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We apply the Fuzzy Temporal Constraint System we have developed to the case of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). The
idea is to characterize the temporal evolution of the symptoms of this ill-known disease by modelling patients’ data in a
Fuzzy Temporal Constraint Network. We discuss how the system is able to manage both fuzzy qualitative and metric constraints
allowing to represent in a flexible manner the symptoms of different patients. In this way it is possible to deduce characteristic
periods of an ill-known disease such as SARS was. A new user interface is included into the architecture of the System. 相似文献
Zhang Zhe Xiong Hui Xu Tong Qin Chuan Zhang Le Chen Enhong 《Knowledge and Information Systems》2022,64(9):2435-2456
Knowledge and Information Systems - To assure the development of effective treatment plans, it is crucial for understanding the complication relationships among diseases. In practice, traditional... 相似文献
Electronic Markets - Purchase prediction has an important role for decision-makers in e-commerce to improve consumer experience, provide personalised recommendations and increase revenue. Many... 相似文献
Mario Malcangi 《Neural computing & applications》2016,27(5):1165-1173
Driving safety can be achieved by predicting imminent falling asleep at the wheel. Several methods of early detection have been investigated by continuous monitoring of physiological and behavioral parameters. Requirements for noninvasive, unattended, personal adaptation need to be met, along with the effectiveness of the detection method, in order to perform reliably when applied. Because wakefulness and sleep are reflected in several human physiological conditions, such as cardiac activity, breathing, movement, and galvanic skin conductance, captured bioelectric signal features were extracted. A fuzzy decision-fusion logic was tuned to make inferences about oncoming driver fatigue and drowsiness. The evolving fuzzy neural network paradigm was applied to the previous developed framework to improve reliability while keeping target system complexity low. 相似文献
The compression of scan patterns in diagnostic imaging is considered. An integral approach is proposed to the elaboration
of objective quantitative criteria for estimating the admissible distortions of a compressed image. 相似文献
RunZhi JinKyuMan Cho ChangTaek HyunMyungJin Son 《Expert systems with applications》2012,39(5):5214-5222
Accurate prediction of construction cost in the initial phase of a construction project is critical to the success of the project. Accordingly, many researchers have proposed various methodologies for predicting the cost in the initial phase with the use of limited information. This study was aimed at improving the prediction performance of a cost prediction model based on the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) technique, which has recently become widely used. Toward this end, an improved CBR model that uses the Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) technique in the revision phase of the CBR technique was developed. To verify the prediction performance of the proposed model, a case study was performed on 41 business facilities and 99 multi-family housing projects. The results showed that the prediction performance of the revised CBR model for business facilities and multi-family housings improved by 17.23% and 4.39%, respectively, compared to that of the existing CBR model. The proposed MRA-based revised CBR model is expected to be useful in estimating the construction cost in the initial phase of a project. 相似文献
Norman Fenton Martin Neil William Marsh Peter Hearty Łukasz Radliński Paul Krause 《Empirical Software Engineering》2008,13(5):499-537
Standard practice in building models in software engineering normally involves three steps: collecting domain knowledge (previous results, expert knowledge); building a skeleton of the model based on step 1 including as yet unknown parameters; estimating the model parameters using historical data. Our experience shows that it is extremely difficult to obtain reliable data of the required granularity, or of the required volume with which we could later generalize our conclusions. Therefore, in searching for a method for building a model we cannot consider methods requiring large volumes of data. This paper discusses an experiment to develop a causal model (Bayesian net) for predicting the number of residual defects that are likely to be found during independent testing or operational usage. The approach supports (1) and (2), does not require (3), yet still makes accurate defect predictions (an R 2 of 0.93 between predicted and actual defects). Since our method does not require detailed domain