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In the carbon capture and storage (CCS) process, CO2 sources and geologic reservoirs may be widely spatially dispersed and need to be connected through a dedicated CO2 pipeline network. We introduce a scalable infrastructure model for CCS (simCCS) that generates a fully integrated, cost-minimizing CCS system. SimCCS determines where and how much CO2 to capture and store, and where to build and connect pipelines of different sizes, in order to minimize the combined annualized costs of sequestering a given amount of CO2. SimCCS is able to aggregate CO2 flows between sources and reservoirs into trunk pipelines that take advantage of economies of scale. Pipeline construction costs take into account factors including topography and social impacts. SimCCS can be used to calculate the scale of CCS deployment (local, regional, national). SimCCS’ deployment of a realistic, capacitated pipeline network is a major advancement for planning CCS infrastructure. We demonstrate simCCS using a set of 37 CO2 sources and 14 reservoirs for California. The results highlight the importance of systematic planning for CCS infrastructure by examining the sensitivity of CCS infrastructure, as optimized by simCCS, to varying CO2 targets. We finish by identifying critical future research areas for CCS infrastructure.  相似文献   

For a conceivable fossil-fuelled electricity production strategy with CO2 capture, the location of available storage options could play a key role for plant siting, as additional CO2 transport infrastructure might be required in some configurations. The possible spatial separation of electricity generation and centralised fossil hydrogen production with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) allows an additional degree of freedom in the system in enabling the transport of hydrogen instead of electricity.This paper analyses energy conversion and transport tasks associated with the plant locations offered by this enhanced scheme. By considering various scenarios for Germany, we describe different gasification/reforming options with CO2 capture and estimate their cost, including required new infrastructures.The results point out that moderate additional costs could allow the implementation of a first level hydrogen transport infrastructure instead of building a CO2 transportation network. This could be a smooth way to finance and facilitate the transition to a future larger hydrogen-based energy system. On the long term, this infrastructure would be in place for the transport of non-fossil hydrogen.  相似文献   

One major issue that is source of uncertainty holding back the hydrogen deployment, is the infrastructure development needs and costs. Different studies in the literature tackled this issue in France but partially, assessing either one part of the hydrogen supply chain or the whole supply chain but for one possible delivery pathway. This paper compares five hydrogen pathways, going from the production step up to the fuelling station and tackling pipeline and truck options. In order to capture the time evolution aspect of the infrastructure deployment needs, three demand scenarios are investigated, going from 1% of market penetration up to 15%. Additionally, two scenarios are taken into account when it comes to the location of the hydrogen production sites vis-à-vis the demand centres. According to the results, economies of scale that can be driven by higher market penetration rates have significant impact on lowering the hydrogen cost.  相似文献   

Oxy-fuel combustion of solid fuels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxy-fuel combustion is suggested as one of the possible, promising technologies for capturing CO2 from power plants. The concept of oxy-fuel combustion is removal of nitrogen from the oxidizer to carry out the combustion process in oxygen and, in most concepts, recycled flue gas to lower the flame temperature. The flue gas produced thus consists primarily of carbon dioxide and water. Much research on the different aspects of an oxy-fuel power plant has been performed during the last decade. Focus has mainly been on retrofits of existing pulverized-coal-fired power plant units. Green-field plants which provide additional options for improvement of process economics are however likewise investigated. Of particular interest is the change of the combustion process induced by the exchange of carbon dioxide and water vapor for nitrogen as diluent. This paper reviews the published knowledge on the oxy-fuel process and focuses particularly on the combustion fundamentals, i.e. flame temperatures and heat transfer, ignition and burnout, emissions, and fly ash characteristics. Knowledge is currently available regarding both an entire oxy-fuel power plant and the combustion fundamentals. However, several questions remain unanswered and more research and pilot plant testing of heat transfer profiles, emission levels, the optimum oxygen excess and inlet oxygen concentration levels, high and low-temperature fire-side corrosion, ash quality, plant operability, and models to predict NOx and SO3 formation is required.  相似文献   

