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张西平 《矿产勘查》2016,7(1):214-224
矿物资源量和储量的分类已经有上百年的发展历史了,美国人曾经做出了重要的贡献。最早的分类是20世纪初的关于矿石的分类,之后提出了矿物资源的总分类及其框架,为国际通用矿物资源量和储量分类标准的形成奠定了基础。1989年澳大利亚的JORC标准首次颁布,1996年加拿大CIM标准颁布,1998年加拿大NI 43-101标准颁布,形成了国际通用的矿物资源量和储量的分类标准。中国矿产储量分类最早是采用前苏联的,历经半个世纪的演变,到1999年颁布了现行的矿产资源/储量分类。现行的矿产资源/储量分类与国际通用标准不相通,特别是不适应于市场经济环境,修订现行的矿产资源/储量分类势在必行。  相似文献   

园林绿化工程是城市美化的重要内容.本文从园林绿化工程的前期准备出发,从施工管理及新型建筑材料应用两方面分析园林绿化工程建设要点.提高现场管理水平,加大新型建筑材料应用,有利于实现园林工程的高质量、高效率施工,促进施工过程的环境保护,提升园林绿化建设水平.  相似文献   

全国矿产资源开发状况遥感监测工作简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
矿山遥感监测是一项具有中国特色的基本国情调查工作。多年的矿产资源开发状况监测工作表明,全国矿业秩序基本有序,疑似违法图斑主要分布在我国西部、北部地区;除非金属矿产外,煤、铁、金、铜、铅、锌、铝土矿、轻稀土矿等是主要的违法矿种;违法类型多以无证开采、越界开采为主;露天开采是主要的违法开采方式;私营企业是主要的违法经济主体。全国重点矿区的违法图斑密度逐年降低。指出了目前工作中存在的问题和努力方向。  相似文献   

建筑材料生命周期评价中不可再生资源耗竭性当量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不可再生资源耗竭研究是生命周期评价体系的重要组成部分。在对不同材料进行生命周期评价时,传统的锑当量或铁当量会影响不可再生资源耗竭性结果的客观性。本文以传统建材产品为研究对象,利用CML方法,提出了不可再生资源耗竭性当量—硅当量,并比较了采用不同当量对建筑材料生命周期评价结果的影响。结果表明,采用硅当量得到的建筑材料环境负荷比采用铁当量得到的结果更符合实际。  相似文献   

Wooden type of housing is ubiquitous in Japan. It is the main structure for housing; however, due to the increase in residential developments, steel reinforced concrete houses are also on the rise. This paper assesses the environmental impacts of these two types of construction. An evaluation of the two types of construction in terms of energy usage and air emissions is done. A comparison of the damage costs due to the generated emissions is also considered. Four types of emissions generated are evaluated, namely carbon emissions (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and suspended particulate matter (SPM). The life cycle of the two different housing construction types is traced and environmental impacts are determined. External costs are also calculated. Furthermore, different improvement assessment scenarios are simulated to ascertain several emission reduction possibilities. The study looks into the emitted emissions from the housing construction to its final disposal of a typical residential development in Saga, Japan. Results show that much of the environmental impacts from building a house are on the Global Warming Potential due to high carbon emissions. Moreover, the construction phase generated the highest pollutant emissions from nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and suspended particulate matter. Steel reinforced concrete (SRC) construction has a higher environmental impact compared to the wooden type of housing construction. A longer design life for a residential house gives a reduction of about 14% in carbon emissions. Using solar energy for the operation phase has gained a reduction of 73% in the total life cycle carbon emissions.  相似文献   

阿尔及利亚民主人民共和国矿产资源丰富,矿产资源品类逾30种,其中铁矿储量估计达40亿t,且平均品位高,还拥有丰富的油气、磷、金、铅锌等能源与矿产资源,多为我国所亟需紧缺资源。其广袤的陆域面积被撒哈拉沙漠覆盖,三分之二的区域都没有充分勘探或未勘探,投资基础较好。本文系统了梳理阿尔及利亚矿产资源禀赋,分析了其矿业勘查开发集中在铁矿、磷矿、金矿等,金属矿产勘查投入自2010年持续走低的现状,对矿业投资环境及主要投资风险进行深入剖析,旨在为中国矿业企业在阿尔及利亚投资提出建议。  相似文献   

