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"五四"的落潮和对现代文明的憎恨,使徐志摩的许多作品打上了颓废的烙印.颓废不但在徐志摩前期的诗歌中有所反映,在后期占据主导地位;在小说中更是贯穿始终.他的颓废意识源自他对现代文明的憎恨.而华丽和颓废相叠加又使他的作品具有了凑美的风格.  相似文献   

1928年3月10日<新月>月刊正式发刊.这篇文章<新月的态度>是由徐志摩执笔的<新月>月刊发刊词.徐志摩在文中申明了新月社同仁的追求是"为这时代的思想增加一些体魄,为这时代的生命添厚一些光辉".同时.他对包括革命文学在内的十多种文学趋向都进行了抨击,从而大力提倡"健康与尊严"两大原则.通过本文充分体现了新月社同仁在文学和政治上的诉求.  相似文献   

海南乡土散文以海南的自然景观和人文景观做为描写的对象,其对民俗的描写也是不可避免的.本文阐述了海南乡土散文中的民俗描写,分析了民俗描写在乡土散文中的作用,并进一步挖掘乡土散文中民俗描写存在的问题,以期从整体上把握乡土散文中的民俗问题.  相似文献   

散文是社会的缩影,博客又大行其道,我们要借助散文的形式让学生成为自己生存、发展的翅膀.在散文的学习中,我们试图用几种方法使学生系统学习、掌握散文的写法.  相似文献   

在现代文学史上,朱自清无疑是散文创作领域的多产者,创造者.他的散文精致细腻,堪称现代白话散文的典范,感染着一代又一代的读者.总体上讲,朱自清的散文创作表现出明显的技术意识.这一方面体现在他在散文语音的调和,语词的修饰,以及语篇的结构上有着很强的自觉意识,另一方面体现在其作品中叙述主体的情感节制.  相似文献   

散文是一种笔法灵活,把表象与意象之美融于一体,给人以深切情感体验的文学样式.作为散文翻译,不仅要传达原作之意,还要完整地再现原作的情、境,这也是评价译文质量高下的重要标准.以格式塔意象为理论基础,选取<英译中国现代散文选>为例,探讨散文翻译中情境再现的手段与技巧.  相似文献   

以<故都的秋>一文为例,从功能语言学的角度出发,从语篇结构和语篇衔接两个方面分析其语言特征,从语义层面上探讨了散文的语言特征及散文的重要特征形散神不散的关系,为散文评价和写作提供了一个语言学视角.  相似文献   

余秋雨散文作为一种文化散文与学者散文,最有价值之处便是其丰厚的文化意蕴。而其中最主要的就是对文化的阐释,他立足于追述人生真谛和人生苦旅,探寻文人人生的出路与归宿,更从民族、国家、历史的宏观角度对文化作了构架与关切,从而建立了一座具有丰富内涵的“精神道场”。  相似文献   

由于古代学者和鲁迅<中国小说史略>的误识,<桃花源记>长期以来被归入"游记类散文"或"记传类散文".实际上,<桃花源记>不是散文,而是一篇小说,并且是魏晋时期最伟大的玄怪小说.中国人"有意作小说"的时间,并非鲁迅所主张的始于唐朝,而是始于魏晋时期.  相似文献   

"形散神聚"本是散文的主要特征.一篇散文佳作,往往从一事一物生发开去,涉及广远,视野开阔,此所谓"形散".但是一篇散文又要有一个主题,一根红线,把材料联成一个有机的整体,此所谓"神聚".  相似文献   

