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The term 'specialist contractor' in Sweden refers to all contractors who are involved in the construction process, apart from the general contractor. About 12 organizations from eight groups or trades were selected for interviews and the results of those interested and complying with ISO 9000 was varied with the most common problems for the specialist contractors easily identified.  相似文献   

讨论了ISO 9000在建筑行业贯彻实施的成功因素和这些因素的重要性,指出企业最高管理者的管理责任是建筑行业ISO 9000成功实施过程中的决定性因素,人才资源是第二个起决定作用的因素,组织机构变革、体制与技术是次级因素.  相似文献   

通过ISO9000认证不等于质量无忧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对当前ISO9000认证活动效益不高的原因,指出要使得ISO9000认证活动能够更加有效,政府应当正确引导ISO9000认证活动,企业应当正确的认识ISO9000认证活动,并采用多种方法弥补ISO9000标准自身的缺陷来进行质量管理。  相似文献   

The construction industry is predominantly project based and quality is one of the client's prime concerns in their construction projects. Many clients, especially those in the Hong Kong public sector, require their contractors to have a Quality Management System (QMS) certified under ISO9000. Also, several contractors as well as clients themselves voluntarily implemented an ISO9000-based QMS in their respective organizations in order to target the various benefits perceived from such initiative. It was considered timely and worthwhile to explore the effectiveness of ISO9000-based QMSs in the Hong Kong. This paper portrays the key findings from a focused study that relate to the client satisfaction aspects from implementation of the ISO9000-based QMSs in the contractor organizations.  相似文献   

IS09000:2000质量管理8项原则是组织进行质量管理最基本、最通用的一般规律.本文对质量管理8项原则在职业健康安全管理中的应用进行了探讨,认为该原则对职业健康安全管理具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

实验室的过程管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将过程管理技术引入到实验室管理中 ,能更有效地利用教学资源 ,提高教学服务的水平和质量。但同样存在风险 ,实施过程管理的组织必须满足一定的条件 ,还要注意执行过程管理的组织其体制因素、个人的心理素质因素及领导决策能力等多种因素对实施效果的影响  相似文献   

关于建筑企业全面质量管理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王开余 《安徽建筑》2007,14(2):127-128
随着各国质量专家学者掀起了TQM与ISO9000两者关系的研究热潮.文章提出:按国际惯例严格实施ISO9000标准并敢得认证很有必要.但要确保企业持续健康发展.最根本、最有效的途径还是不断深化TQM。  相似文献   

将现代企业的“5S”理念引入到高校实验室管理中   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在分析目前高校实验室管理中存在的问题的同时 ,吸取现代企业推行的“5S”理念的精髓 ,针对高校实验室管理中长期存在的制度不完善、执行标准不细化、责任不明确等弊病 ,提出几点旨在加强管理、提高效率的措施  相似文献   

ISO 9000, the quality management system standards developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO), is widely used in the construction industry, as it is in all industries in the world. Recently, a growing interest has been paid to the use of this system in the construction industry. Despite the growing interest, ISO 9000 use of construction firms has not been sufficiently studied from the perspective of developing countries. In this article, with regard to the ISO 9000 quality management system (QMS) in Turkey, the characteristics of contractor firms in the construction industry, the perceptions, behavior and experiences of the firms in regard to ISO 9000 QMS are discussed. A field study has been executed, and a questionnaire has been carried out. In total, 138 construction firms, members of Turkish Contractors Association and representing the top-level firms operating both in Turkey and in the international market, have been selected for this study. The evaluation of the data points to the fact that the surveyed construction firms generally have a positive approach toward ISO 9000 QMS and that ISO 9000 QMS provides important advantages for the firms. However ISO 9000 QMS cannot be made widespread and applied effectively due to certain disadvantages and difficulties in practice.  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years quality management in the French construction industry has triggered a range of innovative ideas spanning all professions, ideas that have been developed further through action-research. The creation of quality clubs is one of the first examples of this, followed by the setting up of professional quality assurance references based on the ISO 9002 Standard, to be used first and foremost by construction contractors (QUALIBAT), but also by architects (AQC and QUALIARCH), and finally clients (QUALIMO). The clubs and QUALIBAT are today experiencing either a decrease in activity or a growth-caused crisis, made all the worse by the devastating effects of a long, drawn-out activity crisis which lasted from 1993 until 1998 and led to widespread abnormally low prices. A new impetus has been given to the sector by the Construction Branch of the French Movement for Quality (MFQ) through the combined force of the clubs experience and the development of professional quality references. The innovation consists of drawing up an experimental standard for quality management in the construction industry and actively participating in revising the ISO 9000 Standards for the year 2000. Although specifically French, other countries in southern Europe and Latin America with whom there has been regular contact since 1996 are interested in this initiative.  相似文献   

李红霞 《山西建筑》2003,29(16):78-79
结合对ISO 90 0 0标准内涵的深刻理解 ,在总结贯标工作经验的基础上 ,从编制可行的项目质量计划 ,严格控制材料质量等方面 ,提出贯彻执行ISO 90 0 0标准 ,提高施工管理水平的措施。  相似文献   

