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The effects of the membrane permeant Ca2+ chelator BAPTA-AM on voltage-gated Na+, Ca2+, K+ (I(Na), I(Ca) I(K), respectively) and Ca2+-activated K+ (I(KCa)) currents in cultured bovine chromaffin cells were investigated using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Superfusion with BAPTA-AM (50 microM) induced a rapid (< 60 s) and reversible block of both I(KCa) and I(K) (approximately 50%), without affecting either I(Ca) or I(Na). Preincubation with BAPTA-AM (50 microM, 30 min) or cell loading with the nonpermeable active form of BAPTA (10 mM in the pipette solution) permanently blocked I(KCa). BAPTA-AM superfusion (50 microM) also blocked I(K) (approximately 53%) after BAPTA-loading or BAPTA-AM preincubation. In conclusion, we show a fast and reversible block of I(KCa) and I(K) by BAPTA-AM, acting directly on K+ channels before it operates as a Ca2+ chelator, in cultured bovine chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that the developing tip of a neurite, the growth cone, can respond to environmental cues with behaviors such as guidance or collapse. To assess whether a given cell type can use more than one second-messenger pathway for a single behavior, we compared the influence of two well-characterized guidance cues on growth cones of chick temporal retinal ganglion cells. The first cue was the repulsive activity derived from the posterior optic tectum (p-membranes), and the second was the collapse-inducing activity derived from oligodendrocytes known as NI35/NI250. p-Membranes caused permanent growth cone collapse with no recovery after several hours, while NI35 caused transient collapse followed by recovery after about 10 min. The p-membrane-induced collapse was found to be Ca2+ independent, as shown using the Ca2+-sensitive dye Fura-2 and by the persistence of collapse in Ca2+-free medium. Dantrolene, a blocker of the ryanodine receptor, had only a minor effect on the collapse frequency caused by p-membranes. In contrast, the NI35-induced collapse was clearly Ca2+ dependent. [Ca2+]i increased sevenfold preceding collapse, and both dantrolene and antibodies against NI35 significantly reduced both the Ca2+ increase and the collapse frequency. Thus, even in a single cell type, growth cone collapse induced by two different signals can be mediated by two different second-messenger systems.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of Ca2+ entry via sarcolemmal (SL) Ca2+ channels to the Ca2+ transient and its relationship with sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ content during steady-state contraction in guinea pig and rat ventricular myocytes. The action potential clamp technique was used to obtain physiologically relevant changes in membrane potential. A method is shown that allows calculation of Ca2+ entry through the SL Ca2+ channels by measuring Cd(2+)-sensitive current during the whole cardiac cycle. SR Ca2+ content was calculated from caffeine-induced transient inward current. In guinea pig cardiac myocytes stimulated at 0.5 Hz and 0.2 Hz, Ca2+ entry through SL Ca2+ channels during a cardiac cycle was approximately 30% and approximately 50%, respectively, of the SR Ca2+ content. In rat myocytes Ca2+ entry via SL Ca2+ channels at 0.5 Hz was approximately 3.5% of the SR Ca2+ content. In the presence of 500 nM thapsigargin Ca2+ entry via SL Ca2+ channels in guinea pig cardiac cells was 39% greater than in controls, suggesting a larger contribution of this mechanism to the Ca2+ transient when the SR is depleted of Ca2+. These results provide quantitative support to the understanding of the relationship between Ca2+ entry and the SR Ca2+ content and may help to explain differences in the Ca2+ handling observed in different species.  相似文献   

