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A combinatorial library of an {alpha}-helical bacterial receptor domain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The construction and characterization of a combinatorial libraryof a solvent-exposed surface of an -helical domain derived froma bacterial receptor is described. Using a novel solid-phaseapproach, the library was assembled in a directed and successivemanner utilizing single-stranded oligonucleotides containingmultiple random substitutions for the variegated segments ofthe gene fragment The simultaneous substitution of 13 residuesto all 20 possible amino acids was carried out in a region spanning81 nucleotides. The randomization was made in codons for aminoacids that were modelled to be solvent accessible at a surfacemade up from two of the three a-helices of a monovalent Fc-bindingdomain of staphylococcal protein A. After cloning of the PCR-amplifiedlibrary into a phagemid vector adapted for phage display ofthe mutants, DNA sequencing analysis suggested a random distributionof codons in the mutagenized positions. Four members of thelibrary with multiple substitutions were produced in Escherichiacoli as fusions to an albumin-binding affinity tag derived fromstreptococcal protein G. The fusion proteins were purified byhuman serum albumin affinity chromatography and subsequentlycharacterized by SDSelectrophoresis, CD spectroscopy and biosensoranalysis. The analyses showed that the mutant protein A derivativescould all be secreted as soluble full-length proteins. Furthermore,the CD analysis showed that all mutants, except one with a prolineintroduced into helix 2, have secondary structures in closeagreement with the wild-type domain. These results proved thatmembers of this -helical receptor library with multiple substitutionsin the solvent-exposed surface remain stable and soluble inE.coli. The possibility of using this library for a phenotypicselection strategy to obtain artificial antibodies with novelfunctions is discussed.  相似文献   

To understand the functional roles of Cys residues in the subunitof tryptophan synthase from Escherichia coli, single mutantsof the subunit, in which each of the three Cys residues wassubstituted with Ser, Gly, Ala or Val, were constructed by site-directedmutagenesis. The effects of the substitutions on the functionof tryptophan synthase were investigated by activity measurements,calorimetric measurements of association with the ßsubunit and steadystate kinetic analysis of catalysis. Althoughthe three Cys residues are located away from the apparentlyimportant parts for enzymatic activity, substitutions at position81 by Ser, Ala or Val caused decreases in the intrinsic activityof the subunit. Furthermore, Cys81Ser and Cys81Val reducedstimulation activities in the and ß reactions dueto formation of a complex with the ß subunit. Thelower stimulation activities of the mutant proteins were notcorrelated with their abilities to associate with the ßsubunit but were correlated with decreases in kcat. The presentresults suggest that position 81 plays an indirectly importantrole in the activity of the subunit itself and the mutual activationmechanism of the complex.  相似文献   

The {alpha}/{beta} hydrolase fold   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have identified a new protein fold—the /ßhydrolase fold—that is common to several hydrolytic enzymesof widely differing phylogenetic origin and catalytic function.The core of each enzyme is similar: an /ß sheet, notbarrel, of eight ß-sheets connected by -helices. Theseenzymes have diverged from a common ancestor so as to preservethe arrangement of the catalytic residues, not the binding site.They all have a catalytic triad, the elements of which are borneon loops which are the best-conserved structural features inthe fold. Only the histidine in the nucleophile-histidine-acidcatalytic triad is completely conserved, with the nucleophileand acid loops accommodating more than one type of amino acid.The unique topological and sequence arrangement of the triadresidues produces a catalytic triad which is, in a sense, amirror-image of the serine protease catalytic triad. There arenow four groups of enzymes which contain catalytic triads andwhich are related by convergent evolution towards a stable,useful active site: the eukaryotic serine proteases, the cysteineproteases, subtilisins and the /ß hydrolase fold enzymes.  相似文献   

