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Polyphenols, occurring in fruit and vegetables, wine, tea, extra virgin olive oil, chocolate and other cocoa products, have been demonstrated to have clear antioxidant properties in vitro, and many of their biological actions have been attributed to their intrinsic reducing capabilities. However, it has become clear that, in complex biological systems, polyphenols exhibit several additional properties which are yet poorly understood. Apoptosis is a genetically controlled and evolutionarily conserved form of cell death of critical importance for the normal embryonic development and for the maintenance of tissue homeostasis in the adult organism. The malfunction of the death machinery may play a primary role in various pathological processes, since too little or too much apoptosis can lead to proliferative or degenerative diseases, respectively. Cancer cells are characterized by a deregulated proliferation, and/or an inability to undergo programmed cell death. A large body of evidence indicates that polyphenols can exert chemopreventive effects towards different organ specific cancers, affecting the overall process of carcinogenesis by several mechanisms: inhibition of DNA synthesis, modulation of ROS production, regulation of cell cycle arrest, modulation of survival/proliferation pathways. In addition, polyphenols can directly influence different points of the apoptotic process, and/or the expression of regulatory proteins. Although the bulk of data has been obtained in in vitro systems, a number of clinical studies suggesting a preventive and therapeutic effectiveness of polyphenols in vivo is available. However, a deeper knowledge of the underlying mechanisms responsible for the modulation of apoptosis by polyphenols, and their real effectiveness, is necessary in order to propose them as potential chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic candidates for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Lung cancer may be prevented by a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as they are enriched with dietary antioxidant polyphenols, such as flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, lignans, stilbenes, and phenolic acids. Dietary polyphenols exert a wide range of beneficial biological functions beyond their antioxidative properties and are involved in regulation of cell survival pathways leading to anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic functions. There are sufficient evidence from in vitro, in vivo, and epidemiological studies to suggest that the dietary intervention of polyphenols in cancer prevention, including the chemopreventive ability of dietary polyphenols, act against lung carcinogens. Cohort and epidemiological studies in selected risk populations have evaluated clinical effects of polyphenols. Polyphenols have demonstrated three major actions: antioxidative activity, regulation of phase I and II enzymes, and regulation of cell survival pathways against lung carcinogenesis. They have also shown an inverse association of lung cancer occurrences among high risk populations who consumed considerable amounts of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet. In in vitro cell culture experimental models, polyphenols bind with electrophilic metabolites from carcinogens, inactivate cellular oxygen radicals, prevent membrane lipid peroxidation and DNA oxidative damage, and adduct formation. Further, polyphenols enhance the detoxifying enzymes such as the phase II enzymes, glutathione transferases and glucuronosyl transferases.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is the most prevalent disease affecting males in many Western countries, with an estimated 29,480 deaths in 2014 in the US alone. Incidence rates for prostate cancer deaths have been decreasing since the early 1990s in men of all races/ethnicities, though they remain about 60% higher in African Americans than in any other group. The relationship between dietary polyphenols and the prevention of prostate cancer has been examined previously. Although results are sometimes inconsistent and variable, there is a general agreement that polyphenols hold great promise for the future management of prostate cancer. Various dietary components, including polyphenols, have been shown to possess anti-cancer properties. Generally considered as non-toxic, dietary polyphenols act as key modulators of signaling pathways and are therefore considered ideal chemopreventive agents. Besides possessing various anti-tumor properties, dietary polyphenols also contribute to epigenetic changes associated with the fate of cancer cells and have emerged as potential drugs for therapeutic intervention. Polyphenols have also been shown to affect post-translational modifications and microRNA expressions. This article provides a systematic review of the health benefits of selected dietary polyphenols in prostate cancer, especially focusing on the subclasses of polyphenols, which have a great effect on disease prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

Cancer vaccines are a type of immune therapy that seeks to modulate the host’s immune system to induce durable and protective immune responses against cancer-related antigens. The little clinical success of therapeutic cancer vaccines is generally attributed to the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment at late-stage diseases. The administration of cancer-preventive vaccination at early stages, such as pre-malignant lesions or even in healthy individuals at high cancer risk could increase clinical efficacy by potentiating immune surveillance and pre-existing specific immune responses, thus eliminating de novo appearing lesions or maintaining equilibrium. Indeed, research focus has begun to shift to these approaches and some of them are yielding encouraging outcomes.  相似文献   

