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在网络技术高速发展的今天,上网成了人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。而网络环境下网页是信息的载体,所以网页的设计与制作就成了计算机教学的一项主要内容。那么作为教师如何引导学生们对网页制作感兴趣、如何提高学生网页制作的技能就成了我们需要探讨的问题。  相似文献   

个性化学习系统的聚类技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于日志的Web使用挖掘,利用用户访问页面的相关性提出用户兴趣度,并应用于远程教育中数据准备和页面的推荐过程.讨论教学过程中按需学习和因才施教的可行性,介绍聚类算法在预测推荐页面中的设计与应用.实验运行结果表明,该算法是可行和有效的.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2007,48(4):399-413
This study explores a teaching method for improving business students’ skills in e-commerce page evaluation and making Web design majors aware of business content issues through cooperative learning. Two groups of female students at a Japanese university studying either tourism or Web page design were assigned tasks that required cooperation to investigate whether a minimum of formal training and interaction between the two groups would result in an increase in the “design” students’ awareness of content issues in page design, and an improvement in the “tourism” students’ ability to evaluate Web pages related to tourism. The results showed only slight improvements, suggesting that either the amount of cooperative learning must be increased or some formal instruction must be introduced.  相似文献   

《网页设计》这门课程看似简单,但实际上由于课程涵盖的知识面较广,所以按目前的教学内容,学生在一个学期学习后收不到很好的效果,虽然大部分学生在学完之后也能独立完成网站的规划及页面制作,但页面效果的设计很少能达到视觉和功能的完美结合,又由于各专业培养目标、教学计划、教师等多方面的差异,在《网页设计》课程设置及教学效果上存在很大的不同。大部分学生学完这门课程只能达到制作网页,并不能达到独立设计页面效果,也就不能很好的掌握一个网站建设的全过程。针对这些问题,我认为《网页设计》课程的教学内容和教学手段有必要进行改革,这样才能使学生毕业后在网页设计与网站建设方面达到很好的效果,更能适应社会的需求。  相似文献   

针对于软件工程专业设计基于C/S模式的网络教学系统包括课件、题库与操作实践3部分组成。系统设计将教学内容模块化,划分为课件模块、实时互动教学模块、题库模块、资源下载模块和学习交流模块,内容包含有文字资料、视频资料和图片资料,采用C/S模式,以网页的形式展现在系统前台。该系统不仅能够实现学生点播学习、教师远程实时授课、师生在线互动等功能,并且能够为学生提供在线阶段性知识掌握情况测评,为师生打造了良好的网络学习环境。  相似文献   

针对当代学生对网络和网页的知识越来越丰富,传统的课程教学方式不能满足学生要求的问题,本文将混合教学模式应用到网页课程教学设计中,提出一种以学生在线学习为主,结合课堂教学和网络答疑,并采用让学生分组完成项目的教学评价方法,取得了较好教学效果。  相似文献   

Librarians have offered reference and instruction services at the reference desk and in classrooms for many years. Now a third location, the network, is emerging as a viable place for reference and instruction. The widespread availability of software to browse, create, edit, and serve World Wide Web pages has opened exciting new opportunities for teaching librarians. With this software and the proliferation of networked personal computers in colleges and universities, it is possible to deliver reference and instruction to library users at their computers. Suggestions and guidelines for creating Web pages are offered. In the future, the Web technology may include asynchronous interactive partticipation in the teaching-learning process by students, instructors, and librarians.  相似文献   

基于ASP.NET的高职动态网页设计课程教学改革研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢建华 《计算机教育》2009,(12):172-174
动态网页设计是目前网站设计的主流和计算机专业的一门主干专业技术课。本文简介了动态网页设计中的ASP.NET技术,针对高职教育的需求,从课程培养目标、教学内容、教学方法和考核方式等方面对动态网页设计课程进行了一系列的改革。通过改革与实践提高了学生的动态网页制作能力,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

This study explores a teaching method for improving business students’ skills in e-commerce page evaluation and making Web design majors aware of business content issues through cooperative learning. Two groups of female students at a Japanese university studying either tourism or Web page design were assigned tasks that required cooperation to investigate whether a minimum of formal training and interaction between the two groups would result in an increase in the “design” students’ awareness of content issues in page design, and an improvement in the “tourism” students’ ability to evaluate Web pages related to tourism. The results showed only slight improvements, suggesting that either the amount of cooperative learning must be increased or some formal instruction must be introduced.  相似文献   

为了采集和管理电子商务类课程教学相关的网络资源,同时为文本聚类研究收集实验数据,采用Struts框架、Java语言和mysql后台数据库,设计和开发了电子商务网络资讯管理平台,实现了网页内容提取、网页关键词提取、资源检索、资源下载和评论等功能。系统满足了辅助课程教学和提供课题研究实验数据的实际需要,功能简洁实用,界面友好,运行稳定。  相似文献   

