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Four levels of N, P and K nutrition (poor, moderate, satisfactory and high) and all their possible combinations with 64 treatments in two replications (128 plots) were studied in a long term field trial on barley yield and malting quality. A standard East-European spring barley “Opal” (bred in Czechoslovakia) was grown in 1986, 13th year of the agricultural experiment, involving various crops in previous years, on a calcareous loamy chernozem soil. The optimum fertility levels for yield enhancement resulted in the poorest malting quality: low modification and extract but long saccharification time and high protein. To solve this problem the brewing industry will have to apply the well-known technological methods available since growers are not likely to give up their fertilizers. Applying soil and plant analysis data, having knowledge about both soil and plant optimum values, the danger of the excessive use of fertilizers can be realized and decreased.  相似文献   

Two six-row barley cultivars, DL 70 and C 164 were subjected to Co60 gamma irradiation in the range of 0 to 250 Krad and malted with and without gibberellic acid treatment. Barley irradiated with doses up to 75 Krad produced normal malts when compared to the controls. Irradiation doses of 125 and 250 Krad significantly increased the malt yields but considerably decreased the α-amylase activity. Gibberellic acid significantly increased the enzyme activity and degree of modification of the irradiated and the control malts.  相似文献   

In germination tests, the trichothene diacetoxyscerpanol (DAS) caused reductions in the number and total length of rootlets, and the length of the coleoptile, developing from excised barley embryos, but the effects were less than those of T-2 toxin. Rootlet and coleoptile growth was also inhibited during micromating of barley artificially contaminated with DAS before steeping, whilst α-amylase activity of finished malts were reduced by up to 49%, and α-amino nitrogen levels in worts were also lower than in controls. The effects of deoxynivalenol (DON) were less than those of DAS, e.g. the reduction in α-amylase activity caused by DON applied at the rate of 50 μg g-1 grain was less than one-half of that caused by 20 μg DAS g?1.  相似文献   

A scanning near-infrared reflectance spectrophotometer was calibrated for the prediction of barley aleurone colour and malt moisture. The malt moisture was predicted on malt ground for the determination of malt extract (coarse grind) making the method suitable for moisture correction in malt extract estimation. Calibrations for the prediction of malt extract and endosperm modification from barley and malt were also attempted. A correlation (r= 0.851 n = 135) was found between malt hot water extract and the percentage of the endosperm estimated as being modified by microscopy following staining with Calcofluor. Probably because of this influence of modification on malt extract, the use of near-infrared reflectance to predict malt extract was most successful at predicting the malt extract values obtained following micro-malting in the absence of the additives, gibberellic acid and potassium bromate.  相似文献   

The development of the microflora of barley malt was examined by direct and dilution plating. At all stages of the malting process mesophilic bacteria predominated. Viable counts of bacteria on green malt were 85–600 times greater than on the original barley, but fell to less than one-half of the original level with kilning. Corresponding increases in yeast and, especially, mould counts during malting were smaller. The yeast-like mould Geotrichum candidum was prominent in green malt. Although counts of yeasts and most moulds were considerably reduced by kilning, Mucor spp. proliferated during kilning.  相似文献   

A collaborative study is described of the use of infra-red reflectance for the evaluation of the analytical characteristics of barley and malt. Transfer of centrally-prepared calibrations to other reflectance machines was found to be possible for moisture content and protein content in barley and malt but not for malt extract or malt modification. The examination of infra-red reflectance results, obtained at different wavelengths, by step-wise ascending regression rather than step-wise descending regression showed that the former was more satisfactory, especially in being more rapid in execution.  相似文献   

Anthocyanogen and catechin contents (tanninogen values) were determined for ten two-row and thirteen six-row barleys and for their corresponding malts. Four barley-malts were then selected for brewing, one with high, one with low, and two with intermediate tanninogen contents. The brews were made using bottom-fermenting (lager) as well as top-fermenting (ale) yeasts, both at 50–55° F. and at 68° F. The quality of the beers, as expressed by standard analyses and flavour evaluation, is discussed in the light of the tanninogen contents of the barleys and the different brewing parameters (yeast type and fermentation temperature).  相似文献   

This paper presents data on barley micromalting with addition of the CELLUCLAST enzyme complex. This is a commercial, multicarbohydrase with distinct β-glucanase and proteinase activities. The enzyme was added to steeping and germination phases, in different quantities (0.05%; 0.75% and 0.1% of initial barley). The enzyme was added to different malting phases: to the 2nd and 3rd steep water, at the beginning of germination on the 1st day by spraying, on the 2nd day of germination and in combination of addition to 3rd steeping water and in germination start (50% of total quantity of each). CELLUCLAST enzyme had a significant effect on reduction of wort viscosity, extract difference, wort filterability and protein breakdown, depending on the quantity of added enzyme and the malting phase to which it was added. There was no negative effect on other malt quality parameters. The best values of cytolytic breakdown parameters (viscosity, extract difference, filtration rate) were obtained with addition of 0.075% of CELLUCLAST, on the first day of germination.  相似文献   