阙斐  李英华 《广州化工》2010,38(12):110-112
创新性地将红酒、黄酒提取物添加到所研制的复合护手霜中。检测其理化指标、感官指标及卫生指标,均符合行业标准。考察了搅拌时间、温度对乳化效果的影响,结果表明温度为75℃~80℃,时间为15min时乳化效果最好。人体手部皮肤涂抹试验表明该护手霜具有较好的滋润作用,可以改善手部粗糙的皮肤。对深度开发黄酒、红酒产品有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

From all types of cancer, cervical cancer manages to be in top four most frequent types, with a 6.5% rate of occurrence. The infectious vector that induces the disease, the high-risk Human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a sexually transmitted virus, is capable of transforming the host cell by modulating some of the principal signaling pathways responsible for cell cycle arrest, proliferation, and survival. Fortunately, like other cancer types, cervical cancer can be treated by chirurgical interventions or chemoradiotherapy, but these methods are not exactly the lucky clover of modern medicine because of the adverse effects they have. That is the reason why in the last years the emphasis has been on alternative medicine, more specifically on phytochemicals, as a substantial number of studies showed that diet contributes to cancer prevention and treatment. All these studies are trying to find new chemopreventive agents with less toxicity but high effectiveness both in vitro and in vivo. The aim of this review is to evaluate the literature in order to underline the advantages and disadvantages of polyphenols, a class of dietary compounds, as chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents. This review also aims to present polyphenols from different perspectives, starting with mechanisms of action and ending with their toxicity. The bigger picture illustrates that polyphenols have great potential in cervical cancer prevention, with strong effects on gene modulation.  相似文献   

文章建立了高效液相色谱法测定红酒中白藜芦醇的方法,色谱柱为Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse XDB C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),以乙腈-水(35∶65,水相中含0.1%冰乙酸)为流动相,流速1 mL/min,进样量20μL,室温,检测波长300 nm,外标法定量,该方法相对标准偏差为1.18%~1.99%,线性相关系数R2为0.999,检测限为2μg/mL。在上述条件下测定了随机抽取的部分市售红酒样品的白藜芦醇含量力。  相似文献   

Plant-derived polyphenols are being tested as chemopreventive agents; some polyphenols arrest the cell cycle at G1 phase, whereas others inhibit cell cycle proliferation at G2/M phase. Therefore, polyphenols have been proposed to inhibit cell cycle progression at different phases via distinct mechanisms. Indeed, our previous studies showed that small structural differences in polyphenols cause large differences in their biological activities; however, the details of the structural properties causing G1 cell cycle arrest remain unknown. In this study, we prepared 27 polyphenols, including eight different scaffolds, to gain insight into the structural conditions that arrest the cell cycle at G1 phase in a quantitative structure–activity relationship study. We used cell cycle profiles to determine the biophores responsible for G1 cell cycle arrest and believe that the biophores identified in this study will help design polyphenols that cause G1 cell cycle arrest.  相似文献   

为提高红葡萄酒出酒率,回收利用酒泥,采用甘草渣木质素对酒泥絮凝脱汁,以木质素用量、絮凝温度、搅拌时间为单因素,进行正交试验,确定了其最佳絮凝工艺条件为:木质素用量2.5 g/100 mL,絮凝温度30℃,搅拌时间10 min,葡萄酒收率为49.5%,滤饼含水率为9.04%,降低了127.32%,滤液澄清透明,澄清度为89.72%,提高了36.97%,色度为0.695 5。  相似文献   

泥巴是取之不尽、用之不竭的原料,中国人把它变成了陶瓷,创造了最早中国陶瓷的神话。如今,各式各样的陶瓷酒瓶已作为一种文化景观。客家妇女服饰文化以其独特的色彩、纹饰和造型向世人昭示着她的魅力与风采。如何使客家妇女服饰文化的魅力在现代陶瓷酒瓶中得以更好地体现而发散出感人的艺术魅力,是值得我们思考的。本文结合"红豆情"陶瓷酒瓶的设计而发表粗浅的认识,望能得到同行大家的关注。  相似文献   

Ovarian carcinoma (OC) is the most lethal gynecological malignancy. Response to platinum-based chemotherapy is poor in some patients and, thus, current research is focusing on new therapy options. The various histological types of OC are characterized by distinctive molecular genetic alterations that are relevant for ovarian tumorigenesis. The understanding of these molecular pathways is essential for the development of novel therapeutic strategies.