全面质量管理理论与ISO 9000质量管理体系标准   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
许建林 《山西建筑》2004,30(3):80-81
论述了全面质量管理理论的概念 ,介绍了 2 0 0 0版ISO 90 0 0质量管理体系标准与全面质量管理理论的关系 ,提出质量管理体系标准充分运用全面质量管理的方法 ,可使企业走上成功之路  相似文献   

王克柱 《福建建筑》2010,(1):133-134
建筑设计单位要不断加强和完善质量保证体系。本文对建筑设计单位建立系统化的质量管理体系进行分析,并在探索如何建立文件化的质量管理体系提出几点看法。  相似文献   

This paper represents a summary of observations over a 17-year period of conducting quality audits; guidance is given on how to deal with different types of auditee and how the auditor might conduct themselves throughout the audit.  相似文献   

我国高等教育管理引进ISO9000族标准的研究从以前的实践研究和国外经验的介绍开始,到现在已经转入理论研究为主,并主要集中研究引进的可行性与必要性、基本术语界定、标准体系的构建.虽然研究已经比较深入,但是依然存在尚待进一步深入研究的问题,如引进领域的确定,对实践的总结与反思等.  相似文献   

监理企业在当下日趋激烈的建筑市场环境下,应建立健全监理企业质量管理体系,为提高企业核心竞争力提供制度保障,论文以建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司为例,对健全质量管理体系过程中存在的阶段性问题进行分析阐述,提出具体改进措施,试探性地提出了质量管理体系有效性的评价标准。  相似文献   



This paper explores the relationship between an ISO 9000 certified quality management system (QMS) and elements of performance in construction project environments.


A survey based approach is used to collect data from project managers working in the Malaysian construction sector in both ISO 9000 certified and non-certified organisations. Three elements of performance are explored: project management (PM) practices, financial management (FM) practices and Project Success. The Project Management Performance Assessment model (PMPA) (Bryde, 2003) is used as the framework for assessing PM Practices. 336 completed questionnaires are analysed, with a group of 73 being from ISO 9000 certified companies (a response rate of 48.3%) and a group of 262 being from non-certified companies (response rate = 32.6%). MANOVA are used to explore differences in levels of performance between the two groups.


Overall there is significance difference in mean scores at the 5% level in respect of each of the PM and FM Practice elements of performance, indicating that ISO 9000 certified companies have enhanced levels of performance in their project environments compared to those in non-certified companies. The two exceptions are the PM Practice related to establishing partnerships and managing resources and the FM Practice related to allowing for inflation and price escalations. The results also indicate that ISO 9000 certification has a positive moderating effect on the casual relationship between PM Practices and Project Success. Based on the survey results a Project Management Performance Assessment for Construction (PMPAC) model is developed, which extends the PMPA to include performance enablers linked to financial management activities.

Research limitations/implications

The survey focuses on the construction sector in Malaysia and further work is required to see if the findings are applicable to other countries and also to other business sectors beyond the construction sector.


The research reported in this paper is original in that prior research into the link of ISO 9000 certification and dimensions of organizational performance has not explicitly focused on project environments. The research findings provide evidence that those seeking to enhance their project performance could gain benefits from developing a QMS and seeking ISO 9000 accreditation. However the finding also indicate that an approach to performance management based solely on establishing a certified QMS may have its limitations in terms of establishing processes for managing the relationships on a project through partnership approaches and in dealing with uncertainty in the external environment, such as price fluctuations. The PMPAC model presented in this paper provides a framework for those working in construction project environments to ensure their project management systems incorporate the key activities that enable better performance.  相似文献   

Design organizations play a major role in the construction industry: they are the media that transfer the requirements of the client to the contractor and ensure that they are met. Thus they need to provide a high quality of service to ensure that their client's project achieves the best possible standards of cost, time and quality. Seventy quality practices (QP) were identified as having a bearing on the quality of service provided by the local design organizations. These quality practices were grouped into fifteen sections termed quality sections (QS). The prevalence of these practices among the local design organizations was surveyed and determined. The results indicate a significant need for improvement in the quality sections ‘working relationship’, ‘employee training and education’, and ‘performance quality audit’. The study reveals the need for the establishment of a design code, and evaluation standards for local design organizations.  相似文献   

林业院校城市规划专业教学质量保障体系的构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林业院校城市规划专业(FUUP)建设,需要依托风景园林学科背景,构建合理的教学质量保障体系(TQGS),可以借鉴全面质量管理(TQM)中全程性、全面性和全员性的思路以及ISO9000教学质量管理体系中系统化、规范化、文件化的思路,从而突出自己的特色,提高林业院校城市规划专业的生存能力,培养优秀的应用型规划人才。  相似文献   

任正  孙练彬  夏玉英 《山西建筑》2012,38(15):237-238
以ISO9000质量体系与FIDIC合同管理在国家体育场建设中的运用为例,阐述了质量管理的预控在国家体育场工程中如何应用及ISO9000质量体系在施工中的贯彻方式,分析了个别合同管理上的失误并提出相关建议,总结经验从而促进我国建筑业的发展。  相似文献   

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