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Since there was no procedure available for estimating freezing time of rectangular or finitely cylindrical food through manual calculations, the present study was initiated to develop such a procedure. For this development, our computerized model was used together with statistical techniques. A design for screening tests was used to identify eight dimensionless groups, which influences significantly the freezing rate, out of 22 independent groups. Among the eight groups, only two were related to the thermophysical properties of food. Through the joint application of a central composite design of experiments and of the computerized model, algebraic formulae containing the eight significant groups were derived for the freezing time estimation. Their validity was verified through experimental freezing processes. 相似文献
A computer program was developed in order to predict freezing times of homogeneous food which may be approximated by infinite slabs. For this solution we assume temperature dependent thermophysical properties, together with symmetric or nonsymmetric convective and radiative heat exchange imposed at the boundaries. Through application of a statistical analysis, all dimensionless groups that have a significant influence in the rate of heat transfer were selected and used to develop a regression equation for the prediction of freezing times, by applying a central composite experimental design. This equation is applicable to the wide range of parametric values encountered during commercial operations. The reliability of the computer program and regression equation developed was verified experimentally. 相似文献
Existing food freezing time prediction methods yield widely differing results at high Biot numbers (internal resistance controlling), a situation that could not be previously resolved due to lack of data. Freezing tests were carried out on slabs of Tylose gel in a plate freezer to obtain more data, which alone and in combination with previous data, were used to test the methods of Cleland and Earle, Hung and Thompson, Pham, and finite differences. Good agreement was obtained with Pham's methods and with finite differences. Biot number, freezing rate and supercooling had negligible effect on the accuracy of these methods. The accuracy of the finite difference method has been significantly improved by our new thermal property data for Tylose gel. 相似文献
A model was developed to simulate two dimensional heat conduction in anisotropic food which was undergoing a freezing process. This model utilized a well verified transient state heat conduction equation. We assumed convective and radiative heat exchanges as well as moisture loss on the boundary surface of food to develop our model. Empirical formulae, whose applicability was verified, were used to estimate the temperature dependent thermophysical property values of food in the model. Since the model is nonlinear, a computer program package was prepared to solve it numerically by applying a finite element method. Sample application of computerized procedure was presented for simulating rectangular or finitely cylindrical food. 相似文献
采用气相色谱/氢火焰离子化法(GC/FID)和高效液相色谱/二极管阵列法(HPLC/DAD)分别对塑料食品包装材料中BHA、BHT、TBHQ三种酚类抗氧化剂进行定性定量分析。分别用正己烷及乙腈超声提取塑料食品包装材料中抗氧化剂,并对超声提取时间、次数及温度进行优化。结果表明:在本试验条件下,抗氧化剂添加量为6~30mg/kg范围内,气相色谱法测定BHA、BHT、TBHQ三种成分的平均添加回收率分别为95.8%~97.2%、93.1%~96.3%、91.5%~95.8%;相对标准偏差分别为1.55%~2.38%、1.95%~2.60%、2.35%~3.14%;检出限分别为0.40、0.32、0.72mg/kg。高效液相色谱法测定BHA、BHT、TBHQ三种成分的平均添加回收率为94.5%~96.2%、90.5%~93.7%、88.2%~91.6%;相对标准偏差分别为1.87%~2.58%、2.05%~2.72%、2.62%~3.38%;检出限分别为0.30、1.25、0.90mg/kg。两种方法皆准确、灵敏、重现性好,适用于塑料食品包装材料中抗氧化剂的检测。 相似文献
R.J. De KANTEREWICZ B.E. ELIZALDE A.M.R. PILOSOF G.B. BARTHOLOMAI 《Journal of food science》1987,52(5):1381-1383
An index for describing the relative hydrophilic-lipophilic character of proteins was proposed based on the measurement of the “spontanoeous water and oil uptake”. The water-oil absorption index (WOAI) showed a defined correlation with emulsifying capacity (EC) for most proteins making it possible to predict EC in a simple way. Maximum emulsion capacity was achieved when the WOAI was nearly two, that is when the protein absorbed twofold more water than oil. Proteins with WAOI greater than two had increasingly hydrophilic characteristics and concomitantly increasingly low EC. Proteins with WOAI lower than two showed increasingly lipophilic characteristics and concomitantly increasing low emulsifying capacity. The finding of this study supports the concept that emulsifying capacity of proteins depends on the suitable balance between the hydrophilic and lipophilic characteristics, rather than merely high values for each one. 相似文献
Q. T. PHAM 《Journal of food science》1987,52(3):795-800
In food freezing situations where heat flows at different rates from the two surfaces of a slab, a Plank-type converging-front model enabled the position of the thermal center and hence the freezing time, to be calculated. The thermal center was defined as the point where the freezing fronts meet, i.e. the last point to cross the “mean freezing temperature”. Finite-difference calculations showed that this model successfully accounted for the effect of asymmetry in heat transfer coefficient or coolant temperature and enabled previously developed simplified prediction methods to be applied to asymmetric situations. 相似文献
食品安全是人类健康的重要保障与前提。因此,建立食品病原微生物的快速检测方法对于食品安全及人类健康有着重要的意义。简要的综述食品微生物快速检测技术的研究进展。 相似文献
冲剂的制备离不开沸腾干燥设备,但一台沸腾制粒机多则几十万元,少则几万元,作为一般的教学和科研单位,难以支付如此高的费用。再者,在教学和科研活动过程中,实验操作特点是制备的样品品种多,而每种样品所用的物料量却很少,因此,大型的工厂用设备也不适合教学特别是科研工作的需要。本研究采用实验室所拥有的常规器材,制造出小型的沸腾干燥设备,适合配方研究、工艺参数探讨等研究使用。1 材料与方法11 基本器材层析柱、电阻丝、空气压缩机、压力调节器、塑料切割器、旋风分离器、硬橡胶管。12 工艺流程图工艺流程见图1。操作过程如下:打开… 相似文献
Optical Methods for Food Inspection 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kevin Chao Moon S. Kim Kurt C. Lawrence 《Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety》2008,2(2):73-74
简单形状食品冻结时间计算方法的分析研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
冻结时间对食品的冻结质量和能耗有重要意义.通过对几种简单形状食品冻结时间计算模型和相应公式的分析和计算,对它们在特定工况下应用的准确性和可靠性进行了比较,并对相关计算参数的选取给出了说明和建议. 相似文献