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Numerous investigations have demonstrated the role of thrombus formation in the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease (CHD). A tendency to thrombosis may also be indicated by elevated levels of coagulation factor VII clotting activity (FVIIc). Significant associations of FVIIc with increased coronary risk, however, have been found only in the Northwick Park Heart Study. Here we present the results of the 8-year follow-up of FVIIc measurements in 2780 healthy men of the Prospective Cardiovascular Münster study. In the study population (age at entry, 49.3 +/- 6.1 years, mean +/- SD), 130 CHD events occurred during follow-up. FVIIc was significantly higher in subjects with coronary events than in those without (112.4 +/- 20.1% vs 108.7 +/- 21.4%, P = .023). Compared with individuals without coronary events, FVIIc was not significantly higher in men with nonfatal events (111.7 +/- 20.4%; P = .196, n = 93), but there was a tendency toward higher FVIIc activity in subjects with fatal events (114.6 +/- 19.5%; P = .076, n = 37). In the multiple logistic regression analysis, we did not find FVIIc to be an independent risk factor for CHD, and the significance of FVIIc disappeared after total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides were taken into account. The increase in the number of CHD events through higher levels of FVIIc was more pronounced in the presence of additional cardiovascular risk factors: smoking; myocardial infarction events in family; angina pectoris; high levels of fibrinogen, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides; and a low level of HDL cholesterol. We conclude that FVIIc is a risk factor for CHD, especially in the presence of additional risk factors, and must be taken into account when assessing cardiovascular risk in men.  相似文献   

To detect changes in vascular physiology associated with early atherosclerosis, we studied whether alterations in coronary flow reserve, as assessed by positron emission tomography imaging with intravenous dipyridamole, would be related to risk factor variables in healthy young men. The number of conventional risk variables correlated significantly with coronary flow reserve (r = -0.58, p = 0.0007), suggesting that alterations in functional vascular reactivity are related to the cardiovascular risk status already in healthy young men.  相似文献   

In order to achieve an overview of neuroradiology in Europe a questionnaire was sent to all ESNR National Delegates. The answers received were submitted to a data-based analysis, leading to the conclusion that neuroradiology is an expanding discipline among neurological sciences.  相似文献   

The authors prospectively tested the hypothesis that obesity predicts burnout and the reverse-causation hypothesis that burnout predicts obesity. Respondents were 724 men and 340 women, apparently healthy employees, who underwent routine periodic health examinations at 2 points of time about 18 months apart. Obesity was assessed by body mass index, waist-hip ratio, and waist circumference. In regression analyses, done separately for men and women, the authors controlled for depressive symptomatology, sport activity, and Time 1 levels of the criterion. The hypothesis that burnout predicts obesity was not supported. The authors found that Time 1 measures of obesity predicted reductions rather than the hypothesized elevations of Time 2 burnout levels. The authors also found that for male respondents with relatively higher levels of Time 1 burnout, the higher their level of Time 1 obesity measure, the lower their level of T2 burnout. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: We examine the prospective relationship between mastery, where limited mastery is defined as the inability to control negative emotions (and perceiving stressful experiences as beyond personal control), and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality particularly among individuals at apparently low CVD risk. Design: Prospective population-based study of 19,067 men and women, aged 41–80 years with no previous heart disease or stroke at baseline assessment. Main Outcome Measures: Primary outcome measure CVD mortality. Results: A total of 791 CVD deaths were recorded up to June 2009 during a median 11.3 person-years of follow-up. Limited perceived mastery over life circumstances was associated with an increased risk of CVD mortality, independently of biological, lifestyle, and socioeconomic risk factors (hazard ratio 1.11 per SD decrease in mastery score, 95% confidence interval 1.01–1.21). This association was more pronounced among those participants apparently at low CVD risk (p = .01 for test of interaction according to the number of CVD risk factors at baseline). Conclusions: Limited perceived control over life circumstances is associated with an increased risk of CVD mortality, independently of classical cardiovascular risk factors, and particularly among those at apparently low risk. Future attention should be given to this potentially modifiable personal characteristic, through the design of preliminary intervention studies, to reduce cardiovascular risk. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Virtually all individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have neuropathologic changes characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD) beginning at 40 years of age. Few studies have examined factors that influence age at onset of AD in DS. We investigated whether sex differences in age at onset and risk of AD among adults with DS are similar to those observed in the general population and whether the effect of sex on risk of AD is modified by apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. METHODS: A community-based sample of 111 adults with cytogenetically confirmed DS (34 to 71 years of age) was ascertained through the New York State Developmental Disabilities system. A semistructured interview with caregivers and review of medical records was used to ascertain the presence or absence of AD. APOE genotyping was carried out without knowledge of the subject's medical history or clinical diagnosis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Both male gender and the presence of an APOE epsilon4 allele were associated with an earlier onset of AD. Compared with women, men with DS were three times as likely to develop AD. Compared with those with the APOE 3/3 genotype, adults with DS with the 3/4 or 4/4 genotypes were four times as likely to develop AD. No individual with an APOE epsilon2 allele developed AD. No evidence of interaction of sex and APOE genotype was found in risk of AD. The higher risk of AD in men may be related to differences in hormonal function between men and women with DS that are distinct from those in the general population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare interrelationships between different indices and their relationship with cardiovascular disease risk factors. METHOD: Longitudinal comparison among weight change indices in the observation of a fixed population from age 21-40. SUBJECTS: 215 non-obese blue-collar workers in a steel company. MEASUREMENTS: Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, serum cholesterol, serum uric acid, past history of illness, present illness, body mass index (BMI: weight/height2 (kg/m2)), indices of weight change (the intrapersonal standard deviation of BMI (ISD), the coefficient of variation of BMI (CV), the root mean square error of variation (RMSE) around the slope of BMI vs age, weight change categories (cycler, weight gainer, no changer, etc.), and number of weight cycles (NWC: one cycle is defined as 5% weight loss and 5% weight gain)). Indices were calculated using yearly and five-yearly measurements of weight for analyses. RESULTS: The average RMSE distinguished large cyclers from other weight change categories, while ISD and CV did not. The correlation between ISD and CV was strong and significant. That between RMSE and ISD (or CV) was moderate and significant. Among the weight change categories, no weight change group included many actual weight cyclers. As for the relationship with coronary risk factors, no significant change in risk was noted in cyclers as determined by NWC or weight change category. The top one third of ISD and the top one third of CV was related with elevated risk of "any risk factor,' but at a lower level of significance. CONCLUSION: ISD and CV reflect almost the same aspects of weight change, but the other indices reflect different aspects. When investigating the relationship between coronary risk factors and weight variability (especially, weight cycling) among young adult non-obese men, it is preferable to use weight change patterns such as NWC and weight change categories, or RMSE in conjunction with or in place of CV (or ISD).  相似文献   