Ca2+ uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and free [Ca2+] were measured simultaneously with indo 1 and a Ca(2+)-selective minielectrode in suspensions of permeabilized rabbit or rat ventricular myocytes (approximately 10 mg/mL protein). In the presence of 25 mumol/L ruthenium red and 10 mmol/L oxalate, the Km for Ca2+ uptake by the SR was approximately 250 nmol/L in rabbit and rat ventricular myocytes. The maximal Ca2+ uptake rate was 2.4 times higher in rat than in rabbit. Addition of 5 nmol thapsigargin (TG) per milligram cell protein abolished Ca2+ uptake completely in both species. The [TG] necessary for a half-maximal reduction of the uptake rate (K1/2) was 55 pmol/mg cell protein for rabbit and 390 pmol/mg cell protein for rat. Assuming that the number of pump sites is two times the concentration of TG necessary to inhibit half of the Ca2+ pump activity (ie, the TG affinity is very high), the density of pump sites is 7.7 mumol/kg wet wt for rabbit and 54.6 mumol/kg wet wt for rat. Despite a fivefold decrease of the Ca2+ uptake rate by a submaximal [TG], the permeabilized myocytes were still able to lower the free [Ca2+] to < 150 nmol/L from a peak value > 10 mumol/L. The relative inhibition of Ca2+ uptake by TG did not depend on the free [Ca2+]. Addition of more than 5 nmol TG per milligram cell protein abolished Ca2+ uptake by the SR completely in < 15 seconds and reduced the uptake rate by 95% in 5 seconds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study examined whether the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) can modulate voltage-gated Ca2+ channel (VGCC) activity, and as a consequence agonist-induced increases in cytosolic Ca2+, in cultured rat adrenal medullary chromaffin (RAMC) cells. Exposure to 1 microM DEX for 48 h significantly increased peak VGCC current (delta +140%). DEX treatment also significantly potentiated the increases in cytosolic Ca2+ in response to submaximal stimulatory concentrations of KCl (delta +64%) and nicotine (delta +32%). The Ca2+ channel agonist BAY K-8644 increased both VGCC current (delta +109%) and potentiated the KCl-stimulated increase in cytosolic Ca2+ (delta +35%) to a comparable extent to that seen with DEX. These data suggest that DEX treatment increases VGCC activity, and that this increased Ca2+ influx leads to potentiation of agonist-induced increases in cytosolic Ca2+ in RAMC cells.  相似文献   

Whole-cell voltage-gated currents were recorded from bipolar cells in the zebrafish retinal slice. Two physiological populations of bipolar cells were identified. In the first, depolarizing voltage steps elicited a rapidly activating A-current that reached peak amplitude < or = 5 ms of step onset. IA was antagonized by external tetraethylammonium or 4-aminopyridine, and by intracellular caesium. The second population expressed a delayed rectifying potassium current (IK) that reached peak amplitude > or = 10 ms after step onset and did not inactivate. IK was antagonized by internal caesium and external tetraethylammonium. Bipolar cells expressing IK also expressed a time-dependent h-current at membrane potentials < -50 mV. Ih was sensitive to external caesium and barium, and was also reduced by Na+-free Ringer. In both groups, a calcium current (ICa) and a calcium-dependent potassium current (IK(Ca)) were identified. Depolarizing voltage steps > -50 mV activated ICa, which reached peak amplitude between -20 and -10 mV. ICa was eliminated in Ca+2-free Ringer and blocked by cadmium and cobalt, but not tetrodotoxin. In most cells, Ica was transient, activating rapidly at -50 mV. This current was antagonized by nickel. The remaining bipolar cells expressed a nifedipine-sensitive sustained current that activated between -40 and -30 mV, with both slower kinetics and smaller amplitude than transient ICa. IK(Ca) was elicited by membrane depolarizations > -20 mV. Bipolar cells in the zebrafish retinal slice preparation express an array of voltage-gated currents which contribute to non-linear I-V characteristics. The zebrafish retinal slice preparation is well-suited to patch clamp analyses of membrane mechanisms and provides a suitable model for studying genetic defects in visual system development.  相似文献   

