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Offshore and inshore wave energy assessment: Asturias (N Spain)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The offshore and inshore wave energy resource in Asturias (N Spain) is studied using wave buoy data and a hindcast dataset spanning 44 years (1958–2001). Offshore average wave power and annual wave energy values are found to exceed 30 kW/m and 250 MWh/m, respectively, at 7 of the 11 study sites. This substantial resource is characterised in terms of the sea states involved. Most of the energy is provided by IV quadrant waves with significant wave heights between 2 m and 5 m and energy periods between 11 s and 13 s. After analysing the offshore resource, numerical modelling is used to investigate the inshore wave patterns. A coastal wave model is validated with wave buoy data and applied to three case studies representative of storm, winter and summer conditions. Inshore wave energy concentration areas, of interest as prospective wave farm sites, are found to occur west of Cape Vidio and on the western side of the Cape Peñas peninsula. The methodology used in this investigation may serve as a model for wave energy assessments in other regions, especially where both the offshore and inshore resources are of consequence.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate wave power along the northern coasts of the Gulf of Oman. To simulate wave parameters the third generation spectral SWAN model was utilized, and the results were validated with buoy and ADCP data. First, annual energy was calculated in the study region with the hindcast data set covering 23 years (1985-2007). The areas with the highest wave resource were determined and the area proximity to the port of Chabahar is suggested as the best site for the installation of a wave farm. Second, the average monthly wave energy in this area was investigated. The most energetic waves are provided by the southeast Indian Ocean monsoon from June to August. Finally, the wave energy resource was characterized in terms of sea state parameters. It was found that the bulk of annual wave energy occurs for significant wave heights between 1 and 3 m and energy periods between 4 and 8 s in the direction of SSE.  相似文献   

This research presents an estimation of wave energy potential in Sicily (Italy) carried out using both buoy wave measurements from Rete Ondametrica Nazionale (RON), the Italian Government wave buoy network, and wave parameter data by ERA-INTERIM, a recent meteorological reanalysis project of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Starting from these offshore data, we first identified the western part of Sicily as the area with a higher availability of offshore wave energy; subsequently, we selected a study area in the western part of the south coast and assessed the nearshore potential energy by performing propagation using a spectral model (SWAN). The nearshore analysis highlights the presence of a “hot spot” relatively close to the coast where energy concentration produces even higher energy availability than offshore. Based on this result, the site may be a possible location for a wave energy farm, provisional on a technical–economic feasibility analysis.  相似文献   

G. Iglesias  R. Carballo 《Energy》2011,36(9):5525-5531
Where should the first wave farm in a region be installed? The nearshore area with the largest resource is the prime candidate. But how should this area be determined? Wave resource analyses typically consider a small number of wave patterns. Does the number of wave patterns influence the outcome? And, more generally, what is the best procedure for selecting the area? This work proposes an approach based on a large number of nearshore wave patterns and applies it to the Galician Southwest, where the first administrative concession for a wave farm (at a site to be determined) is expected to be issued shortly. The sensitivity of the results to the number of wave patterns, hence to the percentages of the total annual energy and time covered in the analysis, is investigated. It is found that the area that emerges as having the largest resource does depend on these percentages. For this reason, conventional analyses based on a small number of wave patterns are not sufficient to reliably determine the area with the largest resource. It is necessary to ensure that a sufficiently large percentage of the total energy is considered, using a procedure like the one proposed in this work.  相似文献   

The present scenario of energy market is highly volatile due to large oscillation in the fossil fuel prices. During these periods, the high energy demand for the industries is being partially met through non-conventional energy sources such as wind and solar power. The large untapped energy potential in the Ocean is yet to be exploited due to many technological constraints. The recent decades have shown positive developments worldwide towards the ocean wave energy converters. In the present study, an improved wave energy potential estimate has been made. Based on various parameters such as physical site characteristics, environmental conditions and socio-economic regional state, the selection criteria have been suggested. This would form the basis for energy device selection for the decision makers.  相似文献   

