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利用活化法的基本原理和相对测量方法,测量得到13.5~14.8MeV的D-T中子作用下的89Y(n,2n)88Y反应截面。89Y(n,2n)88Y反应截面为629~1053mb,相对不确定度为1.7%。并与采用大液闪测量的实验结果和ENDF/B-6库的截面数据进行了比较,当中子能量为14.1MeV处ENDF/B-6数据与实验值的比值为0.99。  相似文献   

用中国原子能科学研究院HI-13串列加速器,高压倍加器和北京大学4.5MV静电加速器分别获得能量为10-12,14和18MeV的中子,了^176Hf(n,2n)和^185Re(n,2n)的反应堆面,并与现有的实验数据作了比较,初步搞清了分歧的主要原因和激发函数的走向。  相似文献   

The energy spectra and double differential cross sections of neutron, proton, deuteron, triton, helium and alpha-particle emissions for n + 63,65,nat.Cu reactions are calculated and analyzed at incident neutron energies below 200 MeV. The optical model, the intra-nuclear cascade model, direct reaction theories, the unified Hauser–Feshbach and exciton model which includes the improved Iwamoto–Harada model are used. Theoretically calculated results are compared with the existing experimental data.  相似文献   

Activation cross sections for the (n, 2n) reaction on Nd, Sm, Gd and Yb have been measured at 14.6 MeV by using a Ge(Li) γ-ray detector. The following cross sections (mb) have been obtained: 112Nd 1,675±160, 143Nd 1,789±147, 150Nd 1,720±128, 154Sm 2,010±137, 160Gd 2,173±152, 160Yb 2,226 ±152. These (n,2n) cross sections are compared with the theoretical calculations performed by a new model including pre-equilibrium and statistical models. A good agreement between the experimental and calculated cross sections is obtained.  相似文献   

本文从入射中子能量为E=14MeV的σ_(n,2n)实验值出发,应用复合核模型,计算了十三种无分支比复合核衰变的非裂变重核(A>169)的(n,2n)、(n,3n)激发函数。与实验激发曲线比较,讨论了计算的合理性和可靠性。  相似文献   

All cross sections of neutron induced reactions, angular distributions, energy spectra and double differential cross sections are consistently calculated and analyzed for n+63,65,nat.Cu reactions at incident neutron energies below 200 MeV based on the nuclear theoretical models. The optical model, preequilibrium and equilibrium reaction theories, the distorted wave Born approximation theory are used. Theoretical calculated results are compared with existing experimental data and the evaluated results in ENDF/B-VII and JENDL-3 libraries. The optical model potential parameters are obtained according to the experimental data of total, nonelastic scattering cross sections and elastic scattering angular distributions.  相似文献   

The total electron scattering cross sections (TCS) of C2H2 and C3H4 have been obtained for 200-4500 eV electrons by measuring the attenuation of the electron beam through a gas cell. An empirical expression is deduced to express the TCS of normal hydrocarbons as a function of the number of atomic constituencies in the hydrocarbon and the electron energy.  相似文献   

快中子诱发(n,2n)反应截面的测量在核反应机制研究和核技术应用等方面有着广泛的应用价值。本文在中国原子能科学研究院的高压倍加器上,基于活化法实验测量了78Kr(n,2n)77Kr在148 MeV能点的反应截面。样品靶为高纯78Kr气体样品,用十万分之一天平称重得到78Kr的质量,将两片高纯93Nb薄片分别固定在样品靶两侧以监测中子注量率。利用T(d,n)4He反应产生148 MeV中子,轰击距中子源约10 cm的样品靶大于4 h后,用准确刻度过效率的HPGe探测器测量活化产物 77Kr和92Nbm的活度。利用蒙特卡罗程序计算中子注量率修正、样品自吸收修正、样品几何修正等因子,得到了78Kr(n,2n)77Kr的反应截面,并将结果与文献值和评价数据库进行了比较。研究结果有助于提高78Kr(n, 2n)77Kr反应截面测量和评价的水平。  相似文献   

水文介绍用活化法测量14.6MeV中子引起的~(45)Sc(n,2n)~(44g+m)Sc反应的同质异能素截面比,及用自编的EPRIR程序计算的该核素带有预平衡机制的统计模型同质异能素截面比。通过实验值与理论值的比较,可以验证实验自旋切割因子值,并讨论预平衡机制对该反应的贡献。  相似文献   

Heat transfer by simultaneous conduction and radiation through ceramic fiber insulation is studied experimentally. The temperature profiles and the effective thermal conductivity are determined over a wide range of porosities of the insulation and of temperature provided at the hot boundary.

