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The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of enuresis and the factors associated with it among primary school children. This is a cross-sectional population-based study. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Six hundred and forty school children aged 6-16 years were selected randomly. Enuresis prevalence was 16.3% among boys and 13.8% among girls. The overall prevalence was 15%. Breastfeeding, first born children, family integrity and stability were found to be protective. Stressful life events before the age of 6 years, deep sleep, acute family psycho-social problems, recurrent urinary tract infection, constipation and congenital defects were found to be strongly associated with enuresis. Enuresis was also found to be associated with family history of enuresis. An important finding is that of the 83 children who had enuresis during sleep, 25 (30.1%) wet their beds during day time sleep (day sleep wetting). The importance of enuresis as a health problem has been affirmed and specific guidelines were suggested.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted among 892 randomly selected pupils, aged 12 and above, attending 18 primary schools (PS) and five secondary schools (SS) in four communities of Mwanza Region in Tanzania. The goals were to assess the level of knowledge adolescents have about sexual and reproductive health (SRH), to assess the magnitude of SRH problems and to help design appropriate interventions. Median age of respondents was 15 years (range 12-20 years) and 14 years (range 12-19 years) for PS boys and girls, respectively, and 19 years (range 16-24 years) and 17 years (range 14-19 years) for SS boys and girls. Eighty per cent of PS boys and 68% of PS girls were already sexually active; the corresponding figures were 89% for SS boys and 48% for SS girls. Vaginal sex was the most common first sexual act reported by SS pupils, but 40% of PS pupils reported orogenital sex and 9% of PS pupils reported anal sex as their first sexual act. Almost half of PS girls have had sex with adults, including teachers and relatives. 'Forced sex' was reported by nearly half of PS and SS girls. Fourteen per cent of PS girls had already been pregnant, and over half of these pregnancies ended in illegally induced abortions. Despite a rather high (30%) lifetime rate of condom use, 33% and 25% of PS boys and girls, respectively, reported past experience of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). STD rates were lower among SS pupils who had a better knowledge of STDs/HIV and fertility issues and reported higher condom use. The survey demonstrated the great vulnerability of school-going adolescents of Mwanza Region to consequences of sexual intercourse. The response should urgently come in the from of comprehensive adolescent SRH programmes.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted among 285 school children aged 5-18 years in Nyanza Province, Western Kenya, to determine the prevalence of geophagy and the types and amounts of soil eaten. Stool samples were taken from a subsample of 53 (19%) and their silica content determined to compare the results with the reported geophagy. Geophagy was practised by 73% of the children. The prevalence decreased with age for both sexes up to age 15, then remained stable for girls between 15 and 18 years but continued to decrease for boys in that age range. Most children ate soil from the surface of termitaria; others preferred the edges of paths and gullies, material from the wall of huts, and a chalk-like, soft stone commonly found in the area. The soil was eaten dry and was occasionally ground, but not processed in other ways. All but 4 of the children practising geophagy reported to eat soil at least once daily. The median amount reported eaten was 28 g daily, ranging from 8 to 108 g. The reported amount of soil eaten daily was significantly correlated to the results of the stool silica determinations. Using the median of 1% silica of faecal wet weight as a cut-off point to distinguish geophageous children from non-geophageous, the examination of a single stool sample had a sensitivity of 76% and a specificity of 80% to detect a geophageous child compared to the interview method. The cultural context of geophagy and its potential health impact in terms of infection and nutrition need to be further investigated, and it is suggested that more school and community-based studies on geophagy in different societies should be undertaken.  相似文献   

Stanton K. Livingston was the country's foremost authority on the maggot therapy of war wounds in the years following World War I. His contributions to the literature, including his methodology for raising flies and applying their maggots, are discussed. Prior to the antibiotic era, maggot therapy was the most effective means of promoting wound healing, and Livingston's research, albeit poorly reported by modern standards, was responsible for preserving the lives and limbs of hundreds of veterans.  相似文献   

The project aimed to conduct a pilot study and intervention trials among youths in a factory of Khon Kaen. After contacting and obtaining agreement from owners/managers of factories, a survey using a self administered questionnaire, in-depth interview and focus group with workers to determine their level of knowledge and awareness of AIDS and high risk behaviour. A series of in-depth interviews with 16 workers and group discussion with 8 groups were conducted to find out their possible motivation for prevention and their acceptance of interventions/media. The data was used as a baseline for evaluating change after interventions and to modify the intervention education strategies and content. The study showed that the groups of factory workers which were not involved in the AIDS prevention had a different level of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior related to AIDS prevention than the groups which received the intervention and the methods used in the intervention achieved a level of success. The information we collected also showed that the best kinds of media for this purpose were videos and informational cartoons, which were also of special interest to the study group. It is hoped that the models will be adopted by relevant government and non-government agencies to be used in factories throughout the country.  相似文献   

