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论述了备件管理参与设备前期管理的必要性,列举了济钢第一炼钢厂备件管理参考设备前期管理的基本情况,并结合实际谈了3点体会。  相似文献   

济钢在备件管理中,以资金管理为中心,大幅度降低备件消耗,压缩库存资金,提高企业经济效益。  相似文献   

济钢装备部以“公开,公正,公平”竞争的市场化原则为指导,改革传统的采购工作模式,强化采购工作的管理,建立健全了监督制约和激励机制,增加了采购工作的透明度,自1998年以来降低设备备件采购成本10,163.10万元。  相似文献   

高钰捷 《天津冶金》2011,(2):17-19,61
济钢炼钢厂4号连铸机板坯切割车原为德国进口GEGA公司设备,以使用12年之久,存在机械电器元件老化严重、机械备件不通用等问题,故障率增高影响生产。板坯切割车通过维修改造,统一了机械备件,提高了通用性,重新选择了电器备件,解决了供应问题。改造后的板坯切割车运行良好并降低了检修次数和备件消耗。  相似文献   

济钢以各生产单位的二级库管理为对象,开发备件实物全寿命跟踪管理系统,系统包括操作管理、数据查询、统计分析三大功能模块,将备件的计划提出、检修使用、报废处理的整个设备管理活动串成一体,实现了备件全方位实时监控。通过应用,2012年上半年消化库存及修复备件2100t,削减计划276项,创经济效益5200万元。  相似文献   

介绍了济钢发挥备件管理的穿针引线作用以及计划的前瞻性作用,为公司设备高效经济运行提供了有利保障。  相似文献   

郭桂芳  吴荔 《包钢科技》2004,30(3):70-72
会计工作是企业整个生产经营管理活动中数据最集中、资料最复杂的一个子系统,会计电算化是企业实现现代化管理的必要手段.为加强备件管理,不断提高备件科学管理水平,使备件管理在保障设备稳定运行和设备检修需要的基础上,备件占用流动资金达最低.文章论述了会计电算化系统在包钢线材厂备件管理中应用过程.  相似文献   

通过对济钢一炼钢备件管理的现状分析,提出了备件ABC管理法。实施后优化了库存结构,降低了消耗、缩短了备件周转天数,提高了企业经济效益。  相似文献   

2006年设备部从设备管理中的各方面为切入点,组建了跨部门的管理类团队项目27项和技术攻关、科研攻关项目32项,涉及了设备定修管理、状态管理、设备专业管理、检修协办管理、网络管理、备件管理、费用管理、固定资产管理、ERP设备系统应用推进、设备综合管理等多方面内容,  相似文献   

ManagementPerformanceofSparePartsanditsStrengtheningSupervisionWangPingshanGuangdongXinanCold-RollingPlant在企业管理中设备管理已是一项极其重要的工作,而备件管理是设备管理的一个重要内容。设备管理已被现代企业管理学称之为“命脉管理”,备件管理与运行管理和检修管理又被称之为设备管理的三大支柱。可见搞好企业的备件管理具有十分重要的作用和意义。下面简略地谈谈备件管理的作用及如何强化备件管理。1备件管理的作用1.1提高设备的有效利用率提高备件的供应质量,组织备件的合理储备,保证满足设备的检修工作的需要…  相似文献   

Resource plannirtg and management is one of the most important ingredients for competitiveness and profitability in today's construction industry. In order to control costs, equipment and labor should be utilized in the most efficient way possible. This can be achieved by minimizing the total cost of leased resources under the constraint of maximum and most efficient use of owned equipment and contracted labor force. This paper presents a mixed‐integer linear programming model for the management of resources throughout the project life. Based on the Critical Path Method time analysis, the model derives the schedule for equipment rentals and transient resources, as well as the utilization scheme for owned equipment and other available resources. The model can be used as an estimating tool for multi‐project resource planning and sharing, and as a means to implement the most efficient utilization of resources throughout the duration of the whole project.  相似文献   

在ERP系统的PM模块投入使用后,通过不断规范设备的日常维护,以PM系统(工厂维护)模块为平台建立了基础数据和档案管理、设备状态管理、检修计划管理、检修项目及工单管理相关业务流程和相应的综合查询统计分析系统。先进的管理手段和管理制度的变革,将设备管理的各个方面集成为一个规范化、透明化的体系,提高了企业的设备管理水平,同时增强了企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

通过重新修订各项制度、明确各单位的责任、强化用电管理;通过修订和严格执行大型用电设备启停机制度;通过杜绝空负荷运转、合理避开波峰时段用电;通过采取制度约束与新技术应用并举等有效减少了电能消耗.  相似文献   

A poor scope definition in an engineering design project disrupts project rhythm, causes rework, increases project time and cost, and lowers the productivity and morale of the workforce. A quantitative measurement of the project scope is the basis for productivity modeling that involves the measurement, estimation, control, and evaluation of productivity. This paper proposes a conceptual model, the quantitative engineering project scope definition (QEPSD), to standardize the measurement of engineering project scope in construction projects, within a computer aided design environment. The QEPSD quantitatively measures engineering project scope, in terms of the complexity of design items by defining design categories and complexity functions appropriate to the particular discipline. The proposed method was originally verified and implemented specifically for steel drafting projects. Actual data was analyzed and used to demonstrate the benefits of historical data prepared using QEPSD for project scope definition. It was found that the new method led to increased utilization of previously untapped values in historical data, improving the accuracy of project scope definition, and productivity modeling. The paper concludes with a discussion of the potential benefits of adopting the QEPSD method, and its implications upon various project management functions.  相似文献   

浅谈路桥项目施工的现场管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴敏 《铜业工程》2005,(4):66-69
工程项目施工的现场管理是将设计意图转化为实际的过程,是项目管理中重要的一环。如何搞好现 场的安全、质量及进度控制,做到环环相扣,文章从技术、材料、设备、人员等7个方面进行阐述,系统地讲述了工程 项目施工在现场管理中需要运用的主要方法、手段及主要管理思路。  相似文献   

根据济钢工程建设项目设备采购管理的要求,通过对生产准备、设备制造、设备交货3个阶段交货期的严格管理,加强设备采购质量事前、事中和事后的全过程控制,促进了设备采购管理水平的持续提高,达到了加快工程项目建设的目的,确保项目按期投产达效。  相似文献   

Management and Construction of the Three Gorges Project   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The owner-responsibility system is conducted for implementation of the Three Gorges Project (TGP). For the construction management of the project, the contracting system, the contract administration system, and the construction supervision system are executed for the project management. Contractors for civil projects are determined through bidding and contracting. The permanent equipment and construction materials are purchased through bidding. Some of large-sized construction machines and mechanical and electrical equipment are procured by the international competitive bids. Qualified engineers from qualified engineering bodies, scientific research organizations, and construction companies are selected for the construction supervision. This paper covers the construction of the TGP in some detail, particularly the main dam structure, diversion work, the construction program, and management, project cost, and financing.  相似文献   

济钢工程项目设备采购稽核管理按照PDCA动态管理控制模式,从稽核管理的成因分析、风险辨识、完善流程等8个管理环节,制定了相应的管理措施。对设备采购人员以及采购过程中的设备规划与选型、采购计划、供应商选择、采购过程以及合同收尾阶段进行全面监督检查。实践表明,这种稽核管理方式实现了设备采购的闭环动态管理和管理的可控性。  相似文献   

Large scale earthmoving operations require the use of heavy and costly construction equipment. Optimum utilization of equipment is a crucial task for the project management team. It can result in substantial savings in both time and cost of earthmoving operations. This paper presents optimization model for earthmoving operations in heavy civil engineering projects. The developed model is designed to assist general contractor in optimizing planning of earthmoving operations. The model utilizes genetic algorithm, linear programming, and geographic information systems to support its management functions. The model assists in planning earthmoving operations; taking into consideration: (1) availability of resources to contractors; (2) project budget and/or time constraints, if any; (3) scope of work; (4) construction site conditions; (5) soil type; (6) project indirect cost; and (7) equipment characteristics. The model also determines the quantities of earth to be moved from different borrow pits and those to be placed at different landfill sites to meet optimization objective set by the user and to meet project constraints. The model has been implemented in prototype software, using object-oriented programming. Two numerical example projects are presented to validate and demonstrate the use of the developed model in optimizing earthmoving operations.  相似文献   

介绍了设备检修安装项目造价管理中现场工程量签证暴露的问题,进行了理论分析,并对其中的关键环节提出了改进措施,在有效缩减一定比例项目造价的同时,真实客观地反映设备检修安装工程造价。  相似文献   

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