossover increased by increasing cell temperature, methanol concentration, methanol flow rate, cathode flow rate and decreasing cathode backpressure. Also, it was revealed that the efficiency of the DMFC was closely related with methanol crossover, and significantly improved as the cell temperature and cathode backpressure increased and methanol concentration decreased.  相似文献   

A passive direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) stack that consists of six unit cells was designed, fabricated, and tested. The stack was tested with different methanol concentrations under ambient conditions. It was found that the stack performance increased when the methanol concentration inside the fuel tank was increased from 2.0 to 6.0 M. The improved performance is primarily due to the increased cell temperature as a result of the exothermic reaction between the permeated methanol and oxygen on the cathode. Moreover, the increased cell temperature enhanced the water evaporation rate on the air-breathing cathode, which significantly reduced water flooding on the cathode and further improved the stack performance. This passive DMFC stack, providing 350 mW at 1.8 V, was successfully applied to power a seagull display kit. The seagull display kit can continuously run for about 4 h on a single charge of 25 cm3 4.0-M methanol solution.  相似文献   

Protonated polyaniline (PANI) is directly polymerized on Nafion 117 (N117), forming a composite membrane, to act as a methanol-blocking layer to reduce the methanol crossover in the direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC), which is beneficial for the DMFC operating at high methanol concentration. The PANI layer grown on the N117 with a thickness of 100 nm has an electrical conductivity of 13.2 S cm−1. The methanol permeability of the PANI/N117 membrane is reduced to 59% of that of the N117 alone, suggesting that the PANI/N117 can effectively reduce the methanol crossover in the DMFC. Comparison of membrane-electrode-assemblies (MEA) using the conventional N117 and the newly developed PANI/N117 composite shows that the PANI/N117-based MEA outputs higher power at high methanol concentration, while the output power of the N117-based MEA is reduced at high methanol concentration due to the methanol crossover. The maximum power density of the PANI/N117-based MEA at 60 °C is 70 mW cm−2 at 6 M methanol solution, which is double the N117-based MEA at the same methanol concentration. The resistance of PANI/N117 composite membrane is reduced at elevated methanol concentration, due to the hydrogen bonding between methanol and PANI pushes the polymer chains apart. It is concluded that the PANI/N117-based MEA performs well at elevated methanol concentration, which is suitable for the long-term operation of the DMFC.  相似文献   

Modified Nafion membranes by self-assembling of palladium composite nanoparticles were successfully synthesized and used for the reduction of methanol crossover in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC). The positively charged polydiallyldimethylammonium (PDDA) was used for stabilizing the palladium nanoparticles. Modified and unmodified membranes were tested in a DMFC at 30 °C and 50 °C. The performance of the DMFC using modified membranes with different composite nanoparticles (i.e., Pd/PDAA ratios) and self-assembling times was compared with that using an unmodified membrane. The modified Nafion membranes proved to reduce the methanol crossover in ca. 10% – 35%, depending on the self-assembling time, nanoparticles composition and test temperature. However, a decrease in the performance was observed mainly for the modified membrane with the higher PDDA content due to a decrease in the proton conductivity. On the other hand, the membrane modified with nanoparticles containing less PDDA and tested at 50 °C showed similar performance as the unmodified one. Additionally, the fuel cell efficiencies obtained for all the modified membranes at both temperatures were similar or higher than the unmodified one.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model has been developed for the free-breathing direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) assuming steady-state isothermal and single-phase conditions. Especially the MeOH crossover phenomenon is investigated and the model validations are done using previous cathodic current distribution measurements. A free convection of air is modelled in the cathode channels and diffusion and convection of liquid (anode) and gaseous species (cathode) in the porous transport layers. The MeOH flow in the membrane is described with diffusion and protonic drag. The parameter ψψ in the model describes the MeOH oxidation rate at the cathode and it is fitted according to the measured current distributions. The model describes the behaviour of the free-breathing DMFC, when different operating parameters such as cell temperature, MeOH concentration and flow rate are varied in a wide range. The model also predicts the existence of the experimentally observed electrolytic domains, i.e. local regions of negative current densities. Altogether, the developed model is in reasonable agreement with both the measured current distributions and polarization curves. The spatial information gained of mass transfer phenomena inside the DMFC is valuable for the optimization of the DMFC operating parameters.  相似文献   

Adequate control over the concentration of methanol is critically needed in operating direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) systems, because performance and energy efficiency of the systems are primarily dependent on the concentration of methanol feed. For this purpose, we have built a sensor-less control logic that can operate based on the estimation of the rates of methanol consumption in a DMFC. The rates of methanol consumption are measured in a cell and the resulting data are fed as an input to the control program to calculate the amount of methanol required to maintain the concentration of methanol at a set value under the given operating conditions of a cell. The sensor-less control has been applied to a DMFC system employed with a large-size single cell and the concentration of methanol is found to be controlled stably to target concentrations even though there are some deviations from the target values.  相似文献   