Because AIDS has been identified as a major source of stress among gay men, coping models may contribute to an understanding of factors related to changes in and failure to change sexual behavior. Gay men in Long Beach, California, were surveyed to determine whether appraisal and coping are factors in efforts to reduce transmission risk for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Factor analysis of the appraisal and coping items yielded factor structures similar to those reported by earlier coping investigators and that were differentially associated with reported reductions in risk for HIV transmission and with reported intent to engage in high- and low-risk sexual behaviors. Risk-reduction efforts and intent were associated with health-threat (to self or to partner) primary appraisals, secondary appraisals that respondents could change or do something about AIDS, and the coping factors of self-control, seeking social support, and confrontive coping (expression of anger). In addition, intent to engage in relatively high-risk behavior was associated with passive coping (acceptance). These results are discussed in terms of their relevance for risk-reduction education programs and for future research.  相似文献   

296 9th and 10th graders were asked to indicate their absolute and comparative risk of acquiring AIDS and to complete questionnaire items measuring AIDS-related behaviors and the constructs expected to influence risk judgments. Results indicate Ss used their behaviors as a basis for assessing personal risk in the sense that they perceived higher risk when their behavior was in fact riskier. However, this relation did not hold for those Ss classified as repressors on a repression-sensitization scale; repressors' perceptions of absolute (but not comparative) risk were negatively correlated with degree of behavioral risk. In a secondary analysis, perceived absolute risk emerged as a significant predictor of intention to change AIDS-risk behaviors. Data support a motivational interpretation of perceived invulnerability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Researchers have reported a significant relationship between peer relations and school adjustment in same-age classrooms, but little is known about the contribution of peer relations to school adjustment in mixed-age classrooms. The present study investigated the contributions of peer acceptance, friendship, social status, and age relative to mixed-age classmates to children's attitudes toward school and to achievement in ungraded primary. Children's attitudes toward school were positively related to composite achievement scores. Achievement was predicted from demographic variables, children's attitudes, peer acceptance, and friendship status. With the effects of gender and race controlled, differences in school adjustment were related to both children's social status and whether they had friends. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study, first of its kind, was conducted with the objectives to understand hitherto little known aspects of candidal mastitis, like its sequential pathology, pathogenesis and clinico-biochemical changes. For this purpose, unilateral intramammary inoculation of 10 goats with Candida albicans (1.2 x 10(7) yeast cells) resulted in the development of mastitis, with gross and microscopic lesions being restricted to the infected udder halves only and without dissemination of infection to the opposite uninfected udder halves as well as other organs of the body. The experiment was continued for 40 days and after infection, there was sharp fall in milk yield and Candida albicans was directly demonstrated in the milk and re-isolated from the milk and udder tissues up to 30th day after inoculation. An increase in total immunoglobulins in the milk and plasma along with increase in total plasma proteins were also observed. Haematology revealed leukocytosis and neutrophilia. Microscopically, there was acute purulent mastitis, which later became chronic, nonpurulent and interstitial with formation of granulomas. It was concluded that Candida albicans was highly pathogenic to the lactating goat mammary gland even without immunosuppression or antibiotic treatment, resulting in severe irreversible tissue damage and nearly complete agalactia.  相似文献   

One of the forces generated during skeletal loading is hydrostatic pressure. In the work presented here, the ability of increased pressure to influence recruitment of osteoclasts was evaluated. Murine marrow cultures, with pO2 and pCO2 kept constant, were subjected to either control (1.0 atm) or elevated (1.37 or 2.0 atm) hydrostatic pressure. As compared to control, cultures pressurized for 6 days at 1.37 atm formed less osteoclast-like cells (OCLC) (71 +/- 6% of control, P < 0.0001). A similar degree of inhibition occurred in cultures exposed to pressure during days 2-4 only (62 +/- 6%), while treatment during days 5-7 failed to inhibit the OCLC number relative to control (99 +/- 5%). Delivery of 2.0 atm pressure on days 2-4 generated 52 +/- 4% OCLC compared to control. Since macrophage colony stimulating factor (MCSF)-dependent proliferation of osteoclast precursors occurs during the pressure-sensitive period, semiquantitative RT-PCR for MCSF mRNA was performed after 3 days in 1.37 atm (days 2-4). As compared to controls, pressure caused a decrease in mRNA coding for the membrane bound form of MCSF (71.2 +/- 4% (n = 25, P < or = 0.05), while the MCSF RT-PCR product representing the secreted form showed no consistent change. This lack of response of the soluble MCSF RT-PCR product was expected, as levels of bioassayable MCSF were not altered by pressure. Extrapolating these data to in vivo conditions suggests that load-bearing will inhibit the formation of osteoclasts.  相似文献   

