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Objective: Many targeted interventions have been developed and tested with African Americans (AA); however, AAs are a highly heterogeneous group. One characteristic that varies across AAs is Ethnic Identity (EI). Little research has been conducted on how to incorporate EI into the design of health messages and programs. Design: We tested whether tailoring a print-based fruit and vegetable (F & V) intervention on EI would enhance program impact. AA adults were recruited from two integrated healthcare delivery systems and then randomized to receive three newsletters focused on F & V behavior change over three months. One set of newsletters was tailored only on demographic and social cognitive variables (control condition), whereas the other (experimental condition) was additionally tailored on EI. Main Outcome Measures: The primary outcome for the study was F & V intake, assessed at baseline and three months later using the composite of two brief self-report frequency measures. Results: A total of 560 eligible participants were enrolled, of which 468 provided complete 3-month follow-up data. The experimental group increased their daily mean F & V intake by 1.1 servings compared to .8 servings in the control group (p = .13). Afrocentric experimental group participants showed a 1.4 increase in F & V servings per day compared to a .43 servings per day increase among Afrocentric controls (p  相似文献   

Acase study approach was used to investigate the history and organizational structure of five women's liberation groups. The organizations were analyzed from a systems frame of reference. The most salient organizational features to emerge included: (1) a splintering effect which was related to inadequate conflict resolution; (2) a narrow range of input with membership in all groups primarily radical, well educated, professional women; (3) lack of feedback and output specifications indicating that these organizations are unable to determine the extent of their effectiveness, primarily because of insufficient resources. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the stability across ethnic groups of interrelations among 5 variables (education, age at 1st psychiatric hospitalization, current age, alcoholism symptom severity, and behavioral adjustment while hospitalized) using path analysis. 24 male Mexican Americans, mean age 39.8 yrs, and 24 male Anglo Americans, mean age 47.1 yrs, were studied. Behavioral adjustment was determined with the MACC Behavioral Adjustment Scale. Certain findings involving 4 variables were consistent with theoretical expectations for the Anglo-American group but were reversed in the Mexican-American group. Methodological and theoretical implications are presented. (2 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hypothesized that perceived threat to social identity and perceived threat to valued resources would each increase ethnocentrism, and that high power groups would be more ethnocentric than low power groups. In Exp 1, a negative message was only a threat to the Ss' group identity; in Exp 2, it was also a threat to their payment for experimental participation. Results show that these threats increased ethnocentrism. However, neither expert power (Exp 1), nor expert power linked to reward power (Exp 2) moderated this reaction. As predicted, in-group–out-group differentiation along the female sex-role stereotype and attitude dimensions was correlated with strength of group identification in the high threat conditions of Exp 1. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developmental research is reviewed to evaluate how race, ethnicity, racial identity, and ethnic identity are defined and investigated for minority populations. First reviewed is how these terms are used in developmental and counseling research. Early practices limited these terms to their demographic denotations (e.g., heritage), but more recent practices have expanded to include socially constructed connotations. Second, developmental research was used to evaluate key assumptions in theories of racial and ethnic identity development, with an emphasis on recent longitudinal studies. Research supports some, but not all, of these developmental predictions. Longitudinal research supported the progressive nature of ethnic and racial identity development and that exposure to racism appears to stimulate further identity development during adolescence. In contrast, available evidence does not support the claims of a developmental hierarchy for racial ideologies and that identity crises are normative. Adjustment was not predicted by a single racial or ethnic identity ideology, but research suggested that the adolescent's sociocultural identity and socialization should be tailored to the nature of the racial and ethnic context for development. Implications for counseling research and practice are offered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Drawing on social identity theory (P. J. Burke, 1991) and the current status of women and equal opportunity legislation, the authors tested several factors associated with distress in working women in the People's Republic of China (PRC), Hong Kong, and the United States. Women in Hong Kong experienced significantly greater levels of life stress than PRC and U.S. women. Reports of negative attitudes toward women, gender evaluation, and avoidance coping were greater for Hong Kong and PRC women than for U.S. women. Hong Kong women reported more use of positive/confrontational coping mechanisms. Negative attitudes toward women had an important influence on life stress across regions. Moderator tests resulted in 2 significant findings: The effect of negative attitudes toward women on life stress was stronger for PRC and Hong Kong women, and the relationship between nervous/self-destructive coping and life stress was stronger for U.S. women. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social connectedness and its relationship with anxiety, self-esteem, and social identity was explored in the lives of women. Social connectedness was negatively related to trait anxiety and made a larger unique contribution to trait anxiety than social support or collective self-esteem. Women with high connectedness also reported greater social identification in high, as compared with low, cohesion conditions. Women with low connectedness exhibited no difference in either condition. Social connectedness was also positively related to state self-esteem across both conditions but did not have an effect on state anxiety. Future research in gender and cultural differences, self-evaluation process, and intervention strategies are discussed in light of the findings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Data from 1,000 employees in 20 organizations in 2 cultures suggest that the determinants of employee alienation are virtually identical, despite the different nature of social, legal, and political systems. Although the most significant predictor of alienation was education, an individual characteristic, the organization context (including interpersonal relationships on the job and organization structure), explains 37% of the variance of member alienation. (French summary) (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Racial and ethnic identity (REI) measures are in danger of becoming conceptually meaningless because of evaluators' insistence that they conform to measurement models intended to assess unidimensional constructs, rather than the multidimensional constructs necessary to capture the complexity of internalized racial or cultural socialization. Some aspects of the intersection of REI theoretical constructs with research design and psychometric practices are discussed, and recommendations for more informed use of each are provided. A table that summarizes some psychometric techniques for analyzing multidimensional measures is provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Argues that cultural difference theories, in the form of genetics, cultural deficit, and cultural discontinuity, are incomplete and misguided. A theory of "self" is proposed that focuses on collective identity as the primary psychological process, even taking precedence over self-esteem. Intergroup processes are applied to explain the problems confronting society's most disadvantaged groups. Specifically, the intergroup power differential between societal groups is explored, leading to a theory of valueless colonialism. It is the effects of valueless colonialism that leads to the destruction of collective identity for certain groups. The consequences of a poorly defined collective identity are difficulties with personal identity and self-esteem. Social problems and academic underachievement are the visible manifestations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Predictions by social identity theory (SIT) and relative deprivation theory (RDT) concerning preferences for strategies to cope with a negative in-group status position were tested. The focus of the present research was a comparison of the theories regarding their differential patterns of prediction. For this purpose, a natural sample within a specific historical situation was investigated: East Germans after the German unification. First, the predictive power of SIT and RDT variables was tested separately. In a second step, a possible integration of the theories was addressed. Combining the SIT variables and RDT variables led to an integrated model indicating a differential pattern of prediction for intergroup strategies. The RDT components explained the collective responses, whereas SIT constructs were related to individual strategies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three individuals with developmental disabilities participated in a study of the treatment of self-injurious behavior (SIB) maintained by negative reinforcement (escape from educational tasks). Treatment was implemented in a multiple baseline design across subjects, in which two treatments were compared in a multielement format. Both treatment conditions included an escape-extinction component in which SIB no longer produced escape. One of the conditions also included a fading component in which the frequency of instructions was initially reduced to zero and then was gradually faded back in across sessions until the instructional rate matched that of the original baseline. Results indicated that extinction alone reduced SIB to the end-of-treatment criterion in fewer sessions than did extinction plus fading for all 3 subjects. For 2 of the 3 subjects, however, there was an initial increase in the frequency of SIB at the outset of treatment with extinction (an extinction burst) that was not observed when extinction was combined with the fading component.  相似文献   

Visual agnosia is a neuropsychological syndrome characterized by a failure of object identification. Apperceptive agnosia, an object identification deficit caused by damage to early perceptual processes, has been explained by appealing to both damaged early sensory processes and to damaged preattentive grouping processes. Which of these two explanations best accounts for the behavior of these patients? We present results from two experiments designed to distinguish rival theoretical accounts of apperceptive agnosia. In our studies, we attempted to simulate apperceptive agnosia in neurologically intact subjects. Sensory-deficit accounts of the syndrome predict that degrading visual processing would make normal subjects perform like patients; grouping-deficit accounts predict that removing perceptual organization cues from visual displays would make normal subjects perform like patients. We were able to simulate the behavior of an apperceptive agnosic patient by removing