1. The effects of dopamine on the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) of both atrial and ventricular single myocytes and on the force of contraction of atrial trabeculae in rat heart were investigated. 2. Dopamine increased atrial ICa,L at concentrations higher than 1 microM, but had little or no effect on ICa,L at lower concentrations. The increase in ICa,L at high concentrations was reversed by propranolol and acetylcholine, but not by phentolamine. Activation and inactivation kinetics of ICa,L were not altered by dopamine. 3. In rat ventricular myocytes in which the D4 receptor mRNA does not express, dopamine (20-100 microM) also increased the ICa,L amplitude and propranolol reversed this effect. 4. Clozapine, a potent D4 receptor antagonist, blocked the augmenting effect of dopamine on ICa,L. However, this effect could be explained by beta-antagonism, since clozapine also inhibited the isoprenaline effect. 5. In the atrial trabeculae, the increase in contraction by dopamine (1 to 30 microM) was reversed by 1 microM propranolol, but not by 2 microM phentolamine. Low doses of dopamine (0.01 to 0.3 microM) did not affect the contraction in the controls or during a modest stimulation of the beta-adrenoceptor with 0.01 microM isoprenaline. 6. These results indicate that the positive inotropic action of dopamine is mediated through direct stimulation of the beta-adrenoceptor in both atrial and ventricular myocytes. Involvement of D4 receptor appears unlikely in the regulation of the atrial contraction.  相似文献   

The effects of endurance run training on Na+-dependent Ca2+ regulation in rat left ventricular myocytes were examined. Myocytes were isolated from sedentary and trained rats and loaded with fura 2. Contractile dynamics and fluorescence ratio transients were recorded during electrical pacing at 0.5 Hz, 2 mM extracellular Ca2+ concentration, and 29 degreesC. Resting and peak cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) did not change with exercise training. However, resting and peak [Ca2+]c increased significantly in both groups during 5 min of continuous pacing, although diastolic [Ca2+]c in the trained group was less susceptible to this elevation of intracellular Ca2+. Run training also significantly reduced the rate of [Ca2+]c decay during relaxation. Myocytes were then exposed to 10 mM caffeine in the absence of external Na+ or Ca2+ to trigger sarcoplasmic reticular Ca2+ release and to suppress cellular Ca2+ efflux. This maneuver elicited an elevated steady-state [Ca2+]c. External Na+ was then added, and the rate of [Ca2+]c clearance was determined. Run training significantly reduced the rate of Na+-dependent clearance of [Ca2+]c during the caffeine-induced contractures. These data demonstrate that the removal of cytosolic Ca2+ was depressed with exercise training under these experimental conditions and may be specifically reflective of a training-induced decrease in the rate of cytosolic Ca2+ removal via Na+/Ca2+ exchange and/or in the amount of Ca2+ moved across the sarcolemma during a contraction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our objective was to elucidate the direct effects of fentanyl and morphine on cardiac excitation-contraction coupling using individual, field-stimulated rat ventricular myocytes. METHODS: Freshly isolated myocytes were loaded with fura-2 and field stimulated (0.3 Hz) at 28 degrees C. Amplitude and timing of intracellular Ca2+ concentration (at a 340:380 ratio) and myocyte shortening (video edge detection) were monitored simultaneously in individual cells. Real time Ca2+ uptake into isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles was measured using fura-2 free acid in the extravesicular compartment. RESULTS: The authors studied 120 cells from 30 rat hearts. Fentanyl (30-1,000 nM) caused dose-dependent decreases in peak intracellular Ca2+ concentration and shortening, whereas morphine (3-100 microM) decreased shortening without a concomitant decrease in the Ca2+ transient. Fentanyl prolonged the time to peak and to 50% recovery for shortening and the Ca2+ transient, whereas morphine only prolonged the timing parameters for shortening. Morphine (100 microM), but not fentanyl (1 microM), decreased the amount of Ca2+ released from intracellular stores in response to caffeine in intact cells, and it inhibited the rate of Ca2+ uptake in isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles. Fentanyl and morphine both caused a downward shift in the dose-response curve to extracellular Ca2+ for shortening, with no concomitant effect on the Ca2+ transient. CONCLUSIONS: Fentanyl and morphine directly depress cardiac excitation-contraction coupling at the cellular level. Fentanyl depresses myocardial contractility by decreasing the availability of intracellular Ca2+ and myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity. In contrast, morphine depresses myocardial contractility primarily by decreasing myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity.  相似文献   