Composition analysis of {alpha}-helices in thermophilic organisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a statistical comparison of the amino acid compositionin a secondary structure element, the -helix, of proteins stableat high temperatures with those which are less so. This studyhas shown that the temperature-dependent Zimm-Bragg helix propagationvalue s is not a good predictor for the helix-forming tendencyof an amino acid in thermostable proteins. However, we haveshown that s, the change in s from 20 to 60°C, accuratelypredicts the direction of the probability shift for 15 aminoacids in thermostable protein a-helices, although it does notpredict the magnitude of that change. The residues tyrosine,glycine and glutamine show a significant increase in residencyin a-helices for thermostable proteins over their nonthermostablecounterparts. Significant decreases in -helix residency occurfor the residues valine, glutamic acid, histidine, cysteineand aspartic acid in proteins from thermophilic organisms. Aromaticinteractions, hydrogen bonding and a reduction of charge mayexplain the increase observed for tyrosine and glutamine andthe decrease in glutamic acid and aspartic acid, although packingconsiderations cannot be ruled out The only physical explanationfor the increase in glycine would seem to be its positive svalue  相似文献   

We have cloned the rabbit IL-1ß cDNA, which encodesa 268 amino acid precursor similar in length to other sequencedIL-1 precursors. Comparison of all published IL-1 and IL-1ßsequences respectively indicates that the IL-1 gene family isevolving faster than the IL-1ß family, and that thetwo genes diverged –270 million years ago. Surprisingly,there are differences in the regions preferentially conservedwithin the two families. The IL-1 family is most conserved atthe amino terminus whereas the IL-1ß family is mostconserved in the carboxy-terminal half. This is despite thefact that the carboxy-terminal half encodes the active portionof both molecules and would be expected to adopt a similar ß-sheetstructure in IL-1 as in the published X-ray structure of matureIL-1ß. These findings suggest that differences inthe function and properties of the IL-1 and IL-1ßprecursor molecules may have been conserved. These differencesmay therefore provide an explanation for the existence of twoIL-1 molecules.  相似文献   

The gene for insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) was constructedfrom chemically synthesized deoxyoligonucleotides and expressedin Escherichia coli, under the control of a trp promoter, asa set of fusion proteins which were connected with a portionof human growth hormone through the recognition sequence fora sequence-specific protease, either blood coagulation factorXa or -thrombin. Upon induction with 3-indoleacrylic acid, fusionproteins accumulated with a yield of 10–30% of the totalprotein. A fusion protein connected through a tetradecapeptide(Asp-Asp-Pro-Pro-Thr-Val-Glu-Leu-Gln-Gly-Leu-Val-Pro-Arg) wasefficiently and correctly cleaved by -thrombin, and the purifiedIGF-I possessed somatomedin-like activity, as determined bythe enhancement of sulfation of glycosaminoglycans in culturedcostal chondrocytes from rabbits.  相似文献   

Thrombin displays remarkable specificity, effecting the removalof fibrinopeptides A and B of fibrinogen through the selectivecleavage of two Arg–Gly bonds between the 181 Arg/Lys–Xaabonds in fibrinogen. Significant advances have been made inrecent years towards understanding the origin of the specificityof cleavage of the Argl6–Gly17 bond of the A-chain ofhuman fibrinogen. We have previously proposed a model for thebound structure of fibrinopeptide A7–16 (FPA), based uponNMR data, computer-assisted molecular modeling and the synthesisand study of peptidomimetic substrates and inhibitors of thrombin.We now report the structure of the ternary complex of an FPAmimetic (FPAM), hirugen and thrombin at 2.5 Å resolution(R-factor = 0.138) and specificity data for the inhibition ofthrombin and related trypsin-like proteinases by FPAM. The crystallographicstructures of FPA and its chloromethyl ketone derivative boundto thrombin were determined. Although there are differencesbetween these structures in the above modeled FPA structureand that of the crystal structure of FPAM bound to thrombin,the , angles in the critical region of P1–P2–P3in all of the structures are similar to those of bovine pancreatictrypsin inhibitor (BPTI) in the BPTI–trypsin complex andD–Phe–Pro–Arg (PPACK) in the PPACK–thrombinstructure. A comparison between these and an NMR-derived structureis carried out and discussed.  相似文献   

