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铬鞣废液的处理与循环利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了对制革铬鞣废液的处理方法 ,由于将废液中能够污染环境的铬回收循环利用 ,从而取得了较好的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

中段废水深度处理方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
韩金梅 《中华纸业》2007,28(5):70-72
利用新型废水处理流程对制浆造纸中段废水的深度处理方法进行了初步探讨。结果表明,采用电化学催化氧化脱色物化处理、固定化微生物BAF和生物活性炭生化处理相结合的新型废水处理流程,能够实现制浆造纸中段废水的深度处理。采用该流程能够将COD含量为277~343mg/L、色度约为250倍的废水处理至COD含量40mg/L以下、同时色度稳定在10倍以内。且该流程废水处理时间较短、投资少、运行费用低。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) accounts for a large fraction of the total nitrogen discharged to surface waters by municipal wastewater treatment plants designed for biological nutrient removal (BNR). Previous research indicates that some but not all of the DON in wastewater effluent is available to bacteria and algae over time scales that are relevant to rivers and estuaries. To separate bioavailable DON from nitrate and less reactive DON species, an XAD-8 resin coupled with an anion exchange treatment was employed prior to chemical analysis and algal bioassays. Analysis of effluent samples from a range of municipal BNR plants (total DON concentrations ranging from 0.7 to 1.8 mg N/L) employing a range of technologies indicated that hydrophilic DON, which typically accounted for approximately 80% of the total DON, stimulated algal growth, whereas hydrophobic DON, which accounted for the remaining DON, remained at nearly constant concentrations and had little or no effect on algal growth during a 14-day incubation period. The hydrophobic DON exhibits characteristics of humic substances, and is likely to persist for long periods in the aquatic environment. The distinct differences between these two classes of DON may provide a basis for considering them separately in water quality models and effluent discharge regulations.  相似文献   

In this study, batch sorption experiments and X-ray adsorption spectroscopy (XAS) were utilized to investigate selenate sorption onto Shewanella putrefaciens 200R. Selenate sorption was studied as a function of pH (ranging from 3 to 7), ionic strength (ranging from 0.1 to 0.001 M), and initial selenate concentration (ranging from 10 to 5000 microM) in the absence of external electron donors. The results show that the extent of selenate sorption is strongly dependent on pH and ionic strength, with maximum sorption occurring at low pH (pH = 3) and low ionic strength (0.001 M NaCl) conditions. The strong dependence of Se sorption with ionic strength suggests the formation of outersphere complexes with the cell wall functional groups. Langmuir isotherm plots yielded log Kads values from 2.74 to 3.02. Desorption experiments demonstrated thatthe binding of selenate onto S. putrefaciens was not completely reversible. XANES analysis of the cells after sorption experiments revealed the presence of elemental selenium, indicating that S. putrefaciens has a capacity to reduce Se(VI) to Se(0) in the absence of external electron donors. We conclude that Se sorption onto S. putrefaciens cell walls is the result of the combination of outer-sphere complexation and cell surface reduction. This sorption process leads to a complex reservoir of bound Se which is not entirely reversible.  相似文献   

吴建奇 《中华纸业》2002,23(5):28-30
2.4 沼气储气罐气位控制方案对预沼气储气罐是采用气球式的气体槽收集IC反应器内所产生的沼气,是IC反应器与沼气燃烧火炬之间的缓冲区;沼气储气罐通过连续监测储罐气位的高低来反映所收集的沼气量并控制火炬系统。对预火炬控制系统是为防止沼气排放到大气的沼气燃烧控制装置,包括点火器(一种高压电脉冲输出装置用以引燃沼气)、火炬燃烧温度的连续监测、主火炬控制阀和引火阀等。对预具体控制思路为:先把沼气储罐气位从高到低分为HA、H、L、LL、LA等,当沼气储罐气位为H时,主火炬控制阀打开,随着沼气燃烧使得储罐气位为L时主…  相似文献   

The microbial ecology of nitrifying bacteria in various types of wastewater treatment processes and the dynamic response of the microbial ecology in biofilms were investigated using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. Nitrifying bacteria were found to exhibit various organizational forms under different conditions of substrate composition and concentration. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were dominant in ammonia-rich inorganic wastewater, while heterotrophic bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were localized at different positions in the biofilm in organic wastewater. The dynamics of the microbial ecology in the biofilm with regard to the spatial distribution of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria caused by a gradual change in substrate composition was successfully monitored by FISH analysis.  相似文献   

苏振华 《上海造纸》2005,36(2):47-50
在制浆造纸工业中含木素衍生物和其它化合物的废水主要来源于备木车间、机械浆车间和漂白车间.这些化合物中有许多是有毒的,这给废水生物处理带来了不利的影响,并且这些物质是废水色泽的主要来源.现有的技术很难除去,但在一种酚型氧化酶存在下曝气,可使酚型化合物聚合进而沉淀或在硫酸铝的作用下絮凝出去.  相似文献   

张芳 《中华纸业》2007,28(9):65-67
结合岳阳纸业股份有限公司污水处理系统的生产实际,分析了污水处理流程中各个构筑物和设备的能耗情况,提出了降低能耗的措施和节能途径。  相似文献   

