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磨料射流射孔技术的工作原理是利用机械冲顶、磨铣或者水力冲击的方式在套管上形成水射流通道,然后利用高压水射流冲蚀地层,从而在地层中形成具有一定深度和孔径的油气渗流通道。研究了长庆油田的地质与水力压裂状况,并根据磨料射流射孔的技术状况设计了磨料射流射孔压裂一体化工具。通过对油井实施磨料射流射孔压裂一体化操作,在地层中形成了具有高渗透能力的通道。利用该工具可节省作业时间,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

水力喷砂射孔技术试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对水力喷砂射孔技术做了简要的介绍,通过地面打靶试验数据的分析,阐述了各施工参数对射孔效果的影响。  相似文献   

射流深穿透射孔工艺技术是通过高压水射流切割成孔,穿透近井地带污染区,增大油水井的渗流面积,达到增产增注效果的一项油层改造新技术。介绍了该工艺的原理、技术特点、选井条件以及施工工艺。该技术在韦庄油田韦5-17井和韦5-19井成功实施,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

水力喷砂射孔参数实验研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
通过室内模拟实验,对影响水力喷砂射孔能力的7个参数(射流压力,射流排量,射流磨料性质,磨料体积分数,磨料粒度。岩性和围压)进行了系统研究。初步得出了各参数对射流破岩能力的影响规律,实验表明,水力喷砂射孔能力随压力和排量的增加而增加;磨料粒度和体积分数都存在着一个最优值。磨料体积分数为6%-8%,磨料粒度为0.4-0.6mm;磨料的性质对水力喷砂射孔能力有一定的影响;岩石的性质和围压对射孔能力有很大影响;固定条件下存在着最大射孔深度和最优喷射时间。  相似文献   

磨料射流切割多层套管技术的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在淹没条件下对旋转磨料射流切割套管的规律进行了试验研究,重点分析了射流压力、喷嘴转速、喷距、磨料质量分数和磨料粒径等因素对切割深度的影响规律,目的在于研制一套切割海洋废弃井口的磨料射流工具,并获得影响切割效率的各种参数规律、切割工艺,从而形成一套可靠的、新的海洋废弃井口处理方法,以便较好地解决海洋环境保护与废弃井口处理的问题.  相似文献   

基于神经网络的磨料射流破岩射孔深度预测方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
磨料射流破岩射孔深度与其影响因素之间存在着复杂的非线性关系,因此难以用传统的数学方法建立破岩射孔深度的数学模型.将人工神经网络技术引入该领域,提出了一种利用BP神经网络预测磨料射流破岩射孔深度的新方法.给出了样本集构造与网络拓扑结构的确定方法,详细介绍了网络层数与隐层节点数的确定原则,并通过一个实例对设计的BP神经网络进行了训练与验证.结果显示,仅仅通过24次迭代过程即满足了精度要求,获得了稳定的权值矩阵、阈值矩阵与网络结构,预测值与试验值之间的相对误差满足工程要求.由此可见,利用BP神经网络预测磨料射流破岩射孔深度是完全可行的.  相似文献   

水力喷射射孔技术研究与应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水力喷射射孔技术依靠高速流体来冲击破碎岩石,在地层中形成清洁的液流通道,降低油井表皮系数,提高油井完善程度、地层渗透率及采油速度。分析了水力射孔的破岩原理、参数计算以及适用范围。3种水力喷射射孔技术的地面试验研究表明,水力射孔技术可快速射穿套菅和水泥环,能够满足油水井射孔需要;现场应用表明,大部分油水井见到了明显的增产增注效果。  相似文献   

水力射孔射流压裂工艺在长庆油田的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
水力射孔射流压裂集水力喷砂射孔和射流加砂压裂于一体,是一项重大革新型的增产工艺。该工艺采用水力喷射专用工具,首先依靠高速射流作用实现套管射孔,并在射流状态下直接进行压裂作业,既可用于水平井多段压裂改造,也可用于直井单段或多段压裂改造。现场应用表明,对于水平井,该工艺可缩短施工周期、降低施工费用、提高作业安全性;对于直井,除具有传统压裂的作用之外,可在近井地带产生高导流缝穴,有利于增产和稳产。该工艺具有施工高效性、经济性、安全性以及明显的增产能力,对于低渗透油气田的开发意义较大。  相似文献   

射流深穿透射孔工艺技术的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
射流深穿透射孔工艺技术是通过高压水射流切割成孔,穿透近井地带污染区,增大油水井的渗流面积,达到增产增注效果的一项油层改造新技术。对该工艺选井选层基本原则、施工前准备、施工工序进行了简述。经在W5—17井和W5—19井运用该技术现场施工,取得了明显的增油效果。  相似文献   


This article presents a new technology of abrasive water jet perforation assisting fracturing on Well Zheng 408-8, Bin Nan Production Plant, Shengli Oilfield. First, the balsting tool, with 9 nozzles, was lowered down to the payzone and perforated 90 tunnels with abrasive water jet after being moved upward 9 times. Then the fracture work was conducted and 18 m3 sands were squeezed into the formations. After that the well production reached 11.6 t/d liquid and 8.7 t/d oil, respectively, and this continued for 9 months. But before the job, nothing was produced from this well.  相似文献   

