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Wiener功率放大器的一种简化预失真方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱业青  刘富强 《通信学报》2007,28(10):55-59
根据Hammerstein模型的一种最优两步辨识算法的思路,针对预失真技术的特点对Hammerstein模型进行了两次转换,建立了一种等效的但形式简单的记忆非线性预失真器模型——非线性抽头延时多项式模型,从而简化了Wiener功放的预失真。仿真结果表明,利用所提出的记忆预失真器模型能使用较少的参数,快速、简便地实现记忆放大器的预失真,而且具有满意的线性化性能。  相似文献   

High-quality magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) requires precise control of the transmit radio-frequency (RF) field. In parallel excitation applications such as transmit SENSE, high RF power linearity is essential to cancel aliased excitations. In widely-employed class AB power amplifiers, gain compression, cross-over distortion, memory effects, and thermal drift all distort the RF field modulation and can degrade image quality. Cartesian feedback (CF) linearization can mitigate these effects in MRI, if the quadrature mismatch and dc offset imperfections inherent in the architecture can be minimized. In this paper, we present a modified Cartesian feedback technique called "frequency-offset Cartesian feedback" (FOCF) that significantly reduces these problems. In the FOCF architecture, the feedback control is performed at a low intermediate frequency rather than dc, so that quadrature ghosts and dc errors are shifted outside the control bandwidth. FOCF linearization is demonstrated with a variety of typical MRI pulses. Simulation of the magnetization obtained with the Bloch equation demonstrates that high-fidelity RF reproduction can be obtained even with inexpensive class AB amplifiers. Finally, the enhanced RF fidelity of FOCF over CF is demonstrated with actual images obtained in a 1.5 T MRI system.  相似文献   

一种高效的用于RF功率放大器线性化的自适应预失真结构   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
钱业青 《通信学报》2006,27(5):35-40
分析了当前文献中主要的几种自适应预失真结构,发现这些自适应预失真结构均不利于高效最小二乘算法的直接应用,从而限制了预失真技术的自适应性能.提出了一种新的自适应预失真结构,可直接使用高效的最小二乘算法对预失真器进行自适应更新.仿真结果表明利用此结构可快速、高效地实现非线性RF功率放大器的线性化.  相似文献   

The lookup-table-based digital adaptive predistortion (DAPD-LUT) approaches are low cost and effective for power amplifier (PA) linearization in wireless applications. However, most existing DAPD-LUT schemes are sub-optimum because they adopt uniformly spaced LUTs regardless of the system state information (SSI), i.e., the PA characteristics and the input signal statistics. Other existing DAPD-LUT schemes assume either full or partial knowledge of the SSI to optimize and then to freeze the LUT spacing. Without prior knowledge of the SSI, we propose an SSI-learning low-complexity procedure to optimize the LUT spacing for a DAPD-LUT scheme. The proposed procedure is capable of online adapting the LUT spacing for PAs with various nonlinear characteristics, for input signals with various statistics, and for wireless environments with various time-varying properties.  相似文献   

针对目前基于间接学习结构(indirect learning architecture, ILA)的线性化算法对于功率放大器的非线性补偿效果较差、频谱失真改善效果不明显的缺点,提出了一种基于功率检测模块的交替迭代算法。该算法利用数据窗截取ILA中后失真器反馈回来的数据流并通过功率检测模块计算其功率大小,筛选出功率最大的信号数据流,根据迭代次数,使得其输出在大功率信号流与随机信号流之间相互切换并送至后失真模块进行训练. 预失真模块和后失真模块均采用记忆多项式模型. 采用峰均比为9 dB的LTE信号通过在线测试平台RF WebLab对真实GaN功放进行仿真,结果表明,新提出算法的带外抑制效果相对于传统的顺序数据流处理算法与大功率数据流处理算法分别优化了5 dB与2.5 dB左右,其平均归一化均方误差也分别优化了1 dB与0.6 dB左右.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel technique for power amplifier linearization in digital microwave radio systems. The proposed technique is based on the use of a predistortion circuit, whose AM/AM and AM/PM responses are separately implemented as polynomial approximations of the respective responses of the ideal linearizer. The proposed scheme is shown to attain superior performance in comparison with other well-known predistortion structures, such as those based on the cancellation of third or fifth order distortion, with no substantial aggravation in implementation complexity  相似文献   

For successful implementation of a multi-standard receiver, a reconfigurable receiver architecture and a reconfigurable component design technique are essential. In this paper, an adaptable receiver architecture and a reconfigurable RF design technique using a switchable passive network are proposed. To verify the proposed design technique, the reconfigurable mixer and QVCO are designed using a flexible matching network and flexible LC tank, respectively. The measurement results of each component well prove the usefulness of the switchable passive network. Y.-K. Jang is now working for Samsung Electronics, Kiheung, Korea.  相似文献   

