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Dual-process theories of recognition posit that a perceptual familiarity process contributes to both explicit recognition and implicit perceptual memory. This putative single familiarity process has been indexed by inclusion–exclusion, remember–know, and repetition priming measures. The present studies examined whether these measures identify a common familiarity process. Familiarity-based explicit recognition (as indexed by the inclusion–exclusion and the independence remember–know procedures) increased with conceptual processing. In contrast, implicit word-identification priming and familiarity-based word-stem completion (as indexed by inclusion–exclusion) increased with study–test perceptual similarity. These dissociations indicate that familiarity-based explicit recognition may be more sensitive to conceptual than to perceptual processing and is functionally distinct from the perceptual familiarity process mediating implicit perceptual memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The issue of multiple memory systems is explored. Young and older adults (mean ages?=?20 and 71, respectively) named pictures and were tested immediately, 1, 7, or 21 days later. Episodic memory (recognition) for pictures was significantly lower in older relative to young adults and declined systematically across all retention intervals in both age groups. In contrast, procedural memory (repetition priming in picture naming) revealed no reliable age differences. In both age groups, priming declined within the first 24 hr, but unlike recognition, there was no further decrement from 1 to 21 days. There were also within-subject dissociations: The magnitude of priming was equivalent for remembered and forgotten items, and the relation between recognition and priming across intervals was nonmonotonic, revealing a reversed association. The findings were interpreted within a multiple-memory-systems framework. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments on recognition memory were carried out to define the nature of intralist interference effects. Experiment 1 replicated the findings of an earlier study (A. I. Schulman, 1971) on what appeared to be combined study (input) and test (output) order effects and added information on the presence of speed-accuracy trade-off effects. Experiment 2 demonstrated that only test order was effective and that study order effects did not occur. Experiment 3 demonstrated again that only test order was effective and also showed that the effect remained when response times were controlled. Attention/likelihood theory was fitted to the data of the final, clarified interference effect.  相似文献   

Memory of 2 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was tested in a serial probe recognition task with lists of 4 natural or environmental sounds, different retention intervals, and different manipulations of interference. At short retention intervals, increasing the separation of list items reduced the primacy effect and produced a recency effect. Similar results were shown by increasing interference across lists through item repetitions or making the first 2 list items high-interference items. These results indicated that decreasing first-item performance reduced proactive interference on memory of the last list items. At long (20 sec) retention intervals, making the last list items of high interference reduced the recency effect, reduced retroactive interference, and produced a primacy effect. Taken together, interference plays a role in determining the primacy and recency effects of the serial-position function. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Extending the Jacksonian principle of the hierarchical development and dissolution of function to the development and dissolution of memory, researchers have concluded that implicit (procedural) memory is a primitive system, functional shortly after birth, that processes information automatically, whereas explicit (declarative) memory matures late in the 1st year and mediates the conscious recollection of a prior event. Support for a developmental hierarchy has only been inferred from the memory performance of adults with amnesia on priming and recognition-recall tests in response to manipulations of different independent variables. This article reviews evidence that very young infants exhibit memory dissociations like those exhibited by adults with normal memory on analogous memory tests in response to manipulations of the same independent variables. These data demonstrate that implicit and explicit memory follow the same developmental timetable and challenge the utility of conscious recollection as the defining characteristic of explicit memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Relations between infant visual recognition memory and later cognition have fueled interest in identifying the underlying cognitive components of this important infant ability. The present large-scale study examined three promising factors in this regard--processing speed, short-term memory capacity, and attention. Two of these factors, attention and processing speed (but, surprisingly, not short-term memory capacity), were related to visual recognition memory: Infants who showed better attention (shorter looks and more shifts) and faster processing had better recognition memory. The contributions of attention and processing speed were independent of one another and were similar at all ages studied--5, 7, and 12 months. Taken together, attention and speed accounted for 6%-9% of the variance in visual recognition memory, leaving a considerable, but not unexpected, portion of the variance unexplained. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Patients with Huntington's Disease (HD) were tested on 2 tasks, probabilistic classification learning and artificial grammar learning. Both tasks are performed normally by amnesic patients and are considered to be independent of declarative memory. Patients with HD were severely impaired in probabilistic learning but performed normally in artificial grammar learning. The probabilistic classification task may be akin to habit-learning tasks that depend on the neostriatum, whereas artificial grammar learning may depend on changes within the neocortex similar to what is thought to occur in perceptual priming. The deficit in the probabilistic classification task indicates that impaired nondeclarative learning in patients with HD occurs not only in motor tasks but also in nondeclarative learning tasks that have no motor component. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This experiment applies signal detection theory and social decision schemes to investigate the potential impact of information pooling, error correction, and effective decision-making processes in the general finding that groups perform better than individuals on memory tasks. Groups and individuals completed a true/false recognition test regarding material presented in a videotaped simulated job interview. Various indexes of memory performance indicated that each of the processes contributed to the superiority of group recognition memory performance. Social decision scheme analyses indicated that the plurality-correct-wins decision scheme was the best summary of the decision process. Subsequent analyses suggested that the confidence that group members held in their initial preferences influenced the group decision process. Discussion emphasized the impact of consensus, correctness, and confidence on group memory performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article focuses on decision processes in recognition memory. It begins with investigation of the hypothesis that the measured criterion increases systematically with the memorability of old items. Three experiments using the list-strength paradigm, and a review of the prior literature, present results consistent with this hypothesis. Several psychological models of criterion placement are examined, generating different predictions about the relative sizes of criterion shifts for strong and weak items. A range model, in which criterion placement depends on the estimated range of the old and new distributions, predicts that criterion shifts should be larger for weak items; this result emerges in a reanalysis of prior studies. The general discussion elaborates on how a focus on criterion placement can explain the mirror effect (Glanzer, Adams, Iverson, & Kim, see record 1993-40158-001) and provides a framework for testing Shiffrin, Ratcliff, and Clark's (see record 1990-13917-001) claims about why null effects of list strength occur with repetition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, the effects of perceptual manipulations on recollective experience were tested. In Experiment 1, a picture-superiority effect was obtained for overall recognition and Remember judgments in a picture recognition task. In Experiment 2, size changes of pictorial stimuli across study and test reduced recognition memory and Remember judgments. In Experiment 3, deleterious effects of changes in left–right orientation of pictorial stimuli across study and test were obtained for Remember judgments. An alternate framework that emphasizes a distinctiveness–fluency processing distinction is proposed to account for these findings because they cannot easily be accommodated within the existing account of differences in conceptual and perceptual processing for the 2 categories of recollective experience: Remembering and Knowing, respectively (J. M. Gardiner, 1988; S. Rajaram, 1993). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The ability to mitigate interference is of central importance to cognition. Previous research has provided conflicting accounts about whether operations that resolve interference are singular in character or form a family of functions. Here, the authors examined the relationship between interference-resolution processes acting on working memory representations versus responses. The authors combined multiple forms of interference into a single paradigm by merging a directed-forgetting task, which induces proactive interference, with a stop-signal task, which taps response inhibition processes. The results demonstrated that proactive interference and response inhibition produced distinct behavioral signatures that did not interact. By contrast, combining two different measures of response inhibition by merging a go/no-go task variant and a stop signal produced overadditive behavioral interference, demonstrating that different forms of response inhibition tap the same processes. However, not all forms of response conflict interacted, suggesting that inhibition-related functions acting on response selection are dissociable from those acting on response inhibition. These results suggest that inhibition-related functions for memory and responses are dissociable. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments studied the scaling of time by male Charles River albino rats to determine if internal clock and memory processes could be selectively adjusted by pharmacological manipulations. Experiments used a temporal discrimination procedure in which 1 response ("short") was reinforced following a 2-sec noise signal and a different response ("long") was reinforced following an 8-sec noise signal; unreinforced signals of intermediate duration were also presented. The proportion of long responses increased as a function of signal duration. All drugs were administered ip. In Exp I, methamphetamine selectively increased and haloperidol selectively decreased clock speed. In Exp II, footshock stress increased clock speed during continuous administration but decreased clock speed below control values when the footshock was abruptly terminated. Exp III demonstrated that vasopressin and oxytocin selectively decreased the remembered durations of reinforced times, which suggests that memory storage speed increased. In Exp IV, physostigmine decreased, and atropine increased, these remembered durations, which suggests that memory storage speed was differentially affected. It is concluded that internal clock and memory processes can be dissociated by selectively adjusting their speed of operation and that these changes can be quantitatively modeled by a scalar timing theory. (61 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compares the effect of picture fragmentation level at study on performance on a variety of implicit and explicit memory tests. Consistent with previous research, a moderately fragmented study picture produced the most learning on the implicit memory task of picture fragment completion (Exp 1) and speeded picture identification (Exp 4). In contrast, an intact study picture produced the most learning on the implicit memory task of naming intact pictures (Exp 3). These results suggest that performance on 2 implicit memory tasks can be dissociated by differences in visual similarity between the study and test forms of a stimulus. More surprising, parallel effects were observed in recognition memory. Recognition memory was best when fragmentation levels of the study and test pictures matched (Exp 2) or were comparable (Exp 1). In contrast to many results in the literature, recognition memory was acutely sensitive to surface form differences. The results are discussed in terms of 2 types of study-test similarity, stimulus similarity and process similarity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments assessed the effects of nutrients on timing behavior by rats. The nutrients were laced with saccharin and given to rats as a snack before training on a 20-s peak-interval procedure. The primary component of the snacks for four groups of 10 rats was