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An analysis of scattering from coupled conducting cylinders near the planar interface between two semi-infinite, homogeneous halfspaces of different electromagnetic properties and from partially buried conducting cylinders is presented. The perfectly conducting cylinders of general cross sections are of infinite extent and the excitation is transverse magnetic to the cylinder axes. Coupled integral equations for the unknown current induced on the cylinders are derived and a numerical method for solving them is described. In addition, a simple technique is employed to determine the far-zone scattered field from knowledge of the cylinder current. Data displaying the distribution of the induced current and the scattered field patterns for cylinders of interest are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis is described for determining the current induced by transverse electric (TE) excitation on coupled conducting cylinders near the planar interface separating two semi-infinite homogeneous half-spaces of different electromagnetic properties and on partially buried conducting cylinders. The conducting cylinders, of general cross section, are of infinite extent and the excitation is transverse electric to the cylinder axes. Coupled integral equations for the currents induced on the cylinders are formulated and numerical methods for solving them are presented. Data showing the induced current distribution for various cylinders and media parameters of interest are presented and discussed. Relative to the homogeneous space case, the presence of the two media significantly alters the current distribution, especially near the interface  相似文献   

Multiple scattering by two conducting circular cylinders is studied by applying three different methods: the method of Zitron and Karp (ZK), the method of Karp and Russek, and an iterative method which gives the exact solution. It is found from the numerical results for the total scattering cross section that the ZK method gives very precise results even for rather largekaand smallkd, whereaanddare the radius of the cylinder and the separation between the cylinders, respectively.  相似文献   

The uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) is extended so that it can be used to calculate the scattering from an object buried in a lossy medium. First, the accuracy of this high frequency method is examined by comparing numerical results for the scattering by a polygonal cylinder in a lossy medium of infinite extent with calculations based on a method of moments (MoM) solution. Next, the more difficult scattering problem of a polygonal cylinder in a lossy half space is treated. The UTD solution for the unbounded region is employed together with the fields of rays introduced by the interface between air and the lossy medium to obtain expressions for the scattered field in air and in the lossy medium  相似文献   

In this paper,moment methods are applied to solving the electromagnetic scatteringproblems(for both E-and H-polarizations)involving partially coated conducting cylinders.Thecomputer programs have been compiled for general use.They can be used to solve the electro-magnetic scattering from uncoated,partially coated or entirely coated cylinders of arbitrary crosssectional shape.Numerical examples are also presented to show the validity and versatility of themethod.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic scattering from two adjacent cylinders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of electromagnetic scattering from two adjacent cylinders is considered. The approximate analytical scattering solutions up to second order are derived for two adjacent, long finite length cylinders. The method used can avoid the complex evaluation of scattering field under nonplane wave illustrated when calculating the secondary scattering fields. The bistatic specular scattering is discussed, and the results are compared with numerical computations based on the method of moments  相似文献   

A moment solution is presented for the problem of transverse electric (TE) scattering from homogeneous dielectric cylinders. The moment solution uses fictitious filamentary magnetic currents to simulate both the field scattered by the cylinder and the field inside the cylinder and in turn point-matches the continuity conditions for the tangential components of the electric and magnetic fields across the cylinder surface. The procedure is simple to execute and is general in that cylinders of arbitrary shape and complex permittivity can be handled effectively. Metallic cylinders are treated as reduced cases of the general procedure. Results are given and compared with available analytic solutions, which demonstrate the very good performance of the procedure  相似文献   

A multidomain pseudospectral time-domain (PSTD) method with a newly developed well-posed PML is introduced as an accurate and flexible tool for the modeling of electromagnetic scattering by 2-D objects buried in an inhomogeneous lossy medium. Compared with the previous single-domain Fourier PSTD method, this approach allows for an accurate treatment of curved geometries with subdomains, curvilinear mapping, and high-order Chebyshev polynomials. The effectiveness of the algorithm is confirmed by an excellent agreement between the numerical results and analytical solutions for perfectly conducting as well as permeable dielectric cylinders. The algorithm has been applied to model various ground-penetrating radar (GPR) applications involving curved objects in a lossy half space with an undulating surface. This multidomain PSTD algorithm is potentially a very useful tool for simulating antennas near complex objects and inhomogeneous media.  相似文献   

An integral equation formulation is used to investigate potential problems associated with low-frequency scattering by both dielectric and perfectly conducting cylinders of rectangular cross section. Induced dipoles and scattering cross sections are obtained for 1) waves withbar{E}orbar{H}parallel to the axis, and 2) directions of propagation perpendicular and parallel to the broad side of the rectangle.  相似文献   

Transient scattering by resistive cylinders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two-dimensional scattering of an electromagnetic pulse normally incident on a collection of infinitely long cylinders of arbitrary shape is considered. ForE-polarization an electric field integral equation is derived that is applicable to solid cylinders and/or thin sheets, resistive and/or perfectly conducting. The contribution of the self-cell at later times is carefully analyzed. The expression obtained represents a generalization of previously known results. For an incident Gaussian pulse, numerical results are presented for surface currents and far-fields, for perfectly conducting and resistive circular cylinders and strips. A fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm is implemented to obtain the backscattering radar cross section, which is in good agreement with results obtained from either exact continuous wave (CW) solutions or the method of moments.  相似文献   