High physical fitness and physical activity are associated with favourable lipid levels, especially a high level of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). A person's skeletal muscle properties, metabolism and percentage of different muscle fibres (ST-%), which may modify coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors, such as serum insulin, obesity and serum sex hormones may also influence his fitness level and leisure-time physical activity. We studied the associations of physical fitness, physical activity and ST-% with serum lipids and lipoproteins in 72 healthy men. Their parameters were compared with those of 20 men with defined CHD. Significant interrelationships between ST-%, fitness and leisure-time physical activity index (LTPAI) were observed. Multiple regression analysis showed that ST-%, fitness and leisure-time physical activity explained about 32% of the variation in HDL-C in the healthy men. In healthy men ST-% correlated positively with fitness (r(s) = 0.62, P < 0.001) and with LTPAI (r(s) = 0.62, P < 0.001). Fitness level also correlated significantly with LTPAI (r(s) = 0.81, P < 0.001). Serum insulin showed negative associations with ST-% (r(s) = -0.63, P < 0.001) and fitness (r(s) = -0.54, P < 0.001) and LTPAI (r(s) = -0.62, P < 0.001). Free fraction of testosterone correlated negatively with serum HDL-C level (r(s) = -0.34, P < 0.01), with fitness (r(s) = -0.41, P < 0.001) and with LTPAI (r(s) = -0.54, P < 0.001). In sedentary men with the lowest fitness and physical activity the mean of ST-% (45%) was similar to that in CHD patients (44%). However, ST-% in men in the highest tertile of physical activity and fitness (68%) was significantly higher than in CHD patients and in men in the lowest tertile of physical activity and fitness. Skeletal muscle enzyme activity in lipid metabolism was significantly lower in both CHD patients and in sedentary and low-fit men than that in fitter and physically active men. The present data imply that skeletal muscle properties are important determinants of risk profiles, such as physical activity, fitness and serum lipid and lipoprotein patterns. Although fitness is a graded, independent predictor of mortality from CHD, a relatively high fitness level is not enough. This was clearly observed in the clustering analysis, in which the healthy men, according to their ST-%, fitness, leisure-time physical activity and serum sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), fell into three natural groups: (i) Inactive men with lowest ST-% (mean 42%), lowest fitness (10.7 METs) and lowest HDL-C (1.36 mm/l); (ii) Fit men with high ST-% (66%), high fitness (14.5 METs) and moderately high HDL-C (1.54 mol/l); (iii) Active men with high ST-% (66%), highest fitness (14.9 METs) and highest serum HDL (1.83 mmol/l). The results support the idea that both fitness and physical activity give further protection against CHD by modifying risk factors. Our findings also suggest that skeletal muscle properties should be considered in the studies which assess CHD risk factors and their modifications especially in the field of health-related fitness.  相似文献   