We investigated how Ca2+-sensitive transient outward current, Ito(Ca), is activated in rabbit ventricular myocytes in the presence of intracellular Na+ (Na+i) using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique at 36 degreesC. In cells dialysed with Na+-free solutions, the application of nicardipine (5 microM) to block L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) completely inhibited Ito(Ca). In cells dialysed with a [Na+]i>/=5 mM, however, Ito(Ca) could be observed after blockade of ICa, indicating the activity of an ICa-independent component. The amplitude of ICa-independent Ito(Ca) increased with voltage in a [Na+]i-dependent manner. The block of Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum by caffeine, ryanodine or thapsigargin blocked ICa-independent Ito(Ca). In Ca2+-free bath solution Ito(Ca) was completely abolished. The application of 2 mM Ni2+ or the newly synthesized compound KBR7943, a selective blocker of the reverse mode of Na+/Ca2+ exchange, or perfusion with pipette solution containing XIP (10 microM), a selective blocker of the exchanger, blocked ICa-independent Ito(Ca). From these results we conclude that, in the presence of Na+i, Ito(Ca) can be activated via Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release triggered by Na+/Ca2+ exchange operating in the reverse mode after blockade of ICa.  相似文献   

The relationship between changing driving force of the Na+/Ca2+-exchanger (deltaG(exch)) and associated cytosolic calcium fluxes was studied in rat ventricular myocytes. DeltaG(exch) was abruptly reversed by the reduction of extracellular sodium ([Na+]o) with or without sustained depolarization by the elevation of potassium ([K+]o). Cytosolic sodium ([Na+]i) and calcium ([Ca2+]i) were measured with SBFI and indo-1 respectively and the time course of recovery of deltaG(exch) was calculated. Following abrupt reversal of deltaG(exch) from +4.1 to -9.2 kJ/mol [Na+]i exponentially decreased from 9.6-2.5 mmol/l (t(1/2) about 30 s) and [Ca2+]i transiently increased to a peak value after about 30 s. Negative values of deltaG(exch) were associated with an increase and positive values with a decrease of [Ca2+]i. Equilibrium (deltaG(exch) = 0) was reached after about 30 s coinciding with the time to peak [Ca2+]i. After 180 s deltaG(exch) reached a new steady state at +3.5 kJ/mol. Inhibition of SR with ryanodine or thapsigargin reduced the amplitude of the [Ca2+]i transient and shifted its peak to 80 s, but did not affect the time course of [Na+]i changes. In the presence of ryanodine or thapsigargin the time required for deltaG(exch) to recover to equilibrium was also shifted to 80 s. When we changed the deltaG(exch) to the same extent by the reduction of [Na+]o in combination with a sustained depolarization, [Na+]i decreased less and the amplitude of [Ca2+]i transient was much enhanced. This increase of [Ca2+]i was completely abolished by verapamil. DeltaG(exch) only recovered to a little above equilibrium (+1 kJ/mol). Inhibition of the Na+/K+-ATPase with ouabain entirely prevented the decrease of [Na+]i and caused a much larger increase of [Ca2+]i, which remained elevated; deltaG(exch) recovered to equilibrium and never returned to positive values. The rate of change of total cytosolic calcium was related to deltaG(exch), despite the fact that the calcium flux associated with the exchanger itself contributed only about 10%; SR related flux contributed by about 90% to the rate of change of total cytosolic calcium. In summary, reduction of [Na+]o causes reversal of the Na+/Ca2+-exchanger and its driving force deltaG(exch), a transient increase of [Ca2+]i and a decrease of [Na+]i. The influx of calcium associated with reversed deltaG(exch) triggers the release of calcium from SR. Both the decrease of [Na+]i and the increase of [Ca2+]i contribute to the recovery of deltaG(exch) to equilibrium. The time at which deltaG(exch) reaches equilibrium always coincides with the time to peak of [Ca2+]i transient. Activation of the Na+/K+-ATPase is required to reduce [Na+]i and recover deltaG(exch) to positive values in order to reduce [Ca2+]i. We conclude that deltaG(exch) is a major regulator of cytosolic calcium by interaction with SR.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The cellular mechanisms that mediate the cardiodepressant effects of intravenous anesthetic agents remain undefined. The objective of this study was to elucidate the direct effects of propofol and ketamine on cardiac excitation-contraction coupling by simultaneously measuring intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and shortening in individual, field-stimulated ventricular myocytes. METHODS: Freshly isolated rat ventricular myocytes were loaded with the Ca2+ indicator, fura-2, and placed on the stage of an inverted fluorescence microscope in a temperature-regulated bath. [Ca2+]i and myocyte shortening (video edge detection) were monitored simultaneously in individual cells that were field-stimulated at 0.3 Hz. RESULTS: Baseline [Ca2+]i (mean +/- SEM) was 80 +/- 12 nM, and resting cell length was 112 +/- 2 microm. Field stimulation increased [Ca2+]i to 350 +/- 23 nM, and the myocytes shortened by 10% of diastolic cell length. Both intravenous anesthetic agents caused dose-dependent decreases in peak [Ca2+]i and shortening. At 300 microM, propofol prolonged time to peak concentration and time to 50% recovery for [Ca2+]i and shortening. In contrast, changes in time to peak concentration and time to 50% recovery in response to ketamine were observed only at the highest concentrations. Neither agent altered the amount of Ca2+ released from intracellular stores in response to caffeine. Propofol but not ketamine, however, caused a leftward shift in the dose-response curve to extracellular Ca2+ for shortening, with no concomitant effect on peak [Ca2+]i. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that both intravenous anesthetic agents have a direct negative inotropic effect, which is mediated by a decrease in the availability of [Ca2+]i. Propofol but not ketamine may also alter sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ handling and increase myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity. The effects of propofol and ketamine are primarily apparent at supraclinical concentrations, however.  相似文献   

