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Pre-geodetic maps are an important part of our cultural heritage and a potential source of information for historical studies. Historical cartography should be evaluated in terms of precision and uncertainty prior to their use in any application. In the last decade, the majority of papers that address multi-objective optimization employed the concept of Pareto optimality. The goal of Pareto-based multi-objective strategies is to generate a front (set) of nondominated solutions as an approximation to the true Pareto-optimal front. This article proposes a solution for the problems of multi-objective accuracy and uncertainty analysis of pre-geodetic maps using four Pareto-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: HVSEA, NSGAII, SPEAII and msPESA. “The Geographic Atlas of Spain (AGE)” by Tomas Lopez in 1804 provides the cartography for this study. The results obtained from the data collected from the kingdoms of Extremadura and Aragon, sheets of maps (54-55-56-57) and (70-71-72-73), respectively, demonstrate the advantages of these multi-objective approaches compared with classical methods. The results show that the removal of 8% of the towns it is possible to obtain improvements of approximately 30% for HVSEA, msPESA and NSGAII. The comparison of these algorithms indicates that the majority of nondominated solutions obtained by NSGAII dominate the solutions obtained by msPESA and HVSEA; however, msPESA and HVSEA obtain acceptable extreme solutions in some instances. The Pareto fronts based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) are a better alternative when the uncertainty of map analyzed is high or unknown. Consequently, Pareto-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms establish new perspectives for analyzing the positional accuracy and uncertainty of maps.  相似文献   

数据更新中要素变化检测与匹配方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴建华  傅仲良 《计算机应用》2008,28(6):1612-1615
在要素类之间缺乏同名实体关联关系的情况下,通过空间分析自动识别出当前要素的同名实体及它们之间的变化信息。在查询当前要素的候选匹配集时,设计了一种基于自定义空间拓扑关系的空间查询方法,缩小了的空间查询范围并减少了查询次数,提高了空间分析的效率;在确定当前要素的同名实体时,提出了基于权重的空间要素相似性计算模型,基于该模型有效地对复杂空间关系下的要素进行了匹配,提高了匹配的准确性。  相似文献   

A multi-step recognition process is developed for extracting compound forest cover information from manually produced scanned historical topographic maps of the 19th century. This information is a unique data source for GIS-based land cover change modeling. Based on salient features in the image the steps to be carried out are character recognition, line detection and structural analysis of forest symbols. Semantic expansion implying the meanings of objects is applied for final forest cover extraction. The procedure resulted in high accuracies of 94% indicating a potential for automatic and robust extraction of forest cover from larger areas.  相似文献   

针对现有变化检测方法局部特征和全局特征难以兼顾、变化对象和背景之间分界模糊的问题,提出了一种基于局部-全局特征耦合与边界引导的遥感图像建筑物变化检测方法。该方法在编码阶段采用并行的卷积神经网络和Transformer分别提取遥感图像的局部特征与全局表示。在不同尺度下,使用局部-全局特征耦合模块融合局部特征和全局特征表示,以增强图像特征的表达能力。引入边界引导分支获取变化对象的先验边界信息,使其引导变化图突出建筑物的结构特征,促进边界精确定位。该方法在LEVIR-CD和WHU数据集上进行实验验证,其F1-score分别为91.25%和91.27%,IoU分别为83.90%和83.95%。实验结果表明,该方法在检测精度上有较大的提升,且具有良好的泛化能力。  相似文献   

Optimal H deconvolution filter theory is exploited for the design of robust fault detection and isolation (FDI) units for uncertain polytopic linear systems. Such a filter is synthesized under frequency domain conditions which ensure guaranteed levels of disturbance attenuation, residual decoupling and deconvolution performance in prescribed frequency ranges. By means of the Projection Lemma, a quasi-convex formulation of the problem is obtained via LMIs. A FDI logic based on adaptive thresholds is also proposed for reducing the generation of false alarms. The effectiveness of the design technique is illustrated via a numerical example.  相似文献   

Productive wetland systems at land-water interfaces that provide unique ecosystem services are challenging to study because of water dynamics, complex surface cover and constrained field access. We applied object-based image analysis and supervised classification to four 32-m Beijing-1 microsatellite images to examine broad-scale surface cover composition and its change during November 2007-March 2008 low water season at Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake-wetland system in China (> 4000 km2). We proposed a novel method for semi-automated selection of training objects in this heterogeneous landscape using extreme values of spectral indices (SIs) estimated from satellite data. Dynamics of the major wetland cover types (Water, Mudflat, Vegetation and Sand) were investigated both as transitions among primary classes based on maximum membership value, and as changes in memberships to all classes even under no change in a primary class. Fuzzy classification accuracy was evaluated as match frequencies between classification outcome and a) the best reference candidate class (MAX function) and b) any acceptable reference class (RIGHT function). MAX-based accuracy was relatively high for Vegetation (≥ 90%), Water (≥ 82%), Mudflat (≥ 76%) and the smallest-area Sand (≥ 75%) in all scenes; these scores improved with the RIGHT function to 87-100%. Classification uncertainty assessed as the proportion of fuzzy object area within a class at a given fuzzy threshold value was the highest for all classes in November 2007, and consistently higher for Mudflat than for other classes in all scenes. Vegetation was the dominant class in all scenes, occupying 41.2-49.3% of the study area. Object memberships to Vegetation mostly declined from November 2007 to February 2008 and increased substantially only in February-March 2008, possibly reflecting growing season conditions and grazing. Spatial extent of Water both declined and increased during the study period, reflecting precipitation and hydrological events. The “fuzziest” Mudflat class was involved in major detected transitions among classes and declined in classification accuracy by March 2008, representing a key target for finer-scale research. Future work should introduce Vegetation sub-classes reflecting differences in phenology and alternative methods to discriminate Mudflat from other classes. Results can be used to guide field sampling and top-down landscape analyses in this wetland.  相似文献   

