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The use of materials containing naturally occurring radionuclides for house construction may enhance the natural radiation background to which some population groups are exposed. External exposure results from gamma emitter radionuclides existing in the walls, floor and ceiling. Mathematical models can be used to predict external dose rates inside a room, provided the compartment geometry and the radionuclide concentration activities are known. This paper presents a methodology and a computer code for theoretical evaluation of indoor external gamma doses in the air. The room was modelled as three pairs of rectangular slabs of finite thickness. Doses were evaluated by applying a photon transport model, taking into account self-absorption and radiation build-up. Calculations were performed for 40K, 226Ra and 232Th, considering concrete walls. The results obtained show good agreement with those reported in the literature. Dose conversion factors are presented in a practical manner, ready to use for radiological impact screening.  相似文献   

Although numerous models have been developed for occupational and medical internal dosimetry, they may not be applicable to an accident situation. Published dose coefficients relate effective dose to intake, but if acute deterministic effects are possible, effective dose is not a useful parameter. Consequently, dose rates to the organs of interest need to be computed from first principles. Standard bioassay methods may be used to assess body contents, but, again, the standard models for bioassay interpretation may not be applicable because of the circumstances of the accident and the prompt initiation of decorporation therapy. Examples of modifications to the standard methodologies include adjustment of biological half-times under therapy, such as in the Goiania accident, and the same effect, complicated by continued input from contaminated wounds, in the Hanford 241Am accident.  相似文献   

Patient dose audit is an important tool for quality control and it is important to have a well-defined and easy to use method for dose measurements. In dental radiology, the most commonly used dose parameters for the setting of diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) are the entrance surface air kerma (ESAK) for intraoral examinations and dose width product (DWP) for panoramic examinations. DWP is the air kerma at the front side of the secondary collimator integrated over the collimator width and an exposure cycle. ESAK or DWP is usually measured in the absence of the patient but with the same settings of tube voltage (kV), tube current (mA) and exposure time as with the patient present. Neither of these methods is easy to use, and, in addition, DWP is not a risk related quantity. A better method of monitoring patient dose would be to use a dose area product (DAP) meter for all types of dental examinations. In this study, measurements with a DAP meter are reported for intraoral and panoramic examinations. The DWP is also measured with a pencil ionisation chamber and the product of DWP and the height H (DWP x H) of the secondary collimator (measured using film) was compared to DAP. The results show that it is feasible to measure DAP using a DAP meter for both intraoral and panoramic examinations. The DAP is therefore recommended for the setting of DRLs.  相似文献   

The average outdoor absorbed dose rate in air and the average annual effective dose equivalent due to terrestrial gamma radiation from 40K, 238U and 232Th in rocks in Ondo and Ekiti States, Southwestern Nigeria have been evaluated from measurements of the concentrations of these radionuclides in this environmental material. The concentration measurements were obtained using a very sensitive gamma spectroscopic system consisting of a 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm NaI(Tl) scintillation detector coupled to a computerised ACCUSPEC installation. The average absorbed dose rate and average annual effective dose equivalent was found to be 8.33 +/- 2.76 nGy x h(-1) and 8.7 +/- 2.9 microSv x y(-1) respectively.  相似文献   

Across the globe nuclear utilities are in the process of designing and analysing Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSI) for the purpose of above ground spent-fuel storage primarily to mitigate the filling of spent-fuel pools. Using a conjoining of discrete ordinates transport theory (DORT) and Monte Carlo (MCNP) techniques, an ISFSI was analysed to determine neutron and photon dose rates for a generic overpack, and ISFSI pad configuration and design at distances ranging from 1 to -1700 m from the ISFSI array. The calculated dose rates are used to address the requirements of 10CFR72.104, which provides limits to be enforced for the protection of the public by the NRC in regard to ISFSI facilities. For this overpack, dose rates decrease by three orders of magnitude through the first 200 m moving away from the ISFSI. In addition, the contributions from different source terms changes over distance. It can be observed that although side photons provide the majority of dose rate in this calculation, scattered photons and side neutrons take on more importance as the distance from the ISFSI is increased.  相似文献   

Absorbed dose is a quantity which is scientifically rigorously defined and used to quantify the exposure of biological objects, including humans, to ionising radiation. There is, however, no unique relationship between absorbed dose and induced biological effects. The effects induced by a given absorbed dose to a given biological object depend also on radiation quality and temporal distribution of the irradiation. In radiation therapy, empirical approaches are still used today to account for these dependencies in practice. In hadron therapy (neutrons, protons, ions), radiation quality is accounted for with a diversity of (almost hospital specific) methods. The necessity to account for temporal aspects is well known in external beam therapy and in high dose rate brachytherapy. The paper reviews the approaches for weighting the absorbed dose in radiation therapy, and focusses on the clinical aspects of these approaches, in particular the accuracy requirements.  相似文献   

To determine effective dose, we usually need to use a very complicated human body model and a sophisticated computer code to transport radiations in the body model and surrounding medium, which is not very easy to practicing health physicists in the field. This study develops and tests a software package, called PRDC (Personnel Radiation Dose Calculation), which calculates effective dose and radiation doses to various organs/tissues and personal dosemeters based on a series of interpolations.  相似文献   