Application of Abrasive Water Jet Perforation Assisting Fracturing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article presents a new technology of abrasive water jet perforation assisting fracturing on Well Zheng 408-8, Bin Nan Production Plant, Shengli Oilfield. First, the balsting tool, with 9 nozzles, was lowered down to the payzone and perforated 90 tunnels with abrasive water jet after being moved upward 9 times. Then the fracture work was conducted and 18 m3 sands were squeezed into the formations. After that the well production reached 11.6 t/d liquid and 8.7 t/d oil, respectively, and this continued for 9 months. But before the job, nothing was produced from this well.  相似文献   

Surface Experiment of Abrasive Water Jet Perforation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article presents the experiment process and results of abrasive water jet perforation. This experiment was conducted in Kalamayi, China, Xinjiang Oilfield in October 2004. Referring to explosive perforation experiment, we made two cement cylinder samples with a diameter of 2.4 m, 1.2 m high, putting a 139.7 mm (5-1/2') and a 177.8 mm (7') casing sub in them, respectively. The two cylinders were buried underground. During the experiment, we changed the following parameters: blasting time, nozzle diameter, and cement cylinder property. After experiment, we opened the cylinder and found that, compared with explosive perforation, the hole on the casing wall and the tunnel in the cement were much rounder and bigger than with that method. In addition, it can cause a fracturing effect, possibly forming micro-fractures on the tunnel wall. This effect can avoid forming impermeable crushed zone when using explosive perforating.  相似文献   

This article investigates the mechanisms, the results of laboratory experiments, and the results of field tests on the abrasive water jet (AWJ) perforation for enhancing oil production. The mechanism investigation showed that the AWJ perforation is a two-stage process, the ductile casing erosion stage and the brittle rock penetration stage, and each stage follows different failure mechanisms. The laboratory AWJ-parameter experiments were conducted on pressure, flow rate, abrasive material, abrasive granule size, abrasive flow rate, ambient pressure, rock material, and exposure time. The field tests of 10 oil wells (11 runs) illustrated that the AWJ perforation depth could reach about 0.78 m with pump pressure of 45-60 MPa at different formations, while the location error was less than 0.1 m. The oil production rate comparison, before and after implement, showed the AWJ perforation technology can effectively and prominently enhance oil production.  相似文献   


This article presents the experiment process and results of abrasive water jet perforation. This experiment was conducted in Kalamayi, China, Xinjiang Oilfield in October 2004. Referring to explosive perforation experiment, we made two cement cylinder samples with a diameter of 2.4 m, 1.2 m high, putting a 139.7 mm (5-1/2″) and a 177.8 mm (7″) casing sub in them, respectively. The two cylinders were buried underground. During the experiment, we changed the following parameters: blasting time, nozzle diameter, and cement cylinder property. After experiment, we opened the cylinder and found that, compared with explosive perforation, the hole on the casing wall and the tunnel in the cement were much rounder and bigger than with that method. In addition, it can cause a fracturing effect, possibly forming micro-fractures on the tunnel wall. This effect can avoid forming impermeable crushed zone when using explosive perforating.  相似文献   

水力喷砂射孔分段压裂技术是将射孔、分层压裂融为一体的新型增产措施,无需下封隔器,一趟管柱即可完成多层段射孔压裂,提高了措施的有效性和安全性。通过实施该技术,可以避免常规射孔作业对地层的伤害,在一定程度上控制井筒附近裂缝起裂和延伸,与常规压裂技术相比有明显的优势。该技术成功应用于华北地区的水平井中,对提高油井的采收率有重大意义。  相似文献   

水力喷砂射孔压裂是集射孔、压裂,隔离于一体的新型增产改造技术,适用于低渗透油蘸直井、水平井的增产改造,是低渗透油藏压裂增产的一种有效方法.提出两步法计算颗粒撞击套管壁的轴向速度:首先计算单相流的稳态流场,再分析颗粒在稳态流场中的运动.计算结果表明,颗粒在流体中的轴向速度与实际情况定性符合.通过对不同阃距下颗粒到达套管壁...  相似文献   

Deep penetrating perforation with a high-pressure water jet is an emerging advanced technique for enhancing oil well productivity because of its high cutting, breaking, and cleaning capabilities. Based on the analysis of productivity impairment caused by drilling fluid invaded zone and conventional charge perforating compacted zone, production-enhancing mechanisms of deep penetration perforating with a high-pressure water jet have been comprehensively investigated. The three major aspects are rock cutting with a high-pressure and high-velocity water jet, relieving the stress concentration of the near-wellbore region, and penetrating through the damaged zone. In addition, the feasibility of improving formation fracturing and acidizing treatment by using this technique is also discussed, along with future development and application.  相似文献   

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