Reports on the self-esteem of 3,183 male and female seniors in a nationwide sample of the high school class of 1977. Comparisons were drawn with 1,715 males from the class of 1969 thus providing a partial replication and extension of an earlier study (J. G. Bachman et al; see record 1979-26020-001) which showed that educational accomplishments underwent a reduction in centrality—became less important—for self-esteem during the late teens and early twenties. One major finding is that the self-esteem of seniors was correlated with educationally relevant measures almost equally for males in the classes of 1969 and 1977. This finding rules out a secular trend interpretation of the earlier study's results, providing further support for a developmental interpretation. A 2nd finding is that self-esteem correlated with educationally relevant measures about equally for males and females in the class of 1977, suggesting that the impact of educational factors was basically similar for the 2 sexes. A 3rd finding is that males and females were very similar in levels of self-esteem. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study of congruence between AIDS risk perception and risk behavior in a sample of outreach-recruited out-of-treatment injection and non-injection crack cocaine using women in Hartford, CT. While rates of drug- and sex-related AIDS risk were high in this sample, perception of risk was low among many of the respondents. Variation in risk perception reflects sociodemographic differences in the sample, with those women who were most socially isolated exhibiting the greatest incongruence between personal risk and risk perception. Women who have had contact with health or social service programs were the most likely to report reductions in risk behavior.  相似文献   

This research used the Information–Motivation–Behavioral Skills (IMB) model of AIDS risk behavior change (J. D. Fisher & W. A. Fisher, see record 1992-28622-001) to reduce AIDS risk behavior in a college student population. College students received an IMB model-based intervention that addressed AIDS risk reduction information, motivation, and behavioral skills deficits that had been empirically identified in this population, or were assigned to a no-treatment control condition. At a 1-month follow-up, results confirmed that the intervention resulted in increases in AIDS risk reduction information, motivation, and behavioral skills, as well as significant increases in condom accessibility, safer sex negotiations, and condom use during sexual intercourse. At a long-term follow-up, the intervention again resulted in significant increases in AIDS preventive behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Factors associated with the self-perceived risk for AIDS were examined using data obtained from a cross-sectional survey of 155 current and former drug-using women in methadone maintenance. Results suggest that drug-involved women are realistic in their self-perceptions of AIDS risk with respect to iv drug-use behavior but underestimate their risk from sexual activity. Perceived risk was associated with current iv drug use, duration of sexual relationship, and partner's nonsupportiveness. Partner's serostatus or history of iv drug use was unrelated to risk perception, as were multiple partners, anal sex, prostitution, and the nonuse of condoms. Implications of these findings for designing interventions for drug-involved women are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four classroom teachers rated the school behavior of 44 12–17 yr olds of schizophrenic parents and 70 Ss of normal parents as part of an ongoing high-risk study. The ratings were made by teachers using the Pupil Rating Form and the Hahnemann High School Behavior Rating Scale. Ss of schizophrenic parents showed greater interpersonal disharmony, less scholastic motivation, more emotional instability, and lower intelligence than the control Ss, but the difference in introversion was not significant. Two of the 4 Ss with 2 schizophrenic parents had extremely low ratings for scholastic motivation, harmony, emotional stability, and intelligence and a 3rd was rated extremely low on emotional stability, but none of them was extremely introverted. On the basis of the results and a preliminary examination of intermediate outcomes (early hospitalization or psychological treatment after the initial school assessments), it is concluded that disharmony, emotional instability, and low intelligence are the early markers for vulnerability to schizophrenia worthy of most attention. The surprising absence of introverted behavior among Ss of schizophrenic parents indicates that introversion—when it is observed—may best be construed not as a static typology of preschizophrenic character but as a dynamic phase in a process of coping and retreat that precedes schizophrenic breakdown, sometimes by many years. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In view of the high local prevalence of asthma, the extent of recognition and appropriate management of childhood asthma was studied in a large suburban area of Cape Town. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study based on random community sample of schools. METHOD: 1,955 parents of sub B pupils from 16 schools completed a questionnaire, followed by: (i) an interview of the parents of 348 symptomatic children; and (ii) bronchial responsiveness testing on 254 children. The final case group consisted of 242 children with reported asthma or multiple asthma symptoms on both questionnaires. Children in whom asthma was acknowledged were compared with those in whom it was not. RESULTS: Overall, any past or current ('ever') asthma was acknowledged by respondents in only 53% of the children, and current asthma in only 37.1%. While most children had received treatment in the previous 12 months, 66.1% of the recognised group were on current treatment (23.2% on daily treatment), compared with 37% of the unrecognised group (3% daily). Salbutamol and theophylline syrups were the most common types of medication, while inhalers and anti-inflammatory medications were underused. Only a minority of parents reported the child ever having used a peak flow meter, or volunteered knowledge of preventive measures. Current treatment, and to a lesser degree recognition of asthma by parents, were more common among children on medical aid and of higher socio-economic status. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that ways need to be found: (i) to increase the use of current asthma treatment guidelines by practitioners; (ii) to provide access to comprehensive care by children not on medical aid; and (iii) to improve education of parents in home management measures such as severity assessment and avoidance of smoking, allergen and dietary triggers.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a study which was undertaken to explore the relationship between nurses' attitudes towards research and their educational experience. A Likert-type attitude questionnaire, using statements derived from themes emerging within the literature, was used prior to, and following, 61 students' learning experiences on research modules at diploma and degree levels. Teaching and learning strategies adopted within the modules focused on overcoming some of the main barriers to utilization of research findings identified within the literature. The results obtained identified a significant shift towards more positive attitudes to research following the modules. The conclusions exhort nurse educators to not only include research into curricula, but also to reflect on the teaching and learning strategies adopted.  相似文献   

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