Values for the dose equivalent are required for radiation protection purposes, but determination of such values can be quite difficult for high energy radiations. The accurate determination of personal dose equivalents in accelerator radiation fields requires the propel use of appropriate radiological quantities and units, knowledge of the dose equivalent response of the personal dosemeters used, measurement or calculation of the fluence spectrum in the workplace and the fluence spectrum of the reference radiation used to calibrate the dosemeters, in addition to knowledge of the appropriate fluence-to-dose equivalent conversion coefficients. This information can then be used to select the appropriate dosemeters, set up the optimum calibration conditions, or to establish correction factors that account for differences in the calibration and workplace fluence spectra. High energy neutrons account for a significant fraction of the dose equivalent received by workers at accelerator facilities, and this work discusses the procedures and methods needed to determine dose equivalent produced by neutrons in the vicinity of high energy particle accclerators.  相似文献   

To find if factorial experiments can be used in the optimisation of diagnostic imaging, a factorial experiment was performed to investigate some of the factors that influence image quality, kerma area product (KAP) and effective dose (E). In a factorial experiment the factors are varied together instead of one at a time, making it possible to discover interactions between the factors as well as major effects. The factors studied were tube potential, tube loading, focus size and filtration. Each factor was set to two levels (low and high). The influence of the factors on the response variables (image quality, KAP and E) was studied using a direct digital detector. The major effects of each factor on the response variables were estimated as well as the interaction effects between factors. The image quality, KAP and E were mainly influenced by tube loading, tube potential and filtration. There were some active interactions, for example, between tube potential and filtration and between tube loading and filtration. The study shows that factorial experiments can be used to predict the influence of various parameters on image quality and radiation dose.  相似文献   

Since patient doses from computed tomography (CT) are relatively high, risk-benefit analysis requires dose to patients and image quality be optimised. The aim of this study was to develop a patient-dependent optimisation technique that uses patient diameter to select a combination of CT scanning parameters that minimise dose delivered to patients undergoing abdominal CT examinations. The study was performed using cylindrical phantoms of diameters ranging from 16 to 40 cm in order to establish the relationship between image degradation, CT scanning techniques, patient dose and patient size from two CT scanners. These relationships were established by scanning the phantoms using standard scanning technique followed by selected combinations of scanning parameters. The image noises through phantom images were determined using region of interest software available in both scanners. The energy depositions to the X-ray detector through phantoms were determined from measurements of CT dose index in air corrected for attenuation of the phantom materials. The results demonstrate that exposure settings (milliampere seconds) could be reduced by up to 82 % for smaller phantom relative to standard milliampere seconds, while detector signal could be reduced by up to 93 % for smaller phantom relative to energy depositions required when scanned using standard scanning protocols. It was further revealed that the use of the object-specific scanning parameters on studies performed with phantom of different diameters could reduce the incident radiation to small size object by up to 86 % to obtain the same image quality required for standard adult object. In view of the earlier mentioned fact, substantial dose saving from small-sized adults and children patients undergoing abdomen CT examinations could be achieved through optimal adjustment of CT scanning technique based on the patient transverse diameter.  相似文献   

Doses received on-board aeroplanes during deep Forbush decreases (FDs) have been recently measured and published. Using an operational model of dose calculation, the effects on aviation dose of the FDs observed from 1981 to 2003 using neutron monitors are studied and a simplified method to estimate dose variations from galactic cosmic ray variations during FDs is derived.  相似文献   

对辐照加固的部分耗尽(Partially Depleted)SOI 8位微控制器(MCU)的总剂量辐照特性进行研究.该微控制器功能完全兼容intel MCS-51系列的80C51微控制器,采用1.2μm辐照加固的PDSOI CMOS工艺技术制备,芯片尺寸约为6.4mm×6.8mm.对该微控制器及同工艺条件下的MOSFET进行Co60辐照试验表明,在工作电压5V下,其总剂量加固水平高达1×106rad(Si),完全满足航空航天领域应用的要求.  相似文献   

本文简单介绍对加速器的立体定向治疗计划的输出剂量进行的验证测量,其测量结果和治疗计划预制输出剂量在-1 1%内吻合。并利用胶片法测量了立体定向治疗计划的输出剂量的分布,其测量结果与治疗计划输出剂量分布的80%等剂量曲线面积重合率为94%,得到较满意的结果。  相似文献   

本文简单介绍对加速器的立体定向治疗计划的输出剂量进行的验证测量,其测量结果和治疗计划预制输出剂量在-1.1%内吻合。并利用胶片法测量了立体定向治疗计划的输出剂量的分布,其测量结果与治疗计划输出剂量分布的80%等剂量曲线面积重合率为94%,得到较满意的结果。  相似文献   

Many of the X-ray systems that are used for cardiac interventional radiology provide no way to evaluate the patient maximum skin dose (MSD). The authors report a new method for evaluating the MSD by using the cumulative patient entrance skin dose (ESD), which includes a back-scatter factor and the number of cineangiography frames during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Four hundred consecutive PCI patients (315 men and 85 women) were studied. The correlation between the cumulative ESD and number of cineangiography frames was investigated. The irradiation and overlapping fields were verified using dose-mapping software. A good correlation was found between the cumulative ESD and the number of cineangiography frames. The MSD could be estimated using the proportion of cineangiography frames used for the main angle of view relative to the total number of cineangiography frames and multiplying this by the cumulative ESD. The average MSD (3.0 ± 1.9 Gy) was lower than the average cumulative ESD (4.6 ± 2.6 Gy). This method is an easy way to estimate the MSD during PCI.  相似文献   

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