The association between hypertension and insulin resistance might be explained by increased activity of the principal glucocorticoid, cortisol. Recent data show that the intensity of dermal vasoconstriction after topical application of glucocorticoids is increased in patients with essential hypertension. In this report, we examine whether increased glucocorticoid sensitivity or secretion is associated with insulin resistance and is a cause or consequence of hypertension. We studied 32 men (aged 47 to 56 years) from a cross-sectional study and 105 men (aged 23 to 33 years) in whom predisposition to high blood pressure has been defined by their own blood pressure and the blood pressures of their parents. In both populations, increased dermal glucocorticoid sensitivity was associated with relative hypertension, insulin resistance, and hyperglycemia. In young men with higher blood pressure whose parents also had high blood pressure, enhanced glucocorticoid sensitivity was accompanied by enhanced secretion of cortisol, enhanced ligand-binding affinities for dexamethasone in leukocytes, and impaired conversion of cortisol to inactive metabolites (cortisone and 5beta-dihydrocortisol). Increased tissue sensitivity to cortisol, amplified by enhanced secretion of cortisol, is a feature of the familial predisposition to high blood pressure rather than a secondary effect of high blood pressure. It may be mediated by an abnormal glucocorticoid receptor, and it may contribute to the association between hypertension and insulin resistance.  相似文献   

It was as long ago as 1908 when the first study of epileptic psychosis appeared from Japan. Major literatures since that time with regard to psychoses in patients with epilepsy in Japan are reviewed. The history of epileptic psychoses could be divided into five eras according to the main interests in that period: (i) dawn of the history of epileptic psychoses; (ii) the early era; (iii) the era of periodic psychoses; (iv) the middle era; and (v) the present era. The main topics in each era are described and re-evaluated herein.  相似文献   

The significance of "reciprocal" ST segment depression and the utility of this finding in the electrocardiogram (ECG) of patients with myocardial infarction were studied in 100 cases of acute myocardial infarction. Out of these, 30 cases expired with 20 cases (66.6%) showing reciprocal ST depression in the ECG. In the remaining 70 cases, 24(34.3%) had reciprocal ST changes while 46(65.7%) had not. Twenty (83.3%) out of 24 cases had inferior wall infarction. The incidence of complications in the form of complete heart block and mortality was higher in the patients with reciprocal changes. The creatinine kinase levels were significantly elevated in patients with reciprocal changes than in the patients without. Predischarge treadmill test done in these cases having reciprocal changes showed positive stress tests. Coronary angiography was performed in the cases with reciprocal ST-T changes which revealed the presence of double-vessel disease or triple-vessel disease in most of these cases.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To assess anthropometric characteristics of patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and their relationship to cardiovascular risk factors (dyslipidemia, hypertension, glucose intolerance) and severity of breathing abnormalities during sleep. DESIGN: Case series. SETTING: Referral-based sleep disorder center serving Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. PATIENTS: Forty-five men, 26 to 65 years old, with OSA diagnosed by clinical and polysomnographic criteria. RESULTS: By national health survey criteria, 51 percent of patients were in the upper fifth percentile for weight, whereas 91 to 98 percent were in the upper fifth percentile for skinfold thicknesses (triceps, subscapular, triceps plus subscapular). Severe upper body obesity, as defined by a waist-hip ratio (WHR) greater than or equal to 1.00, was present in 51 percent of the patients. The WHR, however, did not correlate significantly with the severity of respiratory disturbances during sleep. The patients had higher prevalences of hypertension and impaired glucose tolerance than expected, but normal prevalences of hypercholesterolemia, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and overt diabetes mellitus. Skinfold thicknesses correlated more closely with the severity of OSA than did body mass index (BMI) or neck circumference. CONCLUSION: Men with OSA have a marked excess of body fat that is not always reflected in measurements of body weight or BMI. Also, upper body obesity, hypertension, and impaired glucose tolerance occur more frequently than expected in this population. Severe adiposity may not only promote development of the respiratory abnormalities of OSA, but also may contribute directly to the increased cardiovascular risk associated with OSA.  相似文献   

Independent risk factors for new coronary events in older African-American men were (1) age (risk ratio = 1.037), (2) cigarette smoking (risk ratio = 2.231), (3) hypertension (risk ratio = 2.531), (4) serum total cholesterol (risk ratio = 1.012), (5) serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (inverse association) (risk ratio = 0.948), and (6) prior coronary artery disease (CAD) (risk ratio = 2.288). Independent risk factors for new coronary events in older African-American women were (1) cigarette smoking (risk ratio = 2.202), (2) hypertension (risk ratio = 2.344), (3) diabetes mellitus (risk ratio = 1.632), (4) serum total cholesterol (risk ratio = 1.008), (5) serum HDL cholesterol (inverse association) (risk ratio = 0.936), (6) age (risk ratio = 1.026), and (7) prior CAD (risk ratio = 2.368).  相似文献   

