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The indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in residential buildings is examined from the prospect of an occupant's acceptance in four aspects: thermal comfort, indoor air quality, noise level and illumination level. Based on the evaluations by 125 occupants living in 32 typical residential apartments in Hong Kong, this study proposes empirical expressions to approximate the overall IEQ acceptance with respect to four contributors, namely operative temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, equivalent noise level and illumination level, via a multivariate logistic regression model. A range of IEQ acceptances for regular residential conditions is determined and the dependence of the predicted overall IEQ acceptance on the variations of the contributors is discussed. The proposed overall IEQ acceptance can be used as a quantitative assessment criterion for similar residential environments where an occupant's evaluation is expected.  相似文献   

It is often unclear whether environmental rating methods for buildings assess the most significant environmental aspects or if other considerations lie behind the choice of assessment aspects in specific methods. In the development of a comprehensive Swedish environmental rating method for buildings, a number of approaches for selecting environmental aspects in a method were tested. These include basing the selection on the severity and extent of problems, on official objectives, on mandatory rules, and on current practice. Once aspects, or rather building-related health problems, are selected, possible indicators for monitoring these problems can be tested with regard to theoretical and practical criteria in order to understand better the strengths and limitations of different indicators. The analyses in the paper are limited to indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and thus cover extensive reviews of current IEQ methods, Swedish objectives, and legislation as well as the severity and extent of IEQ problems. The results show that depending on the chosen approach, different numbers of aspects turn out to be significant. The approaches for prioritizing aspects suggested here can be used, preferably in combination. An aspect can be seen as motivated for inclusion in a method if many of the approaches suggest its significance.

Il est souvent difficile de savoir si les méthodes de classement de l'environnement utilisées dans le bâtiment évaluent les aspects environnementaux les plus significatifs ou si d'autres considérations restent derrière le choix des aspects d'évaluation dans des méthodes spécifiques. Dans le cadre de l'élaboration d'une méthode complète de classement de l'environnement en Suède appliquée aux bâtiments, on a testé un certain nombre d'approches pour sélectionner les aspects environnementaux dans une méthode. Cela implique de baser la sélection sur la gravité et l'étendue des problèmes, sur des objectifs officiels, sur des règles obligatoires et sur la pratique actuelle. Après avoir sélectionné les aspects ou plutôt les problèmes de santé liés aux bâtiments, on peut tester des indicateurs possibles pour surveiller ces problèmes par rapport à des critères théoriques et pratiques afin de mieux comprendre la force et les limitations des différents indicateurs. Les analyses exposées dans cet article sont limitées à la qualité de l'environnement intérieur (IEQ) et couvrent donc des revues complètes des méthodes IEQ actuelles, les objectifs de la Suède, la législation ainsi que la gravité et l'étendue des problèmes d'IEQ. Les résultats montrent qu'en fonction de l'approche choisie, un certain nombre d'aspects différents apparaissent comme significatifs. Les méthodes concernant les aspects de fixation des priorités suggérées ici peuvent être utilisées, de préférence en combinaison. Un aspect peut être considéré comme motivé pour inclusion dans une méthode si de nombreuses approches suggèrent sa signification.

Mots cle´s: evaluation des bâtiments, caractéristique des bâtiments, evaluation de l'environnement, indicateurs environnementaux, performances environnementales, classement de l'environnement, santé, qualité de l'environnement intérieur, bruit  相似文献   

Professor Derek Croome and his colleagues in their CIB Montreal paper present the results of an investigation into the indoor environment of a naturally ventilated office and conclude that data from laboratory tests are insufficient. A field test method is established which allows an investigation to take into account window and door opening patterns and peoples reactions to air temperature, fresh air and movement.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to present a model-based predictive controller, combined with a Building Energy Management System (BEMS). The overall system predicts the indoor environmental conditions of a specific building and selects the most appropriate actions so as to reach the set points and contribute to the indoor environmental quality by minimizing energy costs. The controller is tested using a BEMS installation in Hania, Crete, Greece.  相似文献   

Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in hospital operating rooms (ORs) constitutes a major challenge for the proper design and operation of an energy efficient hospital. A subjective assessment of the indoor environment along with a short monitoring campaign was performed during the audits of 18 ORs at nine major Hellenic hospitals. A total of 557 medical personnel participated in an occupational survey, providing data for a subjective assessment of IEQ in the audited ORs. The OR personnel reported work related health symptoms and an assessment of indoor conditions (thermal, visual and acoustical comfort, and air quality). Overall, personnel reported an average of 2.24 work-related symptoms each, and 67.2% of respondents reported at least one. Women suffer more health symptoms than men. Special dispositions, such as smoking and allergies, increase the number of reported symptoms for male and female personnel. Personnel that perceive satisfactory indoor comfort conditions (temperature, humidity, ventilation, light, and noise) average 1.18 symptoms per person, while for satisfactory indoor air quality the average complaints are 0.99. The perception of satisfactory IEQ (satisfactory comfort conditions and air quality) reduces the average number of health complaints to 0.64 symptoms per person and improves working conditions, even in a demanding OR environment.  相似文献   

The thermal environment for air-conditioned offices in subtropical climates is examined from the prospect of maintaining an optimum operative temperature for the occupants. In this study, the optimum neutral temperature is evaluated from 422 occupants’ responses towards the perceiving thermal environment in 61 air-conditioned offices and 186 complaints of thermal discomfort in an air-conditioned office building on an electronic questionnaire, using a semantic differential evaluation scale and a dichotomous assessment scale. In particular, physical parameters for the thermal comfort study were measured by an indoor environmental quality (IEQ) logger, and the operative temperature was correlated with the occupants’ thermal responses. The probability of accepting an operative temperature for the thermal comfort of the occupants was correlated with logistic regression curves; the optimum operative temperature was derived in order to maximize the probability of thermal comfort expressed by the occupants. The results showed that the thermal neutral temperatures for air-conditioned offices in subtropical climates were 23.6 and 21.4 °C in summer and winter, respectively. The preferred thermal environment in Hong Kong should be slightly cool, corresponding to about 1 °C below the neutral temperature, in order to satisfy most of the occupants in the office space.  相似文献   

Two surveys were carried out to investigate the correlation between building maintenance management services for indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and occupant satisfaction. Each maintenance management organization manager was surveyed using the Evaluation Index of Maintenance Management Service Quality, created by Akira Takakusagi. Seven office buildings in Seoul, Korea were investigated in the first survey, and two buildings from the first survey were selected for analysis in the second survey. One is a building with good maintenance management services but low occupant satisfaction, and the other is an office building with low maintenance management services but high occupant satisfaction.  相似文献   

The uncertainties of professional choice of ‘representative’ sampling locations for general indoor air quality (IAQ) assessment are reported from the perspective of probable errors deviated from the sample-spatial average pollutant concentration of an indoor environment. In this study, associations between the professional choices of the sampling locations and attributes of the assessors were examined to quantify the uncertainties of the IAQ assessment results for a typical air-conditioned office in Hong Kong. In particular, a long-term (one-year) measurement result of the spatial indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in this office was used as a basis to investigate the probable errors due to the choices of sampling locations. Comparing with the random choices, the assessment accuracy with the expert choices would be significantly improved for coarse sampling point densities at certain engineering acceptable error limits. It was reported that the location choices and assessment accuracy would be significantly influenced by the academic background of the assessors. An assessor group with higher academic level would make a choice leaning towards more accurate assessment results. To avoid an inappropriate level of reliance on the assessment results, uncertainties must be quantified for IAQ assessment. This study provided a template for further investigations into the uncertainties of IAQ assessment results involving professional choice of ‘representative’ sampling locations and the results might be a useful reference for assessing indoor environment elsewhere.  相似文献   

张永红 《山西建筑》2007,33(20):360-361
介绍了室内空气污染物的种类及其对人的危害,提出了室内环境质量检测的取样条件和方法,给出了检测采用的现行国家标准及结果判定,最后就室内环境质量的防治措施进行了探讨,以保障公众健康、维护公共利益。  相似文献   

