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ABSTRACT Potato and sweet potato starches and derivatives thereof were used to substitute part of the wheat flour in white salted noodle (WSN) manufacture. The quality of the WSN obtained was compared with the quality of WSN made from wheat flour only. When up to 20% of wheat flour was replaced by acetylated potato starch and acetylated sweet potato starches, the cooking loss of WSN decreased, while the softness, stretchability, and slipperiness increased significantly. Native and hydroxypropylated starches did not exhibit these effects. It can be concluded that the substitution of part of wheat flour with acetylated starches strongly affects noodle-making and final noodle quality, and starch substitution can be used to change the performance of a given wheat flour for noodle making in a desired way.  相似文献   

H-Z Tan    W-Y Gu    J-P Zhou    W-G Wu    Y-L Xie 《Journal of food science》2006,71(8):C447-C455
ABSTRACT:  Fine structure of sweet potato starch (SPS) and mung bean starch (MBS) by gel-permeation chromatography (GPC) showed that the amylose in SPS and MBS had 9.0 and 1.8 chains, respectively. The long chains of amylopectin in MBS (Ap-MB) were longer than those of amylopectin in SPS (Ap-SP), but the short chains of Ap-SP were shorter than those of Ap-MB. The structures of starch noodles of sweet potato (SPSN) and mung bean (MBSN) were analyzed by GPC, scanning electron micrograph (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and X-ray diffraction after hydrolysis by acid and enzymes. The results showed that the residues obtained with acid and enzymes in MBSN contained large amounts of high molecular weight fractions, and a relatively small amount of low molecular weight fractions, whereas those in SPSN contained some high molecular weight fractions and large amounts of low molecular weight fractions. SPSN exhibited higher digestibility by HCl, α-amylase, β-amylase, and pullulanase than MBSN. The surface of MBSN was more smooth than that of SPSN and the inside of MBSN contained long, thick, and orderly filaments, while there were many pore spaces inside SPSN from SEM. The DSC thermogram of the resistant residues from both starch noodles after acid/enzyme hydrolysis showed a broad endotherm peak near 100 °C (96 to 115 °C) due to the presence of the complexes of amylose-lipid and lipid-(long chains in amylopectin). Because of a lower content of branched amylose and a higher content of amylopectin in SPS, the structure of SPSN had a less distinct crystalline pattern and higher adhesiveness, whereas there was a higher content of amylose with a little branch and moderate amylopectin in MBS. Thus, the structure of MBSN had a stronger distinct crystalline pattern and good cohesiveness.  相似文献   

粒度对马铃薯泥面条品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过磨浆时间和磨浆强度控制马铃薯泥的粒度,探讨粒度对马铃薯面条的外观色泽、蒸煮品质、质构品质的影响,为马铃薯泥面条的生产提供数据支持。结果表明:随着磨浆强度的增加,时间的延长,马铃薯泥的粒度逐渐变小;马铃薯泥具有明显的双峰粒度分布,大颗粒所占比例比小颗粒所占比例高;马铃薯泥在扫描电镜下,呈片状结构,片与片镶嵌在一起,随着马铃薯粒度的降低,片的厚度不断变薄,片的尺寸也不断变小;随着粒度的降低,马铃薯面条的L*值降低,a*值和b*值升高,面条A的L*a*b*值与面条B、C、D、小麦粉面条的对应L*a*b*值具有显著性差异(p<0.05),而面条B、C、D的L*值之间没有显著性差异(p>0.05)。随着粒度的降低,马铃薯面条的烹调损失率均呈上升趋势,从9.38%增加至10.16%;马铃薯面条的断裂距离显著高于小麦粉面条(p<0.05),不同粒度的马铃薯面条断裂距离没有显著性差异(p>0.05);马铃薯面条煮后黏度随着粒度的减小而减小;总体来说,马铃薯泥的粒度对其面条的品质显著的影响,粒度中位径d(0.5)为130 μm的马铃薯面条品质好。  相似文献   

