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Water adsorption onto microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) in the moisture content (M(c)) range of 0.2-13.4 wt % was investigated by near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. In order to distinguish heavily overlapping O-H stretching bands in the NIR region due to MCC and water, principal component analysis (PCA) and generalized two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2DCOS) were applied to the obtained spectra. The NIR spectra in four adsorption stages separated by PCA were analyzed by 2DCOS. For the low M(c) range of 0.2-3.1 wt %, a decrease in the free or weakly hydrogen-bonded (H-bonded) MCC OH band, increases in the H-bonded MCC OH bands, and increases in the adsorbed water OH bands are observed. These results suggest that the inter- and intrachain H-bonds of MCC are formed by monomeric water molecule adsorption. In the M(c) range of 3.8-7.1 wt %, spectral changes in the NIR spectra reveal that the aggregation of water molecules starts at the surface of MCC. For the high M(c) range of 8.1-13.4 wt %, the NIR results suggest that the formation of bulk water occurs. It is revealed from the present study that approximately 3-7 wt % of adsorbed water is responsible for the stabilization of the H-bond network in MCC at the cellulose-water surface.  相似文献   

Sun B  Lin Y  Wu P 《Applied spectroscopy》2007,61(7):765-771
Based on a detailed study of the fundamental vibrations in the mid-infrared (MIR) region and supported by NH-proton deuteration results, the assignment of the overtone and combination bands in the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) is presented. Variable-temperature experiments and two-dimensional correlation infrared spectroscopy are used to determine the chemical mechanism and changing sequence of groups in PNIPAM; we conclude that bonded NH groups turn into free NH groups during the heating process, while the CH groups on the side-chains change prior to those on the main chains. A heterospectral dynamical correlation between the NIR and MIR regions or H-included groups in both regions was also performed. The temperature-induced dissociation of the hydrogen-bonded NH groups is found to proceed earlier than the conformational changes in the hydrocarbon chains.  相似文献   

采用粘度法和二维红外相关光谱法对胶原/羟丙甲基纤维素共混体系的相容性及相互作用进行了研究。粘度法测定结果表明,羟丙甲基纤维素含量<30%时共混体系相容,超过50%则不相容。二维红外相关光谱法的分析结果表明,当羟丙甲基纤维素含量<30%时,归属于羟丙甲基纤维素的C—O(H)伸缩振动峰1061cm-1与归属于胶原酰胺带的CO对称伸缩振动峰1660cm-1、N—H摇摆振动峰1553cm-1和N—H面内变形振动峰1238cm-1之间存在同步负交叉峰,表明胶原和羟丙甲基纤维素之间存在氢键作用;而当羟丙甲基纤维素含量>30%时,同步图中负交叉峰强度减小的同时同步峰1061cm-1的强度明显变大,表明此时羟丙甲基纤维素与胶原之间的氢键作用变弱,羟丙甲基纤维素更倾向于在自身分子之间形成氢键。  相似文献   

The dynamics of a ferroelectric liquid crystal with a naphthalene ring (FLC-3) during the electric-field-induced switching between two surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal states were investigated by time-resolved infrared (IR) spectroscopy combined with two-dimensional (2D) correlation spectroscopy. Time-resolved IR spectra of FLC-3 in a planar-aligned cell were measured as a function of the polarization angle range from 0 degree to 180 degrees under a rectangular electric field of +/- 40 V with a 5 kHz frequency in the smectic-C* (Sm-C*) phase at 137 degrees C. From these spectra we explore details about the reorientation process of the alkyl chains, the core, and the large C=O dipole moments of FLC-3 at all the delay times. The 2D correlation spectroscopy was applied to the polarization-angle-dependent spectra for different delay times and to the time-resolved spectra at certain polarization angles to reveal the relative orientation of the C=O groups and the core moiety during the electric-field-induced switching. It was found from the present study that the relative orientation of the C=O groups and the core remains unchanged during the initial period of the reorientation, while it is reversed at a certain moment and then kept unchanged again. Moreover, the alkyl chains, C=O groups, and core moieties posses different dynamics during the fast course of electric-field-induced switching by analyzing time-resolved spectra.  相似文献   