A novel approach has been proposed to improve the water management of a passive direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) fed with neat methanol without increasing its volume or weight. By adopting perforated covers with different open ratios at the cathode, the water management has been significantly improved in a DMFC fed with neat methanol. An optimized cathode open ratio could ensure both the sufficient supply of oxygen and low water loss. While changing the open ratio of anode vaporizer can adjust the methanol crossover rate in a DMFC. Furthermore, the gas mixing layer, added between the anode vaporizer and the anode current collector to increase the mass transfer resistance, can improve the cell performance, decrease the methanol crossover, and increase the fuel efficiency. For the case of a DMFC fed with neat methanol, an anode vaporizer with the open ratio of 12% and a cathode open ratio of 20% produced the highest peak power density, 22.7 mW cm−2, and high fuel efficiency, 70.1%, at room temperature of 25 ± 1 °C and ambient humidity of 25-50%.  相似文献   

The flowing electrolyte-direct methanol fuel cell is a developing technology that may have practical uses in the future. Its main advantage over a direct methanol fuel cell is that it limits methanol crossover using a flowing electrolyte layer. The flowing electrolyte layer (or flowing electrolyte channel) involves an ion-conducting fluid that allows protons to be transported from the anode to the cathode, and flows through a porous material to wash away crossed-over methanol. In this study, the flowing electrolyte layer is modelled as a porous domain in ANSYS CFX. General flow behaviour and the effects of volume flux, channel thickness, and porous material properties are investigated. It is found that the flow has a flattened velocity profile with thin boundary layers that are virtually independent of volume flux and channel thickness. The pressure drop is mainly dependent on the volume flux and the permeability. It is recommended that cell performance could be improved by using a flowing electrolyte channel that is thinner, and selecting a sufficiently high volume flux and a sufficiently permeable porous material to achieve an optimal combination of pressure drop and methanol removal characteristics.  相似文献   

Models are a fundamental tool for the design process of fuel cells and fuel cell systems. In this work, a steady-state, one-dimensional model accounting for coupled heat and mass transfer, along with the electrochemical reactions occurring in the DMFC, is presented. The model output is the temperature profile through the cell and the water balance and methanol crossover between the anode and the cathode. The model predicts the correct trends for the influence of current density and methanol feed concentration on both methanol and water crossover. The model estimates the net water transfer coefficient through the membrane, α, a very important parameter to describe water management in the DMFC. Suitable operating ranges can be set up for different MEA structures maintaining the crossover of methanol and water within acceptable levels. The model is rapidly implemented and is therefore suitable for inclusion in real-time system level DMFC calculations.  相似文献   

Methanol crossover through proton conducting membranes represents one of the main drawbacks in DMFCs. This study presented a novel organic-inorganic hybrid membrane with several different compositions by casting mixtures of zirconium phosphate (ZP), polybenzimidazole (PBI) and Nafion dispersion in dimethylacetamide. The presence of PBI and ZP in the membranes was demonstrated with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. From the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis, it was observed that the hybrid Nafion-PBI-ZP membrane had the finest structure. This is because the synthesized films were homogeneous and therefore formed a dense membrane. The water content was higher in the hybrid membrane: 39.91% compared with 35.52% in Nafion117. The water content is important for the ion transportation in the membrane; therefore, a higher water uptake rate will contribute to a better fuel cell performance. It was determined that the proton conductivity of the hybrid membrane was 0.020 S cm−1, which was comparable with Nafion117, which had a proton-conductivity of 0.022 S cm−1. The methanol permeability of the hybrid membrane was 2.34 × 10−7 cm2 s−1, while the value for Nafion117 was 8.91 × 10−7 cm2 s−1. This showed that the methanol permeability of the hybrid membrane was almost 4 times lower than that of Nafion117. The selectivity factor for the Nafion-PBI 1%-ZP 1% membrane was 8.64 × 104 Scm−3, while that of Nafion117 was 2.48 × 104 S scm−3. From a thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), the addition of PBI and zirconium phosphate was shown to improve the thermal durability in the temperature range from room temperature to 450 °C over that of Nafion117. This study proofed that the Nafion-PBI 1%-ZP 1% performed better than commercial Nafion117 and other type of membranes. The membrane was tested on as single cell of DMFC. It gave the highest power density as compared to other type of membrane and proofed that it has potential to be used in DMFCs.  相似文献   

In a high-concentration direct methanol fuel cell (HC-DMFC), the methanol crossover is typically decreased to an acceptable level by two main mechanisms: high methanol transport resistance between the anode reservoir and the membrane electrode assembly (MEA), and high water back flow from the cathode to the anode. Based on the semi-passive HC-DMFC fabricated in this work, the effects of methanol barrier layer (MBL) thickness and electrolyte membrane thickness on cell performance, methanol and water crossover, and fuel efficiency have been studied. The results showed that a thicker MBL could significantly decrease the methanol and water crossover by increasing the mass transport resistance between the anode reservoir and the MEA, while a thinner Nafion® membrane could also significantly decrease the methanol and water crossover by enhancing the water back flow from the cathode through the electrolyte membrane to the anode. Using Nafion® 212 as the electrolyte membrane, and a 6.4 mm porous PTFE plate as the MBL, a semi-passive HC-DMFC operating at 70 °C produced the maximum power density of 115.8 mW cm−2 when 20 M methanol solution was fed as the fuel.  相似文献   

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