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Effects of N/C, P/C and Fe(II)/C ratios in fermentation medium on biohydrogen production by dark fermentation of acid-hydrolyzed wheat starch was investigated. The powdered wheat was autoclaved at pH = 3 and 90 °C for 15 min and the resulting sugar solution was fermented after external addition of N, P and Fe(II) to overcome nutrient limitations. Box–Wilson statistical experiment design was used by considering the N/C (0–0.05, w w−1), P/C (0–0.02) and Fe(II)/C (0–0.03) ratios as the independent variables while the hydrogen yield and specific hydrogen production rate (SHPR) were the objective functions to be optimized. A quadratic response function was used to correlate the response functions with the independent variables. Low levels of the variables (N/C < 0.02, P/C < 0.01, Fe(II)/C < 0.01) resulted in low hydrogen yield and SHPR due to nutrient limitations and high levels of nutrients caused inhibitions. The optimum conditions yielding the maximum hydrogen yield (Y = 2.84 mol H2 mol−1 glucose) were N/C = 0.02, P/C = 0.008 and Fe(II)/C = 0.015. The maximum SHPR (96 mL H2 g−1 biomass h−1) was obtained at N/C = 0.025, P/C = 0.008 and Fe(II)/C = 0.015 (w w−1).  相似文献   

Three different pre-treatment methods were applied on two different anaerobic sludge cultures and their mixtures in order to investigate the effects of pre-treatment methods on bio-hydrogen production from dark fermentation of waste ground wheat solution. Repeated heat, chloroform and combinations of heat and chloroform pre-treatment methods were applied to anaerobic sludges from different sources. Repeated heat treatment (2 × 5 h) was found to be more effective in selecting hydrogen producing bacteria compared to the other treatment methods tested on the basis of cumulative hydrogen production. The highest hydrogen formation (652 ml) and specific hydrogen production rate (SHPR = 25.7 ml H2 g−1 cells h−1) were obtained with the anaerobic sludge pre-treated by repeated boiling. Both the type of anaerobic sludge and the pre-treatment method had considerable effects on bio-hydrogen production from wheat powder solution (WPS) by dark fermentation.  相似文献   

Ground waste wheat was subjected to combined dark and light batch fermentation for hydrogen production. The dark to light biomass ratio (D/L) was changed between 1/2 and 1/10 in order to determine the optimum D/L ratio yielding the highest hydrogen formation rate and the yield. Hydrogen production by only dark and light fermentation bacteria was also realized along with the combined fermentations. The highest cumulative hydrogen formation (CHF = 76 ml), hydrogen yield (176 ml H2 g−1 starch) and formation rate (12.2 ml H2 g−1 biomass h−1) were obtained with the D/L ratio of 1/7 while the lowest CHF was obtained with the D/L ratio of 1/2. Dark–light combined fermentation with D/L ratio of 1/7 was faster as compared to the dark and light fermentations alone yielding high hydrogen productivity and reduced fermentation time. Dark and light fermentations alone also yielded considerable cumulative hydrogen, but slower than the combined fermentation.  相似文献   

Hydrogen formation performances of different anaerobic bacteria were investigated in batch dark fermentation of waste wheat powder solution (WPS). Serum bottles containing wheat powder were inoculated with pure cultures of Clostridium acetobutylicum (CAB), Clostridium butyricum (CB), Enterobacter aerogenes (EA), heat-treated anaerobic sludge (ANS) and a mixture of those cultures (MIX). Cumulative hydrogen formation (CHF), hydrogen yield (HY) and specific hydrogen production rate (SHPR) were determined for every culture. The heat-treated anaerobic sludge was found to be the most effective culture with a cumulative hydrogen formation of 560 ml, hydrogen yield of 223 ml H2 g−1 starch and a specific hydrogen production rate of 32.1 ml H2 g−1 h−1.  相似文献   

Cheese whey powder (CWP) solution was used as the raw material for hydrogen gas production by mesophilic (35 °C) and thermophilic (55 °C) dark fermentations at constant initial total sugar and bacteria concentrations. Thermophilic fermentation yielded higher cumulative hydrogen formation (CHF = 171 mL), higher hydrogen yield (111 mL H2 g−1 total sugar), and higher hydrogen formation rate (3.46 mL H2 L−1 h−1) as compared to mesophilic fermentation. CHF in both cases were correlated with the Gompertz equation and the constants were determined. Despite the longer lag phase, thermophilic fermentation yielded higher specific H2 formation rate (2.10 mL H2 g−1cells h−1). Favorable results obtained in thermophilic fermentation were probably due to elimination of H2 consuming bacteria at high temperatures and selection of fast hydrogen gas producers.  相似文献   