Infrared (IR) spectra of FLC-154 (FLC: ferroelectric liquid crystal) with monotropic phase transition under a nonalignment state with a sample layer thickness of 24.5 microm were measured for heating process from 55 to 90 degrees C and a cooling process from 90 to 55 degrees C in increments of 1 degrees C. The thermal dynamics of FLC-154 were investigated by use of IR spectroscopy combined with principal component analysis (PCA) and sample-sample two-dimensional (2D) correlation spectroscopy. During the cooling, the FLC-154 molecule passes through the monotropic smectic-C* (Sm-C*) phase, which is transformed from the Sm-A phase. The results from PCA suggest that during the heating process, the thermal dynamics of the alkyl chains, core moiety, and C=O groups are similar to each other. Furthermore, PCA and sample-sample 2D correlation spectroscopy indicate that the alkyl chains and C=O groups in the chiral and core moieties are responsible for the emergence of the Sm-C* phase. This conclusion is very important because the IR data have given more evident cause for the emergence of the Sm-C* phase than the theoretical models such as the molecular-statistical theory of ferroelectric ordering and the indigenous polarization theory. Moreover, it has been found that some of the trans conformations of the alkyl chains of FLC-154 change partly to the gauche conformation when the phase transition from the crystalline phase to the Sm-A phase occurs. It has also been found that the intermolecular interactions of the C=O group in the core moiety in the Sm-A phase are weaker than those in the crystalline phase and that the conformational change occurs on the C-O-C bonds in the core moiety upon going from the crystalline to the Sm-A phase.  相似文献   

The structure of water molecules in the pure liquid state has been subjected to extensive research for several decades. Questions still remain unanswered, however, and no single model has been found capable of explaining all the anomalies of water. In the present study, near-infrared spectra of water in the temperature region 6-80 degrees C have been analyzed by use of principal component analysis and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy in order to study the dynamic behavior of a band centered around 1,450 nm at room temperature, which is due to the combination of symmetric and antisymmetric O-H stretching modes (first overtone) of water. It has been found that the wavelengths 1,412 and 1,491 nm account for more than 99% of the spectral variation, representing two major water species with weaker and stronger hydrogen bonds, respectively. A third species located at 1438 nm, whose concentration was relatively constant as a function of temperature, is also indicated. A somewhat distorted two-state structural model for water is suggested.  相似文献   

陈以会  李国英 《功能材料》2012,(7):859-862,867
以N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺己二酸酯(NHS-AA)为交联剂,交联改性碱溶胶原,采用二维红外相关光谱法研究了交联对胶原二级结构的影响。研究发现,交联未影响胶原红外特征吸收峰的位置,但1672、1554和1241cm-1归属于胶原酰胺I带的CO伸缩振动、酰胺Ⅱ带的C—N伸缩与N—H弯曲振动和Ⅲ带的N—H面内变形振动峰之间存在同步正交叉峰,表明随交联共价键的增加,胶原的链段构象发生了变化。在NHS-AA用量增加的过程中,胶原二级结构变化的顺序为:酰胺Ⅲ带>酰胺Ⅰ带>酰胺Ⅱ带>—CH3>—CH—。由此可见,二维红外相关分析法能提供由交联引起的胶原构象动态变化的微观信息,为进一步研究改性胶原结构与功能之间的关系提供实验依据。  相似文献   

A curing reaction of bisphenol A diglycidyl ether epoxy resin with 4,4'-diaminodicyclohexyl methane hardener was investigated by means of modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. MDSC observation revealed that the curing process of the resin occurred in two steps. Mid-infrared and near-infrared spectra of the resin were measured as a function of temperature. The obtained spectra were analyzed by perturbation-correlation moving-window two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (PCMW2D-COS). The first step was revealed as a polymerization reaction among the oxirane group and primary and secondary amine groups, followed by etherification; the second step of the curing process occurred in the vicinity of the gelation point and was characterized by the growth of a three-dimensional cross-linking structure with tertiary amine and etherification of the hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