To combat non-linear signal distortions in a power amplifier we suggest using predistorter with cascade structure in which first and second nodes have piecewise-polynomial and polynomial models. On example of linearizing the Winner-Hammerstein amplifier model we demonstrate that cascade structure of predistorter improves precision of amplifier??s linearization. To simplify predistorter??s synthesis the degree of polynomial model used in first node should be moderate, while precision should be improved by higher degree of second node??s polynomial.  相似文献   

This paper describes an adaptive digital predistorter (ADP) for RF power amplifier (PA) linearization using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The ANFIS predistorter (PD) employs the advantage of real-time modeling of the PA's responses in determining the PD's functions. The amplitude and phase corrections for the PD are represented in an easy-to-understand fuzzy if-then rule, while the parameters involved in the fuzzy representation are trained using neural networks algorithms, namely gradient-descent and least squares estimate (LSE). Experimental results show that a 26.3-dB improvement in linearity for a two-tone signal is obtained, while a distorted WCDMA signal is suppressed by at least 12 dB. The adaptability of the ANFIS PD to instantaneous variation in PA responses through time is also demonstrated, and results show that the ANFIS PD is capable of adapting to simulated environmental changes, which is a topic often omitted by researchers in this area. Further testing demonstrated that the tuning parameters involved in the training could be reduced by more than half for a fairly nonlinear PA without significantly degrading the suppression capability.  相似文献   

本文从调制的角度,对由调幅-调幅转换、调幅-调相转换产生射频功放单元互调干拓的机理进行了分析,推导了调幅-调幅转换系数与信号对三阶互调干扰抑制比(C/I3)的函数关系式。并在这个理论基础上,采用ADEF,即自适应双包络反馈线性化技术对射频功放单元的非线性特性进行补偿。最后,建立了自适应双包络反馈线性电路的模型并进行了仿真,结果表明,由于此种技术的采用,C/I3的值达到了60dB左右。  相似文献   

Power amplifier (PA) is an essential component in communication systems and is nonlinear in nature. Digital baseband predistortion is an emerging cost effective approach to linearize a PA. To study PA nonlinear characteristics and to construct a predistorter, accurate nonlinear models are often necessary. Polynomials have been used extensively for modeling the behavior of the PA or the predistorter. For bandpass communication signals, attention has been paid mainly to odd-order nonlinear terms. In this paper, we reveal the benefit of including even-order nonlinear terms in baseband modeling of the PA and in enhancing predistortion performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, a nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs (NARX) digital pre‐distortion scheme to linearize power amplifiers is proposed. The proposed NARX digital pre‐distortion gives better accuracy and spectral leakage suppression compared with other commonly used Volterra‐based techniques. The stability criterion of the NARX digital pre‐distortion is derived from the frequency domain analysis. Simulation is carried out with a 20 MHz single carrier long‐term evolution signal and two‐carrier long‐term evolution signal and instantaneous to average ratio of 6.2 dB at 0.01% complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF). The results of simulation analysis show a slight improvement in adjacent channel leakage ratio performance with 30% reduction in the number of floating point operations compared with conventional pre‐distortion techniques. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

射频功率放大器的特性会随信道切换、环境温度、工作状态等多种因素发生变化,为了保证功率放大器的优良工作特性,具有自适应性能的预失真系统就显得非常重要。提出了一种自适应反馈检测方法,以减小放大器输出信号的幅度失真和相位失真作为系统自适应的优化目标,采用多方向搜索优化算法对预失真系统进行优化调整,使系统始终处于最优工作状态。研制了工作于Ka频段10 W自适应射频预失真线性化固态功放原理样机,当工作温度为-40℃~+60℃时,在3 GHz的工作带宽内,三阶交调指标优于-32 dBc。测试结果表明该功放具有工作频带宽、温度适应性广等特点。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new predistortion technique to improve the adjacent channel power ratio of the power amplifier (PA) in a cellular phone. This technique injects the third- and fifth-order distortion components in the baseband block, and eliminates the fundamental component from the injected signals in order to operate effectively up to near power saturation. We show this technique can raise the distortion-compensation limit, through mathematical analysis, and confirm it with simulation. We also examine the distortion compensation performance of the PA using a wide-band code-division multiple-access uplink signal and a high-speed downlink packet access signal, and the possibility of applying a new low-voltage high-capacity battery.  相似文献   