The characteristics of granular sludge from full-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors used for the treatment of brewery wastewater were investigated. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses of settled granules from a reactor that had been treating brewery wastewater stably at COD removal rates of over 90% for more than 6 months showed that a methanogen of the genus Methanosaeta was predominant near the granule surface and that Bacteria were not abundant. The center of the granules was composed of dead or resting cells, or both, which were used as a support for active archaeal and bacterial cells near the surface. Periodic analysis of granules from full-scale plants showed that granules containing methanogens deep within them tended to float. Granules with a Bacteria layer on the surface also tended to float. On the basis of these findings, well-settled granules are considered to have methanogens that develop near the granule surface so that the gases generated during methane fermentation are readily released.  相似文献   

分析了印染厂废水处理原有设施存在的问题,结合提标改造工程,确定了对碱减量、退浆废水进行局部酸析分离的预处理工艺。在保留原来生物厌氧(兼氧)-好氧处理为主的工艺路线基础上,增设了先水解后接触氧化的综合处理单元,优化了工艺参数。实际运行表明,原废水处理设施提标改造后排放水的COD_(Cr)平均值为52 mg/L,COD去除率为93%,达标率为100%。  相似文献   

Tenderness of five veal meat cuts was determined by two groups of subjects: a panel of skilled butchers and a consumers' panel. The butchers estimated tenderness with and without assistance of visual information. For the consumers a procedure to measure the oral sensation by a forced choice method of successive comparison was developed. It was shown that: imprecision of the opinions of the consumers was greater than that of the butchers; use of additional visual information did not affect the butchers' precision; and the butchers' views of tenderness had a poor relationship to the consumers' oral perception of this quality.  相似文献   

印染废水治理中的若干问题   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
尤近仁 《印染》2004,30(8):23-25
结合印染厂废水处理改造工程的要求,分析探讨了目前国内印染废水处理工艺技术中存在的问题,诸如提高生化处理中可生化性、降低污泥产量,以及碱减量、退浆废水局部预处理等问题,提出了可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

印染废水生物处理技术的进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
冯栩  廖银章  李旭东 《印染》2006,32(15):48-51
对国内外印染废水生物治理中好氧法、厌氧法及其联合处理技术的应用和进展作了综述;总结了国内外生物强化技术的发展,包括微生物的纯培养和复合培养技术,以及微生物的固定技术;展望了生物处理的发展趋势。  相似文献   

废水催化氧化深度处理技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
制浆造纸、纺织印染、棉粕化纤等生产废水中含有难降解的大分子木质素、纤维素等,另外还有其他相当数量的难降解物质,这些物质在经生化处理后只能部分得以去除,这部分被去除的污染物并不是通过微生物的降解作用,而是靠活性污泥的吸附作用去除.故生化后废水中主要污染物是以大分子木质素、纤维素为主的难降解物质以及部分活性污泥自身氧化的细小胶体,且经一级生化处理后B/C已失调,如采用二次生化,效果甚微;实际上,这些物质不可能被普通的生物菌种在短时间内全部降解.  相似文献   

介绍了纸厂中段水处理的工艺流程,详细说明以S7-300为核心的中段水处理控制系统的硬件组成和软件设计,并在该系统中实现联锁控制,从而体现了该系统的智能化.  相似文献   

BCTMP废水处理研究和工程应用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
监测了国内某BCTMP化机浆生产线废水发生量、污染负荷。结果表明,该废水最高COD浓度6625mg/l,平均COD4622mg/l,BOD/COD为0.25,属高浓难处理有机废水。经过系统试验,提出了斜网-初沉-水解-ABR厌氧-连续SBR-混凝的化机浆废水处理新工艺,然后设计建造了总容积15000m^3的废水处理工程,处理后废水各项指标全部达到了国家标准。在制浆废水处理工程中,首次采用了ABR折流式厌氧技术,节省了工程投资和运行费用;首次采用了连续SBE技术,废水净化率高,解决了用普通活性污泥法处理高温废水易发生污泥膨胀的难题。  相似文献   

侯志和  黄志胜 《中华纸业》2001,22(11):48-49
华远造纸集团有限公司以麦草为主要原料,采用碱法蒸煮工艺生产漂白浆,在造纸和纸加工过程中产生的麦草浆中段水与铜版纸废水,溶解性有机物浓度高、悬浮物多、色度深,对环境危害严重.我公司于1998年初动工兴建了日处理2万m3的中段水处理站,采用化学絮凝处理一级沉淀,二级活性污泥生化处理的工艺路线.在试车中,我们采用同步培驯与接种培驯相结合的方法,在15天内成功地培养出了良好的活性污泥,保证了处理系统按计划正常运行,并顺利通过国家环保总局的达标验收.……  相似文献   

研制了新型具有氧化功能的药剂,适合用于废纸造纸废水的深度处理。通过与现有市售如PAC或PFS等产品进行的比较试验结果表明:该药剂具有比现有市售4种产品更好的COD去除效果,平均COD去除率较普通市售药剂提高20%以上。在与现场使用的PAC对比试验中表明:该新型氧化混凝剂均比现场PAC处理效果提高15%左右,同样达到COD90mg/L以下的要求,氧化混凝剂只需要PAC的70%用量,用药量减少30%。表现出良好的污染物去除效果。适合于废纸造纸废水的深度处理,可进一步将废水处理至COD<90mg/L。  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom, the machinery of pollution control has developed over the years in response to new, potential environmental hazards and awareness of their implications, and because of public and governmental concern at the possible effect on human health. In consequence, we are at an advanced stage in the development and adoption of environmental policies, and this paper provides an overall guide to the legislation and controls that now exist and their particular impact on the UK dairy industry is discussed.  相似文献   

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