lecithin (phosphatidylcholine), protein (casein), carbohydrate (sucrose), or a nonnutrient (saccharin). The primary measure of behavior was the time of the rat's highest response rate during a trial (peak time), which represented the interval during which the rat maximally expected food. With a lecithin snack, peak time was gradually shifted over sessions to a shorter time, remained shifted to the left of the normal function with additional testing, and then remained at the shorter time on two sessions after the snack was discontinued; with the protein snack, peak time was abruptly shifted to a shorter time, returned to normal with additional testing, and then rebounded to a longer time when the snack was discontinued; with a carbohydrate, snack peak time was abruptly shifted to a longer time, returned to normal with additional testing, and then rebounded to a shorter time when the snack was discontinued. The behavioral patterns produced by the nutrients were interpreted in terms of precursor effects on central neurotransmitter synthesis and release, psychological stages of an information-processing model, and mathematical parameters of a scalar timing theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The study explored age-related differences in the effects of context change on recognition memory by presenting object names (Expt. 1A) or their pictures (Expt. 1B) on background scenes. Participants later attempted to recognize previously presented items on background scenes that were original, switched, blank, or new. Older adults recognized fewer word stimuli than did younger adults, and context effects were larger for older adults. With pictures, however, the age-related decrement was eliminated and context effects were reduced. The beneficial effect of context reinstatement in older adults occurs despite the finding that they are less able to recall or recognize such contexts (Experiment 2). Older adults can use context information in recognition memory at least as efficiently as younger adults when suitable materials and conditions are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study showed that, regardless of its actual status, a test item was more likely to be judged as old if, before making an old–new judgment, Ss attempted to (1) identify a test word or a test picture's name (Exps 1 and 2) or (2) to work on a normally presented test word, such as reversing the letter order of the word or constructing a word that rhymed with the test word (Exp 3). Exp 1 replicated the enhanced feeling of recognition effect reported by M. Watkins and Z. F. Peynircio?lu (1990). Exp 2 extended the effect to a cross-modality priming situation. Exp 3 further extended the finding by showing that the effect could occur for reasons having nothing to do with the perception of test items. Finally, Exp 4 showed that increased exposure to test items alone cannot produce the enhanced feeling of recognition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Despite the detrimental effects of divided attention at encoding on later memory performance, results described in the literature do not unequivocally specify which processes are interrupted during encoding by participants' occupation with a concurrent task. Using a processing analysis framework where the encoding process is viewed as a multiphase mental activity, the current research investigated this issue using a new differential temporal interference paradigm where the study phase of single words was interrupted at different temporal segments. In two experiments, we used performance on both memory and online choice reaction time tasks to assess whether such differential interference would produce different degrees of reduction in participants' later memory performance, as well as changes in the attentional resources required to execute each of the encoding phases. Measures of memory and concurrent task performance in the two experiments converged on similar patterns, showing that all phases of encoding are affected by the concurrent task. However, the initial encoding phase, which is tentatively associated with the initial registration of information, seems especially vulnerable to interference. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Integrins contribute to cell growth by providing a physical linkage between cytoskeletal structures and the extracellular matrix, and also by participating in various signal transduction processes. The interaction of integrins with matrix ligands can generate signals in and of itself, and can also modulate signals instigated by soluble factors such as peptide mitogens. Cellular events affected by integrin-mediated signaling include motility, cell division, differentiation and programmed cell death. Elucidation of how integrin-mediated cell adhesion controls cell growth is likely to be of fundamental importance in understanding complex biological processes, such as tissue morphogenesis and tumor progression.  相似文献   

The model of the decision system in Murdock's (1982, 1983) two-stage memory-and-decision model for item recognition is developed and tested. The underlying strength distributions are assumed to result from the operation of a distributed-memory system. The decision model assumes that extraneous noise is added to the result of the memory comparison process, and a decision is made when the total evidence falls below a lower criterion or rises above an upper criterion. The decision model is shown to be able to fit the accuracy and mean response latency data from four major recognition paradigms (Sternberg, study-test, continuous, and prememorized list). In addition, the decision model was also able to fit the response time distributions derived from the convolution analysis of Ratcliff and Murdock (1976), and the changes in the parameters of the distributions over experimental conditions in each paradigm. The model was also applied to speed-accuracy trade-off, repeated negatives, and the mirror effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined whether participants can shift their criterion for recognition decisions in response to the probability that an item was previously studied. Participants in 3 experiments were given recognition tests in which the probability that an item was studied was correlated with its location during the test. Results from all 3 experiments indicated that participants' response criteria were sensitive to the probability that an item was previously studied and that shifts in criterion were robust. In addition, awareness of the bases for criterion shifts and feedback on performance were key factors contributing to the observed shifts in decision criteria. These data suggest that decision processes can operate in a dynamic fashion, shifting from item to item. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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