We thank Brathwaite et al. for starting a very useful debate about what role, if any, coal should play in future energy transitions. Expanding upon their piece, we question that a coal-based economy, in which energy production for both electricity and transport comes from coal, can meet the energy security needs of the United States and other countries.  相似文献   

In this work, a technical, economic and environmental analysis is carried out for the estimation of the optimal option scenario for the Cyprus's future power generation system. A range of power generation technologies integrated with carbon capture and storage (CCS) were examined as candidate options and compared with the business as usual scenario. Based on the input data and the assumptions made, the simulations indicated that the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) technology with pre-combustion CCS integration is the least cost option for the future expansion of the power generation system. In particular, the results showed that for a natural gas price of 7.9US$/GJ the IGCC technology with pre-combustion CCS integration is the most economical choice, closely followed by the pulverized coal technology with post-combustion CCS integration. The combined cycle technology can, also, be considered as alternative competitive technology. The combined cycle technologies with pre- or post-combustion CCS integration yield more expensive electricity unit cost. In addition, a sensitivity analysis has been also carried out in order to examine the effect of the natural gas price on the optimum planning. For natural gas prices greater than 6.4US$/GJ the least cost option is the use of IGCC technology with CCS integration. It can be concluded that the Cyprus's power generation system can be shifted slowly towards the utilization of CCS technologies in favor of the existing steam power plants in order not only to lower the environmental emissions and fulfilling the recent European Union Energy Package requirements but also to reduce the associated electricity unit cost.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the potential contribution of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the U.S. electricity sector. Focusing on capture systems for coal-fired power plants until 2030, a sensitivity analysis of key CCS parameters is performed to gain insight into the role that CCS can play in future mitigation scenarios and to explore implications of large-scale CCS deployment. By integrating important parameters for CCS technologies into a carbon-abatement model similar to the EPRI Prism analysis (EPRI, 2007), this study concludes that the start time and rate of technology diffusion are important in determining emissions reductions and fuel consumption for CCS technologies. Comparisons with legislative emissions targets illustrate that CCS alone is very unlikely to meet reduction targets for the electric-power sector, even under aggressive deployment scenarios. A portfolio of supply and demand-side strategies is needed to reach emissions objectives, especially in the near term. Furthermore, model results show that the breakdown of capture technologies does not have a significant influence on potential emissions reductions. However, the level of CCS retrofits at existing plants and the eligibility of CCS for new subcritical plants have large effects on the extent of greenhouse gas emissions reductions.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates hydrogen and power co-generation based on direct coal chemical looping systems with total decarbonization of the fossil fuel. As an illustrative example, an iron-based chemical looping system was assessed in various plant configurations. The designs generate 300–450 MW net electricity with flexible hydrogen output in the range of 0–200 MWth (LHV). The capacity of evaluated plant concepts to have a flexible hydrogen output is an important aspect for integration in modern energy conversion systems. The carbon capture rate of evaluated concepts is almost total (>99%). The paper presents in details evaluated plant configurations, operational aspects as well as mass and energy integration issues. For comparison reason, a syngas-based chemical looping concept and Selexol®-based pre-combustion capture configuration were also presented. Direct coal chemical looping configuration has significant advantages compared with syngas-based looping systems as well as solvent-based carbon capture configurations, the more important being higher energy efficiency, lower (or even zero) oxygen consumption and lower plant complexity. The results showed a clear increase of overall energy efficiency in comparison to the benchmark cases.  相似文献   