论城市园林绿化经济的发展与生态城市的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙伟 《福建建筑》2011,(2):26-28
城市园林绿化已经成为一门新兴的环境产业,与经济发展形成了相互促进、互为基础的态势,成为建设生态城市的"生命工程".确立城市园林绿化的新理念,制定科学的园林绿化发展规划,培育和扶持绿化市场的形成,理顺管理机制,推动城市园林绿化产业的大力发展,将有助于把我们的城市建设成为最适宜人类居住的、宜居宜业的生态城市.  相似文献   

张晋  郝学峰  赵建粮 《矿产勘查》2023,14(10):1904-1913
阿塞拜疆矿产资源丰富,尤其是石油天然气资源突出,境内还有铁、钼、铜、黄金、铝等金属矿藏,以及丰富的非金属矿产和矿泉水资源。本文阐述了阿塞拜疆的区域地质特征和优势矿产资源概况,分析了矿产资源开发现状,研判其矿业投资环境,提出在阿塞拜疆投资的建议,以期为中国矿业海外投资提供参考。  相似文献   

依据调查所得资料及衡阳市国土资源局相关文件,利用环境污染补偿、环境破坏补偿及其他环境侵权补偿方面共11个因子构建衡阳市矿产资源开发生态补偿指标体系,采用层次分析法(AHP)得出各指标补偿优先顺序,并依据构建的指标体系,结合相关统计信息,按环境成本估算法建立这11个因子的补偿标准模型,研究结果可为衡阳市在本区域内进行矿产资源开发补偿决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

邓小兰  汪少平 《山西建筑》2009,35(22):282-283
介绍了六潜高速公路的文明施工与环境保护管理情况,总结了六潜高速在设计阶段及在大别山腹地施工中应注意的事项,指出六潜高速公路的文明施工与环境保护效果很好,做到了路基整体与自然环境的协调。  相似文献   

镓是一种全球稀缺矿产,广泛应用于现代军事、新一代信息技术、生物、新能源、新材料等诸多新兴领域,在航空航天中也具有不可替代的重要地位。我国是镓资源储量大国,也是全球最大的粗镓产品出口国。我国镓资源在全球占据优势地位,针对中国镓矿资源回收利用率低、镓产品生产技术基础薄弱、高端产品在整个产业链中占比不高、回收体系不完善等问题,提出我国镓资源进行合理开发利用、加强高纯镓及再生镓的技术研发、延伸下游产业链、建立镓矿资源的储备库、不断完善回收制度和回收体系等建议,提高镓矿资源的综合经济价值,促使中国镓产业走低碳、绿色可持续发展道路已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

论建筑材料可持续发展的对策与技术途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应雪丹  蒋涛 《山西建筑》2011,37(6):99-100
对绿色建材的概念进行了界定,通过与传统建材的比较,总结了绿色建材的特征,提出了加强环保意识,大力发展绿色建材的观点,同时指出了绿色建材可持续发展的技术途径。  相似文献   

浅议建筑工程安全监理的实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王万春 《山西建筑》2008,34(16):225-227
阐述了建筑工程实施安全监理的必要性,探讨了建筑工程安全监理实施的要点,介绍了安全监理人员应具备的素质要求及实施安全监理所必备的条件,以推动建筑工程安全监理的顺利进行。  相似文献   

This article explores the challenges, advantages and limitations of the pro-active use of the social construction of technology (SCOT) to improve the methods applied in the development of technology for use by a broad range of actors. Our example is the development of environmental indicators for buildings (EIFOBs). We compare the pro-active use of SCOT with both the ‘traditional’ use of SCOT and with the ‘traditional’ way of developing EIFOBs. pro-actively applying SCOT in developing EIFOBs has the potential of bridging some of the communication gaps at the boundaries between the various professional groups in a multi-actor decision-making process. Using SCOT in a pro-active way means the research becomes action research and the researcher goes beyond the role of a mere observer and becomes an actor too. This means the researcher has to consider the criteria for valid action research when designing and carrying out the research.  相似文献   