Wu Y  Hao YQ  Li M  Guo C  Ozaki Y 《Applied spectroscopy》2003,57(8):933-942
Infrared (IR) spectra of a supramolecular assembly with an azobenzene derivative and intermolecular hydrogen bonds have been measured in the temperature range from 30 to 200 degrees C to investigate heat-induced structural changes and thermal stability. Principal component analysis (PCA) and two kinds of two-dimensional (2D) correlation spectroscopy, variable-variable (VV) 2D and sample-sample (SS) 2D spectroscopy, have been employed to analyze the observed temperature-dependent spectral variations. The PCA and SS 2D correlation analyses have demonstrated that the complete decoupling of hydrogen bonds in the supramolecular assembly occurs between 110 and 115 degrees C, which is in good agreement with the results of a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) study for the heating process. The PCA of the IR spectra in the region of 3600-3100 cm(-1) has illustrated that there are at least four principal components for the different NH2 and CONH species in the present supramolecular system. The VV 2D correlation spectroscopy study has provided information about the structure and strength of hydrogen bonds of NH2 and CONH groups and their temperature-dependent variations. The different species of hydrogen-bonded NH2 and CONH groups in the supramolecular system can be clarified by the VV 2D correlation analysis. The VV 2D correlation analysis has also revealed the specific order of the temperature-induced changes in the hydrogen bonds of NH2 and CONH groups.  相似文献   

Li Q  Wang N  Zhou Q  Sun S  Yu Z 《Applied spectroscopy》2008,62(2):166-170
Excess infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy, a new concept brought forward by applying the idea of excess thermodynamic functions to infrared spectroscopy, is shown to be a potential method to study hydrogen bonds. It can be applied to enhance spectral resolution of complexed IR bands, to evaluate nonideality of liquid mixtures, and to estimate selective molecular interactions. The sign of the excess infrared absorption coefficient is also of importance in providing information on molecular interactions. The results demonstrate that excess infrared absorption spectroscopy can unveil new information on hydrogen bonding in condensed phases.  相似文献   

The band origins and transitions of weak vibrational modes developed in the 3500 cm(-1) region of polylactide (PLA) spectra during crystallization are investigated. The band assignment to the OH stretching mode of terminal hydroxyls is unlikely because the trace amount of chain-ends is negligible considering the long chain of high molecular weight polymer. The band intensity can be enhanced for quantitative study by increasing the sample film thickness. The results show that the transition patterns of these bands mimic those of C=O stretching modes. Therefore, these are assigned to C=O overtones. Two bands associated with crystalline and amorphous characteristics are revealed during cold crystallization. The crystalline C=O bands of PDLA and its stereocomplex counterpart are located at 3510 cm(-1) and 3482 cm(-1), respectively, indicating a weaker C=O bond in the latter crystal structure. Two-dimensional Fourier transform infrared (2D-FT-IR) correlation spectroscopy is then applied to study the correlation between C=O overtones and the crystalline characteristic band located near 900 cm(-1). The transitions of the two vibrational modes observed in crystallization of the stereocomplex are in-phase with each other. This reflects an involvement of short-range hydrogen bonding in the stereocomplex crystal structure. In contrast, crystallization of PDLA shows that the C=O overtone varies prior to that of the C-H character, indicating that dipole-dipole force is a crystal-induced interaction.  相似文献   

We report on the direct visualization of chirality changes in carbon nanotubes by mapping local changes in resonant RBM phonon frequencies with an optical resolution of 40 nm using near-field Raman spectroscopy. We observe the transition from semiconducting-to-metal and metal-to-metal chiralities at the single nanotube level. Our experimental findings, based on detecting changes in resonant RBM frequencies, are complemented by measuring changes in the G-band frequency and line shape. In addition, we observe increased Raman scattering due to local defects associated with the structural transition. From our results, we determine the spatial extent of the transition region to be Ltrans approximately 40-100 nm.  相似文献   