An assessment of nearshore wave energy resource along the Portuguese coast is presented, focusing on identify appropriate locations for testing and developing Wave Energy Converter (WEC) for commercial exploit. The analysis covers the whole west seaside, to which a partition defined by 7 linear sections parallel to the coastline at 50 m depth was considered. Available wave energy at each linear sector was calculated from nearshore wave parameters, using as input the offshore wave conditions provided by a 15-year ocean wind-wave model simulation and considering a simplified but well-established analytical procedure for shoreward wave transformation. Two alternative measures of the nearshore wave energy resource were considered, the standard omni-directional wave power density and the more restricted normally-directed wave energy flux.Offshore wave direction combine to shoreline orientation proved to be determinant on the evaluation of the wave energy resource in each section, since sectors of the shoreline directly facing the offshore annual average wave direction have limited reduction in available wave energy as compare to offshore values. Independently of the wave energy measured criteria used, the analysis suggests that the sector from Peniche to Nazaré is the more suitable location for nearshore wave energy exploitation, with annual wave energy around 200 MWh m−1, closely followed by the adjacent sector from Nazaré to Figueira da Foz.  相似文献   

G. Iglesias  R. Carballo 《Energy》2010,35(12):5013-5021
The island of La Palma (Spain), dubbed La Isla Bonita for its beauty, is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in the Atlantic Ocean. The island’s authorities are aiming for energy self-sufficiency based on wave energy and other renewables. In this research its wave resource is investigated using a 44-years hindcast dataset obtained through numerical modelling and validated with wave buoy records. First, its distribution around La Palma is studied. Significant variations are found, with the largest resource occurring off the north and northwest coasts; the northwest presents operational advantages (proximity to a port). Second, the seasonal variations in this area are studied. Wave energy is provided essentially by powerful NNW-NW swells in winter and autumn, by less energetic NNE-N waves in summer and spring. Finally, the resource is characterised in terms of sea states; it is found that the bulk of the energy is provided by waves between 9.5 s and 13.5 s of energy period and 1.5 m and 3.5 m of significant wave height, so the selection of the Wave Energy Converters to be installed should guarantee maximum efficiency in these ranges.  相似文献   

Wave energy is a renewable source, which has not yet been exploited to a large extent. So far the main focus of wave energy conversion has been on the large wave energy resources of the great oceans on northern latitudes. However, large portions of the world potential wave energy resources are found in sheltered waters and calmer seas, which often exhibit a milder, but still steady wave climate. Examples are the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean and the North Sea in Europe, and ocean areas closer to the equator. Many of the various schemes in the past consist of large mechanical structures, often located near the sea surface. In the present work we instead focus on wave power plants consisting of a number of small wave energy converters, forming large arrays. In this context, we look at advantageous arrangements of point absorbers, and discuss the potential of the Baltic Sea as a case study.  相似文献   

Investments in renewable energy plants normally only take standard economic key figures into account, such as installed rated power, the market price of energy and the interest rate. The authors propose that the degree of utilisation, i.e. the ratio of yearly produced energy in the installation to the installed power, must be included due to its significant impact on the present value of the investment. A site with a limited average wave height could be of economic interest if the utility factor for the installation is high, since the investment cost (associated with the power installed) can be better adjusted to conditions at the particular site. In the case of wave power from the Baltic Sea with its limited variation in wave height (and limited average wave height), this indicates that the economic potential is best for smaller units.  相似文献   

There are opinions claiming that 70% of the world energy consumption could be provided from renewable resources by the year 2050. These resources are needed, because fossil fuels both cause pollution of the environment and will be depleted in the near future. In this regard, the objective of this study was to determine the wave energy potential and the costs associated with its application to Turkish waters. To this goal, the wave energy potential in Cesme–Izmir was investigated. Cesme is known to have abundant wind, which plays the primary role in the formation of sea waves. For this purpose, the Solar Energy Institute of Ege University carried out wind velocity measurements within the period from 05.11.1998 to 05.11.1999 at an altitude of 10 m in Cesme. The measured values were regarded as if they were taken at an altitude of 19.5 m from seawater level. With this approach, the Pierson–Moskowitz wave energy spectrum was constructed. Through this wave energy spectrum, wave energy that is to be obtained at the measurement area within one year was determined. The variation of wave energy according to each month was evaluated. Hence, the unit cost of electricity to be produced by a turbine (with a width of 1 m), assumed to be installed at the area of measurements, was calculated.  相似文献   

The quantification at regional level of the amount of energy (for thermal uses and for electricity) that can be generated by using solar systems in buildings is hindered by the availability of data for roof area estimation. In this note, we build on an existing geo-referenced method for determining available roof area for solar facilities in Spain to produce a quantitative picture of the likely limits of roof-top solar energy. The installation of solar hot water systems (SHWS) and photovoltaic systems (PV) is considered. After satisfying up to 70% (if possible) of the service hot water demand in every municipality, PV systems are installed in the remaining roof area. Results show that, applying this performance-based criterion, SHWS would contribute up to 1662 ktoe/y of primary energy (or 68.5% of the total thermal-energy demand for service hot water), while PV systems would provide 10 T W h/y of electricity (or 4.0% of the total electricity demand).  相似文献   

