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历史立化名域风貌保护规划浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锺毅  毕凌岚 《华中建筑》2003,21(1):73-75
通过对组成陕西秦渡、四川会理、四川西昌三座历史文化名城(镇)传统风貌的物质空间形态及生活习俗的分析,将其内涵归纳为:小城故事、市井人家、山水情韵、街巷幽深、庭院依稀,五大主题提出城镇历史文化风貌保护应在于软质景观—城市生活方式及习俗,和硬质景观——历史文化城镇独特的物质空间实体两大部分景观的共同保护的观点.  相似文献   

冯梅  牟江 《华中建筑》2007,25(4):72-74
历史街区中,富有个性的地方性传统居住方式代表了一种文化,它不仅是过去的,也是今后的城市居民的文化载体,它可以促进地区的传统文化与现代文明在传统基础上找到合适的契合点.本文以历史街区中地方性传统居住方式的保护为切入点,以贵州镇远古城为例,说明传统居住方式所面临的问题、在古城保护中的价值以及保护方法与对策.  相似文献   

This study deals with the architectural properties of traditional Siverek houses, which are important in the larger corpus of Southeastern Anatolian houses. The historical city center of Siverek has partly preserved its authentic character with its monumental buildings and traditional houses. Despite the considerable number of traditional courtyard houses in Siverek, no detailed survey has been conducted on them. In this work, these traditional houses in the historical Siverek City center are identified and documented for the first time. Their plans, façades, and structural systems are examined in detail, and the structural elements are comprehensively analyzed. We document the architectural features of these traditional Siverek houses and introduce the cultural heritage of the city. These details provide information for proper decision-making regarding the preparation of restitution and restoration projects and selecting materials and techniques that suit the structures to be restored.  相似文献   

A city is a vital organism that lives and grows like other organisms. Therefore, implementing development plans that would provide a sense of unity and integration in relation to the city as a whole is necessary. Traditional Iranian architecture is full of samples evolved during the course of Iranian history that can serve as architectural paragons of the city. In Iran's traditional cities, a sense of unity exists in various urban areas. The traditional city of Isfahan is one of the most valuable samples and was selected as the case study in this research. Accordingly, the most important questions of this research are as follows: (1) What is the role of bazaars in creating a sense of unity in the traditional cities of Iran? (2) How do bazaars play out their role in the integration of these cities? This research focuses on the concept of a “traditional city” to determine the role of bazaars in such cities. The results show that bazaars are crucial in giving a sense of integrity to the concept of a traditional Iranian city. Bazaars provide cohesion among the different parts of cities, such as residential areas, as well as socio-political and trade centers. This condition means that traditional bazaars play two important roles in traditional cities: (1) they interconnect the different parts of the city's physical structure; and (2) the crucial role of bazaars in a city's social and cultural structure brings about unity among the citizens in the city. Bazaars as a unifying element connect the main urban functions and guarantee the city's economic and social life.  相似文献   

况平 《中国园林》2006,22(11):33-36
由于文化和自然特点,重庆园林在历史上有其独特之处。在广泛调查重庆传统园林及相关要素的基础上,从园林类型、选址、建筑及装饰、理水、植物、山石与盆景等方面分析了重庆传统园林的特点,得出“重庆传统园林具有历史纪念性园林的特征,在造园上体现了园林与自然山地的结合,与自然山水的协调,因此,自然山水是重庆园林未来创作需要把握的总体特征,自然山水园是重庆园林发展的方向”的初步结论。  相似文献   

移植与共生:一种嬗变的生土民居保护思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐相龙  柴宗刚  芦菲 《华中建筑》2009,27(10):128-130
该文以我国黄土高原沟谷型城镇与爬坡式覆土窑洞的共生为例,试图证实我国现代城市与传统民居和谐共生的迫切性和可行性。笔者尝试将黄土高原地区最适宜的绿色民居建筑——爬坡式覆土窑洞移植到沟谷型城镇的两侧山体,借以拓宽城镇的横向发展空间。  相似文献   