perceptual organization cues, consistent with a grouping-deficit account of this syndrome. The implications for understanding both apperceptive agnosia and normal visual functioning are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors examine the conceptualization and measurement of ethnic identity as a multidimensional, dynamic construct that develops over time through a process of exploration and commitment. The authors discuss the components of ethnic identity that have been studied and the theoretical background for a developmental model of ethnic identity. The authors review research on the measurement of ethnic identity using the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (J. Phinney, 1992) and present a revised version of the measure. The authors conclude with a consideration of the measurement issues raised by J. E. Helms (2007) and K. Cokley (2007) and suggestions for future research on ethnic identity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined whether the perception of the university environment mediated the relationship between ethnic identity and persistence attitudes of Latino college students. Participants were 175 Latino college students who attended a primarily White university. The results supported the hypothesized mediating role of the university environment. Higher Latino ethnic identity was associated with perceiving a more negative university environment and feeling less committed to finishing college. In turn, perception of a negative college environment was associated with feeling less committed to finishing college. When perception of the university environment was removed, no significant relationship was found between ethnic identity and persistence attitudes, indicating that it is the perceived context that influences Latino college students' persistence attitudes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Thirty years ago, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was primarily developed for otherwise healthy individuals who experienced sudden cardiac arrest. Today, CPR is widely viewed as an emergency procedure that can be attempted on any person who undergoes a cessation of cardiorespiratory function. Therefore, the appropriateness of CPR has been questioned as a matter of the outcome, the patient's preferences, and the cost. The objective of this article is to analyse ethical issues in prehospital resuscitation. ARGUMENTS: CPR is bound by moral considerations that surround the use of any medical treatment. According to Beauchamp and Childress, the hierarchy of justification in biomedical ethics consists of ethical theories, principles, rules, and particular judgements and actions. The decision to start CPR is based on the medical judgement that a person is suffering from circulatory arrest. The decision is justified by the moral rule that the victim of a cardiac arrest has the right to survive and to receive CPR. Moral rules are more specific to contexts and are based on ethical principles. The principle of beneficence means the provision of benefits for the promotion of welfare. Talking about beneficence in resuscitation means once again reporting stories of success, as many victims of pre- and in-hospital sudden death have been saved in the past. Nevertheless, resuscitative efforts still remain unsuccessful in the majority of cases, involving the principle of nonmaleficence. There is potential harm in CPR. Survivors may recover cardiac function, but sustain severe hypoxic brain damage, at worst surviving without awakening for months or years. In particular, post-traumatic CPR is associated with an extremely poor outcome, leading to the issue of futility. However, futility should be defined in a strict fashion, as there might be an individual chance of survival. The principle of respect for autonomy means the right of a patient to accept or reject medical treatment, which continues in emergency conditions and after the patient has lost consciousness. The time frame in CPR requires medical decision-making within seconds, and CPR is usually initiated without the patient's involvement. If the patient's wish's can be ascertained later on, life-sustaining therapies might be withdrawn at the time. Terminally ill but still competent patients should be encouraged to write a no-CPR document, which does not deny patients relief from severe symptoms, but might facilitate withholding resuscitative efforts at the scene. The principle of justice affects priorities in the allocation of health care resources. The decision made for a particular patient might delay or prevent emergency treatment in other patients who could receive greater benefit. CONCLUSIONS: The standard of care remains the prompt initiation of CPR. However, ethical principles such as beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice have to be applied in the unique setting of emergency medicine. Physicians have to consider the therapeutic efficacy of CPR, the potential risks, and the patient's preferences.  相似文献   

In neonates and infants, hearing impairment leads to impaired language and cognitive development. For that reason, early detection of this sensory deficit is of outstanding importance, particularly in pre-term neonates, who constitute a high risk population in regard to very early acquired hearing loss. Evoked (EOAE) and spontaneous otoacoustic emission (SOAE) recording in 93 pre-term and full-term neonates revealed that this technique is potentially useful for auditory screening in neonatology units. EOAEs and SOAEs can be recorded successfully from 30 weeks of conceptional age. SOAEs were found to be prevalent in females and presented higher peak numbers in right than in left ears. Furthermore, SOAE incidence in pre-term and full-term neonates was found to be high in EOAE positive ears, associated with strong and robust EOAEs.  相似文献   

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