In this paper we report two new developments in two-dimensional (2D) correlation spectroscopy; one is the combination of the moving window concept with 2D spectroscopy to facilitate the analysis of complex data sets, and the other is the definition of the noise level in synchronous/asynchronous maps. A graphical criterion for the latter is also proposed. The combination of the moving window concept with correlation spectra allows one to split a large data matrix into smaller and simpler subsets and to analyze them instead of computing overall correlation. A three-component system that mimics a consecutive chemical reaction is used as a model for the illustration of the two ideas. Both types of correlation matrices, variable-variable and sample-sample, are analyzed, and a very good agreement between the two is met. The proposed innovations enable one to comprehend the complexity of the data to be analyzed by 2D spectroscopy and thus to avoid the risks of over-interpretation, liable to occur whenever improper caution about the number of co-existing species in the system is taken.  相似文献   

Li B  Zhang J  Hu Y  Liang Y  Ozaki Y 《Applied spectroscopy》2006,60(2):155-161
The present study attempts an application of Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy in conjunction with multivariate curve resolution (MCR) techniques to explore the structural evolution of isotactic polystyrene (iPS) during the cold crystallization process. The focus of the present study is placed on the performance of MCR techniques, e.g., orthogonal projection (OP), alternating least squares (ALS), and fixed-size moving window evolving factor analysis (FSMWEFA), and the interpretability of spectral changes in the investigated chemical process. As a result, valuable information and conclusions about the structural evolution of iPS during the crystallization process can be extracted: when the amorphous phase of iPS changes, the ordering of the phenyl rings takes place first, and then the polymer chains adjust their local conformations to form short 3(1) helix structures. Furthermore, according to intensity profiles of the spectral variations, the ordering of the phenyl rings proceeds more intensely than the formation of ordered local chains, and the structural evolution of iPS occurs even during the induction period. The spectral variations resulting from the conformational changes in the 3(1) helical structures depend on the sequence length of the helical chains: the longer the polymer chain is, the smaller the corresponding band variations are. It has been demonstrated that the combination of FTIR spectroscopy and chemometric MCR techniques is very promising for the analysis of the crystallization process of polymers. MCR is a powerful tool for analyzing and visualizing spectral data and integrating them with other information, making spectral intensity variations more amenable to interpretation in order to explore the molecular dynamics of polymers.  相似文献   

Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectra have been measured for bovine serum albumin (BSA) in an aqueous solution (pH 6.8) with a concentration of 5.0 wt% over a temperature range of 45-85 degrees C. Not only conventional spectral analysis methods, such as second-derivative spectra and difference spectra, but also chemometrics, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and evolving factor analysis (EFA), have been employed to analyze the temperature-dependent NIR spectra in the 7500-5500 and 4900-4200 cm-1 regions of the BSA aqueous solution. Intensity changes of bands in the 7200-6600 cm-1 and 4650-4500 cm-1 regions in the difference spectra indicate variations of the hydration and secondary structure of BSA in the aqueous solution, respectively. The plot of a band intensity at 7080 cm-1 in the different spectra shows a clear turning point at 63 degrees C, revealing that a significant change in the hydration occurs at about 63 degrees C. The forward and backward eigenvalues (EVs) from EFA suggest that marked changes in the hydration and secondary structure of BSA take place in the temperature ranges of 61-65 degrees C and 59-63 degrees C, respectively. In addition, the temperature of 71 degrees C marked in the EFA plots may correspond to the onset temperature of increase in the intermolecular beta-sheet structure.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2D) correlation analysis was applied to characterize the attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectral intensity fluctuations of immature and mature cotton fibers. Prior to 2D analysis, the spectra were leveled to zero at the peak intensity of 1800 cm(-1) and then were normalized at the peak intensity of 660 cm(-1) to subjectively correct the variations resulting from ATR sampling. Next, normalized spectra were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA), and two clusters of immature and mature fibers were confirmed on the basis of the first principal component (PC1) negative and positive scores, respectively. The normalized spectra clearly demonstrated the intensity increase or decrease of the bands ascribed to different C-O confirmations of primary alcohols in the 1050-950 cm(-1) region, which was not apparent from raw ATR spectra. The PC1 increasing-induced 2D correlation analysis revealed remarkable differences between the immature and mature fibers. Of interest were that: (1) Both intensity increase of two bands at 968 and 956 cm(-1) and the shifting of 968 cm(-1) in immature fibers to 956 cm(-1) in mature fibers, together with the intensity decreasing and shifting of the 1048 and 1042 cm(-1) bands, are the characteristics of cotton fiber development and maturation. (2) Intensities of most bands in the 1800-1200 cm(-1) region decreased with the fiber growth, suggesting they are from either noncellulosic components or CH and OH fractions in amorphous celluloses. (3) The reverse sequence of intensity variations of the bands in the 1100-1000 cm(-1) and 1000-900 cm(-1) region of asynchronous spectra indicated a different mechanism of compositional and structural changes in developing cotton fibers at different growth stages.  相似文献   