We have shown that osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1) (bone morphogenetic protein-7) is responsible for the induction of nephrogenic mesenchyme during embryonic kidney development. Gene knock-out studies showed that OP-1 null mutant mice die of renal failure within the first day of postnatal life. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of recombinant human OP-1 for the treatment of acute renal failure after 60 min bilateral renal artery occlusion in rats. Bioavailability studies in normal rats indicate that approximately 1.4 microg OP-1/ml is available in the circulation 1 min after intravenous administration of 250 microg/kg, which then declines steadily with a half life of 30 min. About 0.5% of the administered OP-1 dose/g tissue is targeted for OP-1 receptors in the kidney. We show that OP-1 preserves kidney function, as determined by reduced blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine, and increased survival rate when administered 10 min before or 1 or 16 h after ischemia, and then at 24-h intervals up to 72 h after reperfusion. Histochemical and molecular analyses demonstrate that OP-1: (a) minimizes infarction and cell necrosis, and decreases the number of plugged tubules; (b) suppresses inflammation by downregulating the expression of intercellular adhesive molecule, and prevents the accumulation and activity of neutrophils; (c) maintains the expression of the vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype in pericellular capillaries; and (d) reduces programmed cell death during the recovery. Collectively, these data suggest that OP-1 prevents the loss of kidney function associated with ischemic injury and may provide a basis for the treatment of acute renal failure.  相似文献   

After a brief presentation of the development of free walking interpreted as learning dynamical equilibrium, the problem of sensory integration in the process of walking development is discussed. A critical review of the role of vision in the development of posturo-locomotor task is presented, along with recent test results on the development of the vestibular system. A final section presents the development of head stabilization and coordination as a necessary means to assist sensory integration. It is suggested that if sensory information is necessary to enhance posturo-locomotor skills, a good mastery of walking is in turn necessary to increase the efficiency of sensory integration.  相似文献   