Wave power presents significant advantages with regard to other CO2-free energy sources, among which the predictability, high load factor and low visual and environmental impact stand out. Galicia, facing the Atlantic on the north-western corner of the Iberian Peninsula, is subjected to a very harsh wave climate; in this work its potential for energy production is assessed based on three-hourly data from a third generation ocean wave model (WAM) covering the period 1996–2005. Taking into account the results of this assessment along with other relevant considerations such as the location of ports, navigation routes, and fishing and aquaculture zones, an area is selected for wave energy exploitation. The transformation of the offshore wave field as it propagates into this area is computed by means of a nearshore wave model (SWAN) in order to select the optimum locations for a wave farm. Two zones emerge as those with the highest potential for wave energy exploitation. The large modifications in the available wave power resulting from relatively small changes of position are made apparent in the process.  相似文献   

The potential of on‐shore wind energy in Spain is assessed using a methodology based on a detailed characterization of the wind resource. To obtain such a characterization, high‐resolution simulations of the weather in Spain during 1 year are performed, and the wind statistics thus gathered are used to estimate the electricity‐generation potential. The study reports also the evolution with the installed power of the capacity factor, a parameter closely related to the cost of the generated energy, as well as the occupied land, which bears environmental and social acceptance implications. A parametric study is performed to assess the uncertainties in the study associated to the choice of the characteristic wind‐turbine farm used; and comparisons are provided with other similar studies. The study indicates that the overall technical potential is approximately 1100 TWh/y; and that about 70 GW of installed wind power could operate with capacity factors in excess of 24%, resulting in an annual electricity generation of approximately 190 TWh/y, or 60% of the electricity consumption in 2008. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As fossil fuels are not only a limited resource, but also contribute to global warming, a transition towards a more sustainable energy supply is urgently needed. Therefore, today's environmental policies are largely devoted to fostering the development and implementation of renewable energy technologies. One important aspect of this transition is the increased use of biomass to generate renewable energy. Agricultural residues are produced in huge amounts worldwide, and most of this residue is composed of biomass that can be used for energy generation. Consequently, converting this residue into energy can increase the value of waste materials and reduce the environmental impact of waste disposal. This paper analyses the situation of biomass energy resources in Andalusia, an autonomous community in the south of Spain. More specifically, biomass is the renewable source which most contributes to Andalusian energy infrastructure. The residual biomass produced in the olive sector is the result of the large quantity of olive groves and olive oil manufacturers that generate byproducts with a potentially high energy content. The generation of agricultural and industrial residues from the olive sector produced in Andalusia is an important source of different types of residual biomass that are suitable for thermal and electric energy since they reduce the negative environmental effects of emissions from fossil fuels, such as the production of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

In this study, the potential of wind energy and assessment of wind energy systems in Turkey were studied. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the wind energy potential and future wind conversion systems project in Turkey. The wind energy potential of various regions was investigated; and the exploitation of the wind energy in Turkey was discussed. Various regions were analyzed taking into account the wind data measured as hourly time series in the windy locations. The wind data used in this study were taken from Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EIEI) for the year 2010. This paper reviews the assessment of wind energy in Turkey as of the end of May 2010 including wind energy applications. Turkey's total theoretically available potential for wind power is around 131,756.40 MW and sea wind power 17,393.20 MW annually, according to TUREB (TWEA). When Turkey has 1.5 MW nominal installed wind energy capacity in 1998, then this capacity has increased to 1522.20 MW in 2010. Wind power plant with a total capacity of 1522.20 MW will be commissioned 2166.65 MW in December 2011.  相似文献   

