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Middle-ear ventilation tubes (of the Sheehy modification) were placed in 401 ears of 209 children under 16 years of age as treatment for recurrent middle-ear infection. The same procedure was later required in 26% of the cases studied because of further recurrence of middle-ear infection. In four per cent of all patients studied, the ventilating tube failed to cure middle ear disease in spite of controlled concomitant antibacterial therapy. In these cases, an early extrusion of the tube was commonly found. Among all patients, the tube was spontaneously extruded in 76 per cent of the ears, whereas the intubation time was longer than half a year in 53 per cent of the cases. No complications from insertion of the ventilation tubes was seen in the present series of patients. The tympanic membrane was found to be normal in 71 per cent of all cases when follow-up examination was obtained three months after completion in intubation. However, a permanent tympanic membrane perforation was found in five ears (1% of patients). The present study has confirmed the usefulness of middle-ear ventilation tubes, particularly in patients with recurrent middle-ear infections.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical and scintigraphic features in four postoperative patients with lower limb edema. DESIGN: Four case reports are presented, and causes of increased lymphatic flow are discussed. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Filtered 99mTc-sulfur colloid (0.1 mL; 20 MBq) was administered by subcutaneous injection into the second web space of each foot. Sequential local (inguinal) and whole-body imaging was performed periodically up to 24 hours after the injections. The patients were three women who were 40, 51, and 86 years of age and an 81-year-old man. RESULTS: Each patient had unilateral lower extremity swelling and had recently undergone an ipsilateral lower limb operation. One female patient had previously undergone proximal femoral vein ligation, and another female patient had venous insufficiency demonstrated by Doppler ultrasonography. The male patient had a history of severe arterial insufficiency, and the remaining female patient had no venous or arterial abnormalities. On lymphoscintigraphy, all patients showed increased lymphatic flow in the edematous lower limb. Only the male patient also demonstrated abnormal dermal backflow pattern. CONCLUSION: Increased lymphatic flow most likely is a normal response to lower limb edema in the presence of normal peripheral lymphatic structures. In the four described cases, a recent lower limb surgical procedure may have resulted in disturbance of normal proximal lymphatic channels. The role of sympathetic innervation of the peripheral lymphatic system is a potential factor determining lymphatic response to trauma or surgical intervention. Increased flow on lymphoscintigraphy may not necessarily represent normal flow, especially if other scintigraphic features of abnormal lymphatic function-such as dermal backflow pattern-are present.  相似文献   

Controversy continues regarding tympanoplasty for central perforations due to chronic otitis media in children. Between 1972 and 1988, 144 children (160 cases) were operated on for central perforations after chronic otitis media and were managed at the ENT Hospital of the University of the Saarland, Homburg/Saar. Eighty-seven of these children were evaluable for this study. Post-operative follow-up was more than 5 years in 94% of the cases. The tympanic membrane was closed in 90% of the cases at follow-up examination. The age of the patient did not influence the success rate. Social hearing was improved from 49% before operation to 86% after operation and at follow-up. At follow-up, air-bone gaps were closed to within 10 dB in 67% of the cases, within 20 dB for 88% and within 30 dB for 96%. These very good and stable results show that an early operation can be recommended for children with chronic otitis media to prevent further damage to the middle ear.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the immune response in otitis media with effusion, polymerase chain reaction was employed to examine gammadelta T cell receptor repertoire in the middle ear effusions of patients with otitis media with effusion. RNAs were extracted from 13 middle ear effusions of 10 children with otitis media with effusion. Vgamma2 was the most frequently used Vgamma gene. As for Vdelta gene usage, Vdelta2 amplification gave the strongest signal in 10 out of 13 samples. The results suggest that gammadelta T cells bearing Vgamma2/Vdelta2 T cell receptors accumulate in the middle ear effusions in children, and that these T cells may respond to certain bacteria or bacterial products in the middle ear.  相似文献   