Tested the hypothesis that the same prose passage would be stored in several different memory locations as a function of whether the passages could be related to previously acquired knowledge. 156 undergraduates were told the passage was about a famous or fictitious person either before or after reading the passage. Ss in the before-famous-person condition made more false positive errors to high-thematic sentences in a recognition test than did the remaining groups. These results are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that prior knowledge influences the storage location of prose materials. (8 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Starting from the words of Paracelsus, 'allein und fremd und anders'--alone and foreign and different--the influence of this important Swiss physician for the balneology of his time is outlined. Up to our days Paracelsus is honored as the real father of balneology, whereas other authors saw and probably still see hypotheses and in part utopias in his specific ideas. Paracelsus has described quite a number of thermal springs in Switzerland, Austria and southern Germany, some of them rather in detail. It is certainly questionable that he visited all of them personally. Bad Pf?fers, however, definitely belongs to them, since undoubted testimonies exist that emerged during his life time. His famous 'Baderbüchlin', though, has been printed after his death in 1562. His theoretical ideas about the effects of bathing are in part very modern, others originate from medieval alchemistic sources. He used this theory of 'Separatio' of the three basal elements sulphur, mercurius and sal, as well as the idea of the 'light of Nature', but beyond that he discussed also influences of personified forces, which he assumed in nymphs, melusins and others. Furthermore, in his balneology he expressed clearly his doctrine about the macro- and microcosmic relation, and he used in his balneotherapy vegetable and mineral compounds up to precious stones. Time, too, had a special importance for the effectiveness of the bath in his eyes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reports 4 experiments examining the effects of overt illustration on 1st graders' learning from oral prose. A total of 132 Ss participated. In all experiments, Ss heard prose selections after (or during) which they illustrated selection content with plasticized figure cutouts and background scenes. Control Ss copied or colored geometric forms during the illustration period. After hearing 3 or 5 passages, Ss orally recalled passage content and answered simple factual questions about each passage. Illustration facilitated prose learning only when the S was given the correct pieces for his illustration or had the illustration done for him. When Ss selected the pieces for each illustration out of a common pool of 20-30 cutouts, illustration activity had either negative or no effect. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Dante's book of prose autobiography, poems, and critical analyses, the Vita Nuova (New Life) shows the progress of his love for Beatrice in sufficient detail to understand how it prompted a creative innovation in his poetry. In response to incidents that were crucial in his love for Beatrice, Dante describes a crisis in his ability to write. With its resolution, he begins to write in an original way and to lay foundations for his masterpiece the Divina Commedia (Divine Comedy). Dante is informative for understanding creativity in the arts because he demonstrates how emotions can set problems to be solved artistically, illustrates the importance of externalization in artistic production, and shows how it is possible to learn from mistakes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors describe a densely amnesic man who has acquired explicit semantic knowledge of famous names and vocabulary words that entered popular culture after the onset of his amnesia. This new semantic knowledge was temporally graded and existed over and above the implicit memory he demonstrated in reading speed and accuracy, familiarity ratings, and his ability to make correct guesses on unfamiliar items. However, his postmorbid knowledge was limited to verbal labels denoting famous people and words; he possessed virtually no explicit knowledge of the meaning of these words or the identities of these individuals, although there was some evidence that some of this information had been acquired at an implicit level. Findings are discussed in the context of a neural network model (J. L. McClelland, B. L. McNaughton, & R. C. O'Reilly, 1995) of semantic acquisition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

吴荪甫是茅盾在<子夜>里塑造的一个民族资产阶级经典形象.这个人物有振兴民族工业的强大愿望,有科学经营管理现代企业的主体素质.但在当时的政治经济环境下,他的理想注定失败,他无法抗拒历史的必然法则为他安排的悲剧命运.他的爱国心与反动性均以其个人理想为中心点.  相似文献   

The Old Man and the Sea tells a story about an old Cuban fisherman and his battle on the sea. It is wellknown as one of Hemingway's masterpiece. The theme is deep, and it is a song of heroism. The words "A man can be destroyed but not defeated" has gently landed in everyone's heart. Through it we can see Hemingway's famous iceberg technique, which is a simple but highly suggestive style. It was vividly embodied in this work, thus he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his " mastery of the art of modern narration".  相似文献   

In these days of bridge design by large national and international teams, it is easy to forget those days in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when one man undertook the design and construction of a major bridge. This paper covers Leffert Lefferts Buck's career from 1868 to 1909. In 1872, when he built the famous Verrugas Viaduct in Peru, up to the construction of the Williamsburg Bridge over the East River in New York, he was one of the premier bridge builders of all time. Yet in spite of his acknowledged leadership, very few current bridge engineers are aware of his work.  相似文献   

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