Our recently proposed idea of moving window two-dimensional (2D) correlation spectroscopy, which partitions a data set into series of relatively small submatrices (windows) and calculates their covariance maps in succession, is tested for three convoluted data set. Phase-transition temperatures of oleic acid and poly-(N-isopropylacrylamide) in an aqueous solution are sought by analyzing covariances of their temperature-dependent near-infrared and infrared spectra, respectively, while Raman spectra of three kinds of polyethylene (PE) pellets are investigated to find the spectral differences among them and to classify randomly ordered spectra by a sample-sample (SS) covariance map. The criterion of mean of standard deviation of covariance matrices is used as an indicator of the crucial information present in these matrices so that only a few of them are discussed in details. The results are obtained quickly after very simple calculations and are studied at length. The baseline variation is not removed prior to the calculations but is found to be of use for the determination of the phase-transition temperatures. Randomly ordered Raman spectra of the PE pellets are classified by innovatively used and interpreted SS slice spectra, with the relation to principal component analysis discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the relationship between the changes in complex viscosity and near-infrared spectra. Principal component regression analysis is applied to a near-infrared data set obtained from the in situ monitoring of the curing of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A with the diamine 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane. The values of complex viscosity obtained by dynamic mechanical analysis during the cure process were used as a reference. The near-infrared spectra recorded throughout the reaction, unlike the univariate data analysis at some wavelengths of the spectra, contain a sufficient amount of information to estimate the complex viscosity. The relationship found was high and the results demonstrate the quality of the fitted model. Also, a simple user-friendly procedure for applying the model, focused on the user, is shown.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared transmission (FT-IR) and attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectra of water-ethanol mixtures are recorded and reconstructed thanks to a causal dispersion analysis technique. As expected, the Beer's law technique is an empirical approximate method that cannot account for complex spectral features. On the other hand, a rigorous analysis performed by using the theoretical optical paths for both experimental techniques and Gaussian dispersion analysis (GDA) allows the dielectric functions of the pure liquids to be calculated. Simulations of the whole mid-infrared spectra in the range 500-4000 cm(-1) match the experimental data very well, whatever the water-ethanol mixtures. This method is a powerful tool to quantify such model mixtures and more generally could be the first step toward software for assistance to the FT-IR spectrum analysis.  相似文献   

用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)研究了3.0keV Ar离子轰击高定向裂解石墨(HOPG)引起的表面结构的变化。通过对C1sC KLL及C2s谱峰形状的定性和定量分析,表明Ar离子轰击将破坏共价π键并导致表面局域sp^2杂化C键向sp^3杂化C键转化。sp^3/sp^2之比依赖于离子轰击时间。  相似文献   

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