王瑞廷  成欢  冀月飞  李青锋 《矿产勘查》2020,11(12):2672-2684
秦岭陕西段成矿地质条件优越,成矿作用发育,资源潜力巨大,所属的4个矿集区均发现了矿产地,并建成矿山企业。在国家相继出台的契合绿色勘查理念的技术政策推动下,借鉴国外绿色勘查经验,涌现出了一批典型案例;有关单位在小秦岭、凤太、汉中等3个勘查基地分别采取了特色鲜明的绿色勘查方法,取得了较好的绿色勘查效果;同时,从矿业权出让、应建必建、绿色矿山建设实施方案、绿色矿山报评、称号撤销、违约责任追究及处罚等方面践行绿色矿山建设相关政策,陕西省探索出 “黄陵经验”和“凤县模式”。从绿色勘查流程、科技支撑、建设示范区、建立长效激励机制等方面给出了区内主要矿产资源绿色勘查开发建议。  相似文献   

许东莲 《山西建筑》2012,38(18):279-281
从目前建筑行业职业健康安全与环境管理的现状入手,分析了建筑行业职业健康安全与环境管理存在的一些问题,提出了如何推行职业健康安全与环境管理的方法,以期保障劳动者的健康安全,推动建筑业平稳发展。  相似文献   

冯岩松 《山西建筑》2013,(34):242-243
根据新能源行业发展形势,结合中国大唐集团人力资源管理理念,进行了人力资源管理分析研究,从更新管理观念,重视人才培养,创建激励机制几个方面阐释了其对推动新能源开发建设行业发展的重要性,以期为业内借鉴并交流。  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(1):13-22
The implementation of sustainable development principles in water resources management refers to an integrated management and coordination of the entirety of the actions and interventions that concern the water ecosystem, or parts of it, within a watershed. This procedure is accomplished through the development and application of an overall management plan at a hydrological basin level. This concept was followed by the water resources management plan of the city of Volos' watershed, which is presented in this paper. The main objective is the choice of the best set, among others, of hydraulic projects, which will be able to re-establish the balance in the basin's deficient water budget, satisfying at the same time future urban water demand. Decision making was carried out using a GIS tool and involved traditional water capture hydraulic projects on the one hand and sustainable water saving measures on the other. The whole procedure is being developed in an area with serious environmental problems, concerning mainly the groundwater resources. The particularity here is that the alternative solutions strongly depend on administrative agreement and consensus between relevant authorities.  相似文献   

The determination of tritium activity in water samples is included in most environmental protection programs, and the recommended procedure consists of sample distillation and further measurement by liquid scintillation. Distillation is a simple but time consuming pre-treatment, especially in routine analysis. Here we evaluate alternative pre-treatments for tritium activity determination, such as filtration or the use of multiple selective ion exchange columns. 52 samples from different water sources (rain, surface, underground, sea and drinking water) in Spanish environmental protection programs, together with an IAEA reference material were analyzed. Results show that both pre-treatments can be applied as a preliminary tool to discriminate between tritium active and non active waters in environmental monitoring programs. In addition, filtration and multiple selective ion exchange column pre-treatments can be used as alternative procedures for tritium activity determination in the routine analyses of water samples with known and reproducible chemical and isotopic composition. Both methods are less time consuming than distillation and, in the case of filtration, extremely cheap.For waters with complex matrices, especially sea water, distillation is the recommended procedure due to the interference from salts contained in the sample.  相似文献   

封卫华 《山西建筑》2007,33(2):230-231
阐述了国有企业面临人力资源管理的新挑战,分析了目前国企人力资源开发与管理与国外相比存在的主要差距,论证了人力资源开发与管理是企业管理的核心,最终推动企业快速持续发展。  相似文献   

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