Immobilized cell bioreactor was operated in batch mode for biohydrogen generation by dark fermentation from acid hydrolyzed waste wheat powder. It was aimed to optimize the fermentation conditions with the purpose of obtaining the highest hydrogen yield (YH2) and production rate (HPR) by applying Box–Wilson statistical experimental design method. Particle number (PN = 120–240; X1), initial total sugar concentration (TS0 = 10–30 g/l; X2) and fermentation temperature (T = 35–55 °C; X3) were selected as independent variables. Polyester fibers with particle diameter “Dp” = 0.5 cm were used as support material to immobilize microorganisms with heat-pretreated sludge. Quadratic equations for production yield and rate were developed by using experimental results. The maximum YH2 (3.21 mol H2/mol glucose) and HPR (73.3 ml H2/h) were predicted at the optimum conditions of PN = 240, TS0 = 10 g/l and T = 44.9 °C. Also, analysis of variance, as well as sum of ranking difference test results demonstrated that fitting models were statistically significant.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is biohydrogen production from hydrolyzed waste wheat by dark fermentation in a continuously operated up-flow packed bed reactor. For this purpose, the effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the rate (RH2) and yield (YH2) of hydrogen gas formation were investigated. In order to determine the most suitable hydraulic retention time yielding the highest hydrogen formation, the reactor was operated between HRT = 1 h and 8 h. The substrate was the acid hydrolyzed wheat powder (AHWP). Waste wheat was sieved down to 70 μm size (less than 200 mesh) and acid hydrolyzed at pH = 2 and 90 °C in an autoclave for 15 min. The sugar solution obtained from hydrolysis of waste wheat was used as substrate at the constant concentration of 15 g/L after neutralization and nutrient addition for biohydrogen production by dark fermentation. The microbial growth support particle was aquarium biological sponge (ABS). Heat-treated anaerobic sludge was used as inoculum. Total gas volume and hydrogen percentage in total gas, hydrogen gas volume, total sugar and total volatile fatty acid concentrations in the feed and in the effluent of the system were monitored daily throughout the experiments. The highest yield and rate of productions were obtained as YH2 = 645.7 mL/g TS and RH2 = 2.51 L H2/L d at HRT = 3 h, respectively.  相似文献   

Magnetite/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites (Fe3O4-rGO NCs) and magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) were added to enhance biohydrogen (bioH2) production in dark fermentation. Concentration of supplements from 10 to 100 mg/L was appropriate to enhance bioH2 production, and inhibition appeared once concentration exceeded 100 mg/L. The best bioH2 yield was 198.30 mL/g glucose at 100 mg/L Fe3O4 NPs and 225.60 mL/g glucose at 100 mg/L Fe3O4-rGO NCs, which was 42.97% and 62.65% higher than that in the blank group, respectively. Both Fe3O4 NPs and Fe3O4-rGO NCs could intensify butyrate-type fermentation and change the hydrogen-producing microorganism cells morphology, but the enhancement effect of Fe3O4-rGO NCs was superior. Microbial community structure analysis showed that Clostridium-sensu-stricto-1 became more dominant ultimately by Fe3O4-rGO NCs.  相似文献   

The effects of N/C, P/C and Fe/C ratios on dark fermentative hydrogen gas production from activated carbon treated WPT hydrolysate were investigated using Box–Behnken statistical experiment design. N/C, P/C and Fe/C ratios were chosen as independent variables while the H2 yield and SHPR were set as the objective functions. H2 yield and SHPR functions were described by two quadratic model functions. The addition of a proper amount of N, P and Fe to the fermentation media was found to be essential to enhance the H2 production performance. Linear and interaction terms of N/C and Fe/C did have a significant effect on the H2 yield in the model function. However, the SHPR was significantly affected by the linear and interaction terms of N/C and P/C. The most convenient N/C, P/C and Fe/C ratios resulting maximum H2 yield (0.656 mol H2/mol glucose) and SHPR (241.64 mL H2/g biomass.h) were determined as 0.05, 0.09 and 0.003 (w/w), respectively.  相似文献   

Hythane is a mixture of hydrogen and methane gases which are generally produced in separate ways. This work studied mesophilic biohythane gas (H2+CH4+CO2) production in a bioreactor via single-stage dark fermentation. The fermentation was conducted in batch mode using mixed anaerobic microflora and food waste and condensed molasses fermentation soluble to elucidate the effects of food to microorganisms (F/M) ratio (ranging from 0.2 to 38.2) on gas production, metabolite variation, kinetics and biohythane-composition indicator performances. The experimental results indicate that the F/M ratio and fermentation time affect biohythane production efficiency with values of peak maximum hydrogen production rate 9.60 L/L-d, maximum methane production rate 0.72 L/L-d, and hydrogen yield (HY) of 6.17 mol H2/kg CODadded. Depending on the F/M ratios, the H2, CH4 and CO2 biogas components were 10–60%, 5–20% and 35–70%, respectively. Prospects for the further real application for single-stage biohythane fermentation based on the experimental data are proposed. This work characterizes an important reactor operation factor F/M ratio for innovative single-stage dark fermentation.  相似文献   