无矾红薯粉丝的研制及加工工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将合成的红薯淀粉磷酸酯与魔芋粉及复合磷酸盐复配,以不同比例加入红薯淀粉中,在不同的条件下生产无矾粉丝。结果表明:当红薯淀粉磷酸酯的加入量为6%;m(魔芋粉)∶m(复合磷酸盐)=2∶3,加入量为1%;搅拌机匀浆,在冷冻条件开粉;干燥温度45℃、干燥时间为3h时生产出的粉丝在断条率和烹煮损失率方面都优于加矾粉丝。  相似文献   

沙蒿胶对甘薯粉丝品质影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)、动态流变仪、物性测试仪研究分析不添加与添加沙蒿胶对甘薯粉丝产品的食用品质,揭示沙蒿胶与粉丝品质的内在关系.结果表明,沙蒿胶是一种性能优良的粉丝添加剂,可明显提高粉丝的加工性能和成品品质.  相似文献   

研究3种常用淀粉对马铃薯米粉品质的影响,为马铃薯米粉加工提供参考依据。分别将0%、5%、10%、15%、20%和25%的玉米、小麦和马铃薯淀粉添加到马铃薯全粉占比30%的米粉中,测定米粉蒸煮、色差、质构和拉伸性能指标的变化。结果:添加不同淀粉使得米粉的含水量显著减小(p<0.05);玉米、小麦以及5%~20%马铃薯淀粉可使米粉透射比显著增大(p<0.05);10%玉米淀粉能使碘蓝值显著增大(p<0.05);添加10%玉米、5%小麦以及5%~20%马铃薯淀粉,能使吐浆值显著减小(p<0.05);但3种淀粉对断条率影响均不显著。添加10%玉米、10%小麦和5%马铃薯淀粉能使米粉亮度L*显著减小(p<0.05),色度值a*b*亦发生不同改变。5%~15%玉米淀粉可有效改善米粉硬度、峰值负载,但添加量达到20%时峰值负载形变量显著减小(p<0.05);小麦淀粉可改善弹性,添加10%~15%可有效改善硬度,15%和20%可改善峰值负载和咀嚼性;马铃薯淀粉可提高米粉硬度,但添加量达20%时米粉变得黏连。在实际生产中建议玉米和小麦淀粉添加量分别为5%和10%。  相似文献   

甘薯粉挂面的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过复因素试验对甘薯粉在挂面中的应用进行了研究,结果表明:小麦粉、甘薯粉和玉米淀粉磷酸酯按100:7:11的比例混合,可制得质量较好且营养价值高的甘薯挂面。  相似文献   

小麦淀粉颗粒大小和糊化特性的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文探讨了小麦淀粉颗粒A型和B型直径的大小及颗粒形态对其糊化特性的影响.结果表明品种间A型淀粉颗粒直径越大,B型淀粉颗粒直径则越小;A型淀粉颗粒直径越大,淀粉则越难糊化;B型淀粉颗粒直径越大,淀粉则越易糊化;热力学参数顶点温度与热焓值间存在较大的正相关性.  相似文献   

马铃薯羟丙基羧甲基淀粉颗粒及分子结构变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对马铃薯原淀粉、马铃薯羟丙基淀粉、马铃薯羧甲基淀粉、马铃薯羟丙基羧甲基淀粉分别利用红外光谱分析(FT-IR),证实了马铃薯羟丙基羧甲基淀粉的结构变化;利用X-射线衍射分析(X-RD),证实了马铃薯羟丙基羧甲基淀粉的结晶度变化,随着无序化程度降低,导致其结晶度增加;利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了复合变性前后淀粉的表观形貌变化,证实了淀粉羟丙基羧甲基化其反应不仅发生在淀粉颗粒表面,也发生在淀粉颗粒内部,同时该反应首先发生在淀粉颗粒中结构较薄弱的非结晶区。  相似文献   