Mouse 1–30-horse 31–141 chimeric -chain, a semisyntheticsuper-inhibitory -chain, inhibits ßS-chain dependent polymerizationbetter than both parent -chains. Although contact site sequencedifferences are absent in the 1–30 region of the chimericchain, the four sequence differences of the region 17-22 couldinduce perturbations of the side chains at 16, 20 and 23, thethree contact sites of the region. A synergistic complementationof such contact site perturbation with that of horse 31–141probably results in the super-inhibitory activity of the chimeric-chain. The inhibitory contact site sequence differences, bythemselves, could also exhibit similar synergistic complementation.Accordingly, the polymerization inhibitory activity of Hb Le-Lamentin(LM) mutation [His20()Gln], a contact site sequence difference,engineered into human–horse chimeric -chain has been investigatedto map such a synergistic complementation. Gln20() has littleeffect on the O2 affinity of HbS, but in human–horse chimeric-chain it reduces the O2 affinity slightly. In the chimeric-chain, Gln20() increased sensitivity of the ßßcleft for the DPG influence, reflecting a cross-talk betweenthe 1ß1 interface and ßß cleft in this semisyntheticchimeric HbS. In the human -chain frame, the polymerizationinhibitory activity of Gln20() is higher compared with horse1–30, but lower than mouse 1–30. Gln20() synergisticallycomplements the inhibitory propensity of horse 31–141.However, the inhibitory activity of LM–horse chimeric-chain is still lower than that of mouse–horse chimeric-chain. Therefore, perturbation of multiple contact sites inthe 1–30 region of the mouse–horse chimeric -chainand its linkage with the inhibitory propensity of horse 31–141has been now invoked to explain the super-inhibitory activityof the chimeric -chain. The `linkage-map' of contact sites canserve as a blueprint for designing synergistic complementationof multiple contact sites into -chains as a strategy for generatingsuper-inhibitory antisickling hemoglobins for gene therapy ofsickle cell disease.  相似文献   

A method for assessing the environmental properties of membrane-spanning-helical peptides in proteins has beenproposed. The algorithmemploys a set of environmental preference parameters derivedfor amino acid residues based on the analysis of the 3-D structuresof membrane domains in bacteriorhodopsin and photoreaction centersRhodopseudomonasviridis and Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The resulting3-D–1-D scores for transmembrane segments are significantlydifferent from those derived for -helices in globular proteins.The parameters obtained havebeen used to construct environmentalprofiles for membrane -helices in bacteriorhodopsin and photoreactioncenters. The profiles successfully recognize their own sequencesin several specially designed large databases. The method hasbeenapplied to several membrane proteins with unknown spatial structures.Most of their membrane-spanning peptides were efficiently recognizedby the profiles. The predicted environment of the residues inthe membrane segments fits the experimental data well. The approachis independent of any homology data and can be employed to delineatethe membrane segments of a protein with environmental characteristicsclose to those of bacteriorhodopsin and photoreaction centers.The alignment of these segments with the reference profilesprovides a considerable amount of data about their lipid andprotein exposure.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of detailed stereochemical analysisof structures and sequences of --hairpins with short connections.It is shown that --hairpins of each given type have very similarpatterns of hydrophobic, hydrophilic and glycine residues intheir amino acid sequences. These results can be used in theprediction of --hairpin conformation as well as in protein designand engineering.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the mature region of goat -lactalbumin and the3'-non-coding region was fused to cDNA of the N-terminal halfof porcine adenylate kinase which had been placed under thecontrol of the tac promoter in an expression vector in Escherichiacoli. In addition, a methionine codon was inserted between thetwo cDNAs. When the plasmid carried the full-length 3'-non-codingregion, little accumulation of the fused protein was observed.However, the deletion of two-thirds of the 3'-non-coding regionproduced significant expression of the fused protein in E.colistrain JM105. Since goat -lactalbumin contains no methionineresidue, the mature goat -lactalbumin was isolated by CNBr digestionof the fused insoluble protein and refolded using thioredoxin.The homogeneous and biologically active goat -lactalbumin waspurified by Ca2+ ion-dependent hydrophobic chromatography.  相似文献   