This study presents findings of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) investigations conducted in elementary schools׳ classrooms in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Average TVOC, CO2, O3, CO, and particle concentrations measured in the classrooms were 815 µg/m3, 1605 ppm, 0.05 ppm, 1.16 ppm, and 1730 µg/m3, respectively. Whereas, local authority known as Dubai Municipality recommended 300 µg/m3, 800 ppm, 0.06 ppm, 9 ppm, and 150–300 µg/m3 for TVOC, CO2, O3, CO, and particle, respectively. Dubai Municipality recommended temperature and relative humidity (RH) levels of 22.5 °C to 25.5 °C and 30%–60%, respectively. Average temperature and RH levels measured in the classrooms were 24.5 °C and 40.4%, respectively. Average sound level in the classrooms was 24 dB greater than recommended sound level limit of 35 dB. Six (6) classrooms had average lux levels in the range of 400–800 lux. Two (2) classrooms had average lux levels in the range of 100–200 lux. The remaining classrooms had lux levels around the recommended 300 lux. High occupancy density was observed in majority of the studied classrooms. Observations during walkthrough investigations could be used to explain measured IEQ data. Poor IEQ conditions in the studied classrooms highlight the need for further research investigation to understand how poor classrooms׳ IEQ condition could influence students׳ health, comfort, attendance rate, and academic performance.  相似文献   

Lam KS  Chan FS  Fung WY  Lui BS  Lau LW 《Indoor air》2006,16(2):86-97
A study was carried out to investigate the feasibility of achieving ultra low respirable suspended particulates (RSP) in commercial offices without major modification of existing ventilation systems by enhancing the particulates removal efficiency of existing central ventilation systems. Four types of filters which include pre-filters, cartridge filters, bag filters and high efficiency particulates air (HEPA) filters were tested in a commercial building in Causeway Bay. The results show that an RSP objective of <20 microg/m3 could be met by removing RSP from both the return air and outdoor air supply simultaneously. This level of performance is classed as 'excellent' by the Hong Kong Government, Environmental Protection Department. Filters with efficiency that exceed 80% placed both in the return air and outdoor air were sufficient to meet the objective. It is not necessary to install HEPA filters to achieve the 'excellent' class. The outdoor air filter has great influence on the steady state indoor RSP concentration while the effective cleaning rate is governed by the return air filter. Higher efficiency filters increased the static drop but the volume flow of the air fan was not affected significantly. The additional cost incurred was <5% of the existing operation cost. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This paper reports a field study of RSP control for an indoor office environment. The results are directly applicable to building service engineering in the design of ventilation systems using air-handling units. Field observations indicated that indoor RSP in an office environment could be suppressed below 20 microg/m3 within 1 h by the simultaneous filtration of outdoor air and return air. Outdoor air filtration has a great influence on the steady state indoor concentration and return air filtration governs the cleaning rate. It is believed that the results of this study could be extended to the cleaning of other indoor pollutants such as volatile organic compounds.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the impact of building characteristics and indoor air quality on recurrent wheezing in infants. We followed a birth cohort (BAMSE) comprising 4089 children, born in predefined areas of Stockholm, during their first 2 years of life. Information on exposures was obtained from parental questionnaires when the children were 2 months and on symptoms and diseases when the children were 1 and 2 years old. Children with recurrent wheezing, and two age-matched controls per case, were identified and enrolled in a nested case-control study. The homes were investigated and ventilation rate, humidity, temperature and NO2 measured. We found that living in an apartment erected after 1939, or in a private home with crawl space/concrete slab foundation were associated with an increased risk of recurrent wheezing, odds ratio (OR) 2.5 (1.3-4.8) and 2.5 (1.1-5.4), respectively. The same was true for living in homes with absolute indoor humidity >5.8 g/kg, OR 1.7 (1.0-2.9) and in homes where windowpane condensation was consistently reported over several years, OR 2.2 (1.1-4.5). However, air change rate and type of ventilation system did not seem to affect the risk. In conclusion, relatively new apartment buildings, single-family homes with crawl space/concrete slab foundation, elevated indoor humidity, and reported wintertime windowpane condensation were associated with recurrent wheezing in infants. Thus, improvements of the building quality may have potential to prevent infant wheezing.  相似文献   