常健  叶茂 《华中建筑》2014,(11):146-150
该文以分形的视角重新审视以传统城市、古典园林、古建筑为主导的中国传统建筑文化,其与分形同源于自然的建筑创作思想,其"不谓分形"却"无处不在无时不有"分形性的建筑创作实态。呈现了中国传统建筑文化与分形多层次自相似迭代组织思想、分形有序与无序,简单与复杂统一的几何形态的深厚渊源,体现了中国传统建筑文化传承至今的魅力本质。同时更为当前延续历史建筑文化的精髓,探索未来分形于建筑文化领域的发展的趋势提供了一定的启发借鉴。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Contemporary urbanization has brought well‐documented shifts in the social and economic foundations of U.S. cities through deindustrialization, gentrification, and residential segregation. To these widely recognized shifts, we add historical–environmental changes associated with “relict industrial waste” that accumulates and becomes hidden as cities change over time. This study advances a new analytical framework and data collection strategy for uncovering these relict industrial waste sites and the processes that influence their location, frequency, and conversion. Results affirm that hundreds of potentially hazardous sites exist in older cities and that the vast majority of these sites have converted to other uses, hiding potential relict waste from public, scholarly, and regulatory view. Results also indicate that the types of neighborhood settings in which these sites are found and likelihood of subsequent land‐use conversion vary significantly by the city in question. Implications for future research and broader conceptualizations of urbanization are discussed.  相似文献   

中国的传统商业街区有着悠久的历史,见证着城市的发展历程,是城市文化历史的重要表征,同时其独特的空间模式和宜人的尺度也给人们留下了深刻的印象。本文以传统商业街区的空间要素作为切入点,分析研究了不同地域环境和建筑文化背景下传统商业街区的空间形态特征。  相似文献   

关于天水古民居现状与保护的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市的快速发展蚕食着大片的历史街区,宽阔的道路广场取代了昔日的古建民居,历史街巷迅速消亡,城市特色消失,千城一面成为必然。天水古民居在城市的迅速发展中亦难以幸免,岌岌可危。文章写于这一关键时期,期望从天水古民居的历史保护中总结教训,发现保护中存在的问题,探求一些切实可行的方法,积极保护正在消亡的天水古民居。  相似文献   

传统民居的本质是传统的民之居所,是社会历史的活化石,镌刻着历史发展的历程。浙西一带传统民居保存较好,集传统文化、建筑艺术等于一身,保护和研究价值甚高,其主要体现在历史价值、文化价值与建筑创作价值三方面,人们在传承传统民居的价值的同时需辩证地去看待问题。  相似文献   

重视传统县级城市老城区历史文化资源的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘韶军 《华中建筑》2009,27(9):156-157,174
该文首先对县级城市老城区历史文化资源保护现状进行分析,然后从老城区历史文化资源的管理、整体保护、内涵展示等方面分析老城区历史文化资源保护的对策,对当前县级城市老城区更新过程中历史文化资源的保护具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Wen Dong  Xiaolei Zhang 《Cities》2011,28(1):115-125
The article summarizes the historical development of Urumqi, especially during the last 60 years. Two thousand years ago it located just off the main Silk Routes, which contributed greatly in promoting Urumqi’s economic and cultural exchanges. Now its urban competitive strength has become at the leading position of the five capital cities of western China. While striving to become the new economic power house of western China, Urumqi is undergoing a profound restructuring of its economic and, more importantly, its physical form and appearance. To face the challenges, Urumqi has expanded its administrative boundary and taken a number of planning and infrastructure development initiatively to enhance the competitive strength in the future. This profile outlines the historical development, current conditions, the economic and physical structure of the city, and the main challenges that Urumqi faces in the future development. Field reconnaissance surveys, interviews and secondary sources are used in the presentation and discussion.  相似文献   

Lawrence maintains about all architectural environments and housing that, they are both in a relationship with culture and they are a total configuration of social, demographical, psychological, human behavioral and environmental structure. Moreover, in analyzing this complex structure, he emphasizes to examine it within two perspectives: design-meaning and use. Consequently, the basic components, which affect housing design, are classified in three main topics: cultural, social, and psychological. In the light of Lawrence's ideas, under the topic of the role of culture and tradition in the development of housing, this paper aims to define the basic Turkish traditional housing principles with slogans and important examples. In this content, cultural, social and psychological components in traditional Turkish houses are held under the heading of the development of traditional Turkish house. The organization rules, the effects of the basic psycho-social components…etc., and the presence of these principles are criticized with Turkish housing examples before and after 1980. The chosen period in this study is not coincidental. The aim of choosing the periods before and after 1980 has a special meaning in Turkey's economic, politic and social life. Choosing these two basic periods, will not only point out the changes—like a metamorphism—in cultural life, but in architectural needs in Turkish houses. Therefore, in the aim of analyzing cultural changes and their effects on housing design, the architectural meanings in the elements of Turkish houses are put forward in details, in order to make some estimation for the future of changing Turkish architectural life.  相似文献   