Aligned with the recent revolution of smart cities concept, a lot of work has been done to support the education process in direct or indirect way. In countries like Lebanon, in which the choice of school does not depend on the residence location, parents are becoming more and more selective in the quality of schools they are choosing for their children. This fact may lead parents to choose a modern and good school even if it is far from their residence. On the other hand, and even if the school was close enough, the traffic congestion would make the on-feet journey of the kid to the school very risky. Driving children to school is a solution. However, it consumes a lot of time and effort each day in the morning and the afternoon. Hence, school buses are commonly used by all schools to take the student from and to his home. Nevertheless, waiting the bus each day to arrive is an exhausting and a time-wasting mission. In this paper we present a smart transportation system for school buses that helps in saving parents’ time, by avoiding waiting school buses in the morning and then in the afternoon to return kids back, especially with the increasing traffic jams at these hours. The proposed mobile and web application is designed to help parents, school and the bus to communicate automatically and easily via the application in order to detect kids’ arrival time. The bus application side will notify parents few minutes before its approaching to their homes. Furthermore, the system will allow parents to inform the school and hence the bus application side about the absence of their kid. The system has been efficiently and dynamically designed and implemented so it can be hosted and used by any school administration without the need to any major modifications. It has been tested on a summer school to prove its efficiency and marked an important positive feedback from the school and the parents’ sides.  相似文献   

A quadrature balanced structure is presented for linearizing amplifiers. It works by routing the most annoying distortion component (the third-order intermodulation) to a port, while routing the useful information signals to a distinct port. This arrangement is not prone to oscillations as the negative feedback method is. It also has advantages over predistortion and feedforward linearization methods, as it is simpler and needs no adjustments. Theoretically, third-order intermodulation products would be totally eliminated when using the proposed arrangement. In practice, it was observed that, even with non-perfectly balanced amplifiers, the third-order intermodulation level was reduced up to 17?dB. The fifth-order intermodulation components were not reduced.  相似文献   

针对高质量无线局域网的传输需求,设计了一款工作在5~6 GHz的宽带磷化镓铟/砷化镓异质结双极型晶体管(InGaP/GaAs HBT)功率放大器芯片。针对HBT晶体管自热效应产生的非线性和电流不稳定现象,采用自适应线性化偏置技术,有效地解决了上述问题。针对射频系统的功耗问题,设计了改进的射频功率检测电路,以实现射频系统的自动增益控制,降低功耗。通过InGaP/GaAs HBT单片微波集成电路(MMIC)技术实现该功率放大器芯片。仿真结果表明,功放芯片的小信号增益达到32 dB;1 dB压缩点功率为28.5 dBm@5.5 GHz,功率附加效率PAE超过32%@5.5 GHz;输出功率为20 dBm时,IMD3低于-32 dBc。  相似文献   

Imperfections in analog quadrature modulators (QMs) and demodulators-gain and phase imbalance and DC offset-have a devastating effect on amplifier linearization circuits. Correction circuits have a simple structure, but their parameters must be adjusted adaptively. This paper introduces two new methods for such an adaptation. The first is based on a training sequence consisting of a tone at one or more amplitudes, and the second needs no training sequence at all. They are faster and more robust than previously published methods  相似文献   

From post-distortion to pre-distortion for power amplifiers linearization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This letter presents a new method of digital adaptive pre-distortion for linearization of power amplifiers (PA). The method is derived from a post-distortion approach which identifies the PA inverse function. This approach leads to the minimization of a quadratic function of the polynomial coefficients in the case of a polynomial predistorter form and a least square criterion. We have compared our solution to a method previously proposed by Ghaderi (1996) that was also based on the transformation of a post-distortion into a pre-distortion system. We have tested our predistorter (along with a baseband adaptation of Ghaderi's) on OFDM Hiperlan signals. Both methods significantly reduced the signal distortion and the spectral regrowth. Our less complex approach proved to be even better for small peak back off values.  相似文献   

In this work a novel and efficient approach is proposed to optimize the linearity and efficiency of power amplifiers used in mobile WiMAX applications. A linear and high performance push amplifier is designed and implemented in 0.18 μm CMOS technology to enhance the linearity of a class-E switched-mode power amplifier. The proposed push amplifier consists of two sections; analog and switching sections. The analog section provides required linearity and the switching section guarantees satisfying total efficiency level. Each block is designed and optimized to meet required specifications. The core power amplifier which is a class-E switched-mode power amplifier is also designed to have maximum possible efficiency. The implemented circuit is simulated using HSPICERF and TSMC models for active and passive elements. The proposed power amplifier provides a maximum output power of 25 dBm and a power added efficiency (PAE) as high as 48% at 2.5 GHz operation frequency and supply voltage of 1.8 V. At 1 dB compression point this PA exhibits 23 dBm of output power with 42% PAE and 4.5% EVM which was appropriate for 64QAM OFDM signals.  相似文献   

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