This study reports on standard coronary risk factors (plasma lipids and lipoproteins, blood pressure, heart rate, age, body mass index) and psychosocial variables (job strain, Type A behavior, hostility, illnesses, medical and psychological symptoms, health-damaging behavior) in a community sample of 324 employed men, 203 employed women, and 155 female homemakers. Employed women reported less hostility and fewer illnesses than homemakers and had lower cholesterol levels than homemakers and men. Job characteristics were unrelated to standard coronary risk factor levels in both sexes, but predicted medical symptoms and health-damaging behavior in men. These findings suggest that employment is associated with enhanced medical and physical well-being among women and point to possible behavioral and psychological pathways by which job strain may adversely influence men's health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A comparative analysis is given of the gastric cancer incidence in the Tjumen Province for a period of 1959--1973. There was noted a direct dependence between the rate and number of risk factors (the complexes of unfavourable factors) in males and females. A conclusion is made that a higher incidence rate (1.7 times more) of gastric cancer among males may be attributed to the complexes of infavourable factors to which they are subject to a greater extent, 1.7 times as often as females, (mainly to bad habits) but not to biological features of the organism. Elimination of these harmful effects on the body would lessen the risk of this affection.  相似文献   

Dietary fish oil (4 g daily) and cardiovascular risk markers in healthy men   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some epidemiological observations indicate that 1 to 2 weekly servings of fish prevent ischemic heart disease (IHD). This might be explained by an effect of the very-long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 VLCPUFA) of fish oil on lipid metabolism and/or the hemostatic system, both involved in IHD development. We studied the effect of incorporating natural fish oil (4 g daily equivalent to 0.91 g n-3 VLCPUFA and corresponding to one to two weekly servings of fatty fish) into the diet in a 4-week parallel, randomized, and double-blind trial of 47 healthy males aged 29 to 60 years. Sunflower oil was used as placebo. The fish oil had no significant effect on plasma lipids, apolipoproteins, lipoprotein(a), blood coagulation FVII, fibrinogen, endogenous fibrinolysis, beta-thromboglobulin, von Willebrand factor, glucose, or insulin in fasting blood samples. In nonfasting samples (n = 19), fish oil was associated with an approximately 30% decline in plasma triglycerides (P < .02) and a 9% decline in FVII protein (P < .05), whereas FVII coagulant activity and fibrinolysis were unaffected. In conclusion, our findings indicate that lowering of postprandial triglycerides is the only n-3 VLCPUFA effect that could contribute to primary prevention of IHD in healthy middle-aged men as assessed by currently measurable lipid and hemostatic risk markers.  相似文献   

Associations of cardiovascular risk factors, including several measures of adiposity, with hyperinsulinemia were assessed in 3562 elderly (71 to 93 years of age) Japanese American men from the Honolulu Heart Program who were examined between 1991 and 1993. In addition, cardiovascular risk factors measured 25 years earlier were also examined in relation to hyperinsulinemia. Hyperinsulinemia was defined as fasting insulin > or = 95th percentile (20 microU/mL) among the subset of subjects (n = 504) who were nonobese and free of clinical diabetes and glucose intolerance. When this definition was applied to the entire population, the prevalence of hyperinsulinemia declined cross-sectionally with age (P < 0.001) from 24.2% in men aged 71 to 74 years to 16.4% in men aged 85 to 93 years. Factors having a positive and independent association with hyperinsulinemia included body mass index (BMI), triglycerides, glucose, hematocrit, use of diabetic medication, heart rate, and hypertension. The association with physical activity was negative. Triglycerides, BMI, diabetic medication, hypertension, and smoking levels measured 25 years earlier were also associated independently with hyperinsulinemia. Associations were similar in nondiabetic subjects. Three measures of adiposity (BMI, waist circumference, and subscapular skinfold thickness) were independently related to hyperinsulinemia cross-sectionally. However, associations involving a difference between the 80th and 20th percentiles in each adiposity measure appeared strongest for BMI (odds ratio (OR) = 4.5, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 3.7 to 5.6) and waist circumference (OR = 4.1, 95% CI = 3.3-5.1) and slightly weaker for subscapular skinfold thickness (OR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.8-2.5). These findings suggest that features of an insulin resistance syndrome including dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance, hypertension, and obesity, assessed both cross-sectionally and 25 years previously, are associated independently with hyperinsulinemia in elderly Japanese American men.  相似文献   

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