Through gasification, a solid feedstock is partially oxidized with oxygen and steam to produce syngas which can be used for conversion into different valuable compounds (e.g. hydrogen) or to generate power in a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT). Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) is one of power generation technologies having the highest potential for carbon capture with low penalties in efficiency and cost.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential use of lower grade coals in an IGCC-CCS plant that generates electricity and produces hydrogen simultaneously with carbon dioxide capture and storage. The paper underlines one of the main advantages of gasification technology, namely the possibility to process lower grade coals, which are more widely available than the high-grade coals normally used in European power plants. Based on a proposed plant concept that generates about 400 MW net electricity with a flexible output of 0–50 MWth hydrogen and a carbon capture rate of at least 90%, the paper develops fuel selection criteria for coal fluxing and blending of various types of coal for optimizing plant performance e.g. oxygen consumption, hydrogen production potential, specific syngas energy production per tonne of oxygen consumed, etc. These performance indicators were calculated for a number of case studies through process flow simulations. The main conclusion is that blending of coal types of higher and lower grade is more beneficial in terms of operation and cost performance than fluxing high-grade coals.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates hydrogen and power co-generation based on coal-gasification fitted with an iron-based chemical looping system for carbon capture and storage (CCS). The paper assess in details the whole hydrogen and power co-production chain based on coal gasification. Investigated plant concepts of syngas-based chemical looping generate about 350–450 MW net electricity with a flexible output of 0–200 MWth hydrogen (based on lower heating value) with an almost total decarbonisation rate of the coal used.  相似文献   

Environment-friendly, safe and reliable energy supplies are indispensable to society for sustainable development and high life quality where even though social, environmental, political and economic challenges may play a vital role in their provision. Our continuously growing energy demand is driven by extensive growth in economic development and population and places an ever-increasing burden on fossil fuel utilization that represent a substantial percentage of this increasing energy demand but also creates challenges associated with increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and resource depletion. Such challenges make the global transition obligatory from conventional to renewable energy sources. Hydrogen is emerging as a new energy vector outside its typical role and receiving more recognition globally as a potential fuel pathway, as it offers advantages in use cases and unlike synthetic carbon-based fuels can be truly carbon neutral or even negative on a life cycle basis. This review paper provides critical analysis of the state-of-the-art in blue and green hydrogen production methods using conventional and renewable energy sources, utilization of hydrogen, storage, transportation, distribution and key challenges and opportunities in the commercial deployment of such systems. Some of the key promising renewable energy sources to produce hydrogen, such as solar and wind, are intermittent; hydrogen appears to be the best candidate to be employed for multiple purposes blending the roles of fuel energy carrier and energy storage modality. Furthermore, this study offers a comparative assessment of different non-renewable and renewable hydrogen production systems based on system design, cost, global warming potential (GWP), infrastructure and efficiency. Finally the key challenges and opportunities associated with hydrogen production, storage, transportation and distribution and commercial-scale deployment are addressed.  相似文献   

Climate change legislation requires emissions reductions, but the market shows interest in investing in new fossil fuelled power plants. The question is whether capture ready policy can reconcile these interests. The term ‘capture ready’ has been used a few years by the UK Government when granting licences for fossil fuelled power plants, but only recently has the meaning of the term been defined. The policy has been promoted as a step towards CCS and as an insurance against carbon lock-in. This paper draws on literature on technology lock-in and on regulation of technology undergoing development. Further, versions of the capture readiness concept proposed to date are compared. Capture readiness requirements beyond the minimum criterion of space on the site for capture operations are explored. This includes integration of capture and power plant, downstream operations, overall system integration and regulation of future retrofitting. Capture readiness comes with serious uncertainties and is no guarantee that new-built fossil plants will be abatable or abated in the future. As a regulatory strategy, it has been over-promised in the UK.  相似文献   

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) promises to allow for low-emissions fossil-fuel-based power generation. The technology is under development; a number of technological, economic, environmental and safety issues remain to be solved. CCS may prolong the prevailing coal-to-electricity regime and countervail efforts in other mitigation categories. Given the need to continue using fossil-fuels for some time, however, it may also serve as a bridging technology towards a renewable energy future. In this paper, we analyze the structural characteristics of the CCS innovation system and perform an energy-environment-economic analysis of the potential contribution of CCS, using a general equilibrium model for Germany. We show that a given climate target can be achieved at lower marginal costs when the option of CCS is included into the mix of mitigation options. We conclude that, given an appropriate legal and policy framework, CCS, energy efficiency and some other mitigation efforts are complementary measures and should form part of a broad mix of measures required for a successful CO2 mitigation strategy.  相似文献   

Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is one of power generation technologies having the highest potential for carbon capture with low penalties in efficiency and cost. Syngas produced by gasification can be decarbonised using chemical looping methods in which an oxygen carrier (usually a metallic oxide) is recycled between the syngas oxidation reactor (fuel reactor) and the chemical agent oxidation reactor (steam reactor). In this way, the resulted carbon dioxide is inherently separated from the other products of combustion and the syngas energy is transferred to an almost pure hydrogen stream suitable to be used not only for power generation but also for transport sector (PEM fuel cells).  相似文献   

This study models the costs of electricity generation with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), from generation at the power plant to carbon injection at the reservoir, examining the economic factors that affect technology choice and CCS costs at the individual plant level. The results suggest that natural gas and coal prices have profound impacts on the carbon price needed to induce CCS. To extend previous analyses we develop a "cost region" graph that models technology choice as a function of carbon and fuel prices. Generally, the least-cost technology at low carbon prices is pulverized coal, while intermediate carbon prices favor natural gas technologies and high carbon prices favor coal gasification with capture. However, the specific carbon prices at which these transitions occur is largely determined by the price of natural gas. For instance, the CCS-justifying carbon price ranges from $27/t CO2 at high natural gas prices to $54/t CO2 at low natural gas prices. This result has important implications for potential climate change legislation. The capital costs of the generation and CO2 capture plant are also highly important, while pipeline distance and criteria pollutant control are less significant.  相似文献   

This paper is evaluating from the conceptual design, thermal integration, techno-economic and environmental performances points of view the hydrogen and power generation using glycerol (as a biodiesel by-product) reforming processes at industrial scale with and without carbon capture. The evaluated hydrogen plant concepts produced 100,000 Nm3/h hydrogen (equivalent to 300 MWth) with negligible net power output for export. The power plant concepts generated about 500 MW net power output. Hydrogen and power co-generation was also assessed. The CO2 capture concepts used alkanolamine-based gas–liquid absorption. The CO2 capture rate of the carbon capture unit is at least 90%, the carbon capture rate of the overall reforming process being at least 70%. Similar designs without carbon capture have been developed to quantify the energy and cost penalties for carbon capture. The various glycerol reforming cases were modelled and simulated to produce the mass & energy balances for quantification of key plant performance indicators (e.g. fuel consumption, energy efficiency, ancillary energy consumption, specific CO2 emissions, capital and operational costs, production costs, cash flow analysis etc.). The evaluations show that glycerol reforming is promising concept for high energy efficiency processes with low CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

Gasification is a promising technology in terms of reducing carbon capture energy and cost penalties as well as for multi-fuel multi-product operation capability. The paper evaluates two carbon capture options in terms of main techno-economic indicators. The first option involves pre-combustion capture, the syngas being catalytically shifted to convert carbon species into CO2 and H2. Gas–liquid absorption is used for separate H2S and CO2 capture, then clean gas is used for power generation. The second capture option is based on post-combustion capture using chemical absorption. The most promising gasifiers were evaluated in a CCS design.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient framework for converting renewable energy to gas and reducing Carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint at the same time. The problem is presented in two levels. The first level is a minimization programming that minimizes operational cost and CO2 of generators. The CO2 is forwarded to the second level. In the second level, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is designed to capture CO2. The CO2 is combined with Hydrogen and makes Methane (CH4). The required Hydrogen is obtained from water electrolyzer that is supplied by the solar system. The capacity and size of water electrolyzer, solar system, and CCS is designed by the planning in the second level while this programming maximizes profit from selling Methane. As a result, the first level presents minimization programming (i.e., minimizing cost and CO2) and the second level presents maximization programming (i.e., maximizing profit). The programming is developed taking into account solar uncertainty. The stochastic programming is implemented to cope with uncertainties. The problem is formulated as binary mixed integer linear programming and solved by GAMS software. The proposed power to gas (P2G) procedure efficiently designs proper solar system and deals with intermittency of solar energy, reduces CO2 footprint, maximizes profit, and minimizes operational cost of generators at the same time.  相似文献   

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