knowledge it can be applied very early in the process life cycle. The model incorporates a set of quantitative and qualitative factors describing a project and its development process, which are inputs to the model. The model variables, as well as the relationships between them, were identified as part of a major collaborative project. A dataset, elicited from 31 completed software projects in the consumer electronics industry, was gathered using a questionnaire distributed to managers of recent projects. We used this dataset to validate the model by analyzing several popular evaluation measures (R 2, measures based on the relative error and Pred). The validation results also confirm the need for using the qualitative factors in the model. The dataset may be of interest to other researchers evaluating models with similar aims. Based on some typical scenarios we demonstrate how the model can be used for better decision support in operational environments. We also performed sensitivity analysis in which we identified the most influential variables on the number of residual defects. This showed that the project size, scale of distributed communication and the project complexity cause the most of variation in number of defects in our model. We make both the dataset and causal model available for research use. 相似文献
针对多发于老龄人群的帕金森病(PD)的早期智能化诊断的问题,提出基于医疗检测文本信息数据的聚类技术来对PD进行分析预测。首先,对原始数据集进行预处理以获取有效特征信息,并通过主成分分析(PCA)方法将原始特征分别降维到8个不同维度的维度空间;然后,应用5个传统的经典聚类模型和3种不同的聚类集成方法分别对8个维度空间的数据进行聚类;最后,采用4个聚类性能指标来预测数据集中的多巴胺异常PD患者、健康体和无多巴胺缺失(SWEDD) PD患者。仿真结果显示,PCA特征维度值取30时,高斯混合模型(GMM)的聚类准确度达到89.12%;PCA特征维度值取70时,谱聚类(SC)的聚类准确度达到61.41%;PCA特征维度值取80时,元聚类算法(MCLA)的聚类准确度达到59.62%。对比实验结果表明,5种经典聚类方法中,PCA的特征维度值小于40时,高斯混合模型聚类效果最佳;3种聚类集成方法中,对于不同的特征维度,MCLA的聚类性能均表现优异,进而为PD的早期智能化辅助诊断提供了技术和理论支撑。 相似文献
针对多发于老龄人群的帕金森病(PD)的早期智能化诊断的问题,提出基于医疗检测文本信息数据的聚类技术来对PD进行分析预测。首先,对原始数据集进行预处理以获取有效特征信息,并通过主成分分析(PCA)方法将原始特征分别降维到8个不同维度的维度空间;然后,应用5个传统的经典聚类模型和3种不同的聚类集成方法分别对8个维度空间的数据进行聚类;最后,采用4个聚类性能指标来预测数据集中的多巴胺异常PD患者、健康体和无多巴胺缺失(SWEDD) PD患者。仿真结果显示,PCA特征维度值取30时,高斯混合模型(GMM)的聚类准确度达到89.12%;PCA特征维度值取70时,谱聚类(SC)的聚类准确度达到61.41%;PCA特征维度值取80时,元聚类算法(MCLA)的聚类准确度达到59.62%。对比实验结果表明,5种经典聚类方法中,PCA的特征维度值小于40时,高斯混合模型聚类效果最佳;3种聚类集成方法中,对于不同的特征维度,MCLA的聚类性能均表现优异,进而为PD的早期智能化辅助诊断提供了技术和理论支撑。 相似文献
对于可逆水印技术在三维医学图像中的应用问题,提出一种基于单向预测误差扩展的三维医学图像可逆水印算法。首先根据像素间的三维梯度变化预测像素从而得到预测误差;然后结合磁共振成像生成的三维医学图像的特征,采用单向直方图位移与预测误差扩展相结合的方法将外部信息嵌入至三维医学图像;最后,重新预测像素,提取外部信息,恢复原始三维图像。实验结果表明,在MR-head和MR-chest测试数据体上,与二维梯度预测相比,所提算法预测误差的平均绝对偏差分别降低1.09和1.40,每个像素的最大嵌入容量分别增加0.0456比特和0.1291比特,从而能够更准确地预测像素值,嵌入更多的外部信息。该算法可应用于对三维医学图像的篡改检测以及患者隐私保护。 相似文献
Neural Computing and Applications - Non-small cell lung cancer is one of the acute diseases threatening human life. In many developing countries, there are medical problems such as large... 相似文献
Entrepreneurship plays a critical role for the development and well-being of society. Illustration of its dynamic relationship with entrepreneurial attitudes and aspirations can provide a guideline for the cause of such activities. However, a time-lagged causal relationship among these concepts has not yet been established. In this study, we examine a dynamic relationship among early stage entrepreneurial attitudes, activities, and aspirations using Bayesian network (BN) analysis. In addition, we propose an early stage entrepreneurial activity index that can predict the percentage of both nascent entrepreneur and new business owner using the variables related to entrepreneurial attitudes of the previous year. This index, in turn, can be used to predict various aspects of entrepreneurial aspiration of the following year. The proposed index turns out to have very high prediction accuracy and is expected to provide effective policies to boost future entrepreneurial activity and aspiration. 相似文献
This paper presents a quantitative framework for early prediction of resource usage and load in distributed real-time systems
(DRTS). The prediction is based on an analysis of UML 2.0 sequence diagrams, augmented with timing information, to extract
timed-control flow information. It is aimed at improving the early predictability of a DRTS by offering a systematic approach
to predict, at the design phase, system behavior in each time instant during its execution. Since behavioral models such as
sequence diagrams are available in early design phases of the software life cycle, the framework enables resource analysis
at a stage when design decisions are still easy to change. Though we provide a general framework, we use network traffic as
an example resource type to illustrate how the approach is applied. We also indicate how usage and load analysis of other
types of resources (e.g., CPU and memory) can be performed in a similar fashion. A case study illustrates the feasibility
of the approach.
Yvan LabicheEmail: |