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旋转填充床内微观混合的数值模拟 总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2
旋转填充床作为新型的高效反应传质设备,广泛应用于快速反应过程,如制备纳米粉体材料.对旋转填充床内微观混合进行研究,有助于进一步认识旋转填充床内高度分散液体微元在填料丝网中的流动行为和分散混合机制,为旋转填充床内液液反应混合制备纳米材料提供理论基础.基于公开文献报道的实验观测结果,通过合理假设,建立了旋转填充床内微元流动的物理模型.在该物理模型的基础上,结合此前提出的湍流混合与反应模型,模拟计算了液体微元经过实验条件下50层丝网填料最终流出填料空间的浓度分布.由浓度分布得到的微观混合特征指数与实验值进行了对比,吻合良好. 相似文献
采用碘化物-碘酸盐平行竞争反应为工作体系,以离集指数(XS)表征微观混合性能,实验考察了物料体积流量、H+浓度、旋转填充床转速、物料体积流量比等对两种不同孔径的新型整体泡沫陶瓷填料旋转填充床的微观混合性能的影响。结果表明,孔径较小的泡沫陶瓷填料更利于微观混合;H+浓度、进料体积流量比的增加会导致XS增加;而旋转填充床转速、进料流量的增大都可使XS下降。在实验研究的基础上,利用团聚模型计算泡沫陶瓷填料旋转填充床微观混合时间(tm),得到tm范围为0.385~8.55 ms。与传统不锈钢丝网填料对比,泡沫陶瓷填料tm最小值(0.385 ms)低于不锈钢丝网填料的tm最小值(1.6 ms),表明泡沫陶瓷填料的微观混合性能优于传统不锈钢丝网填料。 相似文献
采用碘化物-碘酸盐平行竞争反应为工作体系,以离集指数(XS)表征微观混合性能,实验考察了物料体积流量、H+浓度、旋转填充床转速、物料体积流量比等对两种不同孔径的新型整体泡沫陶瓷填料旋转填充床的微观混合性能的影响。结果表明,孔径较小的泡沫陶瓷填料更利于微观混合;H+浓度、进料体积流量比的增加会导致XS增加;而旋转填充床转速、进料流量的增大都可使XS下降。在实验研究的基础上,利用团聚模型计算泡沫陶瓷填料旋转填充床微观混合时间(tm),得到tm范围为0.385~8.55 ms。与传统不锈钢丝网填料对比,泡沫陶瓷填料tm最小值(0.385 ms)低于不锈钢丝网填料的tm最小值(1.6 ms),表明泡沫陶瓷填料的微观混合性能优于传统不锈钢丝网填料。 相似文献
旋转填充床中微观混合实验研究 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
采用 1萘酚与对氨基苯磺酸重氮盐偶合竞争串联反应体系,对旋转填充床内的微观混合进行了实验研究,得到了转速、浓度、流量、体积比等因素对离集指数影响规律,并对之进行了合理的解释和分析。结果表明,旋转填充床中微观混合能被极大地强化,可成为适合快速反应的新一代反应器 相似文献
引 言循环流化床中气固两相的流动有两种不同的方式 :提升管中为气固并流上行的逆重力场运动 ,下行床中为气固并流下行的顺重力场运动 .其差异表现为提升管内颗粒浓度、速度以及气体速度在径向上严重的不均匀 ,颗粒浓度概率密度分布以及速度的瞬时信号都表明了颗粒团 -空穴两相结构的存在[1] ,一些研究[2 ,3] 还发现提升管中颗粒的停留时间分布 (RTD)曲线存在较大的拖尾甚至出现双峰 ,研究者认为提升管内存在弥散颗粒和颗粒团两种不同的混合机理 ;下行床则比提升管大大改善 ,气固速度、颗粒浓度沿径向分布要均匀得多 ,颗粒的RTD曲线… 相似文献
Ebrahim Alizadeh Olivier Dubé François Bertrand Jamal Chaouki 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2013,59(6):1894-1905
The mechanisms of segregation in solids mixing, even in simple rotating drums, are not clearly understood. Although most past studies have focused on binary mixtures, this work investigates the effect of polydispersity on granular flow, mixing, and segregation in a rotating drum operated in rolling regime through particle trajectories obtained from the radioactive particle tracking technique. Velocity profiles, radial segregation, and axial dispersion coefficients for monodisperse and polydisperse systems of glass beads are analyzed with respect to rotational speed and particle size. A model is introduced to predict the residence times along streamlines and evaluate the rate at which the material renews at the free surface and within the inner layers of the bed. Our results reveal similar velocity profiles and residence times for monodisperse and polydisperse systems. They also indicate that the particles distribute along the radial direction of the drum, although not necessarily in a core/shell configuration. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 1894–1905, 2013 相似文献
Rotating cones were used to carry out fibre fractionation of a 100% hardwood pulp having a consistency of 0.93± 0.02%. The unique features of the rotating cone fractionator adopted in this study were that its surface was constructed from a sieve mesh, thereby introducing a “rough” surface, and the feed pipe was located at an off-centre position to the axis of rotation. In all earlier studies reported in the literature, the fibre fractions were collected at different radial locations. However, in the present study, collection of the various fractions was made either at different radial or at angular positions. Tests were conducted for 120 mm diameter cones having a cone angle of 30°. Visual observations, photographs and fibre length measurements suggested that fibre fractionation performance strongly depended on the flow characteristics formed on and surrounding the rotating cone. In turn, they were found to be strongly dependent on the surface roughness, rotational speed and feed flow rate. Results for fibre fractionation showed quite conclusively that rotating cones made from 20-mesh and 32-mesh screens were more effective for fibre fractionation than “smooth” surface rotating cones. 相似文献
在φ80 mm×8000 mm的液固循环流化床提升管中,利用实心玻璃珠和常温水,采用实验和数值模拟相结合的方法对高密度液固循环流化床的流动特性进行了考察。实验发现,高密度液固提升管中,颗粒固含率和颗粒速度径向分布均为抛物线分布,轴向平均固含率分布总体上为下浓上稀的波动形式分布,颗粒在提升管中的流动表现出加速-减速-再加速直至充分发展的过程。这种分布特征与较高颗粒浓度、较高表观液速和颗粒循环速率及喷管式液体分布器的影响有关。液固提升管中固体颗粒的停留时间分布曲线均为尖而窄、较对称且没有明显拖尾的单峰分布,这表明颗粒基本是以弥散颗粒形式存在,颗粒停留时间分布较为均匀。通过将数值模拟结果与实验结果进行比较发现,模拟值与实验值吻合较好,说明所建立的数学模型较为合理,进一步通过数值模拟实验对颗粒密度和颗粒粒径对流动特性的影响规律进行了考察。 相似文献
The macroscopic mixing in a stirred tank with different tracer injection locations, impeller speeds and impeller positions is simulated numerically by solving the transport equation of the tracer based on the whole flow field in the baffled tank with a Rushton disk turbine numerically resolved using the improved inner-outer iterative procedure. Predicted mixing time is compared well with the literature correlations. The predicted residence time distribution of the stirred tank is very close to the present experimental results. The effect of the installation of a draft tube on the mixing time and residence time distributions is addressed. 相似文献
将折流式旋转床分成若干液体流动区,计算流动区内动、静圈壁上液膜及动、静圈之间液滴的运动时间,在此基础上建立折流式旋转床持液量模型. 以空气-水为物系,在直径300 mm、高51 mm的折流式旋转床中进行实验,分别测得不通和通空气时转子的持液量,用实验数据拟合出持液量模型参数. 结果表明,转子持液量随液量和气量增加而增加,随转子转速增加而减小,高转速下气量对持液量的影响明显减弱. 折流式旋转床不通气持液量为2.35%~3.68%,是普通丝网旋转填料床不通气持液量的1.32~2.06倍. 相似文献
Investigating the dynamics of cylindrical particles in a rotating drum using multiple radioactive particle tracking 下载免费PDF全文
Majid Rasouli Olivier Dubé François Bertrand Jamal Chaouki 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2016,62(8):2622-2634
The behavior of granular flows inside rotating drums is an ongoing area of research. Only a few studies have investigated non‐spherical particles despite the fact that particle shape is known to have a significant impact on flow behavior. In addition, the experimental techniques limit the interpretation of the results of these studies. In this work, we compared the flow behavior of cylindrical and spherical particles using the multiple radioactive particle tracking technique to capture the positions and orientations of cylindrical particles simultaneously. We analyzed two important components of the transverse flow dynamics, that is, the boundary between the active and passive layers, and the velocity profile on the free surface. For the cylindrical particles, two general models are proposed to calculate the velocity profiles on the free surface and the effective particle sizes in the active and passive layers. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 2622–2634, 2016 相似文献
搅拌釜中自浮颗粒三相体系的混合时间 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
液相混合时间是搅拌过程中的重要内容。在釜径386mm的搅拌釜内,采用热电偶温差法考察了搅拌桨型、挡板、等操作因素对自浮颗粒三相搅拌混合的液相混合时间的影响。 相似文献
齿形盘元件的局部停留时间分布 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用自制荧光检测装置在线测量含齿形盘元件(TME)的双螺杆挤出机的部分停留时间分布(PRTD),利用去卷积方法计算TME的局部停留时间分布(LRTD),并将PRTD转换成停留体积分布(RVD)和停留转数分布(RRD)。研究表明,直齿的LRTD曲线形状比斜齿更宽,其混合能力更强;喂料速率(Q)和螺杆转速(N)的提高均使LRTD曲线向短时间方向移动。等流量转速比(Q/N)的RRD和RVD曲线重合;提高Q/N,使RRD向低转数的方向移动,而RVD向高体积方向移动。对于特定螺杆构型,不同螺杆转速和喂料速率下的RVD曲线仅是体积坐标方向的平移,RVD曲线形状主要取决于螺杆构型。 相似文献
A residence time model for a rotating drum with lifting flights which includes axial displacement of airborne particles due to the drag of the gas stream has been developed in Part I of this study (Sherritt et al., 1993). Because the particles fall in curtains, the equations for single particle drag overestimated the effect of the gas stream on the displacement of the falling particles. In this paper, large scale wind tunnel experiments, which involved pouring a curtain of particles into a gas stream, indicated that the shielding effect of the curtain could be represented by a lower-than-average gas velocity within the curtain. The magnitude of the curtain shielding effect is related to the flight discharge rate, the fall distance and the flight length. Incorporating the results of the experiments into the residence time model provides a significant improvement on the effect of the gas velocity, and hence the best model available, especially for industrial-scale equipment. 相似文献