The indoor air quality (IAQ) was measured in newly built Korean apartments before and after occupancy in a survey of 158 residences in 24-apartment complexes nationwide. Factors that might affect pollutant concentration, such as temperature, humidity, housing size, and duration of occupancy, were analyzed in relation to the measured concentrations. Average pollutant levels were consistent with the Ministry of the Environment's recommended standards; however, pollutant levels in some apartments exceeded the current standards. We found that the concentrations of formaldehyde and toluene often exceeded the more stringent guidelines that will soon be enacted. Our results suggest that stronger countermeasures are therefore required to control these two chemicals. The results show that the pollution concentration was generally proportional to temperature and humidity, but that, in some cases, the concentration measurements were inversely proportional to these two factors, and in a few others the relationship between these factors was not clear. Indoor air pollution readings were highest in the 30-pyeong apartments, followed by 10-, and 20-pyeong residences. The pollutant concentrations decreased to about half of their initial levels after one year of occupancy, but the concentration of formaldehyde in indoor air persisted for a longer period. The duration of the apartment's occupancy affected indoor air pollutant concentrations more so than other factors such as temperature, humidity, and apartment size.  相似文献   

Fanger's PMV-PPD is the most famous thermal sensation indices but it is too complex to be applied in practice. To obtain simple and applicable correlations, taking Qujing of Yunnan province, China, as example, a wet season (six-month) field measurement was conducted in a naturally ventilated residential room. Based on collected data, PMV indices were calculated by using Newton's iterative method. It is shown that the PMV values approximately vary from −1.0 to +1.0 and the indoor thermal environment is basically comfortable. Relationships of the parameters (indoor and outdoor air temperatures, mean radiant temperature, PMV and PPD) and indoor air temperature gradients (vertical and horizontal) were also studied by means of the linear regression and the quadratic polynomial fit techniques. Numerous correlations with high relativities have been developed. Moreover, the vertical and horizontal air temperature gradients range from 0.1 K/m to 0.85 K/m and from −0.208 K/m to 0.063 K/m in wet season. It is convenient to use these results to evaluate and assess the indoor thermal environment under similar climatic conditions. The results of this work enrich and develop the basic theory of the indoor thermal environment design and control.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of uncertainty, this paper presents grey system theory to handle the “grey” characteristic of IAQ. Grey comprehensive analysis of indoor air quality reveals that we should pay more attention to the air purification and humidity control in the design and maintenance of HVAC. In order to represent grey characteristic of IAQ system, the educed grey IAQ models can identify the variation intervals of key IAQ model parameters that are lack of directly measurable messages in practical situations. Furthermore, grey assessment is an effective multifactor comprehensive assessment method that can express the integrative influence of contamination indexes on indoor air quality. We can determine the IAQ grade and make comparison according to the grey incidence matrix R.  相似文献   

A total of 15 classrooms went through on‐site assessments/inspections, including measurements of temperature (T), and concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). In addition, the level of surface biocontamination/cleaning effectiveness was assessed by measuring adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels on students' desks. Based on the data, the quality of facilities in the buildings was low. Classroom occupancy exceeded ASHRAE 50 person/100 m2 standard in all cases indicating overcrowding. However, concentrations of CO2 remained below 1000 ppm in most classrooms. On the other hand, indoor T was above the recommended levels for thermal comfort in all classrooms. Maximum indoor CO was 6 ppm. Median ATP concentrations on the desk tops were moderately high in all schools. The use of open incinerators and power generator sets near classrooms, which was suspected to be the main source of CO, should be discouraged. Improved hygiene could be achieved by providing the students access to functioning bathroom facilities and cafeteria, and by effective cleaning of high contact surfaces such as desks. Although ventilation seems adequate based on CO2 concentrations, thermal comfort was not attained especially in the afternoon during extreme sunlight. Therefore, installing passive and/or mechanical cooling systems should be considered in this regard.  相似文献   

Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is a general indicator of the quality of conditions inside a building. We investigated associations of perceived IEQ including air quality, thermal comfort, noise, and light quality with stress at work and the extent to which workplace location modifies these associations. We recruited 464 full-time workers from four companies in Singapore. Data on socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle/health-related factors, and workplace factors were collected through self-administered questionnaires. Perceived IEQ satisfaction scores of all four factors were collected using the validated OFFICAIR questionnaire. We fitted a logistic regression model to assess associations between each perceived IEQ score and stress at work, adjusting for potential confounders. The odds ratio for stress at work associated with a 1-unit increase in perceived air quality score was 0.88 (0.82-0.94), 0.89 (0.82-0.97) for thermal comfort, 0.93 (0.87-0.98) for noise, and 0.88 (0.82-0.94) for light quality. Significant associations were found in office and control rooms for all four perceived IEQ, except for thermal comfort in office rooms. Higher satisfaction levels of perceived air quality, thermal comfort, noise, and lighting, were significantly associated with a reduction in stress at work. Our findings could potentially provide a useful tool for environmental health impact assessment for buildings.  相似文献   

An alternative method of maintaining indoor air quality may be through the biofiltration of air recirculating within the structure rather than the traditional approach of ventilation. This approach is currently being investigated. Prior to its acceptance for dealing with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and CO2, efforts were made to determine whether the incorporation of this amount of biomass into the indoor space can have an (negative) impact on indoor air quality. A relatively large ecologically complex biofilter composed of a ca. 10 m2 bioscrubber, 30 m2 of plantings and a 3,500 litre aquarium were established in a 160 m2 'airtight' room in a recently constructed office building in downtown Toronto. This space maintained ca. 0.2 air changes per hour (ACH) compared to the 15 to 20 ACH (with a 30% refresh rate) of other spaces in the same building. Air quality parameters of concern were total VOCs (TVOCs), formaldehyde and aerial spore counts. TVOC and formaldehyde levels in the biofilter room were the same or significantly less than other spaces in the building despite a much slower refresh rate. Aerial spore levels were slightly higher than other indoor spaces but were well within reported values for 'healthy' indoor spaces. Levels appeared to be dependent on horticultural management practices within the space. Most genera of fungal spores present were common indoors and the other genera were associated with living or dead plant material or soil. From these results, the incorporation of a large amount of biomass associated with indoor biofilters does not in itself lower indoor air quality.  相似文献   

Unlike commercial premises, the indoor air quality of residences is more dynamic, uncontrolled, and prone to human behavioral changes. In consequence, measuring the health benefit gains derived from improving indoor air quality in residences is more complicated. To overcome this, a human thermal comfort model was first integrated with indoor microenvironment models, and subsequently linked with appropriate concentration-response and economic data for estimating the economic benefit gains derived from improving indoor air quality in residences for an adult and an elderly person. In this study, the development of the model is illustrated by using a typical residential apartment locating at the worst air quality neighborhood in Hong Kong and the daily weather profiles between 2002 and 2006. Three types of personal intervention measures were examined in the study: (i) using air cleaner in residence, (ii) changing time spent in residence, and (iii) relocating to a better air quality neighborhood. Our results revealed that employing air cleaners with windows closed in residence throughout the entire year was the most beneficial measure as it could provide the greatest annual health benefit gains. It would give a maximum of HK$2072 in 5-year cumulative benefit gain for an adult and HK$1700 for an elderly person. Employing air cleaners with windows closed in only cool season (October through March) could give the highest marginal return per dollar spent. The benefit gains would become smaller when windows were opened to a greater extent. By contrast, relocating to a better air quality neighborhood and changing the time spent in residence did not appeal to be beneficial intervention measures.  相似文献   

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