The resulting data are analyzed in detail to gain an understanding of the mechanism of heat transfer through such medium. A semi-empirical formula is derived for quantitatively predicting the thermal performance of ceramic fiber insulation. The formula incorporates as parameters the porosity and temperatures of the hot and cold boundaries.  相似文献   

Large cross section libraries, such as EAF-2007 used for activation calculations, need to be validated. A traditional approach employs simple systematic formulae based on experimental data and derived at energies such as 14.5 MeV. Such systematics are also used for renormalization of cross sections during library preparation. This approach is gradually being replaced by using results of sophisticated nuclear model calculations. As the energy range of EAF libraries has expanded from 20 to 60 MeV an additional approach is required and the method of ‘statistical analysis of cross sections’ (SACS) has proved to be useful. SACS analyses are carried out for the important charged particle reactions (n,p) and (n,α) in the EAF-2007 and TALYS-6 libraries. TALYS-6 is a calculational library generated by the TALYS model code Version 0.72. SACS considers various reaction statistics such as σmax, Emax and Δ1/2 and plots scatter plots against a parameter such as the asymmetry (s). Trend lines using simple algebraic formulae can be fitted to the data and points discrepant from the trends correspond to reactions that require improvement. A new observation is a ‘step’ in the Δ1/2(s) plot for (n,p) reactions and this has been interpreted as due to competition between (n,p) and (n,n′p) reaction channels. Equations for the various trend curves for EAF-2007 are given.  相似文献   

仇九子 《核技术》2003,26(11):901-904
用活化法以^27Al(n,α)^24Na反应截面为中子通量标准,对14McV能区中子引起的^58Ni(n,p)^58m gCo反应截面进行了测量。中子能量是用金硅面垒半导体探测器测定的。  相似文献   

Gamma ray production cross sections for the stronger gamma rays from nuclei excited by neutron bombardment of Mg, Al, Si, Ca and Fe have been measured using a time analyzed, quasi-mono-energetic neutron beam and a high-purity germanium detector. The results for neutron energies of 6.5, 17.4, 22.2, 32.5, 42.1 and 64.5 MeV are presented.  相似文献   

The cross sections for the elastic scattering of protons from tritium at 151° and from helium at 155° angles in the laboratory frame, over the energy range of 1.2-3.4 MeV, have been measured in the present work, as a supplement to previous cross section measurements determined at different scattering angles recently. The currently measured cross section data are compared to data available in literature. The cross section enhancement was also investigated for both reactions. It was found that over the whole measured energy range, the elastic cross section for protons on tritium increases linearly with energy and is about 1000 times greater than the Rutherford cross section at 3.4 MeV. On the other hand, in the case of the elastic scattering of protons from helium, the cross section below 2.3 MeV increases almost linearly, and reaches a maximum of about 300 mb/str at the energy of 2.4 MeV for the scattering angle of 165°, and then, after this energy, it keeps oscillating around the maximum.  相似文献   

Institute of Atomic and Thermal Power Engineering. Physics and Power Engineering Institute. Translated from Atomnaya énergiya, Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 39–44, July, 1994.  相似文献   

用屏栅电离室对 3.6 7MeV与 4 .4 2MeV中子6Li(n ,t) 4He反应微分截面进行了测量。利用氘气体靶通过D(d ,n) 3 He反应产生中子 ,用BF3 和液闪探测器 (NE2 13)进行相对中子通量监测 ,绝对中子通量用2 3 8U(n ,f)与H(n ,p)反应来刻度。测量结果表明 ,氚的质心系微分截面在中子能量为 3.6 7MeV时很接近 90°对称 ,而到 4 .4 2MeV时则明显前倾  相似文献   

Cross section measurements for the reactions 52Cr(n,2n)51Cr, 66Zn(n,2n)65Zn, 89Y(n,2n)88Y and 96Zr(n,2n)95Zr were carried out in the neutron energy range 13.47–14.79 MeV applying the activation technique. Neutrons were produced via the T(d,n)4He reaction, making use of the variation of neutron energy with the emission angle. The neutron fluences incident on the samples were determined relative to the well-evaluated cross section for the reaction 93Nb(n,2n)92mNb.

The induced γ-ray activities of the irradiated Zn, Zr and Y2O3 samples and their monitor foils were measured by means of a calibrated Ge(Li) γ-ray detector at the KFI, Debrecen. At the IRK, Vienna, relative γ-ray measurements using a high-purity Ge detector were combined with integral γ-ray counting by means of a NaI(TI) well-type detector on the Cr, Zn and Zr foils of highest activity and on some Nb monitor foils; integral γ-ray counting only was applied in the case of the Y2O3 samples. All necessary corrections were taken into account.

The results are compared to the corresponding results of cross section measurements published in the literature. The uncertainties obtained in this work are considerably smaller in most cases than the uncertainties given by other authors.  相似文献   

The 17O(n, a)14C cross section has been evaluated for incident neutron energies from 10?5eV to 20MeV for accurate calculation on the 14C production in nuclear reactors. Evaluation was based on the single-level Breit-Wigner formula for the thermal to resonance energy regions. In the higher energy region, a multi-step evaporation model code PEGASUS was used, and the results were normalized using the 16O(n, a) cross section ratio of JENDL-3 evaluation to PEGASUS calculation. Results are given in tabular and graphical forms, and also as one-group cross sections using typical BWR, PWR and FBR spectra of ORIGEN-2.  相似文献   

186Re的半衰期为90.6h,β~-粒子能量中等(最大能量为1.07MeV),伴随发射可用于显像的137keV(9.2%)的γ射线。就核性质而言,186Re最适宜标记单抗[1],但遗憾的是,目前市场上可以获得的均为由反应堆生产的有载体中等比活度的1?..  相似文献   

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