Visual layout has a strong impact on performance and is a critical factor in the design of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and Web pages. Many design guidelines employed in Web page design were inherited from human performance literature and GUI design studies and practices. However, few studies have investigated the more specific patterns of performance with Web pages that may reflect some differences between Web page and GUI design. We investigated interactions among four visual layout factors in Web page design (quantity of links, alignment, grouping indications, and density) in two experiments: one with pages in Hebrew, entailing right-to-left reading, and the other with English pages, entailing left-to-right reading. Some performance patterns (measured by search times and eye movements) were similar between languages. Performance was particularly poor in pages with many links and variable densities, but it improved with the presence of uniform density. Alignment was not shown to be a performance-enhancing factor. The findings are discussed in terms of the similarities and differences in the impact of layout factors between GUIs and Web pages. Actual or potential applications of this research include specific guidelines for Web page design.  相似文献   

动态超文本标志语言(DHTML)并非仅仅是增强了网页中的动画效果,更重要的是它将面向对象(object-oriented)的程序设计思想明确地引入到了网页的设计中,从而使网页的设计更灵活,更具动态和交互特性。文中结合示例详细介绍了如何运用面向对象思想设计功能完善、独具特色的网页。  相似文献   

Web应用程序的设计与分析   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
Web迅速发展,并逐渐成为信息领域内最重要的一种媒介和开发手段。由于 HTTP协议的简单性,因而应用程序的开发也相对简单,但和数据库结合并动态创建页面的应用程序却很复杂。而且由于HTTP协议的无记忆性,使得基于Web的应用程序相对一般的应用程序更为复杂。Web的应用程序是软件工程一个新的应用领域,文章用UML方法来分析设计Web应用程序,根据Web应用程序的特点提出了概念页面的思想,并用页面框图,页面流来设计Web页面。  相似文献   

Web挖掘是针对包括Web页面内容、页面之间的结构、用户访问信息等在内的各种Web数据,应用数据挖掘的方法,提取抽象的、潜在的有用的知识。本文通过对远程教学系统中Web挖掘应用的分析,着重介绍了Web访问挖掘基本流程,并总结了Web挖掘结果在远程教学系统中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Web挖掘是针对包括Web页面内容、页面之间的结构、用户访问信息等在内的各种Web数据.应用数据挖掘的方法.提取抽象的、潜在的有用的知识。本文通过对远程教学系统中Web挖掘应用的分析。着重介绍了Web访问挖掘基本流程.并总结了web挖掘结果在远程教学系统中的重要作用。  相似文献   

基于扩展标记图的网页信息重组技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍一种基于扩展标记图ETG(Extended Tag Graph)的网页信息抽取与重组新技术,引入了扩展标记图操作和重构概念,提出了作为用户接口的标记查询语言TagSQL。用户通过类标准SQL的语言描述,即可方便地实现对网页信息的灵活抽取和重组操作。  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition letters》2013,34(13):1462-1469
Semi-automatic anti-spam algorithms propagate either trust through links from a set of good seed pages or distrust through inverse-links from a set of bad seed pages to the entire Web. It has been mentioned that a combined usage of both trust and distrust propagations can lead to better results. However, little work has been known to realize this insight successfully. In this paper, we view that each Web page has both a trustworthy side and an untrustworthy side, and propose to assign two scores for each Web page to denote its trustworthy side and untrustworthy side, respectively. We then propose the Good-Bad Rank (GBR) algorithm for propagating trust and distrust simultaneously from both directions. In GBR, the propagation of a page’s trust/distrust is decided by its probability of being trust/distrust. GBR takes advantages from both trust and distrust propagations, thus is more powerful than propagating only trust or distrust. Experimental results show that GBR outperforms other typical link-based anti-spam algorithms that propagates only trust or distrust. GBR achieves comparable performance than another algorithm that propagates both trust and distrust, TDR, but is much more efficient than TDR.  相似文献   

基于统计学习的挂马网页实时检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来挂马网页对Web安全造成严重威胁,客户端的主要防御手段包括反病毒软件与恶意站点黑名单。反病毒软件采用特征码匹配方法,无法有效检测经过加密与混淆变形的网页脚本代码;黑名单无法防御最新出现的恶意站点。提出一种新型的、与网页内容代码无关的挂马网页实时检测方法。该方法主要提取访问网页时HTTP会话过程的各种统计特征,利用决策树机器学习方法构建挂马网页分类模型并用于在线实时检测。实验证明,该方法能够达到89. 7%的挂马网页检测率与0. 3%的误检率。  相似文献   

动态网页设计技术应用方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用ASP动态网页设计技术,可以实现灵活的网页设计,同一页碳的反复提交和重复调用,可以简化网页编写、提高网页处理功能与处理效率、方便网页的管理等。本文介绍基于ASP技术递归页面调用的设计方法。  相似文献   

网页设计与制作是计算机专业学生的一门基础课程。通过这门课的学习,学生能够掌握制作网页的基本技能。在网页设计与制作教学中,采用"项目教学法"可以将网页制作的基本方法与技能融于具体项目之中,使学生在完成任务的过程中逐步具备小型网站的建设能力,实现职业教育提高学生就业能力的目标。因而"项目教学法"是高等职业院校网页设计与制作教学改革的重要方向。  相似文献   

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