-Lactalbumins and the type-c lysozymes are homologues with similarfolds that differ in function and stability. To determine ifthe lower stability of -lactalbumin results from specific substitutionsrequired for its adaptation to a new function, the effects oflysozyme-based and other substitutions on thermal stabilitywere determined. Unblocking the upper cleft in -lactalbuminby replacing Tyr103 with Ala, perturbs stability and structurebut Pro, which also generates an open cleft, is compatible withnormal structure and activity. These effects appear to reflectalternative enthalpic and entropic forms of structural stabilizationby Tyr and Pro. Of 23 mutations, only three, which involve substitutionsfor residues in flexible substructures adjacent to the functionalsite, increase stability. Two are lysozyme-based substitutionsfor Leu110, a component of a region with alternative helix andloop conformations, and one is Asn for Lys114, a residue whosemicroenvironment changes when -lactalbumin interacts with itstarget enzyme. While all substitutions for Leu110 perturb activity,a Lys114 to Asn mutation increases Tm by more than 10°Cand reduces activity, but two other destabilizing substitutionsdo not affect activity. It is proposed that increased stabilityand reduced activity in Lys114Asn result from reduced flexibilityin the functional site of -lactalbumin.  相似文献   

In previous studies, the replacement of His35 in the pore-formingprotein -hemolysin (HL) with Leu, lie, Pro, Arg, Ser, Thr orCys yielded inactive polypeptides. Here, we show that modificationof the inactive single-cysteine mutant HL-H35C with iodoacetamide,to form H35CamC, generates significant pore-forming activity.The closely related polypeptides H35N and H35Q have, respectively,essentially no activity and greatly reduced activity. The modifiedresidue in H35CamC, S-carboxamidomethylcysteine, mimicks histidinein volume, polarity and hydrogen bonding potential, but is unableto ionize. Unmodified H35C is defective in the final step ofpore formation: the conversion of an inactive heptameric membrane-boundassembly intermediate to a structure containing open channels.It is this step in assembly, that is ameliorated in H35CamC.  相似文献   

A DNA sequence coding for human -fetoprotein amino acid sequence38–119 was synthesized and cloned in a bacterial expressionvector. The -fetoprotein sequence was selected as the leasthomologous to albumin, since the two proteins have an overallamino acid identity of %. A chimeric protein was obtained whichwas purified by preparative electrophoresis and characterizedin its primary structure by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry.About 70% of the -fetoprotein sequence was physically mappedand found to correspond to the amino acids encoded in the syntheticgene. The use of this recombinant protein allowed the selectionof monoclonal antibodies recognizing both the recombinant fragmentand native -fetoprotein. These antibodies should allow the developmentof an immunoassay for -fetoprotein with absolute selectivityversus albumin. This might result in more sensitive clinicaldeterminations, avoiding the possibility of cross-reactions.  相似文献   

Bacterial cell-surface exposure of foreign peptides and solubleproteins has been achieved recently by employing a fusion proteinmethodology. An Lpp'–OmpA(46–159)–Bla fusionprotein has been shown previously to display the normally periplasmicenzyme ß-lactamase (Bla) on the cell surface of theGram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli. Here, we have investigatedthe role of the OmpA domain of the tripartite fusion proteinin the surface display of the passenger domain (Bla) and havecharacterized the effects of the fusion proteins on the integrityand permeability of the outer membrane. We show that in additionto OmpA(46–159), a second OmpA segment, consisting ofamino acids 46–66, can also mediate the display of Blaon the cell surface. Other OmpA domains of various lengths (aminoacids 46–84, 46–109, 46–128, 46–141and 46–145) either anchored the Bla domain on the periplasmicface of the outer membrane or caused a major disruption of theouter membrane, allowing the penetration of antibodies intothe cell. Detergent and antibiotic sensitivity and periplasmicleakage assays showed that changes in the permeability of theouter membrane are an unavoidable consequence of displayinga large periplasmic protein on the surface of E.coli. This isthe first systematic report on the effects that cell surfaceengineering may have on the integrity and permeability propertiesof bacterial outer membranes.  相似文献   

The packing of four -helices, which each consist of 12 Ala residuesand are sequentially connected to each other by a segment of10 Ala residues, has been investigated by means of energy minimizations.For the lowest energy structure thus obtained, the followingfeatures have been found: (i) the four -helices are intimatelypacked to form an assembly with an approximately square section;(ii) the distances of closest approach between two adjacentinterhelix axes are 7.7±0.2 Å and those betweentwo diagonal interhelix axes are 11.2±0.2 Å; (iii)the adjacent interhelix angles are -163±2°; and (iv)the diagonal interhelix angles are 24±4°. These resultsindicate that the polypeptide chain, driven by energetics (nonbondedand electrostatic interactions), is folded into a typical left-handedtwisted four-helix bundle with an {small tilde}4-fold symmetricarray, as observed in most four -helix proteins. Furthermore,it has been found that the interaction between the loops formedby the connecting segments and the other part of molecule playsa significant role in stabilizing such a bundle structure. Thetechnology developed here and the relevant knowledge obtainedthrough this study are very useful for the study of modelingfour-helix bundle proteins.  相似文献   