The properties of potato starch and their effect on the quality of Chinese‐style alkaline instant noodles made from wheat flour and potato starch blends were investigated. Starches were extracted from nine potato cultivars, and the phosphorus content of these starches was analyzed together with the median granule size and pasting and gelatinization properties. Instant noodles were manufactured using mixtures of wheat flour and these potato starches. A Rheoner instrument was used to evaluate three textural parameters, namely, the breaking force (BF), breaking energy (BE), and ratio of the breaking force to the breaking deformation (BF/BD), of instant noodles cooked by immersing into boiling water for 3 and 7 min. The phosphorus content, peak viscosity, and breakdown were significantly and positively correlated with the BF of the noodles cooked for 3 min and did not significantly correlate with that of those cooked for 7 min. Other quality parameters of potato starch did not affect the BF significantly. Other textural parameters of instant noodle quality, such as the BE and BF/BD, did not significantly correlate with any of the quality parameters of potato starch. The findings obtained with the use of wheat flour and potato starch blends suggest that phosphate, which is thought to enhance starch viscosity of potato starch, is important for making instant noodles with favorable texture in hardness.  相似文献   

A newly developed method GFFF (Gravitational Field‐Flow Fractionation) and the well known method LALLS (Low Angle Laser Light Scattering) were used to assess starch granule size distribution of ten varieties of spring barley. As a distribution criterion, the ratio of starch granule content larger than 8 μm (type A) and smaller than 8 μm (type B) was chosen. Both methods divided the observed set in a similar way. Varieties Akcent, Forum and Atribut formed a variety set with the highest ratio of large and small starch granules. Varieties Scarlet and Kompakt had intermediate ratios. The remaining five varieties Amulet, Novum, Olbram, Tolar and Krona had the lowest ratios of large and small starch granules. Statistical analysis showed that there was a highly significant correlation between the GFFF and LALLS methods.  相似文献   

The effects of granule size and size distribution on rheological behavior of hydroxypropylated and phosphate cross‐linked potato starch (HPS) were studied by steady and dynamic viscoelasticity measurements. The rheological behavior of starch dispersions was strongly influenced by granule size and granule‐to‐granule interaction. Average granule size of HPS dispersion at high concentration was smaller than that at low concentration. Time dependence of viscosity was quite different depending on shear rate; thixotropy at low shear rates and antithixotropy at high shear rates. At higher concentrations, HPS dispersion showed a non‐Newtonian behavior, and it tended to a Newtonian behavior when concentration was lowered. Yield stress and creep recovery of HPS dispersion at higher concentrations was more pronounced than those at lower concentrations.  相似文献   

湿热处理对马铃薯淀粉颗粒特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湿热处理前后马铃薯淀粉的部分颗粒形貌发生一定程度变化。随着热处理温度的提高,淀粉的结晶结构发生较大变化,表现为特征峰的部分融合、峰强度的下降以及结晶度的降低。处理前后的X射线图谱表明,处理后的马铃薯淀粉已经失去了原有的B型结晶结构,趋向于非晶态。淀粉的DSC图谱表明,湿热处理后淀粉的相变焓降低,随着温度的升高相变焓有所回升。  相似文献   

本实验研究了自然发酵对玉米淀粉物理性质的影响以及利用发酵玉米淀粉制作粉条的可行性。当温度高于75℃时,发酵样品的膨润力比对照样品低得多(p<0.05)。淀粉糊黏度测定结果表明:峰值黏度和崩溃值随着发酵时间的延长先上升再下降,而胶凝值则随着发酵时间逐步下降。发酵使玉米淀粉的凝胶强度显著增加(p<0.05),同时使玉米粉条的拉伸性能得到显著改善。玉米淀粉经发酵后制作的粉条口感爽滑、弹性好、耐咀嚼,品质得到显著提高。  相似文献   