Inverted papilloma is a benign neoplasm confined almost exclusively to the sinonasal tract. We present the first known case report of an inverted papilloma arising from the middle ear. In this paper we discuss the pathophysiology and review the literature of this interesting clinical entity.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of gas exchange function through the middle ear mucosa on the development of sniff-induced middle ear diseases, the authors examined the mastoid pneumatization among patients with sniffing habit using computed tomography, and also examined the change of negative middle ear pressure induced by sniffing using tympanogram. In 20 ears with cholesteatoma or adhesive otitis media, the areas of mastoid cavity measured at the level of the lateral semicircular canal were significantly smaller than those in 26 ears with otitis media with effusion (OME) or attic retraction and in eight normal ears with sniffing habit (P < .01 and P < .0001, respectively). In 26 ears with OME or attic retraction, the areas of mastoid cavity were significantly smaller than those in eight normal ears with sniffing habit (P < .0001). By contrast, in the four ears with sniff-induced middle ear disease, the recovery of negative middle ear pressure in 5 minutes without swallowing was less than 10 mm H2O, whereas in all seven ears with normal eardrum, negative middle ear pressure recovered by more than 20 mm H2O in 5 minutes. These findings suggested that impairment of gas exchange function through the middle ear mucosa, as well as eustachian tube dysfunction, might be closely related to the development of sniff-induced middle ear diseases.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at evaluating the level of metabolic control and cardiovascular risk factors in a population of Type 2 diabetic patients with coronary artery disease. We used myocardial thallium-201 scintigraphy as a measure of coronary perfusion integrity. One hundred and forty six diabetic patients presenting with chest pain, ischaemic ECG changes or a positive exercise test underwent myocardial thallium-201 imaging perfusion in conjunction with exercise stress. Scintigrams were assessed by a computer assisted image analysis. The cardiovascular risk factors considered were sex, age, BMI and waist-hip ratio, smoking, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, serum lipids (total cholesterol and triglycerides), glycated haemoglobin A1, urinary albumin excretion, white blood cell count, and diabetes duration. The proportion of male diabetic subjects with a positive scintigraphy was 63% while that of diabetic women was 45% (p < 0.05). Mean age, anthropometric measures and diabetes indices were similar when diabetic patients with positive or negative scintigraphy were compared. The prevalence of patients with microalbuminuria and retinopathy (both non-proliferative and proliferative) was higher in positive (26% and 27%, respectively) than in negative (10% and 11%, respectively, p = 0.01) diabetic patients. Total cholesterol and white blood cell counts were also higher in positive diabetics (p < 0.05-0.01). These findings suggest that a cluster of risk factors (cholesterol, white blood cells, microalbuminuria) may be implicated in the development of coronary artery disease in Type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis with x-ray computed tomography of fossilized and recent crania implicates differential growth of the neocortex in the evolution and development of the mammalian middle ear. In premammalian tetrapods, the middle ear evolved as a chain of bones attached to the mandible and cranium, but in adult mammals the chain is detached from the mandible and lies behind it. The neocortex evolved concurrently with detachment of the chain. In mammalian development the auditory chain arises connected to the mandible but later detaches, recapitulating the phylogenetic transformation. In modern didelphid development, the auditory chain reaches mature size by the third week after birth and is then separated from the jaw and displaced caudally as the neocortex grows for another 9 weeks.  相似文献   

Congenital deformities of the external and middle ears were shown by tomography in 246 patients. Surgical exploration has been undertaken at some time in many of these ears. The appearance of the tomograms and their significance were reviewed in the light of the operative findings and the authors' experience of congenital ear lesions. In nearly every case a middle ear cavity could be demonstrated although this varied from a normally aerated middle ear and mastoid in association with an isolated unilateral atresia of the external auditory meatus to a small slit-like hypotympanum in patients with craniofacial abnormalities. The ossicles were nearly always present but deformed. The typical appearances of the ossicles and the frequently aberrant pathways of the facial nerve are described.  相似文献   

Three cases of middle ear and mastoid neoplasms are reported as "adenomatous tumors" since in their search of the literature the authors did not find any previously described lesions with a similar histologic appearance and benign biologic behavior. Microscopically, all three tumors are similarly composed of solid cords and nests of closely-packed small cells having an epithelial appearance. Two distinct cell types are present: cuboidal cells, arranged in a rudimentary gland-like pattern, and angular cells forming irregular nests with no distinct pattern. All three tumors developed in patients in their 20's, over a period of months with minimal symptoms; yet in all of the lesions the tympanic membrane was intact at the time of initial examination. None of the neoplasms was diagnosed preoperatively, and, once removed, all three tumors were pathologic enigmas and therapeutic problems in view of the initial and subsequent consultant pathologic opinions; nevertheless, total local excision with preservation of the tympanic membrane would appear to be safe treatment in these cases. The term "adenomatous tumor" is applied to these three neoplasms because: 1. a true glandular epithelial origin warranting the term adenoma or adenocarcinoma cannot be proven; and 2. the biologic behavior and prognosis is not necessarily reflected by the histologic appearance. A more specific term reflecting the origin and behavior of these tumors does not appear possible without the study of further cases.  相似文献   