Membrane currents of ventricular cardiomyocytes isolated from control, diabetic and insulin-treated diabetic Wistar rats have been measured using the whole cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Insulin restored the density of the 4-aminopyridine-sensitive early transient component of the calcium-independent outward potassium currents which decreased in diabetes. The inactivation rate of the transients increased in diabetes and was normalised by insulin. The late 4-aminopyridine-insensitive component of the outward currents showed the same diabetes- and insulin-related changes. This current could reflect the activation of the delayed rectifier channels although pharmacological identification of this component could not be achieved.  相似文献   

The effects of alpha1-adrenoceptor stimulation on intracellular Ca2+ transients, contractility and L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) were studied in single cells isolated from ventricles of guinea-pig hearts. The aim of our study was to elucidate the mechanisms of the positive inotropic effect of alpha1-adrenergic stimulation by focussing on the role of protein kinase C (PKC). Phenylephrine, an alpha1-adrenergic agonist, at concentrations of 50-100 microM elicited a biphasic inotropic response: a transient negative inotropic response (22.9+/-6.0% of control) followed by a sustained positive inotropic response (61.0+/-8.4%, mean+/-SE, n=12). The Ca2+ transient decreased by 10.2+/-3.9% during the negative inotropic phase, while it increased by 67.7+/-10% (n=12) during the positive inotropic phase. These effects were inhibited by prazosin (1 microM), a alpha1-adrenergic antagonist. Phenylephrine increased the ICa,L by 60.8+/-21% (n=5) during the positive inotropic phase. To determine whether activation of PKC is responsible for the increases in Ca2+ transients, contractile amplitude and ICa,L during alpha1-adrenoceptor stimulation, we tested the effects of 4beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), a PKC activator, and of bisindolylmaleimide I (GF109203X) and staurosporine, both of which are PKC inhibitors. PMA mimicked phenylephrine's effects on Ca2+ transients, contractile amplitude and ICa,L. PMA (100 nM) increased the Ca2+ transient, contractile amplitude and ICa,L by 131+/-17%, 137+/-25% (n=8), and 81.1+/-26% (n=5), respectively. Prior exposure to GF109203X (1 microM) or staurosporine (10 nM) prevented the phenylephrine-induced increases in Ca2+ transients, contractile amplitude and ICa,L. Our study suggests that during alpha1-adrenoceptor stimulation increase in ICa,L via PKC causes an increase in Ca2+ transients and thereby in the contractile force of the ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   

Intracellular calcium ion ([Ca2+]i) transients were measured in voltage-clamped rat cardiac myocytes with fura-2 or furaptra to quantitate rapid changes in [Ca2+]i. Patch electrode solutions contained the K+ salt of fura-2 (50 microM) or furaptra (300 microM). With identical experimental conditions, peak amplitude of stimulated [Ca2+]i transients in furaptra-loaded myocytes was 4- to 6-fold greater than that in fura-2-loaded cells. To determine the reason for this discrepancy, intracellular fura-2 Ca2+ buffering, kinetics of Ca2+ binding, and optical properties were examined. Decreasing cellular fura-2 concentration by lowering electrode fura-2 concentration 5-fold, decreased the difference between the amplitudes of [Ca2+]i transients in fura-2 and furaptra-loaded myocytes by twofold. Thus, fura-2 buffers [Ca2+]i under these conditions; however, Ca2+ buffering is not the only factor that explains the different amplitudes of the [Ca2+]i transients measured with these indicators. From the temporal comparison of the [Ca2+]i transients measured with fura-2 and furaptra, the apparent reverse rate constant for Ca2+ binding of fura-2 was at least 65s-1, much faster than previously reported in skeletal muscle fibers. These binding kinetics do not explain the difference in the size of the [Ca2+]i transients reported by fura-2 and furaptra. Parameters for fura-2 calibration, Rmin, Rmax, and beta, were obtained in salt solutions (in vitro) and in myocytes exposed to the Ca2+ ionophore, 4-Br A23187, in EGTA-buffered solutions (in situ). Calibration of fura-2 fluorescence signals with these in situ parameters yielded [Ca2+]i transients whose peak amplitude was 50-100% larger than those calculated with in vitro parameters. Thus, in vitro calibration of fura-2 fluorescence significantly underestimates the amplitude of the [Ca2+]i transient. These data suggest that the difference in amplitude of [Ca2+]i transients in fura-2 and furaptra-loaded myocytes is due, in part, to Ca2+ buffering by fura-2 and use of in vitro calibration parameters.  相似文献   