We want to give an overview on the molecular genetic changes of the histopathological types of OC and their role as putative therapeutic targets.

In Depth Review of Existing Data

In 2012, the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitor, bevacizumab, was approved for OC treatment. Bevacizumab has shown promising results as single agent and in combination with conventional chemotherapy, but its target is not distinctive when analyzed before treatment. At present, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors, poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors and components of the EGFR pathway are in the focus of clinical research. Interestingly, some phytochemical substances show good synergistic effects when used in combination with chemotherapy.


Ongoing studies of targeted agents in conjunction with chemotherapy will show whether there are alternative options to bevacizumab available for OC patients. Novel targets which can be assessed before therapy to predict efficacy are needed. The assessment of therapeutic targets is continuously improved by molecular pathological analyses on tumor tissue. A careful selection of patients for personalized treatment will help to reduce putative side effects and toxicity.  相似文献   

超声波协助提取茶多酚的工艺研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了在超声波协助下采用正交设计法优选茶多酚的提取工艺。结果表明,影响茶多酚提取率的最佳工艺条件为:浸提温度70℃;时间1.5 h;料液比20∶1;乙醇浓度70%。影响茶多酚含量的最佳工艺条件为:浸提温度80℃;时间1.5 h;料液比15∶1;乙醇浓度70%。这些结果为改善茶多酚的提取条件提供了实验基础。  相似文献   

Dietary phenolic compounds possess potent bioactivity against inflammatory pathways of chronic inflammatory conditions, such as type 2 diabetes. Here, the phenolic profile and bioactivity of Italian red wines Gaglioppo, Magliocco, and Nerello Mascalese were characterized. NMR, HPLC/UV-Vis and spectrophotometric characterization showed that Magliocco was the richest wine in monomeric anthocyanins (two-fold), catechins, and low molecular weight phenolics (LMWP). A positive correlation was observed between the polyphenolic content and antioxidant capacity (p < 0.05), with Magliocco displaying the highest antioxidant capacity (p < 0.01). In vitro evidence on the endothelial cell models of insulin resistance and hyperglycemia showed the ability of Magliocco to reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) (p < 0.01) and cytokine release (p < 0.01) and to upregulate SIRT1 and SIRT6 (p < 0.01). On the whole, the results indicated that the quantitative and qualitative phenolic profiles of red wines influence their in vitro beneficial effects on oxidative and proinflammatory milieu in endothelial cells, showing a positive modulation of SIRT1 and SIRT6, both implied in vascular aging.  相似文献   

Green tea polyphenols (GTP), an anticarcinogen in tea leaves, can provide protection against various cancer types induced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). However, current research about mutual effects has hardly focused on phenanthrene (PA), which is a dominant PAH with low toxicity detected in environment and many commercial tea samples. GTP and PA may be absorbed concurrently by the human body when people drink tea. In order to reveal the relation between intake of smoked tea and enhancement of cancer risk, in this study, growth inhibition, apoptosis, and cell cycle were assayed in human lung adenocarcinoma cell line SPC-A-1, and the interaction effects of GTP and PA was statistically analyzed. The results showed that GTP and PA inhibited cell growth in a concentration-dependent manner; their interaction significantly reduced the inhibition and affected the cell cycle; the final combination of PA and GTP exhibited a synergistic inhibition which caused cell death more acutely, and the cell cycle was arrested at S-phase, which means GTA could reduce the cancer risk even with drinking smoked tea in low concentration of PA.  相似文献   

With the recent advancement of genetic screening for testing susceptibility to mammary oncogenesis in women, the relevance of the gene−environment interaction has become progressively apparent in the context of aberrant gene expressions. Fetal exposure to external stressors, hormones, and nutrients, along with the inherited genome, impact its traits, including cancer susceptibility. Currently, there is increasing interest in the role of epigenetic biomarkers such as genomic methylation signatures, plasma microRNAs, and alterations in cell-signaling pathways in the diagnosis and primary prevention of breast cancer, as well as its prognosis. Polyphenols like natural stilbenes have been shown to be effective in chemoprevention by exerting cytotoxic effects that can stall cell proliferation. Besides possessing antioxidant properties against the DNA-damaging effects of reactive oxygen species, stilbenes have also been observed to modulate cell-signaling pathways. With the increasing trend of early-life screening for hereditary breast cancer risks, the potency of different phytochemicals in harnessing the epigenetic biomarkers of breast cancer risk demand more investigation. This review will explore means of exploiting the abilities of stilbenes in altering the underlying factors that influence breast cancer risk, as well as the appearance of associated biomarkers.  相似文献   

Skin cancer represents any tumor development from the cutaneous structures within the epidermis, dermis or subcutaneous tissue, and is considered to be the most prevalent type of cancer. Compared to other types of cancer, skin cancer is proven to have a positive growth rate of prevalence and mortality. There are available various treatments, including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapy, but because of the multidrug resistance development, a low success has been registered. By this, the importance of studying naturally occurring compounds that are both safe and effective in the chemoprevention of skin cancer is emphasized. This review focuses on melanoma because it is the deadliest form of skin cancer, with a significantly increasing incidence in the last decades. As chemopreventive agents, we present polyphenols and their antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory effect, their ability to balance the cell cycle and to induce apoptosis and their various other effects on skin melanoma. Besides chemoprevention, studies suggest that polyphenols can have treating abilities in some conditions. The limitations of using polyphenols are also pointed out, which are related to their poor bioavailability and stability, but as the technology is well developed, it is possible to augment the efficacy of polyphenols in the case of melanoma.  相似文献   

This narrative review aims to summarize the current controversy on the balance between ethanol and phytochemicals in wine, focusing on light drinking and oral cancer. Extensive literature search included PUBMED and EMBASE databases to identify in human studies and systematic reviews (up to March 2015), which contributed to elucidate this issue. Independently from the type of beverage, meta-analyses considering light drinking (≤1 drinks/day or ≤12.5 g/day of ethanol) reported relative risks (RR) for oral, oro-pharyngeal, or upper aero-digestive tract cancers, ranging from 1.0 to 1.3. One meta-analysis measured the overall wine-specific RR, which corresponded to 2.1. Although little evidence exists on light wine intake, phytochemicals seem not to affect oral cancer risk, being probably present below the effective dosages and/or due to their low bioavailability. As expected, the risk of oral cancer, even in light drinking conditions, increases when associated with smoking habit and high-risk genotypes of alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Lycopene is a phytochemical that belongs to a group of pigments known as carotenoids. It is red, lipophilic and naturally occurring in many fruits and vegetables, with tomatoes and tomato-based products containing the highest concentrations of bioavailable lycopene. Several epidemiological studies have linked increased lycopene consumption with decreased prostate cancer risk. These findings are supported by in vitro and in vivo experiments showing that lycopene not only enhances the antioxidant response of prostate cells, but that it is even able to inhibit proliferation, induce apoptosis and decrease the metastatic capacity of prostate cancer cells. However, there is still no clearly proven clinical evidence supporting the use of lycopene in the prevention or treatment of prostate cancer, due to the only limited number of published randomized clinical trials and the varying quality of existing studies. The scope of this article is to discuss the potential impact of lycopene on prostate cancer by giving an overview about its molecular mechanisms and clinical effects.  相似文献   

Polyphenols represent a structural class of mainly natural organic chemicals that contain multiple phenol structural units. The beneficial properties of polyphenols have been extensively studied for their antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects, but nowadays, their medical applications are starting to be extended to many other applications due to their prebiotic role and their impact on the microbiota. This review focused on the use of polyphenols in cancer treatment. Their antineoplastic effects have been demonstrated in various studies when they were tested on numerous cancer lines and some in in vivo models. A431 and SCC13 human skin cancer cell lines treated with EGCG presented a reduced cell viability and enhanced cell death due to the inactivation of β-catenin signaling. Additionally, resveratrol showed a great potential against breast cancer mainly due to its ability to exert both anti-estrogenic and estrogenic effects (based on the concentration) and because it has a high affinity for estrogen receptors ERα and Erβ. Polyphenols can be combined with different classical cytostatic agents to enhance their therapeutic effects on cancer cells and to also protect healthy cells from the aggressiveness of antitumor drugs due to their anti-inflammatory properties. For instance, curcumin has been reported to reduce the gastrointestinal toxicity associated with chemotherapy. In the case of 5-FU-induced, it reduced the gastrointestinal toxicity by increasing the intestinal permeability and inhibiting mucosal damage. Co-administration of EGCG and doxorubicin induced the death of liver cancer cells. EGCG has the ability to inhibit autophagic activity and stop hepatoma Hep3B cell proliferation This symbiotic approach is well-known in medical practice including in multiple chemotherapy.  相似文献   

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