The scattering of electromagnetic waves by inhomogeneous dielectric cylinders is formulated by the unimoment method, and the interior finite-element problem is solved in a mesh geometry that greatly increases computational efficiency. Results are presented and compared to previously reported curves.  相似文献   

Antenna pattern scattering by rectangular cylinders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) and the complex source point method are combined to predict two-dimensional (2-D) scattering by rectangular cylinders for E and H-polarized beam sources. Arrays of such beam solutions are also used to model propagation of radio beams into the shadow regions of buildings for local extended sources. Direct numerical verification of the results is obtained for square cylinders of moderate width  相似文献   

A rigorous electromagnetic model has been used to analyze the scattering from two dielectric shallow objects buried under the two-dimensional (2-D) random rough ground (3-D scattering problem) as a means of predicting false alarms. The method of moments (MoM) accelerated by the steepest descent fast multipole method (SDFMM) is used to compute the equivalent electric and magnetic surface currents on all scatterers (i.e., the rough ground and the two buried objects). The roughness parameters influence the scattering interference mechanism of the two objects, however, a large separation distance (e.g., several correlation lengths) showed stronger effect for small ground roughness.  相似文献   

The mode reflectivity of narrow stripe geometry buried-heterostructure GaAs/GaAlAs lasers was computed taking into account lateral confinement, as well as transverse confinement. The reflectivity was found to increase with increasing of the junction width, up to the broad-area value, in contrast to results obtained previously. The differences between the lowest computed reflectivities and the broad-area values were found to be 10-25 percent. Lateral confinement should therefore be considered in cases where single-mode confinement and mode reflectivity are important.  相似文献   

The problem of scattering from an infinitely long conducting cylinder that is partially buried in a perfectly conducting ground plane due to an obliquely incident gaussian beam is solved by an exact procedure based on the method of images by first adopting a simplification originally proposed by Kozaki. The incident and the specularly reflected fields are expressed in terms of cylindrical vector wave functions multiplied by a weighting function which involves the beam parameters like the radial distance of the source and beam width. The scattered fields originating from the cylinder and its image in the ground plane are expressed in terms of cylindrical vector wave functions. The boundary conditions on the surface of the cylinder are then imposed and this procedure leads to a coupled infinite system of equations for the even and odd mode expansion coefficients of the scattered field. These equations are solved numerically for the case of cylinders having electrical radius in the Rayleigh and resonance regions. Both the transverse magnetic and transverse electric polarizations of the incident beam wave are considered and some representative numerical results for the scattered far-field are presented in graphical form. The magnitude of the induced current for the TM polarization is calculated and compared with the corresponding case of plane wave incidence.  相似文献   

物体通过大雾等漫射介质的成象问题一直吸引众多研究者的注意。光学全息技术、光栅干涉仪技术已经显示出在实验室条件下的有效性。但由于所使用的设备比较复杂,很容易受外界震动的干扰,使其应用场所受到很大制约。本文提出了使用双孔散斑照相技术使物体通过漫射介质成象。用这种技术得到的实验结果显示这项技术在象的对比度方面比直接得到的象有很大提高。同时所使用的设备简单,受外界震动的影响小,因而具有很大的实用价值。  相似文献   

A solution to scattering from a cylinder buried arbitrarily in layered media with rough interfaces based on extended boundary condition method (EBCM) and scattering matrix technique is developed. The reflection and transmission matrices of arbitrary rough interfaces as well as an isolated single cylinder are constructed using EBCM and recursive T-matrix algorithm, respectively. The cylinder/rough surface interactions are taken into account by applying the generalized scattering matrix technique. The scattering matrix technique is used to cascade reflection and transmission matrices from individual systems (i.e., rough surfaces or cylinders) in order to obtain the scattering pattern from the overall system. Bistatic scattering coefficients are then obtained by incoherently averaging the power computed from the resulting Floquet modes of the overall system. In numerical simulations, the bistatic scattering coefficients are first validated by comparing the simulation results with the existing solutions which are the limiting cases including scattering from two-interface rough surfaces without any buried object and from a buried cylinder beneath a single rough surface. Subsequently, the numerical simulations of scattering from a buried cylinder in layered rough surfaces are performed to investigate the relative importance and sensitivity of various physical parameters of layered rough surfaces to incoherent scattering coefficients. Results show layered rough interfaces can significantly alter the scattering behaviors of a buried cylinder.  相似文献   

着重讨论半空间FDTD并行计算方法,入射源的特殊处理方式,和如何调节负载不平衡三个问题,给出一种简单易行的地下目标雷达散射截面的并行时域有限差分(FDTD)方案,并在北京理工大学电磁仿真中心刘徽并行计算平台上,做了具体的程序实现和数值实验,实验不仅证实了算法的精度,而且还表明并行方案的高效,即当参与计算的处理器数量达到14个时,并行效率仍然可以保持在80%以上.在此基础上,用开发的程序计算了以往串行算法无法计算的电大地下典型目标的雷达散射截面.  相似文献   

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