Bryodin 1 (BD1) is a potent ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) isolated from the plant Bryonia dioica. It is relatively nontoxic in rodents (LD50 > 40 mg/kg) and represents a potential improvement over other RIPs and bacterial toxins that have been used in immunotoxins. Recombinant BD1, expressed in Escherichia coli, localizes to insoluble inclusion bodies necessitating denaturation and refolding steps to generate active protein. In this report, BD1 was expressed as a soluble recombinant protein in tobacco cell culture (ntBD1) and purified to near homogeneity with yields of up to 30 mg/(L of culture). The protein synthesis inhibition activity of ntBD1 was identical to that of both native BD1 isolated from the roots of B. dioica and recombinant BD1 expressed in E. coli. Toxicology analysis showed that ntBD1 was well tolerated in rats at doses that cannot be achieved with most other toxin components of immunotoxins. Additionally, a single-chain immunotoxin composed of BD1 fused to the single-chain Fv region of the anti-CD40 antibody G28-5 (ntBD1-G28-5 sFv) was expressed in tobacco tissue culture as a soluble protein and was specifically cytotoxic toward CD40 expressing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cells in vitro. These data indicate that tobacco tissue culture is a viable system for soluble expression of BD1 and BD1-containing immunotoxins.  相似文献   

Gas exchange function through the middle ear mucosa was assessed using nitrous oxide (N2O) in patients with otitis media with effusion (OME), as well as in normal ears during elective surgery for unrelated disorders. In all normal ears except one (n = 43), an increase in pressure was observed after N2O inhalation. In 42 of 84 ears with OME, a pressure increase was observed, but not in the remaining 42 ears (50%), indicating that the gas exchange function in these latter ears was impaired. In 21 of the 42 ears showing no middle ear pressure increase following N2O inhalation, the middle ear pressure was again monitored after myringotomy and aspiration of the effusion A pressure increase was found in 16 ears, indicating that the impairment in gas exchange function in ears with OME may be reversible in most cases. Computed tomography of the mastoid was examined preoperatively in 66 ears, with the presence or absence of a middle ear pressure change well correlated in 57 ears with the presence or absence of mastoid aeration.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is now known to play an important physiological role in essentially all cell types. This review will focus on what is known about the kinase in contractile differentiated smooth muscle. Current knowledge on the molecular structure of PKC isoforms will be discussed as they relate to mechanisms of translocation and targeting of the kinase within smooth muscle cells. Studies performed on PKC-dependent signalling pathways in differentiated smooth muscle cells will be discussed with emphasis on studies form our laboratory, especially discussing thin filament linked pathways. Thick filament linked PKC-dependent pathways will be described in more detail elsewhere in this monograph.  相似文献   

The bioactive glass ceramic "Ceravital" was used to fashion prostheses for the replacement of various ossicles in the middle ear. They were tested in 70 rabbit ears, where they were accepted in osseous areas without formation of surrounding fibrous tissue. Histological examinations regularly showed an osseous bond with the surrounding bony tissue. Mucous membrane covered these ossicular chain prostheses and showed no evidence of inflammatory reactions. Glass ceramic implants were also used to reconstruct the ossicular chain and the posterior wall of the outer ear canal in 100 patients. The functional results were satisfactory in all cases.  相似文献   

A case of tuberculous otitis media in an immunocompetent 11-year-old boy is reported. The difficult diagnosis is highlighted. The bibliography was reviewed.  相似文献   

Glucosamine-binding sites were detected in Lowicryl K4M-embedded guinea pig middle ear mucosa by electron microscopy, using glucosaminyl bovine serum albumin. Incubation of ultrathin tissue sections with gold-labeled glucosaminyl bovine serum albumin (GlcN/BSA/gold) resulted in binding mainly on cilia, microvilli, rough endoplasmic reticulum and nuclei. The sugar binding was not inhibited after ultrathin sections had been digested with trypsin or neuraminidase. Various carbohydrates and glycoconjugates were tested as competitive inhibitors of GlcN/BSA/gold labeling on the tissue sections. The sugar specificity range detected by the glucosamine-binding sites included glucosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, mannose and fucose, whereas N-acetylgalactosamine, galactose and glucose were not detectable. A series of endotoxic substances such as Salmonella minnesota Re595 lipid A complex with BSA and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) derived from Escherichia coli 055:B5 or S. minnesota Re595 also competed with GlcN/BSA/gold binding. This indicates that the lipid A backbone glucosamine or other carbohydrate portions of LPS is a part of the structure recognized by glucosamine-binding sites.  相似文献   

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