Effects of the substrate and cell concentration on bio-hydrogen production from ground wheat solution were investigated in combined dark-light fermentations. The ratio of the dark to light bacteria concentration (D/L) was kept constant at 1/10 while the wheat powder (WP) concentration was changed between 2.5 and 20 g L−1 with a total cell concentration of 0.41 g L−1 in the first set of experiments. Cell concentration was changed between 0.5 and 5 g L−1 in the second set of experiments while the wheat powder concentration was constant at 5 g L−1 with a D/L ratio of 1/7. The highest cumulative hydrogen (135 ml) and formation rate (3.44 ml H2 h−1) were obtained with the 20 g L−1 wheat powder concentration. However, the highest yield (63.9 ml g−1 starch) was obtained with the 2.5 g L−1 wheat powder. In variable cell concentration experiments, the highest cumulative hydrogen (118 ml) and yield (156.8 ml H2 g−1 starch) were obtained with 1.1 g L−1 cell concentration yielding an optimal biomass/substrate ratio of 0.22 g cells/g WP.  相似文献   

Fermentative hydrogen production from fruit and vegetable wastes (FVWs) through Dry Fermentation Technology (DFT) was studied through three independent experiments in order to find out the effect of particle size and autoclaving pretreatment on bio-hydrogen production from FVWs and as follows: (1) autoclaved FVWs with sizes < 5 cm (experiment I); (2) raw FVWs with sizes < 5 cm (experiment II) and (3) autoclaved FVWs with sizes > 5 cm (experiment III). The assay with autoclaved waste yielded a higher percentage of hydrogen in the headspace of the dry fermenter reaching a maximum value of 44% in experiment I. However, the maximum hydrogen production was obtained in experiment III with 14573 NmL at a yield of 23.53 NmL H2/gVS. Profiling of the microbial communities by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) indicated that the most prominent species were the genera Clostridium, Bifidobacterium, and Lactobacillus.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of the initial proportions of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids within the substrate on the resulting biohydrogen productivity by dark fermentation. Organic matter removal and the related metabolic by-products generated during the process were also assessed. The results obtained showed that initial substrate composition in terms of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids has a significant effect on maximal potential hydrogen production (Hmax), hydrogen production rate (Rmax), hydrogen yield (YH2) and metabolites distribution. Tests with proteins and lipids as unique substrate did not produce H2. A simplex-centroid design (SCD) and compositional data analysis of the substrate was used to determine the best condition to convert the substrate into H2. Hmax, Rmax and YH2 were significantly increased using an initial proportion of 56% carbohydrates (15 g/L), 22% proteins (6 g/L), and 22% lipids (6 g/L), which was concomitant with the generation of acetic and butyric acids. Protein and lipid proportions higher than 29% and lower than 12% led to decreased Hmax, Rmax and YH2 values with a consequent accumulation of propionic acid.  相似文献   

Dark fermentation effluent of wheat powder solution was subjected to light fermentation for bio-hydrogen production using different light sources and intensities. Tungsten, fluorescent, infrared (IR), halogen lamps were used as light sources with a light intensity of 270 Wm−2 along with sunlight. Pure culture of Rhodobacter sphaeroides-RV was used in batch light fermentation experiments. Halogen lamp was found to be the most suitable light source yielding the highest cumulative hydrogen formation (CHF, 252 ml) and yield (781 ml H2 g−1 TVFA). In the second set of experiments, light fermentations were performed at different light intensities (1–10 klux) using halogen lamp. The optimum light intensity was found to be 5 klux (approx. 176 Wm−2) resulting in the highest CHF (88 ml) and hydrogen yield (1037 ml H2 g−1TVFA). Hydrogen formation was limited by the availability of light at low light intensities below 5 klux and was inhibited by the excess light above 5 klux.  相似文献   

The ability of Clostridium butyricum RAK25832 to use casamino acids as a nitrogen source was investigated. Strain RAK25832 showed the capacity to utilize different types of carbon sources. With glucose as a carbon source (10 g/L), the preferred final concentration of casamino acids was 26.67 g/L, with a cumulative hydrogen production, production rate, and yield of 2505 mL H2/L, 160 mL/h, and 1.81 mol H2/mol glucose, respectively. Eighteen metal elements were screened to identify the most important metals for biohydrogen production, and four elements were optimized. The optimal medium composition was MgCl2·6H2O (0.1 g/L), K2HPO4·3H2O (6.67 g/L), NaHCO3 (2.6 g/L), and FeCl2·4H2O (0.002 g/L). Vitamin supplementation of the medium showed no significant effect on hydrogen production. Under the optimized conditions, cumulative hydrogen production reached 3074 mL H2/L. This is the first study to demonstrate the use of casamino acids as a nitrogen source by C. butyricum.  相似文献   

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