The comparison of classification accuracy statements has generally been based upon tests of difference or inequality when other scenarios and approaches may be more appropriate. Procedures for evaluating two scenarios with interest focused on the similarity in accuracy values, non-inferiority and equivalence, are outlined following a discussion of tests of difference (inequality). It is also suggested that the confidence interval of the difference in classification accuracy may be used as well as or instead of conventional hypothesis testing to reveal more information about the disparity in the classification accuracy values compared.  相似文献   

Some biological phenomena offer clues to solving real‐life, complex problems. Researchers have been studying techniques such as neural networks and genetic algorithms for computational intelligence and their applications to such complex problems. The problem of security management is one of the major concerns in the development of eBusiness services and networks. Recent incidents have shown that the perpetrators of cybercrimes are using increasingly sophisticated methods. Hence, it is necessary to investigate non‐traditional mechanisms, such as biological techniques, to manage the security of evolving eBusiness networks and services. Towards this end, this paper investigates the use of an Artificial Immune System (AIS). The AIS emulates the mechanism of human immune systems that save human bodies from complex natural biological attacks. The paper discusses the use of AIS on one aspect of security management, viz. the detection of credit card fraud. The solution is illustrated with a case study on the management of frauds in credit card transactions, although this technique may be used in a range of security management applications in eBusiness.  相似文献   

Remote sensing provides a broad view of landscapes and can be consistent through time, making it an important tool for monitoring and managing protected areas. An impediment to broader use of remote sensing science for monitoring has been the need for resource managers to understand the specialized capabilities of an ever-expanding array of image sources and analysis techniques. Here, we provide guidelines that will enable land managers to more effectively collaborate with remote sensing scientists to develop and apply remote sensing science to achieve monitoring objectives. We first describe fundamental characteristics of remotely sensed data and change detection analysis that affect the types and range of phenomena that can be tracked. Using that background, we describe four general steps in natural resource remote sensing projects: image and reference data acquisition, pre-processing, analysis, and evaluation. We emphasize the practical considerations that arise in each of these steps. We articulate a four-phase process that guides natural resource and remote sensing specialists through a collaborative process to articulate goals, evaluate data and options for image processing, refine or eliminate unrealistic paths, and assess the cost and utility of different options.  相似文献   

The standard model of technology diffusion argues that changing teachers' perceptions and epistemological beliefs about the value of an innovation is conducive to successful implementation. It is believed that teachers' receptiveness to technology and a re‐conceptualization of its role in teaching and learning can drive the development of new pedagogies and curricula and eventually, bring about a new learning experience. In this paper, we argued that changing teachers' conceptions does not necessarily effect change in their practices and student learning. The results of our case study indicated that the impetus for change comes from the social capital and informal social forces in the school, and that parental support, permeation of technology in student learning and teacher empowerment are pivotal to the success of the implementation.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of field trials of a prototype lunar rover traveling over natural terrain under safeguarded teleoperation control. Both the rover and the safeguarding approach have been used in previous work. The original contributions of this paper are the development and integration of a laser hazard detection system, and extensive field testing of the overall system. The laser system, which complements an existing stereo vision system, is based on a line-scanning laser ranger viewing the area 1 meter in front of the rover. The laser system has demonstrated excellent performance: zero misses and few false alarms operating at 4 Hz. The overall safeguarding system guided the rover 43 km over lunar analogue terrain with 0.8 failures per kilometer.  相似文献   

轴流压气机旋转失速和喘振的提前检测对于提高压气机工作效率和稳定性具有重要的意义.本文以北京航空航天大学航空发动机重点实验室的低速轴流压气机实验台为研究对象,基于确定学习理论及动态模式识别方法,开展旋转失速初始扰动近似准确建模和快速检测研究.首先,在压气机机匣壁面周向布置多个动态压力传感器,获取压气机失速前和失速先兆的动态压力信号,基于确定学习理论对旋转失速初始扰动的内部系统动态进行建模;其次,基于以上建模,利用微小振动故障检测方法实现对旋转失速的离线和在线提前检测.实验结果表明,本文所提方法能够在不同转速情况下,提前0.3 s~1 s实现对旋转失速的实时在线检测.  相似文献   

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