ATP activated the K+ channel responsible for outwardly rectifying currents via a P2Y purinoceptor linked to a pertussis toxin-insensitive G-protein in cultured rat spinal neurons. The evoked currents were inhibited by a selective protein kinase C inhibitor, GF109203X, whereas a phospholipase C inhibitor, neomycin had no effect. These indicate that the currents are regulated by phospholipase C-independent protein kinase C activation. In addition, ATP enhanced intracellular free Ca2+ concentration. The increase in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration was inhibited by a broad G-protein inhibitor, GDP beta S, but not affected by neomycin or an inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor antagonist, heparin, suggesting that the cytosolic Ca2+ mobilization is regulated by a mechanism independent of a phospholipase C-mediated phosphatidylinositol signaling. These results, thus, demonstrate that ATP has dual actions on the coupled K+ channel and cytosolic Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

Three kinetically distinct Ca2+-independent depolarization-activated K+ currents in callosal-projecting rat visual cortical neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 2309-2320, 1997. Whole cell, Ca2+-independent, depolarization-activated K+ currents were characterized in identified callosal-projecting (CP) neurons isolated from postnatal day 7-16 rat primary visual cortex. CP neurons were identified in vitro after in vivo retrograde labeling with fluorescently tagged latex microbeads. During brief (160-ms) depolarizing voltage steps to potentials between -50 and +60 mV, outward K+ currents in these cells activate rapidly and inactivate to varying degrees. Three distinct K+ currents were separated based on differential sensitivity to 4-aminopyridine (4-AP); these are referred to here as IA, ID, and IK, because their properties are similar (but not identical) K+ currents termed IA, ID, and IK in other cells. The current sensitive to high (>/=100 mu M) concentrations of 4-AP (IA) activates and inactivates rapidly; the current blocked completely by low (相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) was shown to exert direct cardiac effects by complex signaling pathways and to interact with neurotransmitter regulation of cardiac activity. The effect of ET-1 was investigated on the beta-adrenergic stimulation of cardiac L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL) on isolated rat atrial myocytes by using the patch-clamp technique. ET-1 (5 x 10(-8) M) reversed the increase in ICaL induced by isoprenaline (10(-6) M) but had no effect on basal ICaL and on (-) Bay K 8644-increased ICaL (10(-6) M); so ET-1 might exert an effect only when the Ca2+ channels are phosphorylated. The antiadrenergic action of ET-1, blocked by BQ-123 (10(-6) M) and unaffected by IRL 1038 (3.5 x 10(-8) M) should be mediated by ET-A receptors. The inhibitory action of ET-1 was still observed when ICaL was previously increased by forskolin (3 x 10(-6) M), 8-bromo-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (8-Br-cAMP; 200 microM), or cAMP (100 microM) in presence of isobutyl methyl xanthine (IBMX; 10(-6) M), suggesting that the antiadrenergic action of ET-1 on ICaL was exerted independent of the cAMP-dependent phosphorylation pathway. ET-1 is known to be an activator of phosphoinositide hydrolysis, resulting in an increased production of IP3 and diacylglycerol (DAG). A Ca(2+)-dependent inhibition of ICaL consequently to an elevation of the intracellular Ca2+ pool via IP3 might be excluded in the action of ET-1, because of the presence of EGTA in the intrapipette medium. ET-1 reversed the isoprenaline-induced increase in ICaL in the presence of protein kinase C inhibitor [PKC(19-31); 100 microM), making unlikely the involvement of a DAG-dependent activation of PKC. Therefore the antiadrenergic action of ET-1 might also be independent on the phosphoinositide pathway.  相似文献   

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