缪小龙 《华中建筑》2011,29(8):127-131
根据亲临澎湖实地的考察及参阅大量史料,论述与研究了澎湖岛的历史沿革;代表性传统聚落及民居佳作;主要宗教建筑天后宫、观音亭、石敢当;澎湖传统民居的建筑特色,以及和闵南传统民居的同与异.  相似文献   

Anatolia, which has hosted many civilizations since the early ages, is historically very important. While the majority of the settlements of these civilizations are still present where they were founded, there are some historical cities that have disappeared or moved to another place; while some are known with their names only in old sources, the ruins of some of them are found, and some continue to exist in other places because the original places of foundation of the cities were deserted. One of the cities which sought its continuity in another place is Argyropolis. The city which was founded on a sloping area with rich silver mines and which was spread along heights of 1400–1500 m, moved to a valley of a height of 1150 m and some 4 km away from its original place of foundation because of the loss of its socio-economic power. In its original place of foundation, the city was called as Argyropolis and Canca, respectively. After the city was left it was called Eski?ehir (Old City) and Eski Gümü?hane (Old Gümü?hane), respectively; and when it lost its status as a city and reduced to the status of a neighborhood it was called Süleymaniye (The City of Suleiman). The names given to the old city before it reduced to the status of a neighborhood and to the new city refer to the ‘silver mines’, which were an indication of the economic condition of the city. The closure of these mines was to the desertion of the city what the running of these mines was to its foundation and development.  相似文献   

李照 《华中建筑》2014,(10):134-139
全球一体化作为当代文化的强势语境对全球各地的地域建筑文化产生了巨大的冲击。面对地域文化面临缺失的实际情况,古城保护的重要意义已经不言自明,但这样一项实践活动本身充满着复杂性和矛盾性,如何有效的抓住重点、理清矛盾,是该文所要论述的核心内容。笔者在研究与分析的基础上,结合韩城古城保护的实践活动,提出风貌保护是古城保护的重中之重,应首先予以考虑,进而归纳、总结在古城保护工作中对风貌进行保护的具体的实施策略,探究同类历史文化古城保护的共性规律与解决方法,为文化古城的保护与风貌的延续提供了理论框架,为进一步的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

缪小龙 《华中建筑》2011,29(9):189-194
根据亲临澎湖实地的考察及参阅大量史料,论述与研究了澎湖岛的历史沿革;代表性传统聚落及民居佳作;主要宗教建筑天后宫、观音亭、石敢当;澎湖传统民居的建筑特色,以及和闽南传统民居的同与异.  相似文献   

The experience, perception, awareness, and appreciation of the environment created by public spaces are important elements of urban design. In this context, a strong link exists between perception, public spaces, and historical cities. Amasya is one of the multilayered historical cities in Anatolia. Amasya’s holistic urban texture, close relationship with the river, and public spaces are associated with both the Iris River and the historical texture. This pilot study examines the Yalıboyu Promenade, a contemporary open public space designed along the river and across the historical texture in Amasya in Turkey to reveal how it affects people’s perception of the historical environment. The study uses the mixed method approach, which includes qualitative and quantitative data. Following the theoretical discussion, the study investigates the context of the promenade. The survey results revealed how the first-time visitors had perceived the historical texture of the promenade based on Rapoport’s method of using environmental signs. The results were interpreted by jointly evaluating qualitative and survey data. Furthermore, although some aspects need improvement, the promenade solidifies the perception of the historical environment. Overall, when the public space is integrated with the historical environment and public life, it offers multidimensional contributions that cannot be ignored. Therefore, examining the promenade from perceptual aspects and offering a design approach to promote integration with the historical environment may help to establish a precedent case for future initiatives.  相似文献   

Recent urban ecological research shows high species numbers in slowly developed cities and towns. Urban development is known to fragment, change and weaken urban biodiversity. Conservation areas have been the main tool in protecting threatened species both in rural and urban municipalities in Finland. However, very little is known about how successful conservation areas are in protecting rare and threatened species and their habitats in boreal cities and towns. Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a rapidly urbanising hemiboreal city, which has a high number of vascular plant species in both native and urban biotopes. One and 0.25 km2 grid square maps and simple overlay methods are being used to analyse data on species occurrence and land use. Total species number, a rarity index and historical and threatened groupings are used to classify species and their habitats. At present, conservation areas can protect only a small proportion of threatened species in Helsinki. More protection areas, green areas in future land-use decisions and new management goals are needed to protect the biodiversity of existing vascular plant species.  相似文献   

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