目的 分析7种不同品牌粉条的明矾含量与耐水煮性。方法 采用国标法测定了市场中7种不同粉条的明矾含量, 采用断条率和耐水煮时间2个指标评价了粉条的耐水煮性。采用红外、X射线和差热方法分析了耐水煮粉条的特性。结果 7种粉条耐水煮性由高到低为: 双塔马铃薯粉条>龙须红薯粉条>天豫红薯粉条>龙大龙口绿豆粉条>六六顺龙口绿豆粉条>升林红薯粉条>富昌龙口绿豆粉条, 水煮时间长短更能精确反映粉条耐水煮性。7种粉条明矾含量由高到低为: 天豫红薯粉条>升林红薯粉条>龙须红薯粉条>龙大龙口绿豆粉条>双塔马铃薯粉条>六六顺龙口绿豆粉条≈富昌龙口绿豆粉条。结论 明矾添加可以提高粉条的耐水煮性。要生产耐水煮无明矾添加粉条一定要选择容易溶胀的淀粉, 采用能加速淀粉回生重结晶的糊化工艺。  相似文献   

淀粉是小麦粉中主要组分,其在结构和组成上的变化会引起小麦淀粉功能特性的改变,进而影响小麦粉面条特性。本文介绍了近年来小麦淀粉在结构、组成、改性上的研究进展,总结了小麦面粉中淀粉在结构和组成上变化对面条品质的影响,为面条专用粉加工和小麦育种提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

本文讨论了用氧化剂处理甘薯淀粉,使其增白。在轻度氧化处理的基础上进一步用交联剂处理,提高淀粉凝胶的强度,即抗剪切、抗水、热能力。交联氧化复合变性甘薯淀粉与蚕豆淀粉配合使用制成的粉丝,与全蚕豆粉丝相比,品质没有显著差异。生产过程简单,易于控制。  相似文献   

Wheat starch has been completely digested with bacterial α-amylase, and the pattern of oligosaccharides obtained from this digestion varies with starches from different wheat varieties. Wheat varieties of good Japanese noodle-making quality (based on sensory testing) give relatively small amounts of oligosaccharides with a degree of polymerisation (DP) of 5 or greater, while varieties of poor noodle-making quality give much greater amounts of these larger oligosaccharides. There is a significant negative correlation between the amount of DP5 oligosaccharide and noodle eating quality. The correlation between the amount of this oligosaccharide and starch paste viscosity was much smaller. The size of the HPLC peak corresponding to this oligosaccharide may be used as a rapid method of screening for noodle-making quality. Because oligosaccharides of greater than DP4 should have at least one branch point, the results suggest that the structure of the amylopectin in starch of good noodle-making wheats has relatively few branch points close together. Amylose also appeared to be important for noodle quality. The optimum amylose content seemed to be about 22% for good quality noodles, with starch of higher or lower amylose content coming from flour of lower noodle-making quality. Factors other than amylose content must contribute to noodle quality, as some flours of relatively poor noodle quality also contained close to the optimum amount of amylose. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

本文采用扫描电子显微镜、光学显微镜等分析测试方法,以原淀粉为参照,对非晶颗粒态马铃薯淀粉的颗粒形貌以及酶降解过程进行了观察和研究,结果发现,在非晶化处理过程中发生了从内向外爆裂式膨胀而形成一条大而深的长条形的爆裂孔,以此爆裂孔为突破口,在酶作用下非晶颗粒态淀粉逐渐降解,直至淀粉颗粒的完全消失,而原淀粉具有致密的结晶结构,在相同条件下酶降解活性远远低于非晶颗粒态淀粉。  相似文献   

非晶颗粒态淀粉   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文介绍了非晶颗粒态淀粉的概念、性质及其主要的制备方法.制备方法包括物理方法和化学方法两大类.其中物理方法是通过控制淀粉颗粒粒度,化学方法是通过化学反应,破坏颗粒结晶区域.而且,本文对非晶化淀粉的发展作了展望.  相似文献   

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