We examined the independent self-assembly of the - and ß-fragmentsof human metallothionein (MT) into cadmiumbinding conformationin an Escherichia coli expression system, in addition to wild-typeMT expression. The expressed -fragment formed independentlythe structure of a metal-binding cluster without the aid ofthe ß-fragment. The -fragment and wild-type MT expressedin E.coli were purified and analyzed for their biochemical andspectroscopic properties. The apparent cadmium binding of the-fragment was approximately 12-fold greater than that for thewild-type MT, whereas in other respects the studied biochemicalproperties were similar. In contrast, we were unable to obtainany independently expressed ß-fragment as the cadmium-bindingform in this study. Possible explanations for this phenomenonare discussed.  相似文献   

An automatic procedure for building polyalanine backbones fromguiding -carbon positions is presented. Polyalanine backbonesare built based on the geometric restraints of angle N-C-C andthe knowledge of main-chain dihedral angle distributions. Abuilding module constructs a list of polyalanine backbones thatfollow exactly the C trace. Then a selection module selectsone backbone with the largest portion of phi-psi pairs in favouredregions. Several test cases on C coordinates from X-ray refinedstructures give acceptable results. Less than 10% of the peptideplanes are incorrectly built, and the result is not sensitiveto random shift up to 0.5 Å of C coordinates.  相似文献   

Bacterial luciferase (EC 1.14.143) is a heterodimer composedof and ß-chains encoded by luxA and luxB, respectively.Although some interspecific combinations of these subunits leadto active enzyme, others do not. The ß subunits ofVibrio fischeri and Photobacterium leiognathi form active enzymewith the subunits of V.fischeri, P.leiognathi and Vibrio harveyi,while the ß subunit from V.harveyi only complementsthe subunit of V.harveyi. Inactivity is caused by a lack ofdimerization of the ß subunit of V.harveyi with the subunits of V.fischeri and P.leiognathi. These observationsserved as the basis for a search to discover which segment ofthe ß polypeptide confers the ability to dimerizewith the subunits of V.fischeri and P.leiognathi. Intragenicß subunit hybrids were made between V.harveyi, V.fischeriand P.leiognathi. Unique restriction sites were introduced intothe respective luxB genes to divide them into four roughly equalsegments. In all, 78 hybrids were constructed by in vitro techniques.The N-terminal segment of the peptide contains the signals thatdifferentiate between the ß subunits of V.fischeriand P.leiognathi and the ß subunit of V.harveyi, andallow the former to dimerize with their a subunits. The secondsegment has no major effect on enzyme activity but does exhibitsome context effects. Important interactions were found betweenthe third and fourth segments of the polypeptide with respectto enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

The differences in conformation between -human atrial natriureticpolypeptide (-hANP) and its inactive analog, Met(O)--hANP, havebeen analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Allproton resonances for both peptides were assigned by means ofthe sequential assignment procedure. The three-dimensional structureof -hANP in solution had previously been determined by distancegeometry calculation using distance constraints derived fromnuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs). Here, the three-dimensionalstructure of Met(O)--hANP was determined. The conformationaldifferences between these two molecules were as follows: threesegments of -hANP, Serl–Cys7, Arg11–Ala17 and Gln18–Tyr28,have some ordered structures. In Met(O)--hANP the Gln18-Tyr28region has a similar conformation, while the remaining two regionsdo not have the ordered structure found in -hANP. It is suggestedthat the conserved conformation of the Gln18–Tyr28 regionis required for binding to the ANP receptor and that the slightbiological activity of Met(O)-a-hANP is due to loss of the orderedstructures evoked in the Serl–Cys7 and Arg11–Ala17regions of -hANP.  相似文献   

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