G. Orer  A. Ozdamar   《Renewable Energy》2007,32(8):1317-1327
Several studies have been made using submerged plates for wave-damping purpose. A pulsating flow occurs opposite to the direction of wave propagation below these wave breakers. This water flow can be used for energy production purposes. In this study, the energy efficiency of the plate wave energy converter is determined experimentally. The length of the plate L=1 m, the water depth d=60 cm, the width of the plate b=60 cm and the thickness t=2 cm were held constant through all the experiments. Each experiment set has a total number of 20 different wave properties composed of T=1.16, 1.50, 1.87 and 2.05 s wave periods and H=2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 cm wave height values. The velocity and the wave length of the water flow occuring below the plate were measured for several conditions such as: 1. the plate only, 2. the plate and a triangular structure below it, with five different heights, 3. The plate and a vertical wall below it, with two different heights. In this manner, the submerged plate wave energy converter efficiency values were determined for 20 different conditions. It is understood that the efficiency of the submerged plate wave energy converters can reach up to 60% and the existence of a vertical wall below the plate rather than a triangular form is more efficient.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to provide a synthetic tool for determining expeditiously the wave climate conditions in several areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In the open literature, several authors have already conducted this specific analysis also for the area under examination in this paper. However, the need of discussing aspects strictly related to the design of wave energy harvesters is still relevant. Therefore, considering the variety of devices and the amount of information needed for conducting both an energy-wise optimization and a structural reliability assessment, a holistic view on the topic is provided. Specifically, the paper elucidates the theoretical aspects involved in the estimation of wave energy statistics and in the calculation of relevant return values. Next, it provides synthetic data representing the mean wave power and the return value of extreme events in several coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In this regard, the paper complements information available in the open literature by discussing the influence of the directional pattern of the sea states in the determination of sea state statistics as well as in the design of a wave energy harvester.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the use of numerical wave models for assessing the impact of offshore wave farms on the nearshore wave climate. Previous studies have investigated the effect of energy extraction by wave energy devices through the use of spectral models such as SWAN, representing a wave farm as one or more barriers within the model domain and applying a constant wave energy transmission percentage across the whole wave spectrum incident at the barrier. However, this is an unrealistic representation of the behaviour of real wave energy converters. These will exhibit frequency-dependent energy absorption characteristics that will correspond to the spectral response of the device, and may reflect its ability to be tuned to extract energy at particular frequencies. This study describes a modification of the SWAN source code to enable frequency-dependent wave energy transmission through a barrier. A detailed analysis of the wave climate at the Wave Hub wave farm site is also presented, with a particular focus on the occurrence of bimodal sea states. The modified SWAN code is used to assess how impact predictions for typically occurring sea states may differ when using frequency-dependent rather than constant wave energy transmission, with reference to a previous study using the unmodified code (Millar, Smith and Reeve, 2007 [1]). The results illustrate the dependence of the magnitude of the impact on both the response function of the devices and the spectral sea state in which they are operating.  相似文献   

Modeled nearshore wave propagation was investigated downstream of simulated wave energy converters (WECs) to evaluate overall near- and far-field effects of WEC arrays. Model sensitivity to WEC characteristics and WEC array deployment scenarios was evaluated using a modified version of an industry standard wave model, Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN), which allows the incorporation of device-specific WEC characteristics to specify obstacle transmission. The sensitivity study illustrated that WEC device type and subsequently its size directly resulted in wave height variations in the lee of the WEC array. Wave heights decreased up to 30% between modeled scenarios with and without WECs for large arrays (100 devices) of relatively sizable devices (26 m in diameter) with peak power generation near to the modeled incident wave height. Other WEC types resulted in less than 15% differences in modeled wave height with and without WECs, with lesser influence for WECs less than 10 m in diameter. Wave directions and periods were largely insensitive to changes in parameters. However, additional model parameterization and analysis are required to fully explore the model sensitivity of peak wave period and mean wave direction to the varying of the parameters.  相似文献   

As a renewable energy, the assessment of wave power potential around a country is crucial. Knowledge of the temporal and spatial variations of wave energy is required for locating a wave power plant. This study investigates the variations in wave power at 19 locations covering the Indian shelf seas using the ERA-Interim dataset produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The ERA-Interim data is compared with the measured wave parameters in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. Along the western shelf seas of India, the seasonal oscillations lead to variation of the wave power from the lowest seasonal mean value (2.6 kW/m) in the post-monsoon period (October–January) to the highest value (25.9 kW/m) in the south-west monsoon (June–September) period. Significant (10–20%) inter-annual variations are detected at few locations. The mean annual wave power along the eastern Indian shelf seas (2.6–9.9 kW/m) is lower than the mean annual wave power along the western part (7.9–11.3 kW/m). The total annual mean wave power available along the western shelf seas of India is around 19.5 GW. Along the eastern shelf seas, it is around 8.7 GW. In the Indian Shelf seas, the annual mean wave power is highest (11.3 kW/m) at the southern location (location 11), and the seasonal variation in wave power is also less. Hence, location 11 is a better location for a wave power plant in the Indian shelf seas.  相似文献   

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