A range of winter barley cultivars was grown, either as pure stands or as components of mixtures, in a trial in 1995–96. For malting quality characters, mean values of mixtures did not differ from mean values of the appropriate monocultures, except for decreases in homogeneity, as determined by a fluorescence test of cell wall modification. When disease pressure was modified by fungicide, hot water extract was not significantly altered, although this may have been due to the restriction of malting to grain retained by a 2.5 mm sieve. One mixture, comprised of three related winter malting cultivars, gave higher hot water extracts than its components, as pure stands, with no adverse effects on homogeneity. This was not simply attributable to lower grain nitrogen content .  相似文献   

Fifty barley samples, displaying a range of 0 to 100% kernels infested with Fusarium, were collected in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota during the harvest of 1994. Samples were micromalted, and the levels of the fungal metabolites, deoxynivalenol and ergosterol, were determined. Fusarium infestation and the levels of fungal metabolites were evaluated as predictors of gushing in laboratory trials. Malt samples which were infested with Fusarium or contaminated with the fungal metabolites exhibited a propensity to gush. However, only the levels of deoxynivalenol and ergosterol were found to be strongly correlated with the actual amount of gushing observed. This suggests that their production may parallel that of the component which actual causes gushing, and that screening barley and malt for these metabolites, may offer a means of reducing gushing problems in the brewery. Determination of deoxynivalenol is rapid, when it is present, and necessary because of food safety and malt quality concerns.  相似文献   

A series of tests based on the changes in the characteristics of barley caused by partial malting were investigated for selection of progeny with high malting potential from a breeding programme. The characteristics of these partially-modified barleys were investigated using NearInfraRed Reflectance Spectrophotometry (NIR), Pearling Resistance (PR), changes in Viscosity of Acidic Extracts, and changes in weight and translucency of the cut surface of boiled grains. NIR carried out on “day-malts” was found to be accurate, whereas other methods were insufficiently accurate for selection.  相似文献   

When the natural barley protein, hordein, is used as a substrate for the assay of exopeptidase and endopeptidase activity in green malts, the enzymic activities found differ significantly from those obtained using non-barley substrates such as dipeptides, gelatin or haemoglobin. Malts having similar total levels of carboxypeptidases as measured using non-barley substrates showed considerable variation in the extent to which these enzymes break down barley hordein. Malts also varied more in their endopeptidase activity with hordein than in their ability to digest gelatin or haemoglobin. Analyses of hordein by gel chromatography and gel electrophoresis indicate that it consists of eight main components, which can be divided into three groups of proteins, with molecular weights in the regions of 15,000, 65,000 and ≥ 100,000. Barley samples differed in their relative contents of these proteins and this variation could be rapidly assessed using gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A detailed comparison was made of the properties of the friable flours and non-friable residues of two samples of malted barley of different nitrogen contents. The friable flours were sieved and fractionated to give a range of particle sizes, and the intact malt, whole friable flour, non-friable residues and fractionated friable flours were subjected to a range of analyses. Endosperm fractionation studies showed that the pattern of enzymic degradation of proteins in the modified friable flour of low nitrogen malt was more uniform than the corresponding pattern of protein breakdown in the friable flour of high nitrogen malt. Examination of the non friable residues showed that cell wall breakdown in the high nitrogen malt was less extensive than the low nitrogen malt. It is proposed that the high protein levels in the endosperm caused starch/protein compacting which limited endosperm hydration and enzymic modification during malting. The friability scores of high nitrogen malts may given an over estimate of endosperm modification.  相似文献   

Various tests for malting potential based on unmodified barley were evaluated. These were based on NearInfraRed Reflectance Spectrophotometry (NIR), sedimentation of meals in cold alcohol or Lactic Acid/Sodium dodecyl sulphate solution, the content of total β glucan as measured by the viscosity of acidic extracts. NIR and sedimentation in Lactic Acid/SDS were found to be the most applicable to the breeding programme at this Institute, whereas the methods based on total β glucan or sedimentation in cold alcohol were unsuitable. The method based on soluble β glucan was only suitable to a breeding programme in which parents with known high β glucan content were used. An hypothesis for the contribution of total β glucan to malting quality is presented. None of the tests investigated were affected by declining dormancy or water sensitivity in the grain.  相似文献   

Methods of assessing the brewing qualities of new varieties are reviewed. A new method for making this assessment is proposed. This is ideally a three-step process but it would be possible to eliminate the third, costly, step without severe loss of effectiveness. The use of the new method is illustrated by reference to trials using 251 samples from recent trials in France.  相似文献   

Barley was micromalted with or without gibberellic acid and with or without additions of potassium bromate. Bromate initially depressed and subsequently enhanced levels of soluble nitrogen. This can be explained by a combination of reduced proteolysis, reduced respiratory losses, reduced rootlet growth and a decline with time in the inhibitory effects of the bromate. It was most useful when applied at steep-out. Bromate added alone at steep-out enhanced malt extract. However when added with gibberellic acid (GA3) it did not increase the extract above that obtained with GA3 alone. This contrasts with industrial experience, and suggests a weakness in current micromalting techniques.  相似文献   

The malting behaviour of fifteen barley varieties widely grown between 1880 and 1980 has been compared using material grown at two sites in England in 1980. All the varieties examined were considered to be of malting quality at their time of widespread commercial use. Varieties introduced after 1950 gave higher Hot Water Extracts (mean 74·7%) than varieties introduced before 1950 (mean 71·0%), and when the yield data were included to calculate the yield of extract/ha the post-1950 varieties were found to exceed the older varieties by 48·7%. The Kolbach Index of the modern varieties was higher, although there was no evidence of an increase in cold water extract.  相似文献   

Barleys studied (Chariot and Delibes) contained different levels of extractable β-amylase enzymes. The potential levels of β-amylase enzymes of the two varieties studied were similar at 1.4 to 1.7% total nitrogen. Higher values of potential β-amylase enzyme were observed in the Delibes barley of higher total nitrogen of 1.9%. The higher level of β-amylase found in the barleys with the highest total nitrogen was not reflected in the protein banding patterns as revealed by SDS-PAGE protein fractionation. Extraction of barley proteins was largely influenced by the different extractants used. The alcohol soluble proteins, Mr 97 kDa (D-hordeins), were only extracted when mercaptoethanol was included in the extracting solution. Although barleys with the highest nitrogen (1.9%) had the highest apparent potential to develop β-amylase enzymes, the better modified low nitrogen barleys produced higher levels of β-amylase and α-amylase when malted. Dehusking revealed that the high nitrogen barleys contained more steely grains. In contrast, the low nitrogen barleys contained more mealy grains. Steely grains contained more nitrogen than mealy grains and had the greater potential to develop β-amylase. Notwithstanding, the results of this study suggested that the proteins of the lower nitrogen barleys (1.4–1.7%) were capable of producing higher levels of β-amylase and α-amylase than the higher nitrogen barleys (1.9%) over comparable periods of malting. The high apparent β-amylase potential of the barley was linked to high nitrogen levels and associated high levels of steeliness, whilst the corresponding high β-amylase levels of malt were linked to the efficiency of endosperm modification of the malted grain.  相似文献   

Determinations of milling energy, nitrogen, acid-soluble beta glucan and malt extract after micromalting, were made on grain samples of twenty nine barley cultivars. In addition the flour from unmalted grains was scanned over the near infra-red spectrum, and the scan data were subjected to a principal components analysis (PC). Predicted malt extract values resulting from an NIR multiple regression equation with PC terms, correlated well (r = 0.934) with the manual extract values. This confirms previous evidence that malt extract value depends largely on constituents in the resting grain, rather than on malt enzymes. An attempt to locate NIR absorptions relating to malting quality was made by restructuring the NIR spectrum of the samples according to the weightings modified by the regression coefficients in the PC regression equation for hot water extract value. The spectrum reconstructed in this way showed a number of absorption peaks and troughs. From comparison with previous NIR scans it was concluded that a strong peak at the wavelength 2100 nm was due to a starch absorption and this together with minor starch overtone peaks correlated positively with malt extract. Troughs at 2180 nm, 1980 nm and 1700 nm indicated a negative association between malt extract and some proteins. There were also wide troughs at 1830 and 2330 nm indicating a negative relationship between malt extract and beta glucan. Other peaks and troughs in the reconstructed spectrum could not readily be assigned to a constituent. A reconstructed protein spectrum consisted of peaks and troughs that agreed with previous assignations for protein absorbancies. A milling energy reconstruction was approximately the inverse of the malt extract spectrum, and an acid-soluble beta glucan reconstruction was relatively featureless and appeared to be due to the effects of particle size variations.  相似文献   

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