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Adult students who are enrolled in higher education must experience computer-based instruction that is well-designed in terms of both efficiency and relevance. Published practical examples of processes that will result in such instruction are rare. This article begins by describing the needs of adult students who are enrolled in higher education. Then, this article describes a project in which Morrison, Ross, and Kemp’s (2004) curvilinear instructional design model was used to create computer-based instruction in the field of developmental mathematics. Both the design and development phases are described. The article concludes with implications for others who might use a similar approach in higher education.  相似文献   

This article examines the effectiveness of a computer-based instructional program (e-PELS) aimed at direct instruction in a collection of reading comprehension strategies. In e-PELS, students learn to highlight and outline expository passages based on various types of text structures (such as comparison or cause-and-effect) as well as to paraphrase, self-question, and summarize. The study involved 1041 fourth-grade elementary students from 21 schools distributed in three regions in central Chile. Participant teachers integrated this program into the Spanish language curriculum, instructing their students during thirty sessions of 90 min each during one school semester. Pretest-to-posttest gains in reading comprehension scores were significantly greater for students instructed with this program than for students who received traditional instruction (d = .5), with particularly strong effects for lower-achieving students (d = .7). The findings support the efficacy of direct instruction in specific learning strategies in a computer-based environment.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to explore whether the use of multimedia in genetics instruction contributes more to students' knowledge and comprehension than other instructional modes. We were also concerned with the influence of different instructional modes on the retention of knowledge and comprehension. In a quasi‐experimental design, four comparable groups of 3rd and 4th grade high school students were taught the process of protein synthesis: group 1 was taught in the traditional lecture format (n = 112 students), group 2 only by reading text (n = 124 students), group 3 through multimedia that integrated two short computer animations (n = 115 students) and group 4 by text supplemented with illustrations (n = 117 students). All students received one pre‐test in order to estimate their prior knowledge, and two post‐tests in order to assess knowledge and comprehension immediately after learning and again after 5 weeks. Results showed that students comprising groups 3 and 4 acquired better knowledge and improved comprehension skills than the other two groups. Similar results were observed for retention of acquired knowledge and improved comprehension. These findings lead to the conclusion that better learning outcomes can be obtained by the use of animations or at least illustrations when learning genetics.  相似文献   

Students of chemical engineering (n = 26) participated in an experiment using a computer-based simulation of a chemical plant. The progression of participants’ mental models was examined throughout a computer-based instructional experience as they acquired the complex cognitive skills of troubleshooting. Participants’ mental models of the complex learning task were matched against an expert mental model at five observation points through the instruction. Progressions of learners’ mental models were examined before and after three phases of the instructional process: supportive information presentation, problem solving practice, and performance test. The results indicated a significant change in participants’ mental models after receiving the supportive information and little change after practice or performance. This paper presents the results of this investigation and discusses the findings and their implications for computer-based instruction and training.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cueing and prior knowledge on learning and mental effort of students studying an animation with narration. This study employed a 2 (no cueing vs. visual cueing) × 2 (low vs. high prior knowledge) between‐subjects factorial design. The results revealed a significant interaction effect between prior knowledge and cueing on learning. Low prior knowledge learners had higher scores after studying an instructional animation with visual cues, compared to those who studied the same instructional animation without visual cues. Conversely, when cues were not provided, high prior knowledge learners outperformed those high prior knowledge learners who studied with the cued version of an instructional animation. These results indicated that the effects of cueing in an instructional animation change depending on the learners' level of prior knowledge. Specifically, low prior knowledge learners benefited more when visual cues were provided, whereas cues did not facilitate learning for high prior knowledge learners.  相似文献   

A novel instructional computer simulation that incorporates a dynamic analogy to represent Le Chatelier’s Principle was designed to investigate the contribution of this feature to students’ understanding. Two groups of 12th grade Chemistry students (n = 15) interacted with the computer simulation during the study. Both groups did the same pre-instructional and simulation activities except one of the groups interacted with the analogical example in the simulation and the other group was asked to recall an analogy that was presented in the form of text and pictures. A statistical analysis of the tests administered at the end of the study suggested that analogies that are dynamic, interactive, and integrated in a computer simulation may have a stronger effect on learning outcomes than analogies which are presented in the form of text and static pictures. The implication of this study for science educators is that dynamic computer-based analogies can enhance student learning of unobservable phenomena in science.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the effectiveness of learning a hand-motor task through an instructional animation required observation of the hands or not. Cognitive load theory was used to predict that both animated conditions (with and without hands) would be equally effective, and that both animations would be superior to an equivalent static graphics presentation. 36 adults were randomly assigned to three groups (With-hands animation, No-hands animation, Statics graphics) and were required to learn how to tie two knots. Test results confirmed that both animations led to superior learning compared to the static presentation. However, the With-hands animation strategy had a further advantage in that it had higher instructional efficiency than the No-hands animation.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether learners construct more accurate mental representations from animations when instructional explanations are provided via narration than when learners attempt to infer functional relations from the animation through self-explaining. Also effects of attention guidance by means of cueing are investigated. Psychology students were given retention, inference, and transfer tests after studying a cued or an uncued animation of the cardiovascular system with learner-generated self-explanations or with externally provided instructional explanations. Results indicated that cued animations were more effective than uncued animations. Furthermore, results on retention and transfer indicated no differences between self-explaining and providing instructional explanations, but instructional explanations accompanying animations led to higher inference scores. It is concluded that whether explanations are generated or presented may be less important than the provision of cues that enable focused processing of presented or produced explanations.  相似文献   

One important aspect of creating computer programs is having a sound understanding of the underlying algorithms used by programs. Learning about algorithms, just like learning to program, is difficult, however. A number of prior studies have found that using animation to help teach algorithms had less beneficial effects on learning than hoped. Those results surprise many computer science instructors whose intuition leads them to believe that algorithm animations should assist instruction. This article reports on a study in which animation is utilized in more of a “homework” learning scenario rather than a “final exam” scenario. Our focus is on understanding how learners will utilize animation and other instructional materials in trying to understand a new algorithm, and on gaining insight into how animations can fit into successful learning strategies. The study indicates that students use sophisticated combinations of instructional materials in learning scenarios. In particular, the presence of algorithm animations seems to make a complicated algorithm more accessible and less intimidating, thus leading to enhanced student interaction with the materials and facilitating learning.  相似文献   

As tools for multimedia and computer-based instruction (CBI) increase in sophistication, it becomes easier for instructional designers to incorporate a range of animations in instructional software. Designers, however, should ask whether animation has the potential to contribute to student learning before investing the resources in development. This paper addresses the viability of using animations in multimedia and CBI. The functions of animations are explored as well as issues related to surface structure and fidelity. The relationship between content structures and the use of animation in CBI is also discussed. Based on these characteristics and purposes, heuristics are provided to guide the use of animation in CBI. Implications of these heuristics are explored and suggestions are provided for future research.  相似文献   

Education and instruction are each critically dependent upon appropriate techniques for the dissemination and communication of knowledge, information and data. In order to achieve these objectives a variety of different communication channels (or media) are employed—either simultaneously or in sequence. An integrated multi-media instructional environment is one in which a number of teaching resources are used to implement an instructional process: sound, text, static/dynamic imagery, simulations and diversions. Such systems usually include a computer as a necessary control element. Because of their complexity, computer-based multi-media teaching systems often require the use of a special type of courseware development tool known as an author language.The MUMEDALA (MUlti-Media Authoring LAnguage) system is an authoring facility that is designed to enable the creation and control of a sophisticated interactive learning environment. Such an environment might contain a variety of channels that enable (1) the presentation of instructional material and (2) the capture of student response and monitoring data. The latter provides the means of achieving highly individualised instructional schema based upon the use of a range of teaching media. This paper presents an overview of the MUMEDALA system, its design features and the progress being made towards its realisation.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of electronic outlining on the quality of students' writing products and how outlining affects perceived mental effort during the writing task. Additionally, it was studied how students appropriate and appreciate an outline tool and whether they need explicit instruction in order to engage in planning. To answer these questions, the writing products and self‐report data from 34 tenth‐grade students of a Dutch pre‐university school were analysed. Students wrote two similar argumentative texts with or without an outline tool. Results show that electronic outlining improves the quality of students' argumentative texts and decreases mental effort. Answers to a retrospective questionnaire showed that a short instruction on the outline tool was sufficient for students to understand its working and that most students experienced the tool as beneficial. Finally, results indicate that without specific instruction on text planning, students hardly devote any time to this important aspect of writing.  相似文献   

Programming is one of the most complex subjects in computer science degrees. Program visualization is one of the approaches adopted to make programming concepts more accessible to students. In this work we study the educational impact of an active and highly engaging approach, namely the construction of program animations by students. We systematically compared this approach with two instructional scenarios, based on viewing animations and on the traditional instruction without systematic use of animations. A general conclusion of this work is that animations actually improve learning in terms of some educational aspects: short-term and long-term knowledge acquisition, and drop-out rates. Short-term improvements depend on the complexity level of the topic: while there is no impact for simple topics, there is a learning improvement in complex topics using the viewing and constructing approaches, and there is a learning improvement for highly complex topics using the viewing approach. In the long-term, drop-out rates were significantly decreased for students involved in the two most engaging approaches. In addition, both animation viewing and animation construction improved students' passing-rate in the term exam. Nevertheless, we were unable to prove in the long term that students involved in construction tasks yielded higher grades than those involved in viewing tasks.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of an individually personalized computer-based instructional program on the achievement and attitudes regarding mathematics computational problems and word problems of 104 middle school American students. Students were blocked by math entering knowledge based on pre-test scores, then randomly assigned to a personalized or non-personalized version of the computer-based instructional program. A significant two-way interaction (treatment by math entering knowledge) reflected that personalized higher-level math entering knowledge students and non-personalized higher-level math entering knowledge students had similar post-test scores but personalized lower-level math entering knowledge students scored significantly higher on the post-test than non-personalized lower-level math entering knowledge students. Another significant two-way interaction (math entering knowledge by problem type) reflected that students with higher-level math entering knowledge scored considerably higher on the computational problems than on the word problems while students with lower-level math entering knowledge scored significantly higher on the computational problems than on the word problems. Student attitudes were significantly more favorable toward the personalized computer-based instructional program.  相似文献   

The rapid development of computer graphics technology has made possible an easy integration of dynamic visualizations into computer-based learning environments. This study examines the relative effectiveness of dynamic visualizations, compared either to sequentially or simultaneously presented static visualizations. Moreover, the degree of realism in the visualizations was manipulated experimentally. One hundred-and-twenty university students were randomly assigned to one of six conditions (3 × 2; between-subjects; presentation format × realism). Learners’ visuo-spatial abilities were considered as a continuous moderator for the presentation format. Learning outcomes were measured by a pictorial locomotion pattern classification test. Dynamic conditions outperformed static-sequential ones, but not static-simultaneous conditions, in classification performance. Realism had no main effect and did not interact with the presentation format as expected. Learners’ visuo-spatial abilities had a positive effect on learning outcomes, but did not moderate the effects of the presentation format. Implications of the results for the design of instructional materials are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper the assumption of cognitive overhead in hypermedia learning is specified by cognitive load theory. This analysis is based on different types of cognitive load, the dimension of linearity/non-linearity as well as text characteristics. We propose a model stating that extraneous cognitive load in hypermedia learning is basically determined by the interaction of text presentation format (linear/non-linear) with text type (text with and without narrative structures). This assumption was tested by means of a 2 × 2 experimental design. Sixty participants completed a computer-based learning program that contained a narrative text or an encyclopaedia text in either linear or non-linear presentation format. Results confirm the suggested interaction hypothesis postulating that non-linear information presentation of narrative text structure increases cognitive load and decreases knowledge acquisition. However, for encyclopaedia text participants’ knowledge acquisition was not affected by linear or non-linear presentation format. Furthermore, results suggest a cross-validation of cognitive load measures and propositional analysis.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of a computer-based instruction package on college students’ knowledge about eating disorders, and how level of active participation during instruction influenced learning and satisfaction. Interactivity (the amount the participant actively responded to the computer-based instructional program) varied in three conditions: 0%, 50%, and 100%. Overall, the instructional package increased knowledge about eating disorders, and the 100% condition resulted in worse performance than 0% or 50% condition, and the 50% interactivity condition was worse than 0%. Participants in the interactive conditions reported being less satisfied with aspects of the instruction. The effects of interactivity, a unique aspect of computer-based instruction, are not as simple and direct as might be expected.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate university learners' visual attention during a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation on the topic of “Dinosaurs” in a real classroom. The presentation, which lasted for about 12–15 min, consisted of 12 slides with various text and graphic formats. An instructor gave the presentation to 21students whose eye movements were recorded by the eye tracking system. Participants came from various science departments in a national university in Taiwan, of which ten were earth-science majors (ES) and the other 11 were assigned to the non-earth-science group (NES). Eye movement indicators, such as total time spent on the interest zone, fixation count, total fixation duration, percent time spent in zone, etc., were abstracted to indicate their visual attention. One-way ANOVA as well as t-test analysis was applied to find the associations between the eye movement data and the students' background as well as different formats of PPT slides. The results showed that the students attended significantly more to the text zones on the PPT slides and the narrations delivered by the instruction. Nevertheless, the average fixation duration, indicating the average information processing time, was longer on the picture zones. In general, the ES students displayed higher visual attention than the NES students to the text zones, but few differences were found for the picture zones. When the students viewed those slides containing scientific hypotheses, the difference in attention distributions between the text and pictures reduced. Further analyses of fixation densities and saccade paths showed that the ES students were better at information decoding and integration.  相似文献   

It is frequently assumed that presenting the same material in written and spoken form benefits learning and understanding. The present work provides a theoretical justification based on cognitive load theory, and empirical evidence based on controlled experiments, that this assumption can be incorrect. From a theoretical perspective, it is suggested that if learners are required to coordinate and simultaneously process redundant material such as written and spoken text, an excessive working memory load is generated. Three experiments involving a group of 25 technical apprentices compared the effects of simultaneously presenting the same written and auditory textual information as opposed to either temporally separating the two modes or eliminating one of the modes. The first two experiments demonstrated that nonconcurrent presentation of auditory and visual explanations of a diagram proved superior, in terms of ratings of mental load and test scores, to a concurrent presentation of the same explanations when instruction time was constrained. The 3rd experiment demonstrated that a concurrent presentation of identical auditory and visual technical text (without the presence of diagrams) was significantly less efficient in comparison with an auditory-only text. Actual or potential applications of this research include the design and evaluation